New Power Pool Powers
I like them. Though I'd make Forced March into a -25% Regeneration penalty, rather than Health.
1. Stealth Strike - Hidden is a specific status provided by Stalker Hide/Placate and VEAT stealth. The powers in the concealment pool don't provide it.
2. Combat sense - Congrats. You've just made every mez in the game pointless, except, perhaps, Ghost Widow's.
Flight Mastery - eh. Can already cap flight speed without really working on it, but other than that, no real comments.
Stimpack - 50% health damage? People complain when I use the Poison or Mutation rez for the minor hold it does. First time someone dies from this debuff... oy.
Forced March - Another health penalty - all I can think is "And people complain about Speed Boost."
Mock - eh. I really don't think we need another taunt, TBH, less so single target. Wondering on your thinking on this.
Speed mastery - Not really for or against. I'm not sure you *can* apply the bonus specifically to another power. Possible, since targeting drone gives AR Snipe a damage bonus.
Jump mastery - soooo... Hurdle with +Def and Immob protection?
Superior teleport - Given all the *other* ways of doing this exact same thing, it seems like kind of a waste to put it in as a pool power.
Agreeing with Memphis Bill. Not sure what the reasoning behind them or how it would be a good time now to add since incarnates are around the corner.
I figured it'd be a good time to introduce a few ideas on new Power Pool abilities, that is, the suggestion to add a fifth one. I know some other people have made similar suggestions, but here's mine.
Medicine Stimpack - Click, Single-Target Ally, Heals 100% of health, after 10-15 seconds, deals 50% damage. An emergency power to use on someone about to die. |
I figured it'd be a good time to introduce a few ideas on new Power Pool abilities, that is, the suggestion to add a fifth one. I know some other people have made similar suggestions, but here's mine.
Teleport Superior Teleport - Click, Teleports you to any zone on the side your currently on, prior charge up time 15 seconds, interruptable, Recharge: 90 seconds |
In general, I'm in favor of "deeping the pools", even if I'm not terribly enthused with some of your particular suggestions.
I dunno, though. I think Bill has some valid points, too. I'd say turn the HP penalties into Regeneration for both and apply them throughout the duration.
As for Combat sense give it a 20 second duration with mag 3 hold, sleep, and stun protection. It'll get you out of a single control with a mag of 3 or less, but if two people hit you with holds, or you get hit by a high-mag hold, you're still held.
Make Stealth Strike only proc the added damage when you're invisible, instead of "hidden", or within a certain magnitude of stealth.
Kind of agree with the Mock argument, though. Personally I'd like to see it turn into a single target taunt with a 50% chance of a 10 second mag 5 sleep. >.> You say something so (heinous/confusing/shocking/surprising/witty) that they stand and stare.
I'd get rid of the immob protection and make jump mastery into a small +jump speed (not height) bonus and a defense bonus to ranged attacks only. Make Speed Mastery similar, static ranged defense bonus... Flight, too!
And then Teleport Mastery... Gotta agree with the Porkster!
We are talking about making these tier 4 powers in the sets which require you have 3 other powers from the same set.... right?
1. Stealth Strike - Hidden is a specific status provided by Stalker Hide/Placate and VEAT stealth. The powers in the concealment pool don't provide it.
2. Combat sense - Congrats. You've just made every mez in the game pointless, except, perhaps, Ghost Widow's.
Stimpack - 50% health damage? People complain when I use the Poison or Mutation rez for the minor hold it does. First time someone dies from this debuff... oy.
Forced March - Another health penalty - all I can think is "And people complain about Speed Boost."
Mock - eh. I really don't think we need another taunt, TBH, less so single target. Wondering on your thinking on this.
It's basically you driving the opponent to a berserk rage where they attack you in more powerful but easier to avoid attacks.
Flight Mastery - eh. Can already cap flight speed without really working on it, but other than that, no real comments.
