which is better crab or bane?




Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
I completely agree. As I mentioned, I'm on an SG of all Spiders. We ran an STF last night with 7 spiders and 1 controller. The whole time we were running around at around +100 defense, +180 damage, +100 to-hit. Needless to say, it was pretty much easy mode the entire time.
Which SG is that? I'm a huge spider fan and havent run into a pure SoA SG that was actually active.



Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
Which SG is that? I'm a huge spider fan and havent run into a pure SoA SG that was actually active.
The Eradicators

We're a blueside group on Virtue. It used to be just another SG in the past but it eventually went dead for a long time. At some point, the leaders, Eiger and Chasa, discovered the awesomeness of VEATs and decided to slowly re-build the SG as an all VEAT group.

We're not a hardcore SG that requires RP, weekly meetings, or anything like that. We're not really an RP group but we won't care if you decide that you want to. We're all pretty casual and get along with each other very well. At the moment there's about 8 or so unique regulars. We don't go around spamming for new recruits in Atlas, but usually recruit from coming across other VEATs who share our love for stacked leadership. Eventhough we don't have a large amount of members, we're all high level and have a full base.

You sound like you know what you're doing so let me know if you'd like to tag along with us. With I19 out now, I'm sure we'll be running a whole lot more TFs and such so we'd love to have you.

Let me know if you're interested (or anyone else who may be reading this)

@Blue Ruckus

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



The Arachnos Arbiter Corps is essentially a SoA only RPVG in construction - always happy to welcome new Arbiters to the group.

Eventually looking forward to crazy things like all SoA mothership raids (A distant dream, but still... *drool*)



Originally Posted by Mr_Fallstar
However, Huntsmen get a number of cool tricks. Stealth, which is damn awesome, Surveillance, which on a ranged, aoe, softcapped stealth toon is just.. bah, beyond belief.

Surveillance, combined with Achilles procs, combined with venom grenade = Melt.
Ah! That explains it! Yeah, I can see a cool stealthy ranged/AoE plus debuffs playstyle there that looks really interesting (and not so easy to reproduce with other ATs).

Well... I've been wanting to try a bane for a while, but didn't want to use the alternate builds on my Crab because I -only- like the legs on the crab... Guess now I'll just have to do a Huntsman/Bane dual build!

Just for the record, regarding not picking up every AoE so a crab can pick up more leadership toggles... On my crab, I decided to take double maneuvers and assault, tough (but weave wasn't necessary), just the spiderling pets (because I don't like non-perma pets, and making the others close to perma was to much of a pain) and my AoE chain is Venom+Bile Spray+Supression, which melts thing pretty nicely, too.

The only power I grabbed from the soldier line was the web Grenade (to keep people away from me and nicely bunched up), and I also picked up my PPP AoE immob to keep multiple bosses in place if I need to, so this is one of my few non-controllers who, despite only being def capped for ranged damage (AoE and Melee are around 30%), I didn't take hover with, because most things are kept away (and for those who don't, 30% def + ~50% resists + Serum still give me a lot of breathing room).

Still debating replacing tough with hover, though, for those earthbound AVs/EBs with higher immob protection and hard hitting melee attacks (*glaring at Minos*). Or I can just wip out one of the jet packs in those cases, that works too.

Although, while I like the legs, I'll agree that my choice of PPP (Mako) was mostly for numeric reasons... The aesthetics of the vomiting and sharks do annoy me a bit... And jet packs with the legs also look ugly enough to annoy me! But Venom+Bile is too good to pass up and I use the jet packs rarely enough, so the character is still a ton of fun.

Playing CoH with Gestures



Just to toss in my take on the Huntsman thing.

The HuntsBane build is simply the most fun character for me. I've deviated significantly from the 'standard' huntsman though. I don't have Frag Grenade, nor do I have the pets. I do have the stealth, Shatter, Crowd Control, Shatter Armor, and the Fighting Pool. Fully IO'd out, my recharge is very nice indeed. The result is a stealthing, big-hitting, AoEing, debuffing, and leadership buff generating all around good time. He can hang back and mow down the minions with the ranged crew, or step up and carve the big single target with the melee-ers with equal facility.

