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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... you really want me to go MagMower on this don't you... ... or are you wanting me to drop your gen while I'm on the other side of the cont?

It's not worth it. If you really think this, you aren't going to listen to anything else anybody tells you.
I must know you some how, the magmower comment is too much of a coincidence Thanks, you just made my day and restored a funny memory in the same process.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... you really want me to go MagMower on this don't you... ... or are you wanting me to drop your gen while I'm on the other side of the cont?

It's not worth it. If you really think this, you aren't going to listen to anything else anybody tells you.
I use ATI for professional work (High Definition video editing) and NVidia for gaming... I tried it the other way around, but they simply don't perform the same.

I know the ATI vs. NVidia argument will last the ages just like Intel vs. AMD and Microsoft vs. Apple and Apples vs. Oranges and Tomay-to vs. Tomaa-to....but, I've gotta say in my own experience over the past 10 years.... He's right. NVidia consistently outperforms in high-end gaming, and ATI seems to handle the professional work better.


Again, I'm speaking from my own experience. To each his own.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
OK, I placed an order through NewEgg for the EVGA GTX 460 and the OCZ StealthXstream II 600w PSU.

I'll let everyone know how it goes when I get them, then up and running. Wish me luck!!
Little bit of an update on this.

They showed up this morning, so I went to work, operating on my computer. I read the support page for my compy that shows how to replace the PSU one more time before I powered down and got to work.

It was really very easy. Unplug everything first, of course. Take off the side panel, disconnect the connections from the PSU to the MoBo, CPU, HDD, and DVD. Unscrew the four screws holding the PSU in the case. Press the little release latch, and pop out the old PSU. Stick the new PSU in the slot, screw it in, connect the MoBo, CPU, DVD, and HDD. Stick in the new vidja card, and connect it to the PSU. Put the side panel back on, plug everything back in, flip the switch on the PSU to on, and press the power button on my case.

Here we go!!


Nothing. Absolutly nothing. It was the exact same nothing that happens when you unplug the power cord for something, and then try to turn it on.

I removed the vidja card to see if maybe that was causing some issue. Still nothing. I left it out, and unplugged, then replugged the 4 connectors (MoBo, CPU, DVD, and HDD). Nothing again. Tried a different outlet, in a different room. An avalanche of nothing.

I got on The Wife™'s compy, and went to OCZ's website. Checked their FAQ, and like my compy, got nothing. Same thing with the tech support forums. I was drowning in a sea of nothing.

I found an 800 number to call for support, so I called it, and told the tech guy what happened. He had me unplug the MoBo conenctor, take a paperclip, and use it as a jumper. The paperclip did not want to play nice, and got all bent out of shape. I finally stuck it to it, and stuck it into the proper holes, plugged the cord into the PSU, flipped the switch to on, and before I even pressed the power button on my case, the fan on the PSU started to spin.

Tech Dude on the phone said that the MoBo was the problem. Son of an *** weasel monkey poo flinging porcupine ******!! I said, "Great. I guess the PSU fried my motherboard.". He did the only thing he could, and asked if there was anything else he could help me with. I said no, and he told me to have a good day. I couldn't be mad at him. None of it was his fault. **** happens.

But I generally don't know when to quit. So, I took the new PSU out of my case, and stuck my old one back in.

And my computer booted up. Hmm... it seems the MoBo isn't dead after all...

I called OCZ Tech Support back, got a different Tech Dude, and told him what had happened, including my prior call. He said that the jumper test isn't 100% conclusive, and that if you can test with another PSU and have it start, then it's a faulty PSU.

I'm going to be setting up an RMA for the PSU. Hopefully, when the new one gets here, everything will work as it should.

I enjoy modern technology, but we always have issues like this. I suppose I should count it as a blessing. As long as I have issues, it means modern technonlgy still likes me.

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Question: How much of a difference in performance is there between the gig GTX 460 and the 768 meg one?



Well depends on the game, the resolution, etc. techPowerUp! review has the aggregate difference at 1920x1200 with AA at 8%. Similar results seen at AnandTech. It's enough to move the 1GB GTX 460 ahead of the 1GB GTX 465 in a number of benchmarks.

Bye bye GTX 465, nice knowing you for a month or two. Talk about stop gap measures.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



So let say I was to have about $250 to spend on a GTX 460 card, go for the 1gb card if I want to play CoH/V with UM on?



Hey party people, given the choice, should I go for the GTX 460 or 465? The 460 has a higher clock speed but the 465 has more pixel pipes, so I have to wonder which one is more advantageous to have...

I'm looking to start upgrading my computer this week, starting with the video card (since I can start using that now, as opposed to a Core I7 or DDR3).

Edit: Never mind, just read Father XMas' post above. Thanks!

Edit 2: There again, if I were able to get a 465 for only $5 more, would that be worth it?



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Hey party people, given the choice, should I go for the GTX 460 or 465? The 460 has a higher clock speed but the 465 has more pixel pipes, so I have to wonder which one is more advantageous to have...

I'm looking to start upgrading my computer this week, starting with the video card (since I can start using that now, as opposed to a Core I7 or DDR3).

Edit: Never mind, just read Father XMas' post above. Thanks!

Edit 2: There again, if I were able to get a 465 for only $5 more, would that be worth it?
Hell. No.

For starters, the 465 is pretty much a binned chip. Most of the GTX 465's on the market are GTX 470 or GTX 480 GPU's that didn't make the cut at the fab, and thus are being resold. If you don't mind browsing Taiwanese and Korean sites you'll find pictures of 465's with the heatsinks off, and the chip markings of the 470 or the 480.

