Discussion: Are you ready for Issue 18: Shades of Gray?




Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
It happens on all the servers, we wouldn't want to leave anyone out!
I didn't mean to imply that there was an intention to leave people out, just that such events might happen with greater frequency on certain servers. I suggested this partially because this is the first time I've ever seen evidence of such events (aside from Training Room / Pocket D meet'n'greets). Truly not in the spirit of finger-pointing or nay-saying!



How does the server transfer work? If I transfer to a server with 12 toons on it, will I have to delete some or will they count as extra character slots?



You need to have a free slot to move the character to.

You will get 2 slots free at the same time as the transfer though which is really nice

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
You need to have a free slot to move the character to.

You will get 2 slots free at the same time as the transfer though which is really nice
Thanks Tanstaafl.



O.O Alrighty then. It is a very rare event where I have something positive to say about a dev announcement without the caveat of 2 or 3 negative things added in but...

YAY! This is complete awesomeness.

free server transfers == free name change tokens



Question: will there be a chance to change forum name, to go with the global name change ?

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
Question: will there be a chance to change forum name, to go with the global name change ?
I think, you can get that anytime just by PMing a Mod.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
*looks at maintenance announcement*

So, NCSoft, maintainer of servers.... are you ready for Issue 18?
I think it's quite important that they are

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So when I18 drops, if we preordered GR, does that turn on for us also?



I'm just not sure Issue 18 is ready for me.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
I'm just not sure Issue 18 is ready for me.
its mind is ready for you, but not its body



Hi All... I've seen no sign of the content for issue 18 loading after i log off... Tried turning off firewalls... Still nothing... Any ideas ? Thanks...



Originally Posted by Suzique View Post
Hi All... I've seen no sign of the content for issue 18 loading after i log off... Tried turning off firewalls... Still nothing... Any ideas ? Thanks...
Did it for me several days back. Might be you just didn't notice when it happened. I almost missed it myself.



Hi All... I do have a file by that name, and size, created 8/6/10... Sounds like that's the one... Guess i never saw it load, even though i was looking for it... Thank you all so very much, and thank you for the warm welcome...



dont care to much about i18/gr any more since the incarnate system wont be in them



They never promised the WHOLE incarnate system for i18, just a preview with the first slot, but I suspect this is what you meant, and I would certainly be inclined to agree with you.



Originally Posted by deadlydemoncoh View Post
dont care to much about i18/gr any more since the incarnate system wont be in them
Based on your date for joining the forums I see you have been around for a little while, so let me just ask you this - Would you rather have something released before it was ready or would you rather the Dev's listen to the beta testers and pull it to work on it some more? I personally have seen many Issues released before they were ready and the beating my fun takes due to that is pretty bad. I actually have come pretty close to quitting the game for this very reason on at least three occasions now (Issue 17 being the most recent). I do agree that it is disappointing AND they never should have announced it in the first place unless it was already a done deal. On the other hand, I also think they did the right thing by pulling it and applaud them for it.



I am ready now. I got my 5th piece of Armageddon to put in Trip Mine

GMan, what was wrong with i17?



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I am ready now. I got my 5th piece of Armageddon to put in Trip Mine

GMan, what was wrong with i17?
It took them almost three weeks to fix all the bugs they released with it. Everything from mission bugs, to Globals problems to animation problems, to market problems, etc. . . On top of that was the ENORMOUS lag in every zone. I actually thought that the lag might have been my own issues with my ISP at first, but everyone I talked to AND a lot of people on the various global channels I am a member of complained about the lag. Worst part was, it didn't matter how many people were on the server either. All in all, Issue 17 was probably one of the worst, if not THE worst Issue release I have seen to date. It simply wasn't ready.



just wondering, or I should say just throwing this out there.. but will it affect me for not having bought the GR reorder? like CoV did when it first came out??? or will it not matter?