I made the character on a whim and he's been every variety of Soldier at some point or other. During the middle levels I almost hated him, but stuck with it since I had a glimmer of the potential. A while back I realized that he's simply become my favorite character, and I'm still a bit surprised at that.



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
Something that I've noticed in pretty much all hunts vs crab debates is the leadership issue. In most cases, I hear that hunts is better because of all the leadership toggles you can stack. I don't see how this is relevant considering that you can do the same on a crab. The counter-argument I normally hear is that crab is so invested in grabbing so many AoEs that they don't have room for leadership. This really isn't a powerset issue but moreso a build issue. As a crab, it seems silly to grab every AoE possible because with high enough recharge you can chain through 3 of them.

On my crab, my chain is Venom Grenade > Heavy Burst (achiles proc'd) > Suppression (also achilles proc'd)> Heavy Burst again. All of this while running 8 toggles. It's essentially the same playstyle as a traditional Huntsman but with the defensive benefits of a Crab.

In the end though, the hunts vs crab debates boils down to the backpack. If you don't mind the pack, you'll be awesome as a crab. If you hate the pack, go huntsman and you'll still be pretty okay in the long run.

I'm in an SG of all Spiders (most of them Huntsmen) and their reasoning for not going crab is essentially the backpack/theme.

Edit: While I do feel that overall crab has more potential than huntsman, I'd much rather team with a huntsman than another crab. Reason being, is that most huntsman know that stacking leadership is one of their strong points while MANY crabs I run across skip them in order to grab every single AoE available to them. So in then end, I'd prefer my teammate to have Assault/Maneuvers rather than silliness like Omega Maneuver/Frenzy.
Does this SG still exist because if so I'd love to be on it.



Originally Posted by ArbiterAdahShalom View Post
Does this SG still exist because if so I'd love to be on it.
Yup, scroll up a bit and you'll see the info for our SG. You can reach me @Blue Ruckus

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Looks like I am moving my bane and widow to the blue side and to virtue.

As for the OP, I dont think one is better than the other. It is which one you like to play. I am a big fan of the banes. I wish they got the heal, but the stealth and ability to do higher single target damage is what I am looking for when soloing. When I am on a team I have a Huntsman build that still surprises me eveytime I use it.



the bane is the truth hands down IMO. not only can the bane play at every level, (steath, crits, holds, range, melee, debuffs, team buffs, and pets) but it has a fun factor and playstyle thats packed into one character.

now i'm not saying that a bane will out-tank this, or out-debuff that. but at the same time... why would it have too? the bane is that toon that does nothing the best, but everything well. the only things that would make the bane complete would be a self heal, DDR, or scaling resistance. also to cut down on the casting times.

now about crabs... what can i say? i don't like them. i know some people swear by them. i even can agree that they can have amazing surivability. but i just can't get with thier offense to save my life. its like AoE overkill and nothing else. on the plus side it can be team friendly with the buffs and pets, but i can't get into the one playstyle it seem to offer. i've tried many times but i guess it's not for me. plus i hate that backpack issue.

i will add that just because i feel the bane is better, that doesn't make it true. it's just true for me.



I kept respecing back and forth between bane and crab. I'm a big AoE fan so I really wanted to like crab but somehow they just didn't hit hard enough and I'd always go back to bane.
After hitting 50 and getting IOed out I decided to try my 2nd build with crab and this time I loved it. In fact, I'd vote crab the best all-around build. Durable, great team buffs and able to mow down large swaths of enemies.
That said, the bane is what I always wanted the stalker to be. VERY hard hitting but much better at burst than AoE. Because it's slightly squishier and has much less AoE damage than the crab I'd vote the crab the better overall AT. That said, the bane is a solid AT and much better at taking down tough single targets.

Zaphod's just this guy, you know.



I have a crab spider which is just awesome. He can mow down mobs with ease. I didnt even take Serum and he is soft-capped to range, so I play him in hover quite a bit.

I really want to try a Bane however.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



You can build nearly any AT combo for survivability, I guess what really matters is the offense you have left.

It's really as simple as, "Do you like AoE and pets?"


"Do you like stealth, ST dmg, and mace?"