Speed mastery - Not really for or against. I'm not sure you *can* apply the bonus specifically to another power. Possible, since targeting drone gives AR Snipe a damage bonus. Jump mastery - soooo... Hurdle with +Def and Immob protection? |
Superior teleport - Given all the *other* ways of doing this exact same thing, it seems like kind of a waste to put it in as a pool power.
As for Steampunkette's line about these all being Tier 4. Maybe, some of them I dunno if they should be Tier 4 or earlier.
Eh, could go with the BBQ Pork suggestion. Though I'm not entirely sure what he means by it.
My inspiration was the Rikti Headman Gunner, TP'ing about and popping up behind me or up on a ledge to fire at me.
While I haven't used TP as a travel power for a while, I was annoyed at it when I did. I hated the brief hover-time at the end of each "bamf" if I was in combat, particularly as a melee type. But for getting to the end of a zone (barring stopping to pop blue pills), the hover-time was useful for getting a quick reposition of the targetting reticle.
Actual range and endurance numbers could be worked out later.
As for Steampunkette's line about these all being Tier 4. Maybe, some of them I dunno if they should be Tier 4 or earlier. |
Or...if we want to add nothing but "top tier" powers as new powers, then buff them to where they deserve to be rated that high.
Personally, I just want to round out the sets, not neccesarily add "MOAR POWER!!" to everything.
Well, if you go with Combat Teleportation, it should be much shorter range (50-100 ft, max) and it'd be a Tier 1 or Tier 2, and be very End expensive.
Hm. Could make Stealth Strike a toggle that adds 20-25% damage if you attack while stealth isn't suppressed.
Well, if you go with Combat Teleportation, it should be much shorter range (50-100 ft, max) and it'd be a Tier 1 or Tier 2, and be very End expensive.
I'm thinking how Hover and CJ are the combat versions of Fly and SJ.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Teleport is especially susceptable to being used like that as it can literally be keybinded to a mouseclick, so, making it prohibitively expensive to use it more than 3-4 times consecutively is the best way to deal with it, imo.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Teleport is especially susceptable to being used like that as it can literally be keybinded to a mouseclick, so, making it prohibitively expensive to use it more than 3-4 times consecutively is the best way to deal with it, imo.
Remove those for combat teleport and there ya go, now you can justify the high end cost.
Otherwise all you're doing is giving people a worse version of TP.
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That's why the Recharge time is so high, to keep holds effective, it's intent is to pretty much be a free Breakfree once every few minutes.. |
Maybe make it a self heal. I got the idea from this from Fallout 2 with their Super Stimpacks. |
It's to keep it fairly balanced, since this is a PBAoE power, and not simply a self only or a single target +Rech Boost, and is a power pool. Maybe make a -Regen or -Recov penalty while the power is active |
It's more for the debuff aspect than anything else. |
The Flight/Speed/Jump mastery are to pretty much make the travel powers in themselves a bit more useful, with the added +Def and speed, pretty much. Flight Mastery is like having the benefits of hover on all the time, and it stacks with hover, the same with CJ and Jump Mastery, if Speed had a power like CJ or Hover it would be that too. Maybe make them less End expensive, if possible. |
Eh, could go with the BBQ Pork suggestion. Though I'm not entirely sure what he means by it. |
As for Steampunkette's line about these all being Tier 4. Maybe, some of them I dunno if they should be Tier 4 or earlier. |
Well, I would say that the problem with regular TP that keeps it from being practical is the animation time and the hovering immobilize.
Remove those for combat teleport and there ya go, now you can justify the high end cost. Otherwise all you're doing is giving people a worse version of TP. |
Are you saying that Stealth should have a crit chance then? Even more confusing.
Inspirations are pretty plentiful, plus you can combine inspirations to make more. That is a lot of picks for powers to be useful.
Power Pools have to walk a fine line--somewhat useful (even if only marginally) on almost any type of build without being too powerful.
