Brute as damage




Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
I understand your desire to point out stuff which seems "skilled" and wasnt considered by me to make me look bad, but this is just silly...
Those were all examples of things that I've done. Considering the vast number of Master TF's (multiple instances of all four available to heroes, mind you), all of which were PuGs, I've successfully lead with my tank, I'd say I know what I'm talking about when it comes to "skilled" tanking.

At this point I'm just writing you off as irredeemably ignorant.

I'm sorry for your teammates.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
Are we on the WoW Forums now? If you think you can provoke me with stuff like that you are wrong... I dont need to boast my ego on some mmo forum and the people on my server are more then satisfied with the way I play ;p
Lol...from your response I'd say you were provoked =P

Anyway there is no way I'd be a main tank on my ss/fire off tank is even stretching it. For running basic missions with teams yes I've often ran in first becuase I'm just crazy though I've face planted many times. My ss/invul Brute on the other hand I've built to tank because I love the amount of damage he pumps out and the amount of survivability. On my ss/fire however I'd be incredibly reluctant to run in and take the alpha from a Hero. I kind of agree with where your coming from though since brutes have all the aggro management tools and higher base hp then everyone else. I do try to protect squishies when I can, but am glad its not always expected of me. Still I never expect Brutes to tank and unlike tanks the more the merrier.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
A Brute using his Epic Immob to keep things in Burn is sensible. A Huntsman using his because he's about to use his grenades is sensible. Spamming them as a Domi "because you don't have any hard CC available" is just dumb button mashing.
QFT. The bane of my existence is the stupid dom or controller that *MUST* throw out their aoe immob before I get to a pack of enemies. Not because I need to save said moron, but because I'm greedy with my aggro; and I'm not greedy with my aggro because I want to tank said pack of enemies, but because I enjoy saturating my rage bar. If you're going about your brute business effectively, you won't have to worry about tanking the mobs, because they'll come running to you in droves. Believe it or not, taunting helps in "Brute-ing" also. I see the fact that it pulls enemies off of team mates as more of a side benefit than a direct result. The sought after result is that they attack me rather than someone else, and the reasoning is because I need my rage saturated rather than my team mate saved. I really don't see the sense in belaboring the point. The logic may vary, but the end result is the same.

50 Tankers: Ice/EM, Stone/WM, Fire/Stone, Dark/Ice, Inv/SS, Inv/Dark, Elec/Elec
50 Brutes: ElecMelee/EA, WM/Elec



Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
The mentioning of knockdown or even knockback as means of tanking when you are already at the aggro cap is just silly.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Any means of mitigation is good if it means fewer team defeats. Especially if you've just let loose your AoE immob on an entire uncontrolled spawn. Right?

Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
Sure something like footstomp can knock some enemies down, but it will only buy something like ~3 seconds at best. You will also add those enemies to your aggro list because you attacked them, which means you will lose some others which where already on your tail, making everything only more chaotic.
Good tanks are capable of keeping track and rotating out aggro so mobs that escape are reeled back in or otherwise controlled. And what are all the other teammates doing while this is going on? The number of minions should be whittled down fairly fast on a large team.

Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
Enemies which ignore you due to aggro cap also tend to scatter, which means you would have a realy hard time hiting all of them with the footstomp or whatever else. KB would make it even harder to distinguish which enemies are pointing their guns at you or someone else standing behind you.
When a certain tactic isn't optimal for a particular situation, you use another one. Adaptability is a hallmark of successful players and successful teams.

Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
I understand your desire to point out stuff which seems "skilled" and wasnt considered by me to make me look bad, but this is just silly...
I've teamed with Dechs' sand tanker. He knows what he's doing. And any CCer that lets loose an AoE immob - "assuming" that the brute has gathered enough aggro - is, in fact, doing a piss-poor job. Especially if he keeps doing it after repeated faceplants.



There's a key point here: none of the redside ATs lack mitigation. Some are more squishy than others, but all have more capabilities to deal with incoming threats than, say, your typical blaster. Of course, there're lots of outliers (some blasters that play more controllery than some controllers), but the general rule holds.

Pretty much every redside AT has debuffs, defense, resistance, regeneration, heals, mezzes in ample supply. They also all have at least fair damage. In other words, all are hybrids. As such, they strongly blur the damage/support/meatshield roles.

