New character select screen?
That's certainly interesting.
That would be epic!
So in other words you've been inspired by dragon age =P
Interesting concept but I can see it getting extremely cluttered if someone has more than 10 characters on a server.
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I don't remember that in dragon age, but sure I guess!
And how about a way to go back to the old, ghetto character select if you're picky?
More than 10 toons? Pages! Just like now, first 10, next page, second ten, etc.
This idea is awesome. Come on guys.
I'd settle just for being able to change a character's costume in the character select screen
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I actually have to unsign this.
Personally, I like the OLD login screen, with the city buildings. The silhouette skyline we have now is actually fairly new, but I hate it. I would sacrifice the ability to change the brightness at the tailor for the old picture back.
CoHSplasher used to be able to replace the background with any picture you liked, but after they changed what texture files it references, Splasher can no longer do that. I strongly wish for that sort of customizability back.
Also, digging in the pigg files is against the EULA, m'kay?
EDIT: Didn't see this before I responded.
And how about a way to go back to the old, ghetto character select if you're picky? |
Edited TLDR version: I want the old-old character select background for nostalgia reasons.
I have a problem with this - I have teams of heroes and team of villains. People within the teams would have no reason to fight each other, and the different teams would have no reason to stand around together. The only way to make this happen is to halfass it, and I don't want to see that.
This works for Fantasy games and more traditional MMOs which encourage you to have only a few, unrelated characters with little backstory to them than "Enemies over there. Kill they ***!" so them all standing around in an open field wouldn't be out of place. In a game which encourages this much backstory and character development, it would break my suspension of disbelief before I even log into the actual game.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I have a problem with this - I have teams of heroes and team of villains. People within the teams would have no reason to fight each other, and the different teams would have no reason to stand around together. The only way to make this happen is to halfass it, and I don't want to see that.
This seems like an interesting idea, and I agree that loading times would most likely be greater. But they have always given us options to dumb down graphics, etc for functionality. So they could just give us the option for the old background. At the very least it would be just another option that we are given in regards to our tastes.
Well, assuming it were to be done in pages, you could just move the characters you want together on one page, separating those you want to keep apart, all depending on your preference. Also this character select screen could be alignment based as well. For example; you log in and you might see your villains grouped together or your heroes, or whatever you have for that matter. Or you might see your Villains versus your Heroes, etc. It wouldn't have to be "halfassed".
The reason I say "halfassed" is because any form of automatic grouping done by the game for me is, by definition, half-*****, because it would group characters designed to have nothing to do with each other.
I am allowed to define my own particular groups as many as I want at a time, including loners who would show up alone. And no, don't tie this to SG status, it would be a bad idea. IF I can customize who shows up with who, then I will have no problem. Any halfassedness past this would be my own fault. But I'd rather have a "ghetto" character selector than one that takes control out of my hands.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I am allowed to define my own particular groups as many as I want at a time, including loners who would show up alone. And no, don't tie this to SG status, it would be a bad idea. IF I can customize who shows up with who, then I will have no problem. Any halfassedness past this would be my own fault. But I'd rather have a "ghetto" character selector than one that takes control out of my hands. |
Although I would like to have the options you listed above. While not a necessary feature, I like this idea and it would be cool if you could choose the background (say your SG base) and have the costume use the SG colours if you are in SG mode.
OK, what if you were given the option to retain the 'ghetto' version as well as have the new version? Given it could increase loading times I'd say having an option to use the old version would be necessary.
Although I would like to have the options you listed above. While not a necessary feature, I like this idea and it would be cool if you could choose the background (say your SG base) and have the costume use the SG colours if you are in SG mode. |
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I can imagine allowing for whichever type of screen you want. "Ghetto", "Silhouette" or "Lobby". With the "Lobby" version I shouldn't think a full 3D background is even neccessary. A simple invisible 3D plane overlaid with a 2D image should suffice. My only concern is loading times. But if you have the option to switch to a less intensive interface, most issues become moot.

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I just had a really great idea, instead of how the character selector is now, it could be like all of your Heroes, villains, vigilantes, etc together either hanging out, fighting, or just standing in epic poses. You hover over each toon and they walk to up the camera and do an awesome pose (That you can set?) And that's where you enter.
Epic, right? Please do this. You never see your own toons together anywhere and I think enough people have a lot of toons and would love to see something like this. The old character select/Login screen is literally 5 years old. Something like this would be new and really tight.