Are Dual Pistols as weak as I think they are?
I just got back into the game and rolled a Kinetics/DP Defender to see how it would work out, and while I have only played the character up to level 21 I must say that I have been quite underwhelmed by the Pistols set's offensive capabilities. Particularly troubling are the long attack animations that root me in place for several seconds to have the same or less damage payoff as similar attacks from other sets that have cast times half as long.
Am I missing something that changes the balance later, or is the Dual Pistols set really as wimpy as it seems to be? |
No: the dual pistols are not actually that wimpy. The advantage to dual-pistols is that they have multiple elemental effects, and cover a wide area of attack. So if you are facing something with an elemental weakness the fight will go quickly.
Yes. It sounds like you rolled a defender. Defenders are WEAK. Even with the 30% base damage boost while solo, a Defender is going to be way down on attack power.
Yes: Dual Pistols give up straight punch in the form of a build up in the form of sustained damage in the form of elemental advantage. If you are not going up against something that you are elementally strong against you will be doing lower average damage.
Not really: Depending on who you ask, the Dual Pistol strengths: it's large number of AOE attacks, half-nuke, and elemental advantages; may not outweigh it's weakness's: lack of direct damage, dependency on elemental advantages.
If you are looking for something that's a good solo power-set... well. Go find something else.
If you accept Dual Pistols for what they are, then they are perfectly fine.
It's a set that was designed for AoE output. Leverage that. As with everything else, see how it feels with SOs next level.
My DP/Storm Cor is rather weak at the moment as well and she's level 19. Did you snag the Change Ammo power? The fire bullets help smooth it out some.
Be well, people of CoH.

It feels underwhelming to start, yes. But so do many other sets. It is comparable in DPS to middle of the road blast sets. Compare it's performance to Archery before Rain of Arrows.
Hail of Bullets adds that really nice PBAoE nuke at the end, and the ability to swap effects is nice in certain situations. I admit, I was underwhelmed at first too, but once you get it fully slotted and set up, it's really fun to play.
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It's a set that was designed for AoE output. Leverage that. As with everything else, see how it feels with SOs next level.
My DP/Storm Cor is rather weak at the moment as well and she's level 19. Did you snag the Change Ammo power? The fire bullets help smooth it out some. |
Thanks for the feedback, BillZ.
Trudge is a pretty accurate word. I'm gonna be honest, when I hit 14 and realized that I wasn't going to get another single target attack until 18, I said to hell with it and powerleveled myself to 18. Things are better now that I have executioner's shot. Swap Ammo is planned for 22. I've skipped it so far as I enjoy the added knockback to go with gale.
Be well, people of CoH.

Not too familiar with dual pistols for defenders. With blasters at least it's fun, and effective. Using fire ammo I can usually take out or nearly take out large groups of minions with just two attacks. Suppressive Fire is rather nice too. Plus you can stack it with either a hold or disorient power to affect bosses. Chem rounds will ignore the DR of many foes, as well as reduce the enemy's damage.
It's not a set to use if your expecting to quickly drop a boss. However it does some rather nice sustained damage. And the animations aren't as painfully long as some make them out to be. It appears that they are, but it's not as bad as the perception.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
I just got back into the game and rolled a Kinetics/DP Defender to see how it would work out, and while I have only played the character up to level 21 I must say that I have been quite underwhelmed by the Pistols set's offensive capabilities. Particularly troubling are the long attack animations that root me in place for several seconds to have the same or less damage payoff as similar attacks from other sets that have cast times half as long.
Am I missing something that changes the balance later, or is the Dual Pistols set really as wimpy as it seems to be? |
My first thought is, you rolled a Defender. Okay, while solo, Defenders and Corrs to roughly the same amount of damage, starting out, Defenders just have less attacks.
This will skew the feeling of the set some, as you're waiting for attacks to recharge. Not only that, when on a team, you start to lose your damage bonus the more people you have on the team.
Learning the weaknesses to the various enemies will help, but I've found I'm usually set to go with Fire Ammor for the majority of my teaming, switching to lethal for AVs/GMs (the -resist of Piercing Rounds helping out the whole team).
Toxic, I pulled out a bit, but Cold Ammo, I never really found that useful.
But then again, I also don't know all enemies weaknesses (only a few few), to know which Ammo to switch to all the time either.