Therefore, there is not nearly as much need for a brute to manage every bit of aggro as there would be for a tanker. Everyone has tools to manage some measure of stray aggro, whether it is threatening them or their teammate. I'm far from being one of the best players (I sometimes do stupid, reckless things just for fun or to see if I can pull them off and survive), but I can still see and appreciate this point.

What the others are describing here seems to be a team where everyone simply inter-operates without locking themselves into that trio of roles.

I can see that there's still a lot I have to learn about tanking too. That bit about using your heavy attacks on minions to eliminate them while attacking the boss frequently (with the lighter quicker recharging attacks, I presume) is something I'll have to keep in mind. Of course, the lag of playing on a substandard computer degraded my performance in general play, heh. Now that I'm on a better computer, I can more easily see where I'm lacking and try to improve.



Originally Posted by Alef_infinity View Post
There's a key point here: none of the redside ATs lack mitigation. Some are more squishy than others, but all have more capabilities to deal with incoming threats than, say, your typical blaster. Of course, there're lots of outliers (some blasters that play more controllery than some controllers), but the general rule holds.

Pretty much every redside AT has debuffs, defense, resistance, regeneration, heals, mezzes in ample supply. They also all have at least fair damage. In other words, all are hybrids. As such, they strongly blur the damage/support/meatshield roles.

Therefore, there is not nearly as much need for a brute to manage every bit of aggro as there would be for a tanker. Everyone has tools to manage some measure of stray aggro, whether it is threatening them or their teammate. I'm far from being one of the best players (I sometimes do stupid, reckless things just for fun or to see if I can pull them off and survive), but I can still see and appreciate this point.

What the others are describing here seems to be a team where everyone simply inter-operates without locking themselves into that trio of roles.
This guy knows what he's talking about. The "holy trinity" does not exist redside... and personally, I really like it that way. It's a huge change of pace that I'm absolutely hooked on.



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
This guy knows what he's talking about. The "holy trinity" does not exist redside... and personally, I really like it that way. It's a huge change of pace that I'm absolutely hooked on.
Minor correction: I'm a she.



The fun thing about this topic is that you all actually agree with one another, you're just so stuck on semantics that you don't know it yet.

All these things are "tactics", and the common mistake novice players in RPG's make is that they look at these "tactics" and assign "roles" to their characters so as to simplify the amount of processing they have to do when creating a strategy to defeat an enemy. This is my tank guy, he does tanking things. This is my healer, she (and it's always a she) will be healing and falling in love with the main character. This is my caster, he's going to shoot things.

This is all fine and dandy, if we were playing an RPG from 15 years ago, but we aren't. A truly good player with a well thought out RPG will not simply assign roles to their units, but be aware of everything their unit can do.

For Example: This guy has 38 DEF, but only 5 M.DEF, however he has an MP draining move, so if his speed is higher than his enemy, it is okay to send him against a spell caster. Situating him nearby his best friend boosts his speed by +10, and his friend has higher magic defense, so despite him normally being the Tank, I'm going to have him act as back up for his friend in this instance and try to finish the spellcaster off before it does much damage.

In this example the "role" of "tanking" is an invalid tactic for the character who typically fulfills it, and that is the fun thing about tactics; You can't just continuously apply them to every situation and be the victor, nor are our characters so limited that they are only capable of utilizing one tactic. If such was the case, I wouldn't be here telling you about it.

Brutes CAN "tank", but that doesn't mean they always SHOULD "tank". A really GOOD player is going to be fully aware of every tactic he can utilize, and when is the best method of utilizing them regardless of his AT and Brutes are no different. An even BETTER player is going to know the capabilities of everyone their team, and adjust themselves accordingly and discuss strategies to improve progress when necessary.

A Brute that knows how to tank is good, but a Brute that knows when to Tank is better, and most of the time a Brute doesn't need to tank. So, should a brute be expected to tank? Only as much as you expect your defender to blast.



Originally Posted by Alef_infinity View Post
Minor correction: I'm a she.
My bad!



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
And while you two are joustling to be in first the Fortuna might decide to open with Psi tornado, the Crab has gone with Venom Grenade whilest the Domi is busy dropping a mez patch from cover or just stunning the lot of them before running in themselves.

