Discussion: Check out the special Cyber Monday Deals for City of Heroes.

Ael Rhiana



So they posted this announcement saying "North American zone players can buy etc etc".

I demand my rights as a bona-fide North American! In fact, MY part of North America is bigger than those damn yankees!

Canada puts the NORTH in North America, we deserve to play good games cheap too!

(And I think there's a half-dozen other countries that qualify too...)

Too many alts to list
Every server but Pinnacle
Black Belt in Altoholism, Master of Indeterminancy
(although how it got in nancy I've no idea...)



Originally Posted by Bittovan_Odduck View Post
So they posted this announcement saying "North American zone players can buy etc etc".

I demand my rights as a bona-fide North American! In fact, MY part of North America is bigger than those damn yankees!

Canada puts the NORTH in North America, we deserve to play good games cheap too!

(And I think there's a half-dozen other countries that qualify too...)
I suspect that you have to complain to Best Buy, not NCsoft/Paragon Studios about that.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Torment And Agony View Post
the $9.99 deal is not available to canadians......

Or Australians, and many other places.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Cende View Post
There's a limit of 3 items per day per household, regardless of which credit card you use.
WHAT??? Glad I read about this before I bought anything. Magic and Science are definite buys. I'll see what's left after that. (Probably Cyborg & Wedding, in which case I'll get Cyborg, then try for Wedding.)



Also will make a note not to buy my next 14 months of game time today. Better to wait till tomorrow.



This is arbitrary b.s.

I tried to purchase the half price booster packs for myself and my wife. After I got mine done, I started on hers. I was cut off after two. Now she won't have access to the items I will. For us, this is a rat load of business as usual for most companies in the world that we had hoped we would not have to deal with here. Obviously, we mistook NCSoft for a company that gave half a diddle about how their customers felt. A stupid mistake for us to make after the useless package deal they made with GameStop. Now I know not to expect honesty in so-called deals from either company.

Chained Bulldog level 33 Stalker on Liberty
Cobalt Blue Knight level 32 Scrapper on Guardian
Drone Keeper level 32 MM on Champion
Glacier Force level 28 Tanker on Justice
and 7 nearly full servers of alts waiting their turns.



Actually.. if they are dumb enough to keep that 3 transaction limit, then they deserve to lose money on this "sale".

I just bought the mac pack (first transaction).. tried to buy the GVE pack.. told me I can't.. so its now down to ONE transaction apparently. I think I'll keep my money then.. what a screwup.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Was going to buy the Mac pack and maybe Cyborg but it keep telling me to try later or comeback tomorrow. I guess they don't want any more money.



How about a deal for the Mutant Booster pack?

That's the only booster pack i have interest in. I already own most of the other packs and editions.



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
Or Australians, and many other places.
But Australia is not a part of North America. Canada is though, despite what corporate marketers seem to think. I blame poor education and the inability to read maps.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



...back ordered...I'm gonna pretend to believe sales were better than anticipated.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post

...back ordered...I'm gonna pretend to believe sales were better than anticipated.
Believe it or not, but it was sold out at two near by Best Buy's here in Sacramento. I had to drive more than ten miles to get my copy and they only had two copies left. I think somebody was planning on getting both of them because they were hidden between a sheet of ads.



I spoke too soon. I misunderstood this to be strictly an online sale. I braved the hell of going to Best Buy after much difficulty, found the Going Rogue Collector's Edition, which they did sell to me for $9.99.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Well, I guess I'm just lucky today, or maybe it's because I left on the checkbox that says, "Save credit card info" (though it didn't), or maybe it's my Capital One credit card FTW, but I was able to buy all 4 of the items I wanted from the NCSoft store, in this order: Magic Booster, Superscience Booster, Cyborg Booster, and Wedding Pack.



It was rather disappointing Canadians were excluded a friend of mine new to the game was really hoping to get into this deal, tried to communicate with best buy and don't think this will go anywhere, not bothering complaining to playNC, but it may be nice for them to look into making the plaync store copy 9.99 for a day just to help Canadians get a chance at what was offered



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I suspect that you have to complain to Best Buy, not NCsoft/Paragon Studios about that.
Well actually, it is NCSoft who said the 'to North American' part, not Best Buy. Best Buy clearly states "to US residents only". So I believe it is NCSoft who has trouble reading maps.

Also, on the NCSoft store front, I bought the Good vs. Evil in-game item pack (VIP Card, Jump Pack, etc) through Paypal. Then was rejected 'by the merchant' through Paypal when I tried to buy Cyborg.

Went back to NCSoft store, bought Cyborg using my Mastercard. Tried to buy Magic pack, and was told "Sorry you cannot complete that purchase, please try again later".

Tried again later, "Sorry you cannot complete that purchase".

So along with an inability to read maps, NCSoft apparently suffers from some confusion as to the purpose of a 'store', which is to make it possible for 'customers' to 'buy' things.

Perhaps they spend too much time playing video games and not enough time in 'Operating a Business for Dummies - How to Make Profit and Secure Your Job'.

Please note: all sarcasm is directed at corporate drones who cannot implement a basic function of their business, and not at any posters or players of a great game (at least that part, they in general perform competently).

Too many alts to list
Every server but Pinnacle
Black Belt in Altoholism, Master of Indeterminancy
(although how it got in nancy I've no idea...)