did they remove streak breaker?




not only am I having absolutely horrible hit rolls on my new dominator in praetoria but it appears as if the streak breaker is MIA as well.

I have noticed several strings of 3, 4 or 5 misses in a row with a to hit chance of 70 - 90% but here's the latest and worst one yet.

to hit % -- # rolled
87.6 -- 97.57
73.0 -- 83.94
87.6 -- 88.60
73.0 -- 82.97
73.0 -- 98.09
73.0 -- 86.60
73.0 -- 77.12

finally, after 7 straight misses I rolled a 26.44 against a 87.6% chance to hit. none of these, including the one that finally hit showed the message that I "was forced to hit by the streak breaker"

if my math is even close, the odds of rolling 7 misses in a row at those odds is approximately 0.000024. pretty sure that's right up there with the odds of winning a $50 million lottery.

with all to hit rolls being 70% or greater, I thought the streak breaker was supposed to kick in before 8 rolls went by. is the streak breaker still in game? if so, shouldn't it have kicked in during that string of rolls?



They have not removed it, as far as I know. The streak breaker should work like so:

Final to-hit : misses allowed
>.9 : 1
.8-.9 : 2
.6-.8 : 3
.4-.6 : 4
.3-.4 : 6
.2-.3 : 8
0 -.2 : 100

So, after three misses, you should have been forced to hit. I don't know why that wouldn't happen, but it could just be a perception issue. With actual data though, maybe there is a problem with it, or even just a display issue.

May I ask what you were fighting? I only ask because maybe it's a display problem with the ToHit value.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Are you running a damage aura or another aura that needs a tohit check?



i can't add any numbers, as i refuse to integrate math into my leisure time activities, but the misses in Praetoria are maddening, and appear to be quite alot more prolific the in either red or blue side. i'm running two dom's, a scrapper, and a brute, and it's been the same for all of them, but you definitely notice it more with the dom's. so as completely unfounded, unofficial support to your well math'ed out example, i agree, something ain't working right..... my initial assumption was that the "acc bonus" for lowbies may not have made it into Praetoria, but, like i said, i ain't puttin in the effort to disect it, i'll just rant and rave at my computer like an idiot

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



I have noticed longer chains of misses. Strikebreaker may be bugged.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Some enemies in Praetoria have defense.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Some enemies in Praetoria have defense.
Irrelevant. The OP was posting actual to hit numbers from his combat log. These are the final numbers AFTER defense is taken into account.

OP: You can't count the entire string of 7 attacks. When your to hit number is bouncing up and down, like the first few, it resets the streakbreaker. I think those four results in a row of 73.00 are a problem, though, unless the first one doesn't count due to the change from the previous to hit value. I'm not certain exactly where the reset occurs when you have varying to hit values.

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The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Some enemies in Praetoria have defense.
and wouldn't that be reflected in the combat logs, which is where I got these numbers? from what I have seen, the to hit values are modified by the target's defense or any debuffs on me.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
They have not removed it, as far as I know. The streak breaker should work like so:

Final to-hit : misses allowed
>.9 : 1
.8-.9 : 2
.6-.8 : 3
.4-.6 : 4
.3-.4 : 6
.2-.3 : 8
0 -.2 : 100

So, after three misses, you should have been forced to hit. I don't know why that wouldn't happen, but it could just be a perception issue. With actual data though, maybe there is a problem with it, or even just a display issue.

May I ask what you were fighting? I only ask because maybe it's a display problem with the ToHit value.
it's not a perception issue as those numbers were taken from the in game combat log. I always track the to hit rolls in a chat channel for just that reason. when I feel like I am missing too often, I review the combat logs to see what it shows for to hit % and number "rolled"



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post

May I ask what you were fighting? I only ask because maybe it's a display problem with the ToHit value.
sorry, meant to respond to your question - I was fighting minion level ghouls in the sewers and I remember thinking that I was getting totally smacked around by 3 minions and couldn't seem to hit them for anything



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Are you running a damage aura or another aura that needs a tohit check?
I have conductive aura but I don't think it was on at the time. though I believe its to hit rolls show up in the combat log along with the regular attacks.

