Dark Astoria Revamp




After reading Memphis Bill's fantastic idea for a rework of the Folly, I find myself eager to offer suggestions on ways to "Fix" Dark Astoria while potentially making TCS happy at the same time...

First we have to ask ourselves "Why?"

I think the answer is obvious, myself, but not everyone sees things the same. It's a fairly large city/hazard zone with wonderful ambiance and some great (themed) districts. It has the largest graveyard in the game and is the home (more or less) of the Banished Pantheon itself. It is, however, devoid of contacts or storyarcs specific to itself, and is, instead, utilized only as a "Go To" location from Talos Island. It is incredibly underutilized and terribly awesome. We need to change that.

So here are my suggestions for the zone.

  1. 1) Add a Rift.

    "Rift?" you say! "What is a Rift?" A Rift, in this case, is a planar gateway in Dark Astoria. It leads between the dimensions and is the main method of travel between our reality and a place where the Pantheon finds itself trapped. A Snare in realities caused by BP interference with space and time, mystically rather than technologically.

  2. 2) Add Contacts

    I'd like to see ten or twelve contacts with arcs added to Dark Astoria. something comparable to Croatoa's content. However that makes no sense since Croatoa contains only five contacts... See alteration 3.

  3. 3) Mirror Zone.

    Heroes and Villains should both have access to Dark Astoria. Wipe the coffee/tea/milk off your computer monitor and read on, friends!

    Utilizing the Planar Rip as an explanation create two separate but equal versions of Dark Astoria. One for Heroes, one for Villains. Each would have the same number of contacts in the zone, both would be fighting against the Banished Pantheon and likely as not the Circle of Thorns. The big catch is this: The Villain Arcs use different contacts and different -methods- to accomplish similar goals.

    The BP need to sacrifice a group of people to widen the Rift. The heroes risk life and limb to get close enough to rescue them, while the Villains risk life and limb to get close enough to kill the hostages in a way which doesn't satisfy the ritual, for example.

    Make heavy use of the vanishing contact technology, here, allowing the Hero contacts to send you to the Villain contacts in their version of the zone. Make the Hero and Villain contacts important to both storylines, but also be sure to alter their personalities slightly to create a sense of disconnect between the two realities.

  4. 4) Utilize the planar Rift as a gateway for Rogues and Vigilantes.

    They can hurl themselves into the parallel dimension to pass through it. Perhaps make a short "Grey Alignment Only" mission or mission chain to acquire some artifact or another which lets the transfer occur.

  5. 5) Put a Gateway in Sharkhead Isle

    This would be the Villain entry point to Dark Astoria, it could use the "Vanishing Contact" tech to appear only when a villain is level-appropriate to travel through it, and should probably look like a rip, rather than a circular portal. I'd suggest getting a short animation of Dark Astoria to play through the center of the rip.

  6. 6) There is no Point Six!

    It doesn't exist. I think this should be a plot point in a storyarc. have several points as "Goto" locations followed by a small hunt (go to point 1, defeat 10 BP, go to Point 2, Defeat 10 BP, and so on). Then, after five, have the player return to the contact and ask about the sixth point and get told "There were only five" though in the initial text the contact said six... It should lead to some minor confusion until you learn that the contact is a double agent! Oh Noes!

    Or something like that.

  7. 7) A "Gray" storyarc for each Gray Alignment.

    I'd like to see a Vigilante storyarc in the Villain version of the zone and a Rogue storyarc in the hero version of the zone. Barring that I'd like to see Vigilantes and Rogues given a moral choice at the end of a storyarc specific to them in their native-alignment zone version. At the end of the mission Vigilantes will have the option of throwing either a criminal or themselves into the planar rift to stop the evil Gods from returning. Rogues will have the choice of an innocent or themselves.

    If the Rogue throws herself in, she gets transferred to the Hero instance and is allowed to become a hero, regardless of how many morality missions she's done. If the Vigilante throws the Criminal into the rift he can choose to become a villain, regardless of how many morality missions he's done.

I'd love to hear further suggestions or alterations applied to this suggestion. If you have something you think would make it better, please speak up! If you care to shout it down, please be reasoned in your arguments.




