Promotiong Interfaction Strife: A think tank.




Okay, so then.

-Needs worthwhile rewards
-Needs at least basic customisation
-Needs basic control over where/when/why/who
-Possible options of the Arch-Nemesis being NPC or player controlled

The way I can see this working is you talk to a contact either at level 50 or maybe after doing your first Alignment mission so it's set in stone, you do a few tutorial missions.. I can picture that you go to check some security footage of someone who stole information on your from Freedom Corps/Arachnos (glowie, no enemies), then you have to recreate what you saw (Arch-Nemesis creation) so you can get a positive ID on them, then you track them down and have you first fight with the new enemy, ending wth them teleporting out at the last second, 1 or 2 reward merits on completion.

Thereafter, each mission you do has a small chance of spawning the A-N with an ambush of whichever villain group you tied to them upon mission completion, with additional options on creation or edited thereafter with a bodyguard service (you pay them inf to protect you during X or Y activities, or pay inf for them to leave you alone and keep quiet about the whole ordeal, controlling where you'll meet your A-N), with options such as Teams, Solo, Missions, TFs, PvP zone ambush ect.

Rewards for defeating your A-N could range from a single reward merit per defeat or a garunteed random rare recipe to drop, possibly a badge at 5, 10, 25 and 50 A-N defeats and, as with titles, the option to also change the foe every 5-10 levels then at a whim at level 50.

As for putting PvP into the equasion, what about making it a new Arena match? One player has to go through a mission and complete the objectives while the other's task is to down them. You choose mission type, map and enemy group (Defeat boss in a Crey lab while fighting Banished Pantheon, for example ) then have at ye!

Of course, it can also be put down to a match-making system in Arena, perhaps a bounty board? You can sign up to the board and then you're available for someone to take a hit on you. When they do, you get character name/AT/global and the option to accept or decline. If you accept, either of you can use the board while the other is in a mission to spawn there as PvP flagged, of course it'd be shut off if they're in a team. By the end of a set time (1, 2, 5, 24, 48 hours?) the kills/deaths will be tallied up the winner given a PvP IO and XP/Inf reward too depending on how it was (over a longer amount of time, more kills but less deaths, both getting a high K/D and it being very close ect could all contribute to a higher reward for either or both players).

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Shadestorm View Post
With very few exceptions, superpowered individuals rarely get to choose their nemesis. That choice is thrust upon them through necessity, opportunity, or random chance. If you *were* going to set up such a system, it would make a lot more sense to manage it by generating the properties of the nemesis reactively based upon the choices of the character in question.
Please read this with as benign a tone as possible, but what you just said is complete and utter nonsense within the context of this game. No, heroes don't tend to choose their own nemesis. Heroes also don't tend to choose their gender, skin colour, origin and particular brand of super powers. Heroes also don't get to choose whether they will be kidnapped by aliens, have their parents murdered or just have really high IQ. We, as players, define these things for our heroes because that's what customization means in a video game context.

Unless you want to suggest that we build our characters by rolling on their stats and appearance, then suggesting that designing your own personal nemesis doesn't make sense... Doesn't make sense.

Let me put it this way: When I designed my original flagship villain, I designed him as the one true nemesis of my original flagship hero. If the eponymous Samuel Tow would have to have a personal nemesis, then I would very much like that personal nemesis to be the equally important Ezikiel Bane. That's how I wrote it, that's how I envisioned it, that's what I want. I don't want the game to generate some Captain Infindibular that not only do I care nothing for, but am probably going to hate the guts of, especially when I want a specific character with a sepcific background, a specific look and specific powers.

Designing a nemesis for your hero is no different from designing a villain and vice versa.


Hell, why not design a nemesis OR a rival? For instance, a particular hero wouldn't really have any specific enemies, but would have another hero always trying to steal the spotlight and show him up, appearing in missions as a friendly but uncontrollable NPC from time to time. Or, hell, why not even as an enemy?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My only point here was that fighting an arch of my own creation sounds about as much fun as playing an arc of my own creation.

Sure, I might design a fun arc, but I already know exactly how that arc is going to play and react to me because I designed it. It's like looking up a TF on the wiki before you play it for the first time. You've got all the spoilers, and you've already spoiled your own fun.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
The real problem I see is that if the system does have impressive loot rewards, then a lot of people will game the hell out of it for shinies, while a tiny handful actually use it for the intended RP/thematic purposes.

