Brute as damage




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Whenever a squishy decides to yank aggro before me I let them die...
Any squishy that gets aggro before me is moving real damn fast. In which case, I'm still an aggroholic, so I'll try to get the aggro before he dies.

Or he's just on his own following rule #2 and #3 to the fullest.* It's all well and good, rule #4 has him, the team, and myself covered.**

*The second rule of DKTF is: at all times you must be having fun. The third rule is: if you think you can handle it, you're free to go for it.

**Fourth rule: If you thought you could handle it, but couldn't, you are expected to get back up or hosp out.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Any squishy that gets aggro before me is moving real damn fast. In which case, I'm still an aggroholic, so I'll try to get the aggro before he dies.

Or he's just on his own following rule #2 and #3 to the fullest.* It's all well and good, rule #4 has him, the team, and myself covered.**

*The second rule of DKTF is: at all times you must be having fun. The third rule is: if you think you can handle it, you're free to go for it.

**Fourth rule: If you thought you could handle it, but couldn't, you are expected to get back up or hosp out.
I suppose I should mention that usually, said squishy is busying himself while I'm in the middle of another spawn. Somewhere in the squishy mentality development, every damage-oriented ranged class gets the idea that, while the designated tank is in one group, they're safe to pull more. If I'm at the aggro cap (which I usually am) it's going to end up being his face that plants.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I enjoy playing blasters randomly, cause I love the big damage. Unfortunately, I have the mentality of a brute. The term "alligator mouth with a hummingbird butt" comes to mind. I almost always try to bite off more than I can chew. So my main is always a brute lol. Plus, seriously, they are the best all around, and who does not love best. One of the few times I really enjoy running a blaster is with a working tanker. (or a taunting brute) Even better if fighting an EB or AV. The big guy gets the attention, and either does or does not do damage, and I sit at range and just hurl pain. Big monster dies, treasure for all. I love that. Unfortunately that's usually when the backup spawns on top of me and I faceplant. I need to make a blaster called dead man walking.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I enjoy playing blasters randomly, cause I love the big damage. Unfortunately, I have the mentality of a brute. The term "alligator mouth with a hummingbird butt" comes to mind. I almost always try to bite off more than I can chew. So my main is always a brute lol. Plus, seriously, they are the best all around, and who does not love best. One of the few times I really enjoy running a blaster is with a working tanker. (or a taunting brute) Even better if fighting an EB or AV. The big guy gets the attention, and either does or does not do damage, and I sit at range and just hurl pain. Big monster dies, treasure for all. I love that. Unfortunately that's usually when the backup spawns on top of me and I faceplant. I need to make a blaster called dead man walking.
I have the same issue with my dom but to me I think that's the way doms should be played...suicidal chaotic trollerblasters lol.



I do better with Doms (specially permadoms) cause I can lock down stuff 90% of the time. But I do not enjoy them as much. Too much planning/plotting, calculating. Lets face it, non tactic blasting is fun right up until death smacks you in the face.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Also, annoying enough, some tanks (throwing out 30% here, with no data whatsoever) do not want to tank, they want a Scranker. For the 3% (again, where do I get these numbers???) of Tankers who can afford the I/Os to butcher the tank build into a somewhat okay damage dealing machine, great. For the rest of them it is pathetic. And they steal agro doing this half axed tanking job. They usually do not take taunt, so they are a lame and deficient member of any team. I'm like, get a Brute, you want someone who can take and deal massive damage, they built it already, look around.
One thing to remember... before this summer, nobody could play a brute blueside. So unless it's a totally new problem, they really couldnt do anything else before. Even now, if someone wants ice melee, he's stuck with tanker.

And I know some people can get from 1 to 50 in a week ( or a few hours with farms) but that's not everyone. So anyone who always wanted a really tough damage dealer but couldnt might stick with there scranker, cause it's fully IOed and lvl 50. Or cause it's his badger.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
One thing to remember... before this summer, nobody could play a brute blueside. So unless it's a totally new problem, they really couldnt do anything else before. Even now, if someone wants ice melee, he's stuck with tanker.

And I know some people can get from 1 to 50 in a week ( or a few hours with farms) but that's not everyone. So anyone who always wanted a really tough damage dealer but couldnt might stick with there scranker, cause it's fully IOed and lvl 50. Or cause it's his badger.
Also, if a Tanker has a good taunt aura active such as Invince, BA, etc. then that on top of contant attacking is normally draned decent at holding and maintaining aggro. Sure, taking taunt is a bit better, but you don't "have" to take taunt as a Tanker, especially not as one that's also contributing some pretty solid damage numbers. Not imo at least.



Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
-Brute's have AoE Taunt.
-Brute's have Punchvoke.
-Brutes have Aggro-Auras.
-Brutes have the second highest hitpoints in the game.

To me a brute is clearly meant to be the tank on the villain side. While I tolerate it, I would have to lie if I had to say I dont find this "I dont need to tank cause I'am a brute" mindset many people have a bit anoying. If not the brute who else is going to do the job?

Just because brutes are a bit more offensive then tankers dosnt mean they are not tanks anymore. When I play my two brutes I always run in first to take the alpha and I always take the time to taunt away the enemies from my teammates if they are in trouble.

Of course that dosnt mean you are supposed to just be the punching bag and do nothing but spaming taunt whenever its ready... thats not even what a tanker should do, because thanks to punchvoke dealing damage draws a lot of aggro too. But the common brute I see on "Zukunft" which dosnt care for the squishys on his team, cant take an alpha and dies in seconds once he gets some beating because he pumped all his slots and power picks into attacks is hardly more then a leecher or a liability IMHO.

If you dont want aggro, a stalker, corruptor or blaster or something like that would be a much better choice, cause even a scrapper should be able to take on at least those three enemies the maintank cant because of aggro cap.

I'am sorry if I sound a bit harsh, I would never flame, kick or lecture some player just because he dosnt play the way I want him too... but in regards to your question I thought being honest with my opinion would be more helpful then some "its fine do whatever you want".

All this is in regards to at least a +2x8 difficulty setting though... at +0x1 hardly anything matters and you are free to do whatever you want and nobody has the right to complain.
I disagree.

You forgot:
- Brutes have fury as their primary inherent.
- Brutes have melee damage as their primary powerset

All the other things you listed are secondary to assist the inherent. Look at their damage cap, highest in the game. Brutes *can* be good tanks depending on the set, but don't *have* to be tanks.



Originally Posted by Syndace View Post
I disagree.

You forgot:
- Brutes have fury as their primary inherent.
- Brutes have melee damage as their primary powerset

All the other things you listed are secondary to assist the inherent. Look at their damage cap, highest in the game. Brutes *can* be good tanks depending on the set, but don't *have* to be tanks.


My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



End thread! Nal wins! lol



I just want to say, thanks everyone for this thread. Its been worth quite a few good laughs. Oh, and Blue, the line "alligator mouth with a hummingbird butt" is going in my quote file.



2 things......

1. IMO all tanks need taunt to be the great "tanks". Period.

2. My DM/Inv Brute is as good or better than most tanks out there. Except Psi heavy enemies, of course. So, SOME brutes can tank perfectly. Tho, SOME brutes are way too squishy! If you have some buffs on a team tho....I think most brutes can tank nearly as good as their tank counterparts. After enough buffs....they are just lower on the HP's...tho....stuff will die faster with a brute it's a draw.

Thank you and have a nice day!