1) A little more building decay. Take out the fog and DA is in great shape. Ever see the History Channel series "Life After People"? Add some ivy and moss growth on the buildings, pools of water around broken fire hydrants, oil leaks under cars, etc. Nothing like Boomtown's destruction, but there should be a "Decayed building" exterior that's inbetween Steel Canyon's immaculate buildings and Boomtown's desroyed ones.

2) Why is there never a point 6?



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
1) A little more building decay. Take out the fog and DA is in great shape. Ever see the History Channel series "Life After People"? Add some ivy and moss growth on the buildings, pools of water around broken fire hydrants, oil leaks under cars, etc. Nothing like Boomtown's destruction, but there should be a "Decayed building" exterior that's inbetween Steel Canyon's immaculate buildings and Boomtown's desroyed ones.

2) Why is there never a point 6?
Love it, BBQ!

And there's no point six because I was playing off Memphis Bill's post in his "Revamp Crey's Folly" thread. It was sort of a holdover joke. >.>




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post

And there's no point six because I was playing off Memphis Bill's post in his "Revamp Crey's Folly" thread. It was sort of a holdover joke. >.>
I was almost hoping it was a movie/tv/other reference that I didn't get.

Anyway, to add:
3) Potholes and cracks in the roads, have an overpass or two be collapsed.

4) Moar Ghosts. wut?
What: Example1: Ghost Mist. A non-targetable mist appears, forms into a humanoid shape, moans (or shrieks), then fades away.
Example2: Ghosts (use the croatoa phantoms or any existing ingame ones) in a NPC fight against BP. One faction could 'lose' by having an animation of glowing chains burst from the earth and drag them down.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
3) Potholes and cracks in the roads, have an overpass or two be collapsed.

4) Moar Ghosts. wut?
What: Example1: Ghost Mist. A non-targetable mist appears, forms into a humanoid shape, moans (or shrieks), then fades away.
Example2: Ghosts (use the croatoa phantoms or any existing ingame ones) in a NPC fight against BP. One faction could 'lose' by having an animation of glowing chains burst from the earth and drag them down.
Love it!

How about adding in a few phantoms which don't -look- like phantoms? They look like normal people (solid rather than translucent) who are doing the crazy "Running away!" emote as they run towards the character, then shout something which makes no sense out of context, then vanish as they get close to the player?





Tossing a few more things out there:
A few episodes of Ghost Hunters and the like should provide ideas.
-The glowing-ball-of-light thing "orbs" is represented by Will-O-Wisps in Croatoa.

-Unfortunately, having someone appear, then disappear by walking through a wall might just look like a normal NPC with bad map interaction.

-How would you like to be in a mission map where black mist did the same thing as the white mist I mentioned before? Or formed into a human shape, addressed you by name*, then went through a wall.

*creepiest? Instead of charactername, it uses the first name on the account info. "Help me, Rebecca, Help meeeeeee...."



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I was almost hoping it was a movie/tv/other reference that I didn't get.

Thoughts -

I still don't really buy the whole "give villains access to DA," even as a separate-but-equal zone... at least directly. However, Heroes going from DA to a sort of spirit-DA wouldn't hurt, and having it mirror in Sharkhead (Potter's Field most likely, since we still have COT and BP there) makes a degree of sense... go "under" Potter's Field, find the rift, go through, end up in a blighted spirit-DA. (This should show far more than just the current city - as I'm recalling, Moth Cemetery is *ancient,* so bits of Native American, pioneer, etc. architecture and decoration should be around. Anything that would have left a 'spiritual mark' on the area.)

Decay... actually, no. Have the interior of the war wall show it, have a few "new" pieces near the entrance show it - then have the rest of the zone stay pristine but foggy, to bring up a "Why does this *not* look old?" - something that could conceivably be investigated in an arc. (Simply, the BP ritual did more than just sacrifice everyone in the zone - the zone itself could be "stunned" in time.)

"Villains have to kill in a way that doesn't satisfy the ritual." I'd honestly like an alternative. Sure, some of my 'villains' would - though really that makes them more bullies than 'villains,' a problem with a lot of redside content. Give me another way (alternate path/contact) to disrupt it so that I can profit by it without just killing everything I see. (Basically, I come out looking good to whoever I save, rubbing the heroes noses in it, and still make a profit of some sort.)