The medicine pool powers are interuptable. That would not be the best if someone is about to die and you keep getting interupted. Plus what happens if someone hits a green inspiration. You end up still taking 50% damage? Now you could die. Again, a lot to give up here.
Your tanks about to die? Fully heal them! Even if they lose half health they'll have hundreds of HP left.
Brutes, too.
Blaster about to die? Give it to him so he can start runnin.
Or, alternatively, if this is a self-heal/hurt, use it so you can have a buffer of health when you have to flee.
Sticking with Bill about people complaining about SB. Now they would have something, now for 2 minutes.
But it would be a pool power, just how much debuffing would it be to be effective? A lot to give up for this selection for a small return.
Your right, it shouldn't be too effective, but I don't think it'd be a 'small' return. Maybe make it an AoE.
The travel powers seem pretty balanced for what they do. With all the ways to increase defense, not seeing how they would help. All comes back to the return for taking these powers. If you provided numbers, it would help comparing if they are balanced since a couple were mentioned as auto's.
After all, people pay millions of inf to get 2.5% defense in just a few areas.
Combat TP sounds fun, but if the hover/animation is the same, could be very annoying. Plus some powers require to be on the ground, so that would be a few seconds where it could be further annoying.
[/Quote]Not sure where else they would fit if not Tier 4's, since missing a few numbers on some.[/QUOTE]
They'll go where they fit, I suppose. The Mastery's should be Tier 4, though.
Fun topic. Not sure why everyone's butthurt. fifth power to the pools is a good idea considering we're getting free-stamina soon, thus the majority of us will have 3 more slots to fill. While I don't like all of these powers, I like the feel of them.
Once again Bill is being very rude when he could simply say 'no, and heres why:'
All mine unlock at 30 with 3 powers chosen from the pool:
Stealth: Placate. Same as Stalkers although with a higher endurance cost and high recharge.
Fighting: Quivering Palm. Low Damage stun attack. Mag 3 for x seconds.
Flight: Bombardment. Strike an enemy causing AoE damage. High Smash damage. grounds flying targets.
Medicine: Stimpack. Boost an ally's damage, damage resistance and recharge by X% for y seconds. At the end your ally loses 10% of their endurance.
Leadership: Synergy. Very High endurance toggle that boosts all nearby ally's recharge by X%. Very High as in: over 1.5 before endurance reductions.
Presence: Poker Face. Toggle. Masks your feelings towards your enemies. Gives 1.0 mag protection against Holds, Immobs and Stuns.
Speed: Double Time. Instantly allow the use of a single power regardless of recharge (certain powers would be exempt of course.) That power costs twice the endurance and has it's recharge doubled after use.
Super Jump: Slam. Slam the ground causing a large AoE Knockdown and Stun. Long Cooldown and endurance cost.
Teleport: Spacial Tether. Instantly teleport to your target, who's within the same zone. Moderate Recharge. Accuracy counts towards enemies, based off of Ranged and Psionic Defense.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Once again Bill is being very rude when he could simply say 'no, and heres why:' |
Fun topic. Not sure why everyone's butthurt. fifth power to the pools is a good idea considering we're getting free-stamina soon, thus the majority of us will have 3 more slots to fill. While I don't like all of these powers, I like the feel of them.
Once again Bill is being very rude when he could simply say 'no, and heres why:' ![]() All mine unlock at 30 with 3 powers chosen from the pool: Stealth: Placate. Same as Stalkers although with a higher endurance cost and high recharge. Fighting: Quivering Palm. Low Damage stun attack. Mag 3 for x seconds. Flight: Bombardment. Strike an enemy causing AoE damage. High Smash damage. grounds flying targets. Medicine: Stimpack. Boost an ally's damage, damage resistance and recharge by X% for y seconds. At the end your ally loses 10% of their endurance. Leadership: Synergy. Very High endurance toggle that boosts all nearby ally's recharge by X%. Very High as in: over 1.5 before endurance reductions. Presence: Poker Face. Toggle. Masks your feelings towards your enemies. Gives 1.0 mag protection against Holds, Immobs and Stuns. Speed: Double Time. Instantly allow the use of a single power regardless of recharge (certain powers would be exempt of course.) That power costs twice the endurance and has it's recharge doubled after use. Super Jump: Slam. Slam the ground causing a large AoE Knockdown and Stun. Long Cooldown and endurance cost. Teleport: Spacial Tether. Instantly teleport to your target, who's within the same zone. Moderate Recharge. Accuracy counts towards enemies, based off of Ranged and Psionic Defense. |
Maybe for the 'con' of combat teleport is a recharge time. Make it so you can't use it to pop in and then out of a fight.