Crab can work his build around the pets and brings buffs to the table
Bane can work around spike dmg, and brings one of (if not the) best debuffs around in the game. (Similar buffs to crab)

In the end, any AT can do what you're trying to do with your SoA better than your SoA.. what you bring is buffs and surviability while being able to perform fairly close to the specialized AT's.

You are a force multiplier, just like the widow, and stack incredibly well with other VEAT's and characters that use the leadership pool. Nearly everyone can build a nasty AoE character or ST character, but can they match your buffing capability and survivability? Probably not, that's why you will be loved in groups.

As far as solo, it's a matter of preference. Both builds are mid-late bloomers.



My opinion is a bit biased, as I only have a Crab.
But I loves me my Crab.
I am a little lower on the level end, but I still have my three AoEs. I didn't pick up any of the Wolf Spider powers... Venom Grenade - Suppression - Arm Lash when in range. My damage is slightly lacking, but I have dismal in the way of slotting. I can take out an entire spawn very quickly with just those.
I have wanted to try a Bane, just for the flavour... but it always seemed too Mace Stalker to me.
And as to the backpack/legs issue... Never understood what the big deal was. I think they look cool, and it makes you look unique. Not to mention that Slice and Arm Lash just sound... juicy.

Official Offline Psychopath of PWNZ
"Hey, sneak up, stab someone, and sneak away...or kill them with Iceland at a distance. Either way, no one knows what the hell happened!" -Umbramancer, on Assassin's Boulder
Echo So'kar reference shots ||| Punkicide reference shots



I have both a Crab and a Bane (and indeed a Night Widow and Fortunata), and I love them both. I do however have a favourite child, and it's the Crab - both in terms of my "fun" playing the char, and in terms of how effective it is.

It's perhaps simplifying the differences a bit, but basically I find that the Crab is more survivable (similar defense, more resists, serum) and better at AoE, while the Bane is better at single target. However, I find that my Crab isn't actually *that* bad at single target (especially with pets out), and that the lead in AoE makes more of a difference to me than the Bane's lead in single target - perhaps because I favour the target rich environment difficulty options.

In fact my Crab is probably my favourite character overall, not just within the VEATs.



Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
In fact my Crab is probably my favourite character overall, not just within the VEATs.
This. My crab is overall the most effective character I've created in all my years of playing this game.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



I have a Bane and Huntsman, no crab as of yet.

But the question is crab vs bane.

ST Damage: Bane > Crab
AoE Damage: Bane < Crab

Can't really compare much else, yes the crab has Fortitude. However my Bane is softcapped to positionals so thats another argument. I guess its a matter of taste since neither is really better. Bane is like playing a scrapper/stalker. Crab is like playing a sturdy Blaster with slightly less DPS, they do get an extra pet though.



I have 3 Veats, a bane with dual builds for huntsman/mace bane, a crab and a widow who has builds for both nightwidow and fortunata.

For groups the huntsman build on my bane is my best character, he adds 20% def, 30% damage and 15% to hit to all everyone and can stack up debuffs from venom grenade, arctic breath and surviellance and does huge amounts of AE damage with venom grenade + arctic breath + bile spray, especially since VG and bile spray benefit from VG's 40% resistance debuff to toxic damage. However, you could build a crab to work exactly the same way - the only difference is that you would trade cloaking device (nice def + stealth) and surveillance for fortification (resistance) and serum (dull pain clone) - its really a style choice. In either case you want to go with the gun attacks + patron pool rather than the crab attacks as they all have faster animations.

The mace bane build is great for soloing and handing really hard targets but is probably the squishiest of the 3 characters - he can't keep things at range like the huntsman can and doesn't have the resistances of a crab.

My crab is currently a jill of all trades - she is sofcapped to all positions except AOE (40% to that), has 50% smashing/lethal resistance and 40% to everything else, has a good mix of melee and ranged attacks (arm lash + frenzy and the standard ranged attacks) plus she has two pet summons: Summon spiderlings will be perma when I finish her build at L50 (she is 47 now) and Call Reinforcement's disruptor bots will be up 2/3 of the time, more when hasten is up.

My widow can switch between a ranged psi-blaster with holds and confuses and a claws/sr scrapper with team buffs.

