San Diego Comicon--seeya there!

Bill Z Bubba



So I guess the CoH GR panel is Thurs early aft. I am surprised there aren't more Comic Con threads out there telling us about what's going on. Isn't the CoH team in a booth all week? Ah well...hope some info hits the forums tomorrow afternoon



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
So I guess the CoH GR panel is Thurs early aft. I am surprised there aren't more Comic Con threads out there telling us about what's going on. Isn't the CoH team in a booth all week? Ah well...hope some info hits the forums tomorrow afternoon
Wednesday was just the Preview Night, and the con starts in earnest on Thursday.

GR panel's at 12:30 tomorrow, and the Meet 'n Greet's on Friday after the show. COH fans are awesomely fast with this stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone has video of the panel and a few photos posted very shortly, maybe even tomorrow night. *crosses fingers*

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



I'm at ur panel stalkin ur devs...

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
I'm at ur panel stalkin ur devs...
Are you going to be posting updates? Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*



Hmm, the panel was at 1230, it's 1440 now, who must I track down and consume their brains for the precious knowledge gleaned?

... Wait, if I could track down and consume brains, I could have gone to SDCC anyway. Still, eagerly looking forwards to news from the floor.



dang... wish i could go...

still the info released will be enough (barely!) to keep me sane til GR hits



Just got back from romping around at day 1 of comicon. (I have the 8 yr old with me today, so she was a bit ragged by 5ish).

Went to the CoH panel. Brian Clayton kicked it off and introduced Matt/Posi, Melissa/War Witch, Jesse/Ghost Falcon, and David/Noble Savage. I thought the funniest part of the whole thing was, before he kicked off Q&A, he asked them a question about CoH2 and subtly "threatened" their jobs, and all 4 of them recited this funny marketing-speak response in unison. (It was pretty long, and basically said something like, "We're really proud of City of Heroes and Paragon Studios plans to keep working on the CoH world, but lol we're not telling you anything about that.") I had missed the news about the trademark registration though, so it was neat news to hear.

Anyhow, they went over Going Rogue more or less exclusively. I didn't take notes, but things mentioned included:

* 7 costume sets (which you can mix or match)
* More customizable glowing costume parts
* 4 new powersets
* The alignment system
* The neat new mission system, including the ability to get a 2nd/alternate objective inside a mission by talking to a contact.
* Phasing contacts, so contacts can "disappear" based on choices you make - permanently
* The way praetoria is built ground up for ultra mode

I didn't snap pictures of the whole slideshow, but this was the "table of contents" slide:

Brian asked Posi about the Alpha incarnate slot that was in the beta, and how it was retracted, and Posi said that based on the feedback from players, they say a lot of great ways to enhance it, but it meant the changes were too deluxe to make it into GR on time, so they had to delay GR (no way), or remove the Alpha slot, so they opted to delay the "taste" of the Incarnate system. (He didn't say if it was still going to be I18 or not)

OT Funny comicon story of the day: as we walked back, there was an ice cream truck across the street from comicon, with a bunch of Ben & Jerry's on the menu - all labeled "free". So we got in line, and when we got to the front, discovered Seth Green inside, giving away the ice cream.

Anyhow, NCSoft has a booth set up, mostly seems like Aion and CoH are the products shown off, but w/ my daughter with me I just sort of wandered by. They had a bunch of computers up w/ the GR beta set up, and I saw people either making characters or fighting in Praetoria.

I'll stop by tomorrow w/ one less 8 yr old and hopefully say hi.



Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
I didn't snap pictures of the whole slideshow, but this was the "table of contents" slide:
What did they say in the "What the Future Holds" section?



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
Are you going to be posting updates? Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*
Sorry, all I had was my phone! EvilGeko did a much better job than I would have anyway, in that other thread. They didn't really spill any new info anyway.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



/em sigh

Definitely jealous although the tables are turned when I go to PAX in Seattle. Anybody got a spare ghoul code? I will gladly trade you for a spare whatever comes up next time at PAX, if I get a spare one that is.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
Just got back from romping around at day 1 of comicon. (I have the 8 yr old with me today, so she was a bit ragged by 5ish).

Went to the CoH panel. Brian Clayton kicked it off and introduced Matt/Posi, Melissa/War Witch, Jesse/Ghost Falcon, and David/Noble Savage. I thought the funniest part of the whole thing was, before he kicked off Q&A, he asked them a question about CoH2 and subtly "threatened" their jobs, and all 4 of them recited this funny marketing-speak response in unison. (It was pretty long, and basically said something like, "We're really proud of City of Heroes and Paragon Studios plans to keep working on the CoH world, but lol we're not telling you anything about that.") I had missed the news about the trademark registration though, so it was neat news to hear.

Anyhow, they went over Going Rogue more or less exclusively. I didn't take notes, but things mentioned included:

* 7 costume sets (which you can mix or match)
* More customizable glowing costume parts
* 4 new powersets
* The alignment system
* The neat new mission system, including the ability to get a 2nd/alternate objective inside a mission by talking to a contact.
* Phasing contacts, so contacts can "disappear" based on choices you make - permanently
* The way praetoria is built ground up for ultra mode

I didn't snap pictures of the whole slideshow, but this was the "table of contents" slide:

Brian asked Posi about the Alpha incarnate slot that was in the beta, and how it was retracted, and Posi said that based on the feedback from players, they say a lot of great ways to enhance it, but it meant the changes were too deluxe to make it into GR on time, so they had to delay GR (no way), or remove the Alpha slot, so they opted to delay the "taste" of the Incarnate system. (He didn't say if it was still going to be I18 or not)

OT Funny comicon story of the day: as we walked back, there was an ice cream truck across the street from comicon, with a bunch of Ben & Jerry's on the menu - all labeled "free". So we got in line, and when we got to the front, discovered Seth Green inside, giving away the ice cream.

Anyhow, NCSoft has a booth set up, mostly seems like Aion and CoH are the products shown off, but w/ my daughter with me I just sort of wandered by. They had a bunch of computers up w/ the GR beta set up, and I saw people either making characters or fighting in Praetoria.

I'll stop by tomorrow w/ one less 8 yr old and hopefully say hi.

THANK YOU FOR THE INFO!!!!! Bring us more, I live on east coast and never had the money to buy ticket and travel there lol



Just throwing my two cents in. The CoH panel had lots of cool info which has already been elaborated on, and the dev team as usual was awesome. I was lucky enough to have my number drawn to get a sketch from our own Noble Savage, and it was a cool experience. Not only is the sketch great (check out my sig for a link), but chatting with Noble Savage and War Witch while watching the sketch come to life was great fun.

Great show this year, devs, I look forward to next time!

@Olympia XLI - 102 months and counting until the end!
Chicks dig giant robots.

SDCC 2010 Sketch by David Nakayama: my most venerable brute, Handle Smasher



We went to the GR panel for more info onGR and got nothing, honestly. The stuff they announced at the panel has been stuff they've been saying for months. The only way any of that info was new to you is if A) You don't follow the forums, website or ViDocs or B) You never played CoX before.

They gave the same old run around related to PvP content and said "We have new cool PvE related stuff for the future but we won't elaborate on any of it here for you guys at comicon GR panel, instead were going to show you this ViDoc we released on our website like 3 months ago."

Only cool part of the entire CoH related events was meeting Mod 08 and I just wanna say I no longer consider him uncool, he's very cool and not a ******. I hope this post doesn't get modded. *WINKWINK*