COP again...
OK me me me!!
I have a tank shield elec(plenty of damage for a tank no taunt)
Debuff 2 rads plant/ice
Buffs Emp!
Im willing to bring whatever or switch out with whatever you need me too!!
Friday looks clear on my calendar, sign me up with my blaster please o.o
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442
If I'm awake I'll join. I'd bring damage. As much as I want the badge I don't really want to bring Capa blueside.
Maybe db/wp stalker
Spines/fire scrapper
INV/SS tank
Fire/elec blaster
Ill/sonic troller
mind/ff troller
(currently 40 dark/dark def)
Think I'm missing a few but that'll do.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
Cool. Please sign me up. @Savannah Nightwolf on Savannah Nightwolf, L50 MA/Regen Scrapper.
Also, because I know he's on his way home right now to pass out, please also sign up @Shadow Ravenwolf, on Shadow Ravenwolf, L50 FA/IM Tanker.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Vix I should be able to make this one. I can bring StinkerBelle ra/rad fender or whatever you need. But Stink is in the SG for the CoP.
" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis
So here's some new strategy we'll use for the inside of the Cathedral of Pain Trial along with some data analysis...
This is what we're up against (some number crunching here), for some min/max values.
Aspect of Rularuu's max HP: 76692.89
Aspect of Rularuu's regen: 597.58 HP/sec
The numbers below have been modified so we can compare them to what is listed at level 50 in Mid's Hero Designer.
If we don't touch his regen rate (and use only dmg he's 10% resistant to):
Time Aspect is Vulnerable______ DPS needed to defeat
60 sec________________________ 181.112
50 sec________________________ 205.7949
40 sec________________________ 242.8192
30 sec________________________ 304.5264
If we don't touch his regen rate (and use only dmg he's 40% resistant to):
Time Aspect is Vulnerable______ DPS needed to defeat
60 sec________________________ 271.668
50 sec________________________ 308.692
40 sec________________________ 364.228
30 sec________________________ 456.789
I think a 40 second window is more realistic, so I'll use this when playing around with his regen rate being debuffed.
This represents what it'd look like if we had 40 seconds (using only dmg he's 10% resistant to):
Regeneration Rate______DPS needed to defeat
597.58 HP/sec____________242.819
501.96 HP/sec____________233.587
400.37 HP/sec____________223.779
298.79 HP/sec____________213.970
197.20 HP/sec____________204.161
101.58 HP/sec____________194.930
0.00 HP/sec______________185.121
This represents what it'd look like if we had 40 seconds (using only dmg he's 40% resistant to):
Regeneration Rate______DPS needed to defeat
597.58 HP/sec____________364.228
501.96 HP/sec____________350.381
400.37 HP/sec____________335.668
298.79 HP/sec____________320.995
197.20 HP/sec____________306.242
101.58 HP/sec____________292.395
0.00 HP/sec______________277.682
Update: Values for 45 seconds will be added tonight (based on the Alpha One's post about multiple sources confirming the timer value)
Obviously there are still things not taken into account here (like damage buffs and resistance debuffs), but this sets a good baseline to benchmark against.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Before we fill out CoP roster, let's gear our damage dealers toward the Rularuu Aspect's weaknesses as best we can. Using the Power Analyzer Mk III, we learned that he has no defense to any of the damage types. He has 40% resistance to Smashing, Lethal, Energy, and Toxic damage, but only 10% resistance to Fire, Cold, Negative Energy, and Psionic damage. If you've got multiple damage dealers, try to bring one that falls in the 10% resistance bucket. See the numbers above for proof this matters.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Things everyone should bring/take time to do:
1. A full complement of Envenomed Daggers (this baby has a quick activation time, deals decent damage and has a 10 sec regen debuff of 250%)
2. 7 to 10 damage inspirations (as large as you can get)
3. 3 to 5 defense inspirations (as large as you can get)
4. (optional) 1 or 2 Tier 3 awakens.
5. Shivans. Please get them if you don't have them.
6. The HVAS heavy. If you've got the vanguard merits to get it, please do so.
7. The Backup Radio temp power.
8. Find 3 or 4 powers that have a high Damage per activation time. These will probably be single target attacks. They should also have a quick recharge because of the high DPS needed to take the Aspect of Rularuu down. These attack cannot cripple your ability to attack again either (sorry, nukes are a bad idea here)
9. Set a monitor on your Damage Bonus. Melee, Range, and AoE defense wouldn't be bad to monitor as well.
10. Patience. There are a lot of us that would like to have a successful run. This trial involves TONS of high level coordination, we need everyone to be patient and stick to the plan. This isn't easy, nor should we expect it to be.