All 3 characters are fun to play and which one I pick depends on my mood. When I get my crab to 50 she might replace the bane as my heavy duty group support char but its hard to say. I use my nightwidow for hamidon raids - she has better status protection than the soldiers (who have a huge KB hole that is only partially fixed by -KB io's) and dishes out a truly huge amount of single target damage. The fortunata build is not quite as effective in doing either single target as the nightwidow or mace bane and the huntsman build does better AE but she has some interesting control options that make her different enough that its worth playing.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EricHough
In either case you want to go with the gun attacks + patron pool rather than the crab attacks as they all have faster animations.
I was a little surprised by this (not the faster animations, I do know how painful it is with supression) and went to check it out.

Venom Grenade animation is exactly the same for the gun and crab versions: 1.67s. In this case, it's better to pick the crab version, since the gun might cause redraw, unless you do grab a bunch of other gun attacks.

Bile Spray is, of course, a winner, but more because of the -40% toxic resist in VG than because of its (also long) animation time of 2.67s. I didn't check the AoEs in other patron pools because I doubt they'll make up for the toxic thing.

Regarding Arctic Breath versus Supression though, to me Supression seems to come out on top. While its animation is indeed slower (3s versus 2.67s for AB - not considering Arcana Time), it does a bit more damage, so the DPA is nearly identical: 20.67 for Supression, 20.97 for AB, unenhanced at level 50. That .3 difference in DPA, though, is more than made up by Supression's arc of 60 degrees, which is twice as wide as AB's 30 degrees. I also think Supression looks much cooler, but that's besides the point.

Heavy Burst is faster (unless it comes with redraw) and actually has considerably better DPA than Supression: 2.67s activation and 22.85 DPA, about 10% better than Supression. It's all Lethal Damage though, very resisted, so I -still- prefer Supression's energy damage most of the time. HB's arc is also half of supression's, only 30 degrees.

Frag Grenade has the best DPA by far, with 1.67s activation and 38.92 DPA, it's pretty impressive compared to the others. Even factoring redraw and damage type in, it would still come out far ahead. It mixes in some smashing damage, too, which is not as badly resisted as lethal. It has KB, but WAWG counters that. It's 10 feet radius - half of VG's and as small as WAWG - is a little disappointing. I seem to always hit more targets with my arcs. But I'll agree passing up Frag Grenade is a debatable choice.

So, the only clear winners in the Crab AoE choices are Bile Spray (with VG) and Frag Grenade (even with the small radius and KB). Supression is better than Arctic Breath (nearly identical damage, twice the arc) and trades 10% DPA for a less resisted damage type, twice the arc and no redraw when compared to Heavy Burst.

I didn't mention Omega Maneuver because, while I love it to bits, I think it's more of a fun factor thing... Right now my AoE chain is VG->BS->Supression and I should probably drop OM and grab FG for even more AoE carnage, but I like OM and feel the AoE is fine as it is.

Playing CoH with Gestures



Go Bane. You can do a huntsman build, and a traditional bane build. That is what I did. One build is an AOE killing machine extraordinaire and the other is a mace wielding head crusher. Plus you can you can have a ranged spec and a melee spec minus the stupid crab backpack that shows up in your other build even though its not a crab build. Plus who wants crabs? They are hard to get rid of

There is a huntsman guide and some decent bane guides.



Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
Just because of the legs? Because aside from that aesthetical nitpick, I don't see where the huntsman superiority is... Crabs can be tougher, get a really cool extra pet option that's very easy to perma, dish out some energy damage instead of just lethal (granted, activation time for supression is worse, but still)... I've seen builds that do amazing things with huntsmen, but it's difficult to just automatically think of them as better than crabs with no explanation...

I also think Crabs are more flexible... You can build for toughness, or for even more AoE, or more pets, or mix and match, while the huntsmen builds I've seen tend to be more similar... Not sure if banes are that flexible, either.