On the other hand, if it doesn't have impressive loot rewards, then most people will ignore it completely, while a tiny handful actually use it for the intended RP/thematic purposes.

The second option is probably preferable, but whether that tiny handful would be enough to justify the investment of dev time, I have no idea.
Except for the fact that the loot rewards are coming from the pocket of other players. If you're going to game the system, you may as well cut out the middle man and just have him mail you the stuff.



Any WoW or UT players out there ?

I know my suggestion is far from original, but what if there were instanced zone events in which teams formed on each side and upon entering the instance one or several possible win conditions were available. The event could be timed and involve any number of NPCs for each side. Players would queue up for an event and once the minimum participants was met AND the server could free up an Instance the timed Battlefield event would begin. Points could be awarded for kills (inlcuding Key NPCs) and the winner of the event would be determined after the timer runs out. This would encourage defeating enemy players as well as enemy NPCs, and for completing event goals, like defeating an enemy AV, capturing one of several strongholds of the enemy.

Players could be awarded PvP tickets which could be redeemed for PvP recipes, which would encourage repeating the Instanced event.

As I say, its not original, but it is fun as heck when done right.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Any WoW or UT players out there ?

I know my suggestion is far from original, but what if there were instanced zone events in which teams formed on each side and upon entering the instance one or several possible win conditions were available. The event could be timed and involve any number of NPCs for each side. Players would queue up for an event and once the minimum participants was met AND the server could free up an Instance the timed Battlefield event would begin. Points could be awarded for kills (inlcuding Key NPCs) and the winner of the event would be determined after the timer runs out. This would encourage defeating enemy players as well as enemy NPCs, and for completing event goals, like defeating an enemy AV, capturing one of several strongholds of the enemy.

Players could be awarded PvP tickets which could be redeemed for PvP recipes, which would encourage repeating the Instanced event.

As I say, its not original, but it is fun as heck when done right.
We already have those. They're called arenas. Add more maps or match types to the arenas if you like, as this que system is exactly what they already do.



Originally Posted by Shadestorm View Post
We already have those. They're called arenas. Add more maps or match types to the arenas if you like, as this que system is exactly what they already do.
But what about the rewards ? Is it something that promotes people to "queue-up" over and over again ? Since I don't PvP in this game, I honestly do not know.




Originally Posted by Shadestorm View Post
Except for the fact that the loot rewards are coming from the pocket of other players. If you're going to game the system, you may as well cut out the middle man and just have him mail you the stuff.
- Second accounts.

- Mutual arrangements with friends, to take turns with defeats, or to sign up your favourite 50 with a 50 they don't care about, and vice versa.

The 'random' sign-up system as described is very gameable. Of course, those specific holes could be plugged. However, as AE demonstrates, when there are large number of players looking for exploits, and a small number of devs plugging them, the players are going to win, and keep on winning.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Shadestorm View Post
My only point here was that fighting an arch of my own creation sounds about as much fun as playing an arc of my own creation.
To me, it's like playing a character I created, which - again to me - is the single greatest part of the game. If I could design an enemy and have that enemy pop up in the game proper... Well, that would pretty much double my excitement.

Just as an example, one of my all-time favourite missions is the one where I fight my character's double. Well, any one of those, anyway. This is incredibly exciting to me, because I get to see something I designed integrated into the game and controlled by the AI. In essence, I get to see my work as part of the game proper, and this is FAR more fun than any PvP you can think of.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I agree that the game lacks incentives to play AGAINST the other side rather than side by side with it. (I was a bit disappointed that longbow or cops don't randomly try to arrest me as a Rogue in Paragon city btw.)

What I miss is a an option for a Villain to rob a bank (e.g.), not in some stupid mission full of cops but in a realistic scenario, that will be a cakewalk, just taking time, UNLESS a hero decides to jump in and PvP the Villain.

No uber-stuffed-ness with cops, maybe some villain troops that help, no hitting exit button.

Villain wins because no Hero shows up, Villains gets lots of goodies.
Villain wins although Hero(es!) show up, Villain gets (much!) more goodies.
Hero/es win/s, Hero/es get/s goodies.

