Bubbles please




Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
same can be said about everyone on this board especially you, and has been said. Welcome to the internet.

Unlike you forum jockeys, ive been playing and teaming with people that arent my friends for quite some time. Ive seen the BS the Devs and puggers pull all the time (devs with the game as a whole, the puggers in the game itself)

I can tell you hands down that Empathy is a terrible set compared to everything else. One AB isnt the end all and be all. But you posters act like it is. 3 forts barely make a team, at that level anything will serve you. EVEN 4 people spamming aoe immob. Man builds. O2 boost. And you have the audacity to think that Empathy is 'teh gr34t3st ting eva'?


So, for the short sighted, need h34lz crowd....Rad/dark/storm>cold/ta/>either bubbles/ traps>inspirations>a sharp stick in the eye>heavy drinking> Lamepathy played well/lolpaindom> Lamepathy/lolpaindom played by 99% of the user base including the devs who made the set

Thats the rating system. You can disagree but youd simply be wrong......well maybe drinking would be better than a sharp stick in the eye.....
Wow, it wasn't even ME you were being insulting and dismissive of, and it got you on my ignore list.

That takes talent.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Why does every thread on a defender/corruptor set have to turn into a childish flame war full of personal insults because someone said something less than positive about powers in a video game?



Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
Why does every thread on a defender/corruptor set have to turn into a childish flame war full of personal insults because someone said something less than positive about powers in a video game?

That axe swings both ways.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
Too bad that none of that lasts as long as shields......with large gaps in between.....so while your blasters with nothing are running like stalkers and the scrapper is doing scrapper things is still doing his thing.....the team that took the bubbler is going strong from 0-240 seconds.

Like Je-aist said, he knows nothing of emps...oh wait its everyone else that knows nothing and only Je-aist knows this game and its typical player. Sorry dude, youve been served....again.
Heh. On my scrapper, your bubbler can be replaced by a single purple insiration. To my knowledge, there is not a recovery inspiation, a regeneration inspiration, or a recharge inspiration. I'll take the emp kthnxbai.

As for the topic, to my understanding, introducing cold as a set gave the devs a way to deal with the percieved unpoplularity of bubbles with the player base because of the passiveness of the set. That of course does not explain why defenders get both. I tend to agree with Fulmans that the devs are embarased by the set.

(Original Text: As for the topic, to my understanding, cold brings everything a bubbler does to the team and more. That of course does not explain why defenders get both, however, I tend to agree with Fulmans in that the devs are embarased with the set. - I stand corrected. Cold does not bring everything to a team that bubbles does, it brings different things. If I am playing my blaster, I may prefer to have bubbles to softcap my squishy ***. My scrapper would get more from teaming with a cold or an emp.)



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
As for the topic, to my understanding, cold brings everything a bubbler does to the team and more.

No not really.

Please see the discussion here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=238186 And also, pray it doesn't spill onto this board too.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Wow, it wasn't even ME you were being insulting and dismissive of, and it got you on my ignore list.

That takes talent.
Eh, i haven't felt the need and i've probably seen (and almost immediately disregarded) more of his posts than you have. He occasionally makes a somewhat valid point. (Almost by accident i think.) Mostly he just spews a bolus of half-baked assertions and off-target insults in fractured vaguely sentence-like word jumbles.

Personally i've never played an Empath past level 20 or so. Force Fields, Dark Miasma, Traps, and Radiation Emission suit my playstyle far more than Empathy. Force Fields i bubble up any teammates and focus on doing terrible things to the enemy. With the rest i mostly focus on doing terrible things to the enemy.

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those defender "look at my set!" threads are actually pretty funny to watch.

kinda like "my dad can fix boo-boos better than your dad"



That statement would have hurt me, but my forcefield deflected it.

Oh wait .. I only had the Corruptor version which doesn't exist.

Oh well maybe I will need that empath after all. Or pain in this case.

Side question: Does it hurt when a /pain type heals you?