Heroside, you've got one other faction to take into account - the Tsoo are there looking for "something" for Tub Ci. There's a lot of preexisting "hinted at" story there (help the COT maintain "the sleeper's" bindings, find what the Tsoo are looking for, help seal off Mot/fight the Pantheon itself, maybe get Tielekku (sp?) up to help... or save her.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Decay... actually, no. Have the interior of the war wall show it, have a few "new" pieces near the entrance show it - then have the rest of the zone stay pristine but foggy, to bring up a "Why does this *not* look old?" - something that could conceivably be investigated in an arc. (Simply, the BP ritual did more than just sacrifice everyone in the zone - the zone itself could be "stunned" in time.)
Maybe. Or......:
Throw in references in one arc about how the zone was "stunned in time", for a while after the great sacrifice. But have the contact worried why all of a sudden, the inevitable decay is so quickly catching up. This is a bad sign, $Heroname, and we've gotta find out why!

Honestly, there are enough people that want a DA revamp that if we put our heads together, we could come up with a solid proposal and a fairly fleshed out set-up.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I still don't really buy the whole "give villains access to DA," even as a separate-but-equal zone... at least directly. However, Heroes going from DA to a sort of spirit-DA wouldn't hurt, and having it mirror in Sharkhead (Potter's Field most likely, since we still have COT and BP there) makes a degree of sense... go "under" Potter's Field, find the rift, go through, end up in a blighted spirit-DA. (This should show far more than just the current city - as I'm recalling, Moth Cemetery is *ancient,* so bits of Native American, pioneer, etc. architecture and decoration should be around. Anything that would have left a 'spiritual mark' on the area.)
The issue with putting both heroes and villains in the same zone is, as it always is. Co-Op content favors one side or the other (always heroes)

Hence why I suggest making a "Hero" and a "Villain" version of the zone as two near realities in what is, effectively, an accordion of potential versions of Dark Astoria. Reality, there, is a broken spring with pieces overlapping between the spirit realm and the living realm thanks to the BP's massive ritual. Whether it was intended or not is a different question altogether.

It would allow for two (or more!) completely different paths through the same content.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Decay... actually, no. Have the interior of the war wall show it, have a few "new" pieces near the entrance show it - then have the rest of the zone stay pristine but foggy, to bring up a "Why does this *not* look old?" - something that could conceivably be investigated in an arc. (Simply, the BP ritual did more than just sacrifice everyone in the zone - the zone itself could be "stunned" in time.)
Honestly, I could go either way on this one. Maybe have the villain version of the zone be the one with decay? It could also be an interesting change to move all the contacts and zone spawns so that they are different on either side of the mirror held up between the two versions of reality.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
"Villains have to kill in a way that doesn't satisfy the ritual." I'd honestly like an alternative. Sure, some of my 'villains' would - though really that makes them more bullies than 'villains,' a problem with a lot of redside content. Give me another way (alternate path/contact) to disrupt it so that I can profit by it without just killing everything I see. (Basically, I come out looking good to whoever I save, rubbing the heroes noses in it, and still make a profit of some sort.)
How about an alternative to both options!

Four versions of every mission or, at least, every arc in the zone. Hero, Vigilante, Rogue, and Villain. From Paragon you can only access the Hero or Vigilante path, from the Isles only Rogue or Villain. Would that satisfy?

Heroes save the sacrifices. Vigilantes take down the cultists. Rogues kidnap the victims, saving them, but charging Paragon for the service, and Villains kill the victims.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Heroside, you've got one other faction to take into account - the Tsoo are there looking for "something" for Tub Ci. There's a lot of preexisting "hinted at" story there (help the COT maintain "the sleeper's" bindings, find what the Tsoo are looking for, help seal off Mot/fight the Pantheon itself, maybe get Tielekku (sp?) up to help... or save her.)
I'm not trying to write the arcs in the thread, Bill. Just come up with a story-appropriate explanation for the changes I'm offering. That said I'd love to see Tub Ci and the Tsoo get some stuff done in DA, as well. And, perhaps, even run a mission or two with Ghost Tsoo, killed and bound into service by the BP or CoT!




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The issue with putting both heroes and villains in the same zone is, as it always is. Co-Op content favors one side or the other (always heroes)
True. One of the issues with RWZ, IMHO. (Even if I do get to beat on Longbow, saving them ahead of time for no personal "payoff" like them leaving me alone in Grandville is just irritating.)