Lots of real Hero / Villain action with random enemies.

Maybe make possible to do with a team, have timer for the Heroes to gather, maybe add option to 'raid a Villain base' for Heroes that works the other way around (though I wouln't mind Heroes having to be more REactive than Villains). Fun and true to lore. Not?



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
What I miss is a an option for a Villain to rob a bank (e.g.), not in some stupid mission full of cops but in a realistic scenario, that will be a cakewalk, just taking time, UNLESS a hero decides to jump in and PvP the Villain.
No, no and HELL NO! Keep PvP out of the PvE zones. I don't want it. I don't want to be exposed to it. I don't want to be near it. I don't want to be in the same zone as it. There's a reason PvP zones exist, and that's to keep PvP in those zones. I will never support any suggestion to bring PvP out of those zone and out of the Arenas.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I didn't suggest anything in an open zone, but thanks for your clear opinion.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
I didn't suggest anything in an open zone, but thanks for your clear opinion.

Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
...not in some stupid mission full of cops but in a realistic scenario...
There really aren't that many option here. If it's "not in some stupid mission" then it's in an open zone. You're either in an instance or you're not.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You could be in an instance that is not full of cops.



What's all this talk about a Player-created "nemesis system" when the problem posited by the OP is "WHY ARE HEROES AND VILLAINS GETTING ALONG SO WELL? Or at all, rather?"

Sam, please, forget your rabid anti-PvP stance just long enough to answer that question. Because right now the game has pretty much devolved into "Go-Carting With Bowser" and you can't tell me that's 100% satisfactory in a genre that relies on Good guys beating up Bad guys!

I realize agreeing with that point could segue into advocating more PvP. But it doesn't have to. But we need more ways for Players to mess with one another in order to keep that hero/villain distinction.

For example, a Villain can do a series of missions to, say, call down an orbital strike on Atlas Park. Heroes would learn of this via a contact or zone alert message and can try to stop it by raiding the weapons platform and fighting off goons. The players would never meet, but try to advance their goals from separate locations. If the villain succeeds, nothing actually happens to AP, but he'd still get rewarded for "winning".

See? No direct PvP, but it's still Villains and Heroes doing what they do best: antagonizing and thwarting one another.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



As I said before, I love the idea of being able to create (relatively) real-time scenarios that will mess with or thwart the opposing faction. As to "how easy would it be to impliment," I'm not sure, since I don't know what would be involved in making a completed action one side have a consequence on the other side. But if there is a way, I am all for it.

It would have to be something tangible and threatening. Something that would get everyone's attention. Then the player could choose to respond or not to respond. The trick would be making it so that it did not intrude too much on the player experience of those that chose not to respond. To Steele's orbital strike example, perhaps a countdown starts, like the one you get when entering a PvP zone. Maybe it starts with 5 minutes, alerting every minute until the last 30 seconds, which would countdown the same as the PvP zones. Players have 5 minutes to "seek shelter," whether that is an instanced mission, exiting the zone, or being in an existing public building like a store or the AE. (I'm just brainstorming, not considering any consequences or downsides at the moment.)

But yes, I would be in favor of a way to fight the other side that does not involve going to Warburg and waiting for the Stalker to get me in the back. I want to hate and despise and be annoyed and frustrated with villains, not the players who play them.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
See? No direct PvP, but it's still Villains and Heroes doing what they do best: antagonizing and thwarting one another.
And how is that different from your contact telling you that the Circle of Thorns are trying to extract the souls of an entire unnamed neighbourhood and you have to stop it? Why do player heroes have to oppose PLAYER villains if they're not actually opposing other players?

This has always baffled me. Everyone says heroes and villains should fight more, completely ignoring the fact that this is what you spend the entire game doing. Without exception. If you are a hero, you spend the entirety of your time fighting villains. OK, if you're a villain, you split your time between fighting heroes and fighting other villains, but that's even more strife. Why do you need them to be PLAYERS, ostensibly when your suggestion doesn't actually pit you against players?

This is where the Nemesis idea comes in. People have heroes and they have villains, and they want their heroes and their villains to fight, which you can never do since you can only log one character in at a time. Being able to make an NPC in the image of your villain and have that show up in your hero's missions is a roundabout way to achieving the same goal.