Most of the OP's ideas sound pretty good or neutral enough, aside from the -Health aspect (I take it he means delayed damage?).
Combat Teleport would be especially useful on a Stone or as a way to get out of annoying slow-patches.
Fun topic. Not sure why everyone's butthurt. fifth power to the pools is a good idea considering we're getting free-stamina soon, thus the majority of us will have 3 more slots to fill. While I don't like all of these powers, I like the feel of them.
Once again Bill is being very rude when he could simply say 'no, and heres why:' ![]() |
Anyhow, I actually like your ideas better for additions to the power pools also and that they have higher requirements to unlock. For the TP one, is that like a way point? So if we are in a zone and click on our map to the mission marker for example, we could TP to it? (Assuming balanced on end/rech/etc.)
Stealth: Placate. Same as Stalkers although with a higher endurance cost and high recharge.
Fighting: Quivering Palm. Low Damage stun attack. Mag 3 for x seconds.
Flight: Bombardment. Strike an enemy causing AoE damage. High Smash damage. grounds flying targets.
Medicine: Stimpack. Boost an ally's damage, damage resistance and recharge by X% for y seconds. At the end your ally loses 10% of their endurance.
Leadership: Synergy. Very High endurance toggle that boosts all nearby ally's recharge by X%. Very High as in: over 1.5 before endurance reductions.
Presence: Poker Face. Toggle. Masks your feelings towards your enemies. Gives 1.0 mag protection against Holds, Immobs and Stuns.
Speed: Double Time. Instantly allow the use of a single power regardless of recharge (certain powers would be exempt of course.) That power costs twice the endurance and has it's recharge doubled after use.
Super Jump: Slam. Slam the ground causing a large AoE Knockdown and Stun. Long Cooldown and endurance cost.
I still think it should be relatively short ranged, but being able to TP to your target would be really useful. It could be like the Sorcerer's teleport from the Tsoo--TP without visual contact.
I figured it'd be a good time to introduce a few ideas on new Power Pool abilities, that is, the suggestion to add a fifth one. I know some other people have made similar suggestions, but here's mine.
Stealth Strike - Single Target, Minor DMG(Smashing), A weak attack on it's own, if used while hidden, it deals 250% extra damage.
Combat Sense - Click, 20 second Mez Protection, can break you out of a hold, Recharge: 2 Minutes
Flight Mastery - Auto Power, gives a slight defensive bonus (equivalent to hover), minor to moderate increase to flight speed.
Stimpack - Click, Single-Target Ally, Heals 100% of health, after 10-15 seconds, deals 50% damage. An emergency power to use on someone about to die.
Forced March - Click, PBAoE, +25% Move Speed, +25% Recharge for 2 Minutes, -25% Health at the end of the 2 minutes. Recharge, 6-7 Minutes.
Mock - Ranged, Single Target, Taunt (with accuracy check), Foe -ToHit(Moderate) +DMG(Minor)
Speed Mastery - Auto Power, grants Super Speed a minor defense bonus, and slightly increases natural run speed
Super Jump
Jump Mastery - Auto Power, gives all the benefits of Combat Jumping, stacks with other jumping powers.
Superior Teleport - Click, Teleports you to any zone on the side your currently on, prior charge up time 15 seconds, interruptable, Recharge: 90 seconds