Update: 11. Get on the Ravenwolf vent server (see ShadowRavens post below). Even if you don't have a microphone it is helpful to hear what it going on and this is the quickest way to get directions. No typing in game = more fighting time.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Once we've gotten into the Cathedral from the Shadow Shard all of the teams should line up in a "U" formation at the entrance. This will help buffers that have long lasting buff cycle through more than just their respective teams more easily. This will probably need to be a tight formation for the AoE buffs. See below for diagram. If one team seems to have done better than the rest at killing mobs, they should take the Team 3 spot.
Team 1
Team 3
Team 2
We'll buff up in this formation. Furthermore, Team Leaders will assign a direction for their members to head if done early with their mob. Facing in toward the middle of the room, half should go left, and half should go right.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Updated - The buff order:
1. Drop pets that are not timer based. This will probably be only those from primary/secondary powersets. Don't drop the others yet (they are only available for a certain length of time).
2. We identify someone as vengeance bait and someone as the vengeance casters. Ideally, our vengeance bait will be a non-tank, non-buffer, low damage dealer. A self rez is worth bonus points here because you won't be getting any buffs.
3. The vengeance bait (with no buffs) dives into the group by the cube and takes a fall. Right in the middle here, we don't want any unnecessary aggro coming toward the rest of the group. Our vengeance bait is then teleported back to the group (marked as "O" in the formation). DO NOT REZ THIS PERSON YET.
4. Single target buffs are applied. Fortitudes, Forges, Cold Dom or FF shields, Sonic shields, Speed Boost, Adrenaline Boost, Clear Mind, Increase Density, etc. If you can get the pets too, that's awesome.
5. Drop timer based pets. Looking for Shivans, HVAS, Backup Radio, pets from mastery pools. (don't drop the useless ones like Snowbeast, Clockwork, etc.) Make sure they are not going to be close enough to aggro the surrounding enemy mobs.
6. The Group Leader calls a "Huddle". Get in close around our vengeance bait.
These next steps need to be carried out quickly. Steps 6 through 8 should be done in about 8-10 seconds, quicker is better. Everyone will need to move quickly and precisely from here on out.
6. The Group Leader will call out for any Mind Link, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, Accelerate Metabolism, and World of Pain buffs.
7. The Group Leader will call out "Final Buff". At this time anyone with Call to Justice should use it. The vengeance caster will cast vengeance 2 seconds after the "Final Buff" order is given.
8. The Group Leader will call out "Go!" and we'll attack the mobs surrounding the cubes.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Team 1 heads to the left.
Team 2 heads to the right.
Team 3 heads to the group in the middle at the back of the room. Since they kill quicker, we're offsetting this by making them travel just a little further.
- Do not stay dead on the floor, ask for a rez or use Large Awaken to get back in the fight. You're no good dead on the floor. (except the vengeance bait guy )
- The Aspect of Rularuu can no longer attack while in his shield, so ignore him for now.
- Sprint to your group quickly. Time is of the essence here, make the most of your buffs.
- We should be pretty buffed up at this point in time, so everyone should be attacking.
- If anyone has an AoE -Fly to get the mob out of the air, use it.
- If anyone has fulcrum shift, use it while we have multiple enemies to get a larger buff.
- When your team's mob is almost done, crack 3-4 damage inspirations and 1 defense inspiration. We're doing this before the fight with the Aspect so we can maximize our damage and not waste valuable time buffing while he is vulnerable.
- If your group gets done early with its mob, split and help out the others.
AS SOON AS WE SEE THE MESSAGE THAT THE ASPECT'S SHIELD IS DOWN, EVERYONE WILL GO TO HIM AND START ATTACKING. No tanks will stay behind for the next spawn because we're throwing the kitchen sink at him. Ideally everything done while the AV is vulnerable should be a High DPS attack, regen debuff, or resistance debuff.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
All: Use the 3 or 4 attacks that are your best DPA (dmg per activation time) and the Envenomed Dagger. Keep an eye on your damage buff and keep cracking inspirations to keep it high. Again, don't stay dead on the floor if you die.
Debuffers: Throw down regen and resistance debuffs. Be very liberal with the Envenomed Dagger. If it's up and you don't have a better DPA attack, use it.
Buffers: Attack as much as the battle allows you. Be quick to rez the dead (if you have the opportunity to use vengeance again, do it quickly). Like the debuffers, be liberal with the Envenomed Dagger.
