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  1. Eat

    Chili Dog with Habaneros
  2. Eat

    Peanut Butter and Pickle Pizza
  3. How much would I have to spend to get from Tier 7 to Tier 9 VIP? I want those mecha wings so bad, it hurts to see them on someone else.

    Edit: None of the T7 rewards interest me.
  4. I teach the possum how to slash people's jugular veins and test it on a few people. After many successful tests, I unleash the killer possum on you.

    I give the next person Tier9 VIP status.
  5. When you end up in the hospital and ask the doctor where the empathy defenders are.
  6. When your toon is the newest member of the Freedom Phalanx.
  7. I'm not your sweety, ma'am
  8. Almost every former member of Ghost Hound.

    The leaders were able to lead so well, that eventually, Ghost Hound was a fully functional VG. The Cyberpunk/Shadowrun theme worked very well and proved to be more entertaining than [cringe]Vampire[/cringe] VGs.
  9. Hellion Mk. 1 - Technology Blaster - Fire Blast(Light Blue)/Energy Manipulation(Light Blue)
    Hellion is a reformed villain who would give his existence to defend the innocent after making a promise to a woman he fell in love with and lost. His methods may not always be the most heroic, but his intentions are good. One of his objectives is to help shift his praetorian counterpart to the side of good.

    Seraphim Mk. 1 - Technology Blaster - Energy Blast(Light Blue)/Energy Manipulation(Light Blue)
    Seraphim is a former praetorian resistance sleeper agent reprogrammed by Neuron Industries to serve as a loyalist. Lately, Seraph gone rogue and wants nothing more than to prove himself superior to his primal counterpart. In a battle to the death. Despite his selfish ambitions, he remains loyal to the corrupt powers of praetoria.

    Steel Canyon

    This is probably a big task, but I would love to see these two in some form of conflict on a rooftop.

    I thank the artists here in advance.
  10. Unfortunately, I put a gun to your head and make you climb every single stairway until you gracefully fall from one of them and land on your neck.

    I give the next person below me a rikti costume code. That's already been used.
  11. I'm not elitist scum, homie
  12. If you attempt the robot dance your character does. In real life.
  13. Paragon City would be doomed if the devs released a sunlight sparkle defense set for Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers and Stalkers.
  14. Good idea: Buffing the tank as s/he deals with Jack in Irons

    Bad idea: Trying to smack jack in irons upside the head with Eochai
  15. When enemies stop spawning because they fear you.
  16. Hatchet

    Hero tips

    Hero tip: The octopus in Independence Port is not edible
  17. Pass

    Stir fried squid in chili garlic sauce
  18. When you forget your archetype and try to tank as a defender.
  19. Is blind. And everything but his eyes can be seen
  20. Thanks.

    The defiance ability does make that happen. I tend to group a lot as I've hit level fifty and end up playing the ITF, BAF, and LS with tons of people. However, I do hope to improve this build to try my hand in Recluse's Victory against some of the better players.

    I also realize that Leadership is nerfed for blasters. Meaning that blasters get the least benefit from it as a power favors Defenders by giving them the highest buffs. Blasters even get the lowest defense from that power set. Which means I'm getting rid of it once I respec.
  21. Okay. I've got my primaries and secondaries set up in a way that allows me to focus more on doing as much damage to a single target as possible. Sometimes, I like to jump into the middle of a mob and use inferno (as long as I make sure to pack blues).

    For my primaries, I took everything except for rain of fire and flares. For my secondaries, I took everything except stun.

    My pool powers consist of Hover, Flight, Assault, Tactics, Grant Invisibility, and Invisibility

    For my force mastery powers, I have Personal Force Field, Temp Invulnerability, and Force of Nature.

    I'm also working towards getting the fourth tier in musculature boost as well as Ion Judgement, Barrier Destiny, Reactive Interface, Warworks Lore.

    I was hoping for your advice on this one.
  22. My main's bio is a Freedom Corps report done on him and it explains a fair bit about him. First off, it explains that he can adapt weapons by observation but he needs to build them. Second, you'll know that he's a sentient robot and reformed villain who used to kill off members of the Sky Raiders and he's trying his best to redeem himself. And you'll know that Freedom Corps doesn't quite trust him despite their willingness to accept him as an ally. You'll also know his voice sounds like Neil Patrick Harris (I loved his role as Spidey in the MTV Spider-man Series series), and some bounty hunters in the Rogue Isles can find out that he has two million dollars in bounties put on his head by the Sky Raiders, Malta, and the Council.

    My favourite alt's bio, however, doesn't really fit into the typical bio. It's a description of a dating advertisement she did as the result of a bet. The thing turned out to be a bit of a disappointment for her friend, but it's on youtube (ICly, of course. Not in the real world, though I hope to get off my lazy tuchus and record a machinima of it). Due to the character limit, I couldn't fit a link to her Virtueverse page. I did also leave notes that she doesn't have any super powers, that she's now a sidekick, and she cosplays occasionally.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    No code, but I did catch some of the fun on film, including Null the gull!

    I am in a state of profound disappointment that the glitch caused me to miss THIS.

    Well... Time to get in the waiting line.