Welcome to Longbow, Mr. Crab Spider Longfang
My huntsman, Midnight Renegade has already gone Rogue, just entered paragon city for the first time this afternoon.
I was going to leave him at rogue so I could use him to run both TF's and SF's but with the travel options being limited to visitors, I may go all the way to hero then to vigilante, as travel is harder in paragon city than the rogue isles.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

My Bane is halfway across the border now, with the other half being done after i get the last villainside day job badge i'm still missing.
My Huntsman, Huntsman Raynard, is actually my Vigilante Scrapper Bloodwolf in disguise. He's been infiltrating Arachnos. I already have a Longbow costume ready for him to infiltrate Longbow on occasion as well.
Personally, I don't see Crab Spiders as being good infiltrators of Longbow, but given that they probably could use the help I wouldn't see them turning away an obvious defector. I do think that the Huntsman build would be the most appropriate for Longbow, though, since you would essentially be a Nullifier or Spec-Ops.
Another possibility is to go with a male Night Widow and try to look sort of Spines-like.
Actually, my Huntsman, Operative Nobel, will be going rogue to infiltrate Longbow along with a couple of others.
Just got my Night Widow over last night, went Rogue and loved it. Avenger Spardanae uses very Widow like powers as an Avenger (think D&D non-evil Assassin) and has a Widow costume for infiltration within Arachnos and so may do a little on the side for Longbow after working with them during my tip missions.
Probably going to switch him over to Vigilante once the mood takes me.
Planning on going hero/vigilante on my crab, eventually. These tip missions are crazy.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I'm definitely planning on taking my lowbie Spider at least to Rogue if not full-blown Hero (I'm sentimental when it comes to redemption arcs). I can see I'm far from the only one who has considered an infiltration/mole backstory. Any other fans of Ed Brubaker's series Sleeper out there?
Funny thing about the infiltration idea is my poor Widow is coming from the other direction. She was supposed to be infiltrating Arachnos, as a young, ambitious Longbow scout. A year and a half later she's forgotten all about her old life - not exactly by choice - and exists as a loyal Arachnos agent.
Now with GR here I'll probably take her at least as far as Rogue, probably eventually go full hero, after unlocking the PPP (Since, from what I've read, there are no APPs proliferated to 'em)
Funny thing about the infiltration idea is my poor Widow is coming from the other direction. She was supposed to be infiltrating Arachnos, as a young, ambitious Longbow scout.

My current Bane/Huntman is staying, but I intend to build a new one for the purpose of border jumping.
EDIT: Said Bane told me to screw off, and went rogue. I assume he'll be a hero soon enough.
Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]
what would be really neet is if we had access to the rogue arachnos emblems instead of just the normal arachnos emblem...
should someone PM a specific dev to see if this could be done? Noble savage or JLove maybe?

My crab / bane officially crossed over last night, after completing the rogue morality mission.
First task? STF Isn't it tradition to get revenge on your ex-boss?
My crab didn't really like how she was drafted and defected as soon as she could.
Too bad for Arachnos, nee?
Just curious, anyone going to defect and resign their commission?
My Widow is in the process of going Rogue. I haven't decided yet if she's moving to Paragon to spy or if she's turned over a new leaf. She's from King's Row originally so it may be that she'll be happy to be home.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Ecstasy of Gold was drafted into Arachnos at the age of five and was totally brainwashed into the Destiny propaganda until one day something just... snapped.
I'm taking Ex to full hero as soon as humanly possible.
All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.
But memories remain, And that is beautiful.

Stygian Variolus (Real name: Record not found) grew up idolizing Blackarachnia from Beast Wars for multiple reasons, not least among them the spidery predacon's fierce independent streak. This is likely why she threw off the yoke of control and inserted herself onto the Project Destiny list as soon as she could...and why every costume including her official uniform resembles that femme fatale to varying degrees.
My Huntsman Arbiter Raich has already gone hero, though hes had met quite a few longbow agents that have met the barrel of his gun or have been smacked upside the head with his arbiter mace in times past. Most of them were not jumping for joy when he redeemed himself. Our friendly neighborhood arbiter thinks Paragon city is ok as far as cities go but can't get over the lack of litter, gambling establishments and porno shops. Not that he condones any of these activities. The good (good being a relative term,) thinks of Paragon is like the Rogue Isles if they went Disney. More to come.
what would be really neet is if we had access to the rogue arachnos emblems instead of just the normal arachnos emblem...
should someone PM a specific dev to see if this could be done? Noble savage or JLove maybe? |
My Bane spider was always a ghost so leaving was an actual option. I used the Fortunata as a captured Carnie of Light so she left. Widow and Crab are quite happy working for Arachnos.
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
My Widow, Cholula, is staying firmly on the wicked side of the world with her Crab Spider pal Rules (FCM and I always run them as a duo-), but my silly little "chibi" Bane, Mameshiba? He's likely to end up a Rogue at the very least.
I just can't look at him and see "seriously evil dude". He's just too cute to be bad.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Just curious, anyone going to defect and resign their commission?