I don't think Corruptors had Force Fields to start because the set lacked debuffs. Looking at the original sets for Corruptors, they didn't get any sets that weren't a combination of buffs and debuffs (TA, Empathy, and FF), and got replacement sets that were similar to at least two of the sets they didn't get (Thermal and Cold). I don't think it had anything to do with not being villainous enough, since MMs got it.

As for why they don't have it now, I think a large part of the reason is the current design of the set. Not what it does, but how it does it. Looking at the effects, and using the same modifiers, Corruptor FF would be almost a duplicate of the MM version in the values of effects most people care about.

Corr PFF would actually give less defense and resistance than the MM version because of the melee modifier it uses.

Deflection Shield would be the same.

Force Bolt would do more damage for Corrs, but do the same amount of KB as MMs.

Insulation Shield would give the same Defense, but Corrs would grant 17.2% more end drain and recovery debuff resistance.

Detention Field would be the same.

Dispersion Bubble would be the same Defense, but Corrs would get 1.72 more protection from mez at 50.

Repulsion Field would be the same.

Repulsion Bomb would do more damage for Corrs, but do the same amount of KB and have the same duration on the Stun.

Force Bubble would be the same.

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Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
I don't think Corruptors had Force Fields to start because the set lacked debuffs. Looking at the original sets for Corruptors, they didn't get any sets that weren't a combination of buffs and debuffs (TA, Empathy, and FF), and got replacement sets that were similar to at least two of the sets they didn't get (Thermal and Cold). I don't think it had anything to do with not being villainous enough, since MMs got it.
That FF was excluded for game mechanic/design concept reasons makes sense. i don't necessarily agree with it, but since they've proliferated Trick Arrow i see no reason for Force Fields to not follow.

As for why they don't have it now, I think a large part of the reason is the current design of the set. Not what it does, but how it does it. Looking at the effects, and using the same modifiers, Corruptor FF would be almost a duplicate of the MM version in the values of effects most people care about.
i'm willing to bet there's a lot of players who would've preferred pairing Force Fields with the Corruptor attack sets and inherent over having to wrangle pets or use severely underpowered attacks to also have Force Fields redside. Of course if you have Going Rogue now it's fairly easy to take a Defender redside, but some people love their Scourge.

Corr PFF would actually give less defense and resistance than the MM version because of the melee modifier it uses.

Deflection Shield would be the same.

Force Bolt would do more damage for Corrs, but do the same amount of KB as MMs.

Insulation Shield would give the same Defense, but Corrs would grant 17.2% more end drain and recovery debuff resistance.

Detention Field would be the same.

Dispersion Bubble would be the same Defense, but Corrs would get 1.72 more protection from mez at 50.

Repulsion Field would be the same.

Repulsion Bomb would do more damage for Corrs, but do the same amount of KB and have the same duration on the Stun.

Force Bubble would be the same.
Hey, at least Force Bolt would do more damage.

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First, with Powerset Proliferation there is no reason why Force Fields would not eventually make its way to Corruptors, and I fully expect it will. It just hasn't happened yet.

Second, while the devs have never made a direct statement one way or the other, I have noted in the past that of the three Power Sets Corruptors were not given access to, two of them, Empathy and Force Field, have absolutely no way to buff the damage of the caster. EVERY other Power Set available to Corruptors can either buff the caster's damage, or debuff the Resistance of the foe. This includes even other primarily support oriented sets like Cold Domination and Thermal.

It was my conclusion, and it still is, that a Buff/Debuff set that lacks any form of damage boost is inappropriate for a Corruptor. In short, you would be giving a Secondary to an AT that does not in any way support the use of its Primary. The melee ATs support their Primary by providing defenses that they can use to survive in melee. Blasters support their Primary by using control powers that they can hold down the foes they either blast with their Primary or use the melee powers in their Secondary against. Even Defenders and Dominators support their Primary by providing a means to defeat the foes they weaken or control. But for a Corruptor, whose primary role is supposed to be dealing damage, Force Field would only protect allies, (to a lesser extent the caster) or provide some knockback for control.