That's why I like Villains. Everyone has options and (hopefully) doesn't need to actually rely on one person being Mr Meatshield.
Exactly. One of the reasons why I love villains is that they actually PLAY like villains. Players compete with each other for killing, and basically proving how awesome they are. My mastermind competes with the brute for aggro and taking alpha. The dominator is often doing the same with their controls. The stalker is trying as hard as he can to kill that Boss before the team gets into the fight, the Corrupter is trying to out AoE the Arachnos Soliders, and so on and so forth.

And yet, the still mesh well. Who needs a tank when you have 2 Arachnos on the team, giving you +30% defense? Who needs a tank with two masterminds charging into the thick of things with Debuffs(Or buffs) flying, and soaking up the damage with their gazillion HP? Who needs a tank when that Dominator has the entire spawn held solid, bosses included, in an AoE hold? Who needs a tank when that corrupter has nerfed the spawn with debuffs, or buffed the entire team up?

The only thing a Villain team needs is someone to keep the pace going, and taking alphas. And that spot can be held by different AT's. A well built stalker can take an alpha. A well built Dom can take an Alpha. Brutes and Masterminds can easily take an alpha. Depending on what set they are, Corrupters can easily take alphas.

Tanks are the most unnecessary AT redside.



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post

Tanks are the most unnecessary AT
Fixed that for you.

It is absolutely true.

The best thing about that statement? It's true of every other AT as well.

That's the thing I love about this game, no one AT is any more or less necessary than any other AT. You don't need a tank any more than you need a defender or a corruptor, or a stalker, or a brute. Any team make up can succeed at 99% of the things in this game. Anyone who says "We can't start this TF without a (insert AT here)" is usually being an idiot.

And personally, I don't like teaming with people who have such rigid ideas of what AT is needed for what role.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



The trinity was born out of efficiency. You could usually go another route with potentially more risk or less reward, but the trinity just works well in most games. Add buffs and debuffs and you get even better. It works in COH, blueside or redside, due to Taunt being arguably the most effective control in the game for teams. However, redside ATs don't cater to the trinity like blueside does, mainly due to the absence of a Tanker equivalent. Without that focus in ATs, the trinity becomes less efficient and, consequently, used less often.

Then it becomes a matter of what works in your particular circumstance. Just like teaming without a Tanker blueside, you have to change your expectations when teaming redside. Controls and buffs/debuffs become the most efficient options remaining, which leads to some teams looking down on Stalkers.

There will be some circumstances where this outperforms the trinity (e.g. tightly packed mobs waiting for you with plenty of space between packs). It can be more engaging for the player, because the flow of combat won't be quite so regimented, which may or may not be a selling point to a particular player. That bit of added chaos also carries additional risk. You can mitigate that risk to a degree, but not to the same degree a blueside trinity team can. That's not a gamebreaking issue, just something to remember when playing redside.



I would say you pull it you tank it.

If you cant learn to assist then go solo.

Kittens Club Supergroup Leader@Savannah (Freedom)



Originally Posted by streetlight View Post
The trinity was born out of efficiency. You could usually go another route with potentially more risk or less reward, but the trinity just works well in most games. Add buffs and debuffs and you get even better. It works in COH, blueside or redside, due to Taunt being arguably the most effective control in the game for teams. However, redside ATs don't cater to the trinity like blueside does, mainly due to the absence of a Tanker equivalent. Without that focus in ATs, the trinity becomes less efficient and, consequently, used less often.

Then it becomes a matter of what works in your particular circumstance. Just like teaming without a Tanker blueside, you have to change your expectations when teaming redside. Controls and buffs/debuffs become the most efficient options remaining, which leads to some teams looking down on Stalkers.

There will be some circumstances where this outperforms the trinity (e.g. tightly packed mobs waiting for you with plenty of space between packs). It can be more engaging for the player, because the flow of combat won't be quite so regimented, which may or may not be a selling point to a particular player. That bit of added chaos also carries additional risk. You can mitigate that risk to a degree, but not to the same degree a blueside trinity team can. That's not a gamebreaking issue, just something to remember when playing redside.
Higher risk, almost certainly. Lower reward? No, quite the opposite.