If we don't take him down before his shield is back up, hurry back to your team's assigned mob. Kill them as quickly as possible using the same plan as before and quickly get back to the Aspect. If we do not defeat the Aspect at this point, the run will mostly likely fail since we should be out of inspirations, temp powers, etc. Hopefully it goes well and we have a successful run.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
I know it's a touch on the long side, but how's that for a first post!
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
ill bring my fire/rad troller again...if things are missing like willow said i can adjust to something else.

Heyas All
I will be there Friday Night with my namesake:
Shadow Ravenwolf Lvl 50 Fire/Ice/Pyre Tanker
I know it has helped in recent attempts, so I'll remind everyone that the Ravenwolf Manor Vent Server will be available for us to use for this attempt.
Don't worry about registration. You can come in as a Guest, using the password listed at the info page linked above.
See Ya'll Friday Night!
I know I'd be bringing highly resisted lethal damage, but I'd like to bring my Mercs/FF MM for the badge, but can also bring my BS/Shield scrapper if you guys feel we need more damage and less buffs.
Quick note, Rularuu's shield downtime has been confirmed as a flat 45 seconds by multiple sources now.
I'll help out because I love you guys
High On Irony Fire/Cold Corruptor.
Icy bubblies and nice Benumbing action and defense debuffs
and some decent Fire based DPS..DOTS MOAR DOTS MOAR DOTS!
Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
Bad date and time for me.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I hereby volunteer my services as Veng Bait.
I'm /Regen, and I have Revive.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I also hereby nominate Kheldarn as vengeance bait. I support you man!!
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442
I can't make it to the Friday attempt, but is there still going to be a Saturday afternoon attempt?
See you at 4 PM in Pocket D!
I am at work Friday, as usual, but if I am ever needed at other times, and you are having trouble filling the teams, I have two teams available to help now. Team Jupiter, which is four ice/rad controllers, and one fire/rad, which would be pure fire and ice damage plus the perma AM and debuffs.
Also, my spiders are full hero now, and they bring all their crabby leadership, venom and arctic breath debuffs, and DPS to the game. Muh, this is only if teams aren't full, of course, as I wouldn't want to take up too many spots where other people could be playing. I hope the Friday run goes well, much is learned, and the Envenomed Daggers idea helps out ^_^
I can see forever 0.0
I can't make it to the Friday attempt, but is there still going to be a Saturday afternoon attempt?
The regular 4 PM Pacific Saturday CoP Trial is still scheduled. See you at 4 PM in Pocket D! |

Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
If you don't mind Omega, I'm going to use your CoP math etc for the CoP Im co-leading with theOcho(maybe avatea too) on 10/11/10 8pm est on Liberty. Hehe reading up what people say and getting ideas

Looks like I'm OK for tonight.
I'll show with Rosa Quartz (Stone/Mace Tank), but can switch to Briquette (Fire/Fire Blaster), Pale Devil (Dark/Regen Scrapper), or Kaytoo Six (Dark/Rad Defender) if you need something else.
Global name: @k26dp
I'm in, either Sonic/MM blaster, Night Widow, Rad/Sonic, Emp/Rad, or dark/dark tank
I'm in -- @drhmccoy.
Global -- @drhmccoy
Ocelico Calis, Claws/Reflex scrapper available to hurt things.
Congratulations Guardian, on our first successful semi-PUG CoP trial!
Vixen Healer and Sihlouette will be hosting another PUG COP attempt this Friday Oct 1. If you are interested..sign up on the thread. We have a slightly different attack plan for in the cathedral and Sihlouette will be posting that on the thread. Same game plan for the obelisks, that is a straight forward deal.
HERO attempt! (must be full on hero or viglante for base access!)
Fri Oct 1
730pm EST 430pm PST to start meeting
8pm EST 6pm PST to start.
All 3 teams will be the same make up, no "taunt" tank is needed for the AV anymore. Also I plan on some wiggle room with the team make up. Hope to score some VEATS and Corruptors.
1: Busta Move
1: Vixen Healer
2: Sihlouette
Things we would like you to have: Shivans, HVAS, Envenomed Daggar.
Also, need one volunteer to join the SG to lead a team for base access!
Hope to see you there,
Controllers and Defenders RULE!
Guardian is home.
Vixen defined by
Totally gorgeous and amazing human female. With the cutest smile and a sweet body. Loves partying and drinks a lot but is still incredibly smart. But be warned, may jump you unexpectedly.