I don't treat players I meet as heroes or villains or Praetorians. I treat them as players, and I am opposed to anything which proposes to change that. I reserve my "hatred" for fighting with NPCs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
The trick would be making it so that it did not intrude too much on the player experience of those that chose not to respond.
If it intrudes AT ALL, it intrudes far too much. I have precisely ZERO tolerance for other people intruding into my own business unless I specifically chose to involve myself with them. That's why I'm not playing any of those other MMOs out there.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
What's all this talk about a Player-created "nemesis system" when the problem posited by the OP is "WHY ARE HEROES AND VILLAINS GETTING ALONG SO WELL? Or at all, rather?"

Sam, please, forget your rabid anti-PvP stance just long enough to answer that question. Because right now the game has pretty much devolved into "Go-Carting With Bowser" and you can't tell me that's 100% satisfactory in a genre that relies on Good guys beating up Bad guys!
So all those Longbow corpses lying in charred, plasma burnt heaps are just a figment of my imagination? Damn. Talk about ghost in the machine...

Oh, and a Player-created nemesis system is MUCH preferable to 'let the random generator make Captain Pantsonhead for you'. I'd like to be able to occasionally create a character for my Heroes/Villains to fight. Not all of them would have them, but I can think of a few that would. Which would be pretty cool. But letting the computer random gen one for me? Hell no. Not cool.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And how is that different from your contact telling you that the Circle of Thorns are trying to extract the souls of an entire unnamed neighbourhood and you have to stop it? Why do player heroes have to oppose PLAYER villains if they're not actually opposing other players?
If I'm reading Winterminel's post correctly then failure, or worse deciding not to stop the villain, may cause a zone event. like spawning an GM (think Crimson's World Wide Red), or an event similar to a Zombie/Rikti invasion.

Also the players involved wouldn't even be directly meeting, a doppelganger of the character implement the mission would be, I assume, the Big Bad of the mission.



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
Okay, so then.

-Needs worthwhile rewards
-Needs at least basic customisation
-Needs basic control over where/when/why/who
-Possible options of the Arch-Nemesis being NPC or player controlled

The way I can see this working is you talk to a contact either at level 50 or maybe after doing your first Alignment mission so it's set in stone, you do a few tutorial missions.. I can picture that you go to check some security footage of someone who stole information on your from Freedom Corps/Arachnos (glowie, no enemies), then you have to recreate what you saw (Arch-Nemesis creation) so you can get a positive ID on them, then you track them down and have you first fight with the new enemy, ending wth them teleporting out at the last second, 1 or 2 reward merits on completion.
Why wait till 50? A nemisis is born from constant struggle. You fight your whole lives with neither really getting the upper hand. This should be implimented early.

I like your way of setting it up though. Maybe an arc at level 5. You duck into the arc and at the end see 'something' flash out and you have to recreate what you saw. The you track them down and find more information out about them (setting up powers, name etc) before confronting them and leading to their first defeat. These should be tough. And if you have to are defeated by the Nemisis and have to exit to rez then you lose. I feel a nemisis has to have the ability to defeat you occasionally, sets more tension for them.

Maybe they can also appear randomly in arcs to cause you trouble, but their are specific arcs that set you against them as EBs.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
As I said before, I love the idea of being able to create (relatively) real-time scenarios that will mess with or thwart the opposing faction. As to "how easy would it be to impliment," I'm not sure, since I don't know what would be involved in making a completed action one side have a consequence on the other side. But if there is a way, I am all for it.

It would have to be something tangible and threatening. Something that would get everyone's attention. Then the player could choose to respond or not to respond. The trick would be making it so that it did not intrude too much on the player experience of those that chose not to respond. To Steele's orbital strike example, perhaps a countdown starts, like the one you get when entering a PvP zone. Maybe it starts with 5 minutes, alerting every minute until the last 30 seconds, which would countdown the same as the PvP zones. Players have 5 minutes to "seek shelter," whether that is an instanced mission, exiting the zone, or being in an existing public building like a store or the AE. (I'm just brainstorming, not considering any consequences or downsides at the moment.)