Killing stuff gets you rewards. With the exception of the blaster who is offense incarnate, Redside ATs are much more offensive. They do more damage, they kill faster so as a result they get rewards faster.

This idea that Redside teams are somehow a shadow of their Blueside counterparts and will only function if they've got space and time to rest their weary selves after each fight is laughable.

Let me guess, you play Tankers?

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



i have provoke on my def capped bot/traps MM.. does that make me a tank?

i use seeker drones to negate all the available aggro in any given spawn...Does that make me a tank?

Between some of my pets being on defensive/follow, and others attacking hard targets with AOEs, i'm able to pull more then then aggro cap of any given tanker or brute... Does that make me a tank?

I'm able to CC nearly every mob in a group due to combined immobilize/holds/sheer damage basically every spawn (immobilize charges in like 10 seconds (i think) poison trap is about 25 seconds, damage is well, all the time)...Does that make me a tank?

Really, think about what is being said, and how redside plays out, before you go labeling things 'tanks' or not. Then we'll talk.



A good brute...

No, a good player adapts to fill in with what a team needs to the best of their AT's ability.

The most important thing you can do when you join a team is to ask what they expect of you. If their expectations don't jibe with what you want to do or what is within your capabilities then you need to decide if you want to leave or stay. Communication solves most of the little problems in life.

If you don't want to tanks as a brute then find someone who will.

If you don't mind tabbing to that purple boss beating down your support team member and tossing a "pity taunt" so they can have some fun too then do that.

If the team knows what to expect from you they won't have reason to condemn you unless you suck at what you agreed to do.



Originally Posted by Briarpatch View Post
A good brute...

No, a good player adapts to fill in with what a team needs to the best of their AT's ability.

The most important thing you can do when you join a team is to ask what they expect of you. If their expectations don't jibe with what you want to do or what is within your capabilities then you need to decide if you want to leave or stay. Communication solves most of the little problems in life.

If you don't want to tanks as a brute then find someone who will.

If you don't mind tabbing to that purple boss beating down your support team member and tossing a "pity taunt" so they can have some fun too then do that.

If the team knows what to expect from you they won't have reason to condemn you unless you suck at what you agreed to do.
Good try, but no

A good player adapts to the needs of the team, yeah, I can run with that to a point. If I am playing on one of my brutes with a bunch of schmucks, guess what, some of em are gonna die, a lot. People assume too much, especially stupid people. I shouldn't have to ask my team what they expect from me, and when someone thinks they are gonna tell me how to play my toon, well, good luck with that.

Too many people are hung up on the holy trinity. If the holy trinity was so important, you wouldnt have all troller teams smashing STFs. There is more than one way to skin a cat, some people just can't wrap their heads around that. It was like when CoV came out and people complained there was no dedicated healer set. Who needs heals when a good team can kill faster than they are taking on damage? Same goes for the "brutes are tanks" people. I don't take taunt on my brutes, except Willpower. What I do is stay a group ahead of the team and piss everything off before they get there. I do the same thing when I play my tanks, except I actually pay attention to green bars on the rest of the team and taunt accordingly, cus thats what I am supposed to do.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



I think some people want baby sisters an think tanks or brutes are is the problem.

Yesterday did a TF a blaster pulls the AV an expects to live lmao.

An having played a tank in many MMO's dps does not pull a boss less you plan on soloing it.

An if you can then all the power to you.

Kittens Club Supergroup Leader@Savannah (Freedom)



Tanker: Big beefy guy behind a shield who infuriates every enemy in the area. He will, on occasion, break someone's face.

Scrapper: Well-built, limber guy carrying a giant blade and carving up the enemies trying to take down the Tanker. If need be he can heft a shield for a brief period.

Brute: Ripped crazy-eyed guy coated in plate armor who sprints past both the Tanker and Scrapper holding two massive hammers and proceeds to beat the living hell out of everything in sight.

Short version: The Tanker is a steel wall, the Scrapper is a giant white-hot rotary saw, and the Brute is an M-1 Abrams.

Brutes can fill Damage or Tanking depending on their powersets. Hell, even my Fire/Fire, who isn't softcapped to anything, can tank if I really put my fist to the anvil.