I know that I have seen a "miss" float up over the head of a mob while I just stood there with conductive on to do some testing of its ability to drain energy and return it to me. and when I checked the combat logs, it did show conductive aura hitting and missing and the associated numbers for to hit and number rolled.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Irrelevant. The OP was posting actual to hit numbers from his combat log. These are the final numbers AFTER defense is taken into account.

OP: You can't count the entire string of 7 attacks. When your to hit number is bouncing up and down, like the first few, it resets the streakbreaker. I think those four results in a row of 73.00 are a problem, though, unless the first one doesn't count due to the change from the previous to hit value. I'm not certain exactly where the reset occurs when you have varying to hit values.
first I have heard of the streak breaker resetting if the to hit numbers vary. you are seldom going to have all your attacks slotted, especially in the lower levels, equally. the 87s were from an attack I have slotted with a couple of training accuracies, the 73s were probably from attacks without an active accuracy enhancement or a veteran power.

or is the problem if you jump in and out of different bands? using aett_thorns chart, I would be jumping between the .8 -.9 and .6 -.8 bands. if that's the case, then there's a possibility that would account for the results I saw. I thought I wrote them down correctly, in the order listed in the combat log. but possibly, I hit attacks in just the wrong sequence, something like: 87, 73, 73, 87, 73, 73, 73.

but even then, the next attack, another at 87, should have indicated that it hit due to the streak breaker and not because I finally rolled a low enough number. though I guess it could look to see if I was still in the same band before determining if it hit due to the streak breaker.

if that's the case, guess I better go buy a training enhancement for a couple of powers so they are all in the same band of to hit numbers.



I don't know if this applys or not but it sure seems like ghouls never miss with those thrown rocks of thiers!



Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
I don't know if this applys or not but it sure seems like ghouls never miss with those thrown rocks of thiers!
ain't that the truth with the way my luck has been going, I am looking to trade in lightning bolt for a back pack of rocks.



I'm pretty sure I've seen the "attack was forced to hit by streakbreaker"
msg in the combat logs for my Praetorian, although I don't know that the criteria
it uses in Praetoria is identical to CoH/V (I don't know it isn't either, of course)

I think there's enough uncertainty here to suggest that what occurred could
be WAI. I notice that I tend to miss more often when I throw in vet attacks
(both because they're intrinsically less accurate, but also because it changes
which streakbreaker range you're in).

Accuracy and To-Hit issues/complaints crop up at pretty much every
major release, and typically they're unfounded.

I'm not saying that's definitely the case here, but I'm certain we'd need
many more observations to substantiate whether there is an actual issue
or not. I'd assume it's working, but if you feel it isn't, you may want to
set up a session where you can keep and track some Herostat numbers
over an extended amount of time.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I like to keep track of my To Hit rolls in a separate chat tab. If you have something like that, it should be relatively simple to have a look and see if there is indeed a problem. Perhaps you could post it for a numbers guru to have a look at, or email it to... uh... I can't remember who does that anymore, but one of the devs.

Alternatively, we could wait for Arcanaville to show up, since she appears to know more about combat mechanics than anyone.

My own logs show streakbreaker kicking in at the proper number of misses, as far as I can tell.



The streakbreaker goes by the least favorable to you. So if you use, before the streak breaker kicks in and/or you hit naturally, a really low accuracy attack (say one that got you a sixty percent final to-hit) it uses that for the streak breaker. So normally if you miss three times and your accuracy is about 80%, that 3rd time the breaker kicks in. But if you instead on that 3rd attack used something with a 50% chance to hit, say, then it will look at the last 4 attacks, not 3, to decided if it needs to break your streak.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



This is still my favorite "holy bleep" miss streak of all time. It's with a pseudo-pet, though, and they clearly don't get the streakbreaker.


The Mastermind Project
Leveling every primary/secondary to 50!
50: Bot/FF, Bot/Dark, Ninja/Trap, Merc/Pain, Necro/Dark, Thug/Dark
Works in Progress: Thug/TA, Merc/Poison, Thug/Pain, Ninja/Pain, Thug/Storm



As they say - probability theory plays no favorites.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.