Of course, the true reason was that Force Field and Trick Arrow were given to Masterminds. And Trick Arrow doesn't lack damage boosts (it has two!) yet it is limited to Masterminds as well. I think it was simply the devs wanted some sets to be unique to MMs and some unique to Corruptors, and they chose FF and TA for the MMs. FF made for a good match with Robotics, while TA meshed well with Ninjas.

Still, I think it's significant that Force Field is as powerful as it is in the hands of a Mastermind. It is the set most suitable for Tankerminding, despite the fact that its defense is primarily applicable only to the henchmen. (This is mainly because Bodyguard provides a strong pseudo-Resistance on top of Dispersion Bubble's Defense) And the lack of damage isn't really noticable, since the Mastermind's strength is not in damage dealing, but resiliance.

The final point, I think, is that when Pain Domination was finally created for Corruptors and Masterminds, as their version of Empathy, the set included some powerful damage boosts for the caster. Many of them require teammates, which doesn't really help solo, but it does reinforce the Corruptor's role as a damage dealer for a team.

I am hopeful that should Force Field eventually come out for Corruptors, that it will recieve some tweaks that boost damage. (Or debuff Resistance, although since that's Sonic's forte', I would stick with +Dam) Again, like Pain Resistance, those boosts could be limited to the caster only, not extended to the team. Although I have suggested a +Dam effect for the team for powers like Force Bubble, to make them more attractive. And that could be applied to the existing ATs as well.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Hey, at least Force Bolt would do more damage.
With Force Bolt's damage that would be nothing. And honestly, I don't want Force Bolt to do more damage because it has a 100% chance of knockback. If I used it regularly in my attack chain because it was significant as a damage attack, it would be worse than Power Push on a Dominator.

OTOH, Repulsion Bomb getting damage was a really nice change. And I think if Detention Field did DoT to the foe held within it for its duration, it might be a more useful power, too.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
With Force Bolt's damage that would be nothing
Thus the emoticons.

OTOH, Repulsion Bomb getting damage was a really nice change. And I think if Detention Field did DoT to the foe held within it for its duration, it might be a more useful power, too.
The former is nice, but i think the latter is unlikely. There were some interesting ideas presented for improving "cage" powers in the GR beta involving adding debuffs like a massive -regen. Those seem more likely.

Oh, and it's also true that Force Fields does nothing for a Defender's secondary, just like it adds nothing to a Corruptor's primary. After all, Defenders have ranged damage as their secondary focus.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The former is nice, but i think the latter is unlikely. There were some interesting ideas presented for improving "cage" powers in the GR beta involving adding debuffs like a massive -regen. Those seem more likely.
Well, it just seems to me that since Detention Shield (or for that matter, Sonic Cage) on a foe precludes you and your team being able to damage it, it would be nice if some damage were dealt to compensate, even if only partially. And it WOULD be in concept, in JLU Green Lantern was seen to use his bubbles to "suffocate" foes, or to contain their own attacks so they would knock themselves out.

At the very least, a -regen would be nice, so the foe doesn't come out of the cage better off than when he went in. An amount of damage than counters his regen would accomplish the same thing.

Oh, and it's also true that Force Fields does nothing for a Defender's secondary, just like it adds nothing to a Corruptor's primary. After all, Defenders have ranged damage as their secondary focus.
Yes, but that's their secondary focus. Not that I'm happy about it, of course, but Defenders are NOT intended to be the primary ranged damage dealers for their "side". As I said, you can regard their attacks as support for their primary powers when soloing, to allow them to defeat foes with no damage dealing powers in their Primary.