But yes, I would be in favor of a way to fight the other side that does not involve going to Warburg and waiting for the Stalker to get me in the back. I want to hate and despise and be annoyed and frustrated with villains, not the players who play them.
This is not a bad idea, or even something simpler like a zone event spawn. Like, "Retrieve ritual summoning material" mission on Villain side spawns Adamaster hero side.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And how is that different from your contact telling you that the Circle of Thorns are trying to extract the souls of an entire unnamed neighbourhood and you have to stop it? Why do player heroes have to oppose PLAYER villains if they're not actually opposing other players?
Because in my hypothetical scenario, your success or defeat depends on the actions of other players.

This has always baffled me. Everyone says heroes and villains should fight more, completely ignoring the fact that this is what you spend the entire game doing. Without exception. If you are a hero, you spend the entirety of your time fighting villains. OK, if you're a villain, you split your time between fighting heroes and fighting other villains, but that's even more strife. Why do you need them to be PLAYERS, ostensibly when your suggestion doesn't actually pit you against players?
You're obviously not listening. The ENTIRE issue is "Okay, we've got a CITY full of HEROES. We've got a NATION full of VILLAINS. ...Why are they getting along so well?" You have players who choose to be heroes, and those who choose to be villains, an the game does nothing to enforce the idea that they're supposed to be ENEMIES.

You can't be that blind to the RP-related problems associated with this. You've already stated that you've created "villains" that you'd want to fight against your "heroes", so why are you opposed to any idea that would actually bring PC heroes and villains into direct conflict?

I mean, I realize you're not a great player (I've seen you kvetching about being unable to get shard drops over on test because you don't like fighting above MINUS 1) and hate to lose, but how heroic is that, really?

I don't treat players I meet as heroes or villains or Praetorians. I treat them as players, and I am opposed to anything which proposes to change that. I reserve my "hatred" for fighting with NPCs.
Sssooo, the only "bad guys" are the NPCs who never really did anything, and the guy standing across from you who's robbed every bank in Paragon, killed countless police and Longbow officers, and beaten the crap out of the Vindicators and Freedom Phalanx... you're cool with him?

..Alright. (PS, i moved this quote up in relation to another paragraph because i had an epiphany, which I think you'll like)

This is where the Nemesis idea comes in. People have heroes and they have villains, and they want their heroes and their villains to fight, which you can never do since you can only log one character in at a time. Being able to make an NPC in the image of your villain and have that show up in your hero's missions is a roundabout way to achieving the same goal.
First of all, this doesn't do anything to foster rivalry between player heroes and villains. Second, there's the AE, but who wants to craft a story for themselves when, by the time they're done with it, they already know all the dialog and everything that's going to happen and... and...

...You know what, Sammy ol' boy? I just had a Brainstorm, and not the kind that pretends to be a Doctor!

How about, you send me details of your Characters, and I'll make some AE arcs for you? That way, you won't KNOW what your foes are up to, but you'll still be able to fight them and have some surprises thrown your way. And it'd also be a bit like PvP, because we're two players on opposite ends of a conflict. I MAKE a scenario, and you STOP it!

With i19 around the corner it might take me a while to get to it, but if we can pull this off, i think i just discovered a cool new way to get people interested in AE again...


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
You're obviously not listening. The ENTIRE issue is "Okay, we've got a CITY full of HEROES. We've got a NATION full of VILLAINS. ...Why are they getting along so well?" You have players who choose to be heroes, and those who choose to be villains, an the game does nothing to enforce the idea that they're supposed to be ENEMIES.
GOOD! I don't want to play games where players are enemies. There's a reason I chose this one and not Lineage or Aion or Wow. I don't want to compete with other PLAYERS. I'm perfectly fine with competing with other villains. I play both heroes and villains, as do my friends. I don't want the game to try to convince me to be enemies with them. If I wanted to compete, that's what PvP zones are for, and what you guys are asking for is what you get IN WARBURG. Why can't you go there and be enemies with other players? That's what it's for.

You can't be that blind to the RP-related problems associated with this. You've already stated that you've created "villains" that you'd want to fight against your "heroes", so why are you opposed to any idea that would actually bring PC heroes and villains into direct conflict?

I mean, I realize you're not a great player (I've seen you kvetching about being unable to get shard drops over on test because you don't like fighting above MINUS 1) and hate to lose, but how heroic is that, really?
MY heroes and MY villains. Me against me, on my terms, by my rules. That's still me against the computer, not me against other PEOPLE. I prefer fighting stupid, unfeeling, uncaring computers over real players. How is this heroic? I saved the world. Who cares that I didn't save it from a PLAYER? I still saved the world, and that's all I care about. Other people don't matter unless I choose to involve myself with them, as it should be.