Funny thing is, as soon as I saw the info about the SoA, I rushed to get my MM to 50 JUST so I could make a crab and have those legs everybody hates. I have really liked them for a while, since a crab boss was using them to try to beat the snot out of my very first character, a squishy defender, in Faultline. Though I agree that the dual builds bug, with the legs appearing on banes and being all useless and mismatched there, really sucks.
You can get an extra pet on your bane if you dip into the mace epic pool, and/or shatter armor which hits like a truck. I have the extra pet in my huntsman build and shatter armor in my bane build. Huntsman are superior IMHO because your stacking leadership on top of ttl skills, plus you have buildup and surveillance. I have a crab that is just sitting around right now, and quite frankly that toon gets worked over compared to my huntsman. Someone summed it up best, Crab spiders look like evil hamburger helper guys. I shred stuff with my huntsman. Top that off with three pets (Call reinforcements and the pet from the Mace set,) and I am walking demolition derby.

Attention puckerbutts: I am just poking fun at crabs. I say play what you want. I am just sharing my personal experiences. Don't clinch up out their, but if you do I have some coal that needs to be turned into diamonds. Can you help a man out?



Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
Regarding Arctic Breath versus Supression though, to me Supression seems to come out on top. While its animation is indeed slower (3s versus 2.67s for AB - not considering Arcana Time), it does a bit more damage, so the DPA is nearly identical: 20.67 for Supression, 20.97 for AB, unenhanced at level 50. That .3 difference in DPA, though, is more than made up by Supression's arc of 60 degrees, which is twice as wide as AB's 30 degrees. I also think Supression looks much cooler, but that's besides the point.

Heavy Burst is faster (unless it comes with redraw) and actually has considerably better DPA than Supression: 2.67s activation and 22.85 DPA, about 10% better than Supression. It's all Lethal Damage though, very resisted, so I -still- prefer Supression's energy damage most of the time. HB's arc is also half of supression's, only 30 degrees.
My take on the matter is, why would you not want to take both Suppression AND Heavy Burst? You don't have to choose between them, they both are good in their own individual way, and combined with Venom Grenade, Frag Grenade and Bile Spray that's just that much more AoE damage.

('Course, my concept Bile Spray or Arctic Breath wouldn't really fit)



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon
My take on the matter is, why would you not want to take both Suppression AND Heavy Burst? You don't have to choose between them, they both are good in their own individual way, and combined with Venom Grenade, Frag Grenade and Bile Spray that's just that much more AoE damage.
Yeah, you could do that. I was specifically answering to the "Grab gun or patron AoE INSTEAD of the crab AoEs" thing someone had said before, but you can always grab them all. I find that having that much AoE, though, doesn't really help me that much unless I'm fighting +4 enemies (which I don't like to do solo, and in groups I have more people to help with the AoE carnage). +1, +2 and +3 minions are dying pretty fast with just 3 or 4 AoEs (plus stacked assault and some damage bonuses) and pets and single target attacks take care of anything tougher much more efficiently. So I prefered to grab less AoE attacks (that frees lots of slots, too) and go for being tougher and having double assault and maneuvers.

Originally Posted by dmcfarland907
Huntsman are superior IMHO because your stacking leadership on top of ttl skills
As mentioned several times before in this thread, crabs can stack them too, and often do.

Originally Posted by dmcfarland907
plus you have buildup and surveillance
Those are cool advantages indeed. Plus stealth and crits, too.

Originally Posted by dmcfarland907
Top that off with three pets
Crabs can get those same three pets, which are hard to make perma, plus the three cool spiderlings, which are easily perma-ed, for a total of 6 pets.

Playing CoH with Gestures



This thread is making me even more annoyed at the legs. I'd like to try a HuntCrab build, one that uses the Soldier attacks, but has the pets (spiderlings, I mean) and Fortitude/Serum instead of Stealth/Surveilance. Might even take Omega Maneuver on a build like that.

At the very least they could make it so that only an attack that uses the legs causes them to appear, rather than any power at all from either Crab pool.



I will preface my points below by first pointing out that I DID mention you could do a crab huntsman just as easily as a bane huntsman in my original post, but its important to keep in mind that a huntsman build is really a concept build - making a soldier who just uses gun attacks and group buffs. Argueably dipping into the patron pool as much as I did violates the concept but not as much as attaching crab legs to your back does, at least IMO.

That said, the point of a huntsman build is to capitalize on the fast activating gun attacks while providing a ton of group buffs by combining the toggles in the soldier's secondary with the leadership pool. You can build a suprisingly effective character with just these powers.

Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
Regarding Arctic Breath versus Supression though, to me Supression seems to come out on top. While its animation is indeed slower (3s versus 2.67s for AB - not considering Arcana Time), it does a bit more damage, so the DPA is nearly identical: 20.67 for Supression, 20.97 for AB, unenhanced at level 50. That .3 difference in DPA, though, is more than made up by Supression's arc of 60 degrees, which is twice as wide as AB's 30 degrees. I also think Supression looks much cooler, but that's besides the point.
I would agree that on a crab huntsman build you could substitute suppression for arctic breath - and I do agree that suppression looks cooler than arctic breath (heck - the appearance of both arctic breath and bile spray almost turned me off them entirely). However, one point you miss above is the fact that arctic breath includes a -15% resistance debuff which stacks on top of the debuff from venom grenade. On a group support build the debuff trumps anything else that suppression offers.

Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
Heavy Burst is faster (unless it comes with redraw) and actually has considerably better DPA than Supression: 2.67s activation and 22.85 DPA, about 10% better than Supression. It's all Lethal Damage though, very resisted, so I -still- prefer Supression's energy damage most of the time. HB's arc is also half of supression's, only 30 degrees.
Its a case of potato/potatoe here - on a crab version of a huntsman you could take either or both of these. Since my huntsman is a bane, mostly because my concept did not include a set legs attached to my back, I didn't have that option. In any case you can only fit SO many attacks in a build, especially if you want to slot IO sets in various powers for def or recharge bonuses, so its really up to the individual - both are good attacks.

Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
Frag Grenade has the best DPA by far, with 1.67s activation and 38.92 DPA, it's pretty impressive compared to the others. Even factoring redraw and damage type in, it would still come out far ahead. It mixes in some smashing damage, too, which is not as badly resisted as lethal. It has KB, but WAWG counters that. It's 10 feet radius - half of VG's and as small as WAWG - is a little disappointing. I seem to always hit more targets with my arcs. But I'll agree passing up Frag Grenade is a debatable choice.
I liked frag grenade while leveling - but the tiny area made it an easy choice to drop when I got tight on attacks.

Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
So, the only clear winners in the Crab AoE choices are Bile Spray (with VG) and Frag Grenade (even with the small radius and KB). Supression is better than Arctic Breath (nearly identical damage, twice the arc) and trades 10% DPA for a less resisted damage type, twice the arc and no redraw when compared to Heavy Burst.
As noted above I have to disagree with you here - in a generic crab build you might be correct, but the resistance debuff in arctic breath makes it a better choice than suppression IF you have to pick one or other and on a huntsman build you ARE going to be using the gun, so redraw is already present. The fact that NONE of your other cones has as large an area as suppression is also going to lessen the effect. By that I mean that the mobs on the edges of suppression are only going to be hit by its damage, not by the narrower cones, which leaves partially damaged mobs that you have to finish off with extra attacks OR you have to cluster everything up anyway, in which case the larger area of suppression doesn't add anything.

In general, I would not recommend a huntsman build for the crab - if only because the crab has much better pet options (spiderlings are yummy) and some nice melee attacks and other gimmicks that give you a lot more options. With a huntsman based on a bane, it is pretty clear that venom grenade + arctic breath + bile spray is the best AE combo you are going to get (and you might as well take heavy burst for cleaning up the leftovers) since the areas overlap and you stack up an impressive amount of debuff before hitting everything with the toxic damage in bile spray.

About the only reason I can see for taking any gun attacks on a crab is if you can't stand the long animations on channelgun and longfang, in which case I would just take single shot and burst and live with the redraw for those two attacks. If you wanted to do a crab devoted to AE damage, I would go with venom grenade + arctic breath + bile spray + suppression and skip the gun attacks entirely - this gets you the nice -res stacking in venom grenade and arctic breath AND the huge area in suppression. However, I wouldn't consider this a huntsman build.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EricHough
one point you miss above is the fact that arctic breath includes a -15% resistance debuff which stacks on top of the debuff from venom grenade.
Damn, I wonder how I totally missed that. Not just above, when I was looking it over to decide whether I should grab it or not, too. Duh. Now I'm MORE tempted to trade Omega Maneuver for AB... I just find OM so much fun... Meh.

Playing CoH with Gestures