The only thing Dual Pistols lack, is an Energy Ammo setting (imo anyways)
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Cryo rounds are good for hellions. Most times though I'd personally stick with chem rounds or fire rounds. Chem will do slightly less damage, but improve your survivability. When teamed with another pistoleer one using cryo and the other chem is a nice combo.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
Despite what you are likely to hear Dual Pistols does not really underperform. It's advantage is the choice of secondary effect. The ability to turn knockback on and off, for example, actually puts it somewhat ahead of Energy Blast from a practical standpoint because it doesn't knock enemies out of its own blast area. IMO it is one of the better Defender secondaries because it actually does debuffing well, and the crashless-ness of the nuke means a lot to several of the Defender primaries.
I only have two real issues with the set. And they are somewhat related.
The first is completely personal - I didn't want the over-the-top Gun-fu BS, but that's neither here nor there.
The second, actual game play issue is the cost of those animations. Dual Pistols pays a price in cast times to have a lot of those 'Kewl' animations... too much so, I believe. For a set that supposed to emulate being lightning quick, it is excruciatingly slow. I really don't see why my toon should be stuck in place for 5 seconds to unleash both his basic AoE attacks.
If you can handle the cast times in this set (and don't feel like beating your own brains out trying to watch it...) then this is a perfectly reasonable ranged attack set.
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
I just got back into the game and rolled a Kinetics/DP Defender to see how it would work out, and while I have only played the character up to level 21 I must say that I have been quite underwhelmed by the Pistols set's offensive capabilities. Particularly troubling are the long attack animations that root me in place for several seconds to have the same or less damage payoff as similar attacks from other sets that have cast times half as long.
Am I missing something that changes the balance later, or is the Dual Pistols set really as wimpy as it seems to be? |
The power that replaces Aim is Swap Ammo which gives you a choice of 3 different ammo types and the associated debuffs. Since you have access to 3 they are of course underwhelming taken individually. Taken as a switchable group they are moderately useful. I do not believe that trading Aim for Swap Ammo was an equitable exchange.
The set's gunfu animations take far too long to play especially in a blaster's case where the moto is kill before you are killed.
Hail of bullets has all the negatives of most nukes. It is a PBAoE, it's animation also takes too long to play out especially in the case of blasters, it is a weapon set nuke so it doesn't crash your endurance but at the same time it doesn't do enough damage (particularly since the set lacks Aim) to consistantly kill all the minions in a spawn let alone all lieutenants. It does however, deal enough damage to pull aggro off of the melee toons and on to you. To add insult to injury the power's recharge is excessively long especially when compared to Full Auto and Rain of Arrows.
Using exclusively incendiary rounds it's damage is comparable to Energy Blast.
All in all it is an average to slightly underpar set. For me personally the set's negatives far outweigh the positives and, except for the DP/Nrg that I made during closed beta, I won't be rolling another any time soon, if ever.
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The secondary effects are nice, but if we're talking comparisons to other sets, other sets have secondary effects, too, and often better ones. It's as though DP's secondary effects are all just a bit lower than their equivalents in other set's -- i.e., we're paying in debuff strength for the ability to choose on the fly. Lethal bullets' defense debuff don't match Rad's, the DoT on fire bullets don't seem quite up to Fire Blast level, cryo bullet debuffs aren't quite as nice as ice or psi's. That leaves toxic, which is unique, but there are no toxic damage vulnerable critters in the entire game, so you're giving up damage.
Nevertheless, for defenders, dual pistols aren't the bottom of the barrel, but it's in the middle of the pack at best. That's because of duds like /elec and /AR that offer the same poor performance with less eye candy.
For blasters, DP compares better thanks to blasters' wider selection of crap primaries, and is quite likely a medium rather than low performing set. Again, this has less to do with Dual Pistols itself and more to do with sets that are even bigger duds.
No toxic vulnerable mobs true. However there are few I believe that actually resist it. Or it's lightly resisted when it is resisted at all. I was noticing chem rounds doing more damage vs freakshow tanks and other high resist mobs then my other ammo types.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
Dual Pistols might be, overall, bottom tier as far as pure numbers go. But it's fun, it looks good, and still is more than effective enough that you will be pulling your weight on any team you're on (except those very few composed of opinionated min/maxers who only want what they see as the absolute best) or be faceplanting more than you will with any other set.
EDIT: Had a stray "won't" instead of "will" due to rewriting the post 4 or 5 times. :P
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I'm going to say yes and no. It's a decent enough set but it is definitely weaker than several other blast sets. Personally my main issues are the awful animation times (especially on the AoEs) and the fact that Piercing Rounds only does resistance debuff with Lethal Ammo (which I consider an unnecessary inconvenience).
That being said I have a Corruptor and I enjoy the set anyway so make of that what you will.
I think the problem people have with Dual Pistols, is that it's an average set, and not top tier, and that it's a new set.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
In other words, they aren't happy with it because it wasn't designed to be better then every other set hands down, but to be balanced.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
I love my brick
I wouldn't keep trying to play it if I thought it had no hope of being fun. So far, dp/storm is working for me. DP/Rad was also working well for me but I already had a /rad and didn't want to repeat on my Cor combos.
Be well, people of CoH.

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There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.
I just got back into the game and rolled a Kinetics/DP Defender to see how it would work out, and while I have only played the character up to level 21 I must say that I have been quite underwhelmed by the Pistols set's offensive capabilities. Particularly troubling are the long attack animations that root me in place for several seconds to have the same or less damage payoff as similar attacks from other sets that have cast times half as long.
Am I missing something that changes the balance later, or is the Dual Pistols set really as wimpy as it seems to be?