Sssooo, the only "bad guys" are the NPCs who never really did anything, and the guy standing across from you who's robbed every bank in Paragon, killed countless police and Longbow officers, and beaten the crap out of the Vindicators and Freedom Phalanx... you're cool with him?
How can you tell? I mean, how do you know who's robbed what? And how have NPC "never really [done] anything?" They plant bombs in buildings, kidnap people, kill people, alter history, unleash viruses, create monsters, commit crimes. What more do you need them to do? Kick a puppy? Oh, but we never see them do it. No, not really. I don't see player villains rob banks, either.

How about, you send me details of your Characters, and I'll make some AE arcs for you? That way, you won't KNOW what your foes are up to, but you'll still be able to fight them and have some surprises thrown your way. And it'd also be a bit like PvP, because we're two players on opposite ends of a conflict. I MAKE a scenario, and you STOP it!
No, thanks. My interest in personal nemesis situations extends only as far as having them occasionally show up in otherwise unrelated missions. I don't want to go ahead and have the game or other people write actual stories about my villains, because I'm very particular about how they're written. But even if this were instituted as an actual in-game function, I'd still prefer that it were somehow customizable by me. I don't want to lend my characters out to other people to write for.

That doesn't mean the idea isn't a good one, however. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who'd take you up on that offer. I just happen to not like the Architect and the way people use it. If a nemesis system existed, I'd rather that were controlled by the developers and by the actual game, not by other players. I'm no more willing to trust others with the narrative of my characters than I am with the keys to my house. That's just how I operate.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
How can you tell? I mean, how do you know who's robbed what? And how have NPC "never really [done] anything?" They plant bombs in buildings, kidnap people, kill people, alter history, unleash viruses, create monsters, commit crimes. What more do you need them to do? Kick a puppy? Oh, but we never see them do it. No, not really. I don't see player villains rob banks, either.
NPCs haven't done anything because they pop to life the moment you enter an instance. All they're doing is standing there while a wall of text tells you that they supposedly did or are doing something bad. As for players, all the evidence you need is in their Player Info: Badges, my friend, badges. Mayhem exploration, Mayhem defeats, Longbow defeats, PPD defeats. All badges, all available for anyone to see, summarizing their crimes and exploits.

No, thanks. My interest in personal nemesis situations extends only as far as having them occasionally show up in otherwise unrelated missions. I don't want to go ahead and have the game or other people write actual stories about my villains, because I'm very particular about how they're written. But even if this were instituted as an actual in-game function, I'd still prefer that it were somehow customizable by me. I don't want to lend my characters out to other people to write for.
The only problem here is, that feature you described? It was in that OTHER game. Which, as far as I'm concerned, failed, given that it's gone free-to-play. I don't think it's a good idea to take features from a FAILED game. At least, not as-is.

That doesn't mean the idea isn't a good one, however. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who'd take you up on that offer. I just happen to not like the Architect and the way people use it. If a nemesis system existed, I'd rather that were controlled by the developers and by the actual game, not by other players. I'm no more willing to trust others with the narrative of my characters than I am with the keys to my house. That's just how I operate.
That makes sense, and I see your point. I mean, technically, my proposal is kind of what the architect was MEANT for. How other people use it shouldn't sour others to its potential. But i guess having other players put words in my characters mouths would be a bit disconcerting, so again, i get where you're coming from.

As for the rest of your post: while I'm in no way advocating open pvp or anything, i find your stance that no players should be enemies a bit... closed minded. I mean, if redside and blueside players aren't supposed to be enemies, why is this game called "City of Heroes/City of Villains" and not "City of Metas"?

The way I'm carrying on, you'd think i was a PvPer or something, which I'm not really, but I'm also not afraid of new ideas which may provide interesting avenues at player-versus-player content, wheras you would seem to take joy in preventing other people from having that kind of fun. Yeah, it would take dev time away from creating more PvE content, but 99% of the game is already PvE content, so, what's wrong with something new? Because it wouldn't benefit YOU? Again, selfish and closed-minded. Let other people have their fun, too!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)