Of course, you could argue that Corruptors aren't actually the primary ranged damage dealers for the villain side, either; that Dominators are, or that villains aren't supposed to have primary ranged damage dealers at all. (The damage dealers are Brutes and Stalkers, everyone else is just support) However, I would rather not open the floor to THAT debate.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Well, it just seems to me that since Detention Shield (or for that matter, Sonic Cage) on a foe precludes you and your team being able to damage it, it would be nice if some damage were dealt to compensate, even if only partially. And it WOULD be in concept, in JLU Green Lantern was seen to use his bubbles to "suffocate" foes, or to contain their own attacks so they would knock themselves out.

At the very least, a -regen would be nice, so the foe doesn't come out of the cage better off than when he went in. An amount of damage than counters his regen would accomplish the same thing.
Well, it's easier to debuff a target's -regen to the point that it won't regain any health than it is to calibrate damage on a per-foe basis to counteract regen and adjust accordingly. Also, as i recall (and i may be wrong), Arcanaville posted that the Devs had given some consideration to adding -regen to cage powers. i'm betting on adding debuffs being a more likely solution.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Well, it's easier to debuff a target's -regen to the point that it won't regain any health than it is to calibrate damage on a per-foe basis to counteract regen and adjust accordingly. Also, as i recall (and i may be wrong), Arcanaville posted that the Devs had given some consideration to adding -regen to cage powers. i'm betting on adding debuffs being a more likely solution.
Good point.

I wonder if it's possible to debuff regen into the negative.

Seriously, I would like to see a near floor of regen, and then a trickle damage to ensure some is lost. Not much, not enough to kill the foe on its own, but enough to justify the time of intangibility, and ensure the foe is very likely to NOT GAIN HP, even if he has fairly high regen.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I wonder if it's possible to debuff regen into the negative.
Sorry, no. One, the floor for regeneration is zero. But also two, even if the floor wasn't zero, I think the game engine has no concept of negative regeneration. Regeneration affects the regen tick rate. I don't think the game servers are capable of making regeneration ticks happen backwards in time. Might have to wait for CoH 2.0 for that feature.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sorry, no. One, the floor for regeneration is zero. But also two, even if the floor wasn't zero, I think the game engine has no concept of negative regeneration. Regeneration affects the regen tick rate. I don't think the game servers are capable of making regeneration ticks happen backwards in time. Might have to wait for CoH 2.0 for that feature.
Isn't Negative Regeneration Really DoT, which is a secondary of most fire Sets?

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I can care less if Corruptor gets force field.

I only want /Poison!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
SorrI don't think the game servers are capable of making regeneration ticks happen backwards in time. Might have to wait for CoH 2.0 for that feature.
[snurk] Good point.



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
Isn't Negative Regeneration Really DoT, which is a secondary of most fire Sets?
Fire Damage... The secret Time-Traveling -Regen power!!

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
Hes got a good point though.

You don't do alot with Bubbles, but you bring more protection to the team then an Emp that is constantly spamming heals.
Yeah, it's on top of his head.

He/she/it implied that ALL Empaths are nothing but healbots. Which is patently incorrect.



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
Isn't Negative Regeneration Really DoT, which is a secondary of most fire Sets?
In all seriousness, no. If Positive regeneration increased the *size* of the regen ticks, then negative regen would reduce the ticks to negative values, which would effectively be self-imposed DoT rather than regen. But positive regeneration doesn't increase the size of the ticks, it speeds them up. In effect, your regeneration rate tells the game server when your next tick of regeneration should occur. Zero regen would make the tick interval infinitely large and cause the next tick to never happen. Negative regen would, if it were possible, dictate to the game engine to apply the regen ticks in the past. Which of course it can't do.

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Arcana is just trying to thwart my attempts to have all Fire sets renamed to Super Mega Secret Time-Traveling Negative-Regeneration Power!™

Well played Arcana... Well played...

I'll get you... And your little dog too!

So, instead -Regen would be a case of "Retcon: You DID NOT Heal That Beforehand Power".

Somehow it lacks the same pizazz.

le sigh

Anyway... bubbles, bubbles... who's got the bubbles?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"