Redside AT's are more dynamic than Blueside AT's. That's all there is to it. Adapt and understand, and for the love of all that is holy, don't let that Tankermind tell you to let him tank instead.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



It varies for me, at low levels I enjoy having a Tank on a redside team. My Brute can then just mop up/smash. At mid/high levels it is kind of irritating sometimes, cause the dude wants my agro, which i need. At very high levels, it is again nice to have a tank, thinking LRSF and such. Because there is plenty of agro to go around, and I hate taking all that hate and face planting. (Although with my new guy I have yet to be seriously challenged in standard play.)

Also, annoying enough, some tanks (throwing out 30% here, with no data whatsoever) do not want to tank, they want a Scranker. For the 3% (again, where do I get these numbers???) of Tankers who can afford the I/Os to butcher the tank build into a somewhat okay damage dealing machine, great. For the rest of them it is pathetic. And they steal agro doing this half axed tanking job. They usually do not take taunt, so they are a lame and deficient member of any team. I'm like, get a Brute, you want someone who can take and deal massive damage, they built it already, look around.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Also, annoying enough, some tanks (throwing out 30% here, with no data whatsoever) do not want to tank, they want a Scranker. For the 3% (again, where do I get these numbers???) of Tankers who can afford the I/Os to butcher the tank build into a somewhat okay damage dealing machine, great. For the rest of them it is pathetic. And they steal agro doing this half axed tanking job. They usually do not take taunt, so they are a lame and deficient member of any team. I'm like, get a Brute, you want someone who can take and deal massive damage, they built it already, look around.
Few things bug me more than this. Most people that do this are probably like me, in that they can't build a scrapper tough enough to survive what they want to fight. They're willing to kill slower to have an easier time making a tough character. I gave up on scrappers/brutes for the time and made a tank with the full intention of tanking.

I have a scranker myself, but it's actually the second build for my DA/Fire tank. With most teams, I play the unstoppable wall of unstoppableness build that taunts. The scranker only comes out on two occasions: Tanker Tuesday and any team with more than 5 defender/corruptors. On those occasions it is generally beneficial to be less survivable but have fireball, hasten, build up, and fireball.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Janel View Post
I think some people want baby sisters an think tanks or brutes are is the problem.

Yesterday did a TF a blaster pulls the AV an expects to live lmao.

An having played a tank in many MMO's dps does not pull a boss less you plan on soloing it.

An if you can then all the power to you.
*sigh* it's called teamwork. Last STF I ran on my tank, the group wasn't comfortable with my pulling more than one AV at a time. I was perfectly comfortable, and was even being nice enough to try to keep them away from the stupid squishies in the group that thought it was ok to be in melee range of the AVs.

Soooooooo, guess who pulled the AVs....... The blaster. Then, being a tank that actually likes to do his job, I pulled the AV off the blaster BEFORE he died.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Few things bug me more than this. Most people that do this are probably like me, in that they can't build a scrapper tough enough to survive what they want to fight. They're willing to kill slower to have an easier time making a tough character. I gave up on scrappers/brutes for the time and made a tank with the full intention of tanking.

I have a scranker myself, but it's actually the second build for my DA/Fire tank. With most teams, I play the unstoppable wall of unstoppableness build that taunts. The scranker only comes out on two occasions: Tanker Tuesday and any team with more than 5 defender/corruptors. On those occasions it is generally beneficial to be less survivable but have fireball, hasten, build up, and fireball.
I have this problem, for awhile I had the same problem with brutes. That said, I still make sure my tank can do it's job, sometimes just in a roundabout way.

Now I gotta figure out how to get my brutes where they can shame tanks, without gimping their damage.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by _Deth_ View Post
*sigh* it's called teamwork. Last STF I ran on my tank, the group wasn't comfortable with my pulling more than one AV at a time. I was perfectly comfortable, and was even being nice enough to try to keep them away from the stupid squishies in the group that thought it was ok to be in melee range of the AVs.

Soooooooo, guess who pulled the AVs....... The blaster. Then, being a tank that actually likes to do his job, I pulled the AV off the blaster BEFORE he died.
You're a far better person than I am. Whenever a squishy decides to yank aggro before me I let them die... THEN take aggro. When they complain I simply ask who the tank is.

I love their response, every time: "I was pulling for u!"

No, you weren't.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."