Honestly, I could go either way on this one. Maybe have the villain version of the zone be the one with decay? It could also be an interesting change to move all the contacts and zone spawns so that they are different on either side of the mirror held up between the two versions of reality.
Well, that or I could go with BBQ's last post, too. It works for me.

I'm not trying to write the arcs in the thread, Bill. Just come up with a story-appropriate explanation for the changes I'm offering. That said I'd love to see Tub Ci and the Tsoo get some stuff done in DA, as well. And, perhaps, even run a mission or two with Ghost Tsoo, killed and bound into service by the BP or CoT!

Oh, I know you're not writing them, just didn't want that other side of this forgotten. (And shameless plug for arc 1120, which I really probably need to update at some time.)



I was thinking a silent hill vibe. Remove almost all the static mobs, replace them with intermittant low-level ambushes. There's nowhere to hide in Dark Astoria, the dead will eventually find you!

Would be a very different vibe.

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Vanishing Contacts would be great for spookyness, IMO. Finish a mission, and the contact just vanishes.

Modifying the radio to play spooky static would be cool as well. Perhaps add a few silent hill style tips.

But most importantly, every contact should vanish after their quest. For added spookyness.



Actually, I had the same view of the DA region. It, especially the fog, reminded me of the Silent Hil game series. Daemon entities, ghosts, etc all even feed into this. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want that sort of revamp or story arc. The idea of story arcs, contacts and other additions are a great idea though.

Story arc ideas? What about stopping the near success of the resurrection of the sleeping entity, Lughebu? Hell, maybe even make it a TF.



Here's an idea for an arc/tf/whatever.

The TF giver is a S.A.M. Agent whose brother was killed during the assault on Astoria. As a result, he's dedicated himself to banishing the Banished Parthenon once and for all. Unfortunately, he's less Van Helsing and more Harry Mason.

The arc has you dig through darkness, learning more about the Parthenon, While you investigate the ghostly (and undead) inhabitants of Astoria. Each soul you put to rest leads you closer to the horrifying truth.

All the while, a mysterious figure stalks you through the fog. Is he friend or foe?

Can you grant rest to the people of Astoria?

Can you prevent Mot from rising?

Who is that mysterious figure? And more importantly... what are his motives?

What happened to your contacts brother? (No points for guessing this one. *cough*)

Woooo, spooky...



I like them to replace the buildings with the gothic ones you see in Bloody Bay, with the same winding narrow streets too.
And knock a hole in the wall by the sea to make a swampy area, so the Banish Pantheon can get their voodoo thing on

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Why not just utilize the new morality feature and have them both in the same zone. Let your character decide if he wants to murder the hostages or save them, then have it count towards your characters' "morality".

We don't have to make zones like the RWZ where the story has to be convoluted to fit both factions anymore.



A few things I'd like to add to this thread.

1) Someone mentioned BP ambushes. Can we make them like the zombie ambushes? Stand too long in one spot and creep up from underground? Pretty please?

2) Also, I believe a revamp to Boomtown is coming. Hint is because I was in AP earlier and one of the student pamphlets girls said "C'mon people, support us in our cause to revamp Boomtown." Thought to myself, awesome, where do I sign up.

3) Not really too sold on contacts being in the zone. Unless maybe they're ghost that want to R.I.P then disapear once their arc is finished?

Note - Can someone link me to Bill's CF revamp thread? Would really like to check that out.
Edit *Nvm, found it

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



I'd like an architectural review- the CoV buildings would 'fit' better than the CoH ones. Drape 'em with some spanish moss, maybe import some of the creepy forest details from Croatoa....done and done.

Aside from a facelift I'd like some kind of Hollows-style content- a spooky TF and some kind of repeatable mission generator wouldn't be too a ton of work and would go a long way to making the zone less of a 'ghost' town (haw haw).

Although I'd support basically anything that doesn't disrupt the main thing I love about the zone- giant spawns of highly flammable zombies to roast. =)

/edit- also , c'mon it's the perfect co-op zone.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Example2: Ghosts (use the croatoa phantoms or any existing ingame ones) in a NPC fight against BP. One faction could 'lose' by having an animation of glowing chains burst from the earth and drag them down.

Have ghostly arms pulling down the Ghosts or Zombie arms pulling down the BP, have the NPCs scream as they get pulled under the ground (it can sound similar to the carnie death scream).