Normally this is a good thing, such is many of the Triple-Core Phenom II's, which were actually quad-core's that didn't make the Quality Assurance requirements at the fab. So you could buy a triple-core Phenom II, and if you were willing to take a hit on the operating speed or take a hit on the power consumption / thermal output, have yourself a relatively speaking fully functioning quad-core.

In the case of the GTX 465, this is NOT such a good thing. The 465 has pretty much the same power draw as the GTX 470 and 480, as well as the same heat output. That means temperatures up to, and / or beyond, 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Nor does the 465 overclock, with many who try finding the cards to be more unstable than the signal strength on an Iphone 4, which again goes back to, most of the GTX 465's failed quality assurance checks to run with the number of shaders or clock speeds of the 470 or the 480.

The 465 was such a dog that even Kyle over at HardOCP wouldn't even review the chip.

So no. You don't want to buy a 465. You want to run in the opposite direction from the 465.

If you are dead set on buying the Nvidia badge with that amount of relative performance, buy a 460.



Thanks for the verification. Heat and power draw are two concerns of mine, but obviously stability is a big factor. I think I'll go with the cooler, less-consuming alternative that has almost all the same performance.



Originally Posted by Elric View Post
It really should be noted that the GTX 460 768mb is no where near as good as the 1gb version of the card. The 1gb version out performs the 5830 and is only about 4-8 fps less than a 5850 on average. first link is for the 1gb:http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.ph...1&limitstart=7

second 768mb:http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.ph...=559&Itemid=72
We're talking only 10-15%, essentially on par with their prices so I wouldn't say "no where near as good".

Also the writer of those reviews really need to lay off the cut and paste. Other than the graphs 99% of the two articles are identical. They also mistakenly state that the 1GB model is 192-bit not 256-bit memory interface. That's the problem with cut and paste.

Also the HD 5770 has a 128-bit not 256-bit memory interface. Do these guys even check the published specifications? Shame, shame.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



I did notice as well as others that there were a lot of typos in the article. But my focus was mainly on the graphs.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



I purchased this today. Can't wait to try it out

Of course, I'm still working on the rest of my upgrade (mobo, CPU, & mem), but I can put the video card to use right away, even if I won't be able to have its full potential until later.

Plus I got a free copy of Just Cause 2 and a trial to Starcraft 2 withh it



Just bought a evg gtx 480 superclock and had to send it back. It was the first piece of computer hardware that has ever arrived defective. I'm just hoping that I get the replacement before going rogues release.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



OK, my replacement PSU arrived today, so I'm now up and running.

First thing I did was go to nVidia and download the latest drivers, installed them, and rebooted. So far so good.

Then I tried to run CoH...

The "Loading..." image appeared on my desktop, and stayed there. I wasn't paying much attention to it, but then something caught my eye: it was still semi-transparent. Then I found I couldn't move my mouse. My keyboard didn't respond, either. I had to flip the power switch on the back of the PSU so I could restart.

Windows wanted to know if I wanted to start in Safe Mode. I chose to start normally, and it didn't fully boot. Before the Welcome to Windows screen, I saw the mouse cursor with the busy icon showing, and it sat there, not animated or movable. Flip the switch, and restart again.

Didn't even make it that far. Black screen. Nothing happened. Reboot again, start in Safe Mode. Everything starts fine. Reboot from the Start Menu, and got back into Windows. Ran CoH, and it loaded up. Logged in, selected my character, and proceeded to start cranking up the graphics settings.


Screen went black, and then my monitor showed the message, "Monitor going to sleep".

Messing with the settings continues to do that to me, but I'm gonna try narrowing it down, so I can see what setting is causing the issue.

Other than that, so far so good.

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OK, regardless of settings, it kept doing that.

I downloaded GPU-Z 0.4.4, and it seems that when I play CoH, the card overheats. I was sitting outside the mission I had crashed in, doing nothing, and the temp kept going up. When it went over 100, bam. Shutdown.

I am not happy. *sigh*

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I ended up removing the card. I don't know if it has an issue, or if the drivers do, or what.

I suspect, however, it's due to the fact that the fan on the new PSU blows down instead of out of the back of the case, while the fan on the card blows up...

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Aw man, all this nVidia talk and nobody mentioned 3D? ATI users are getting locked out!



It's the transient Sub-Phase Flux Harmonics inducing a resonant backlash in the Farquar-Sykes plasmon expansion chamber. (Sorry, dear Khel..I only wanted to attempt to make you smile...I know it must be very frustrating.)You may have gotten a faulty psu, or it might be that the heat blowing down on your card causes the prob...any way to divert the airflow to out the back? Can you test your card in another piuter to see if THAT'S what's going out? I sure wish you tons of luck..hang in there, and you'll git 'er dunnnnnnnnnn.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



No, I can't test in another case. None of them have a PSU powerful enough to power the card.

Unless someone comes and tells me otherwise, I'm going to go with the fault being OCZ for retardedly putting the fan on the bottom of the PSU. Who the **** does that, anyway? PSUs vent out the back of the case for a reason.

**** OCZ. Never buy from them.

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I googled so I could look at what you're talking about..they have to be built that way for a reason..makes me wonder. If the fan is facing down, it should be blowing cool air right on to the video card while exausting the warm air out. That is the only sense I can make of it. There's no way that the fan facing down would actually be the exaust to blow hot air instead..crazy. (In the picture, it almost looks like the fan faces up!) Are you going to return it and try something else, or research it a bit more? Surely, there MUST be someone on this forum who has an answer.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