CoH 2
Would keeping my City of Heroes account active until this comes out...if it ever a good thing?
If you're just wanting to keep your CoH1 account active for some possible, theoretical theory that it could possibly benefit you in CoH2... I have a friend in Nigeria that has quite a profitable business proposition for you.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
If you don't enjoy CoH, why would it matter whether things transfer over? If you do enjoy CoH, why let your subscription lapse? If you have no choice but to let your subscription lapse for financial reasons, why ask the question?
If you don't enjoy CoH, why would it matter whether things transfer over? If you do enjoy CoH, why let your subscription lapse? If you have no choice but to let your subscription lapse for financial reasons, why ask the question?
I love the CoH if things transferred over, such as vet rewards and what not...then I see good reason to keep my account active.
However, as people have posted...there is no info on CoH 2.
LOL they trademark the name COH2 and now this.
All companies do it to protect the name just in case. It doesn't mean they have plans and in fact they most likely don't. Relax!
Wow...negative rep for what I thought was a legitimate question.
No mercy on these forums haha.
Wow...negative rep for what I thought was a legitimate question.
No mercy on these forums haha. |
Anyways, onto your question.
Basically, we don't know exactly why NCSoft went ahead and trademarked City of Heroes 2.
What we do know is that NCSoft has committed itself to a multiple-year support of the City of Heroes Franchise. Which is the key-word here. NCSoft sees the City of Heroes brand name as important and valuable, and to be worth their investment. Cue the line: "We liked it so much, we bought the company!"
From what we know, NCSoft and Paragon Studios have no immediate plans to act on a second City of Heroes game at this time. That does not mean that NCSoft and Paragon Studios have no plans for City of Heroes 2 at all.
The opinion I've voiced on the forums is that CoH2 is NCSoft's Nuclear Option if Going Rogue and following issue releases do not return high enough sustained subscription numbers. For most MMO's you can only get a reliably view of the player-base by looking at 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month increments. Going Rogue is set to launch in August, and will be selling through the Holiday Season. If you figure an average 3 month play time on-top of the initial 30 days, Going Rogue will be entering it's 4th month in December, which is in the middle of the Holiday season, December.
For NCSoft they won't be able to make any real calls on the performance of Going Rogue and subscriptions until after the Holiday Season is over. Accounting for the subscription churn then: those who are going to keep picking up subscriptions versus those who only play for 30 days, this would be about 2 to the 3 months after the end of the Holiday season. Thus probably around March, and maybe April of 2011. If subscription rates are not at whatever NCSoft's expectations for them should be, that's when NCSoft will likely make the call on whether or not Paragon Studios should work on a CoH2 or should keep working on future issue plans for CoH.
From there on out, everything is sheer conjecture. The rumor is that Paragon Studios won't do a second game unless you are able to import your existing CoH avatar into that game. Enabling avatar importing would also mean that a second game would largely keep the same base avatars and power systems as we know them to be, meaning that a second game wouldn't drastically change the Archtype / Power Selections we have now.
Another rumor is that a second game would be designed with Power Mixing in mind. One of the big deals with Guild Wars 2 is that you can shoot an arrow through a Fire Wall and have yourself a merry little ranged bonfire. The example idea is that if an Archery Blaster were to fire their arrows past a fire tank, through Bonfire, or over a lit Oil Slick, the arrows would gain a fire damage component.
These, however, are just rumors of what players would like to see happen. That does not mean they are based in any kind of truth. Right now, if anybody tells you that they know facts about City of Heroes 2... you can be pretty certain they don't know anything at all.
Reasonable question. Why so many round-about answers?
I shall +rep all of your posts while I wait for my team to zone in for a TF!
I guess I read too many of these threads
I was telling the speculators in general to relax.

"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Going Rogue is coming on August 17. That's enough to last me a while.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Reasonable question. Why so many round-about answers?
I shall +rep all of your posts while I wait for my team to zone in for a TF! |
It's in vogue to humiliate other people online. It establishes one as edgy and cool, I guess, to be as patronizing and cynical as possible to someone who puts themselves out there by asking a question.
![]() |
Edit: This is the definition i was thinking when i read SPiNE's post.
–adjective1.circuitous or indirect, as a road, journey, method, statement or person.
2.(of clothing) cut circularly at the bottom; having no tails, train, or the like.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
The rumor is that Paragon Studios won't do a second game unless you are able to import your existing CoH avatar into that game. Enabling avatar importing would also mean that a second game would largely keep the same base avatars and power systems as we know them to be, meaning that a second game wouldn't drastically change the Archtype / Power Selections we have now.
I would be very surprised if they did something like this. I could possibly see soemthing to allow you to covert your costume over but importing your entire character seems unlikely. Making an MMO sequel is always going to be a risky business. You will lose some of your customers who can't or won't make the switch and you risk splitting the player base and ending up with two MMOs neither of which has sufficient players. The main reason to do so is therefore to redesign the systems from scratch to update it and fix anything that seemed sensible at first but proved to be problematic in practice. Allowing import of characters (even if they are reset to level 1) forces you to adhere to certain aspects of the old design that might not have been optimal.
Ergo: if you already are tossing most of the MMO rule book of bad design choices out the Window, why bother keeping any of them. One of the big problems Everquest ran into is that players weren't willing to leave behind their epic level avatars from the previous game. Why repeat that mistake?
The thing is, CoH's Archtype system isn't broken. It's actually been proven to be fairly predictable and a stable basis. Many of the limitations the developers have run into is not with the basis of how the avatars play, but in how some things are processed in the game, such as Water Effects.
A new processing engine would be able to address the majority of problems the developers have run into, but a new processing engine that could accommodate the changes the developers have expressed interest in would have a higher processing requirement. That would mean a new game.
That doesn't mean the developers have to chunk out everything the player-base has already worked for / achieved.
Ergo: if you already are tossing most of the MMO rule book of bad design choices out the Window, why bother keeping any of them. One of the big problems Everquest ran into is that players weren't willing to leave behind their epic level avatars from the previous game. Why repeat that mistake?
Also, this isn't Everquest. People are just as attached tot heir characters but are (generally) less attached to their uber-loot. I think you'll find more people upset about not being able to import their costumes to CoX2 than not being able to bring over their IOs.
The thing is, CoH's Archtype system isn't broken. It's actually been proven to be fairly predictable and a stable basis. Many of the limitations the developers have run into is not with the basis of how the avatars play, but in how some things are processed in the game, such as Water Effects. |
The problem I have with this is that it assumes that a CoH2 would be developed like any other MMO. Paragon Studios / Cryptic basically built their business on NOT doing what other MMO's do. |
Several sets also suffer from design issues which can't really be solved without nuking them from orbit (Force Field for example).
Additionally while the ATs work the basic setup of the Hero ATs is still essentially based on the old style MMO model of Tank-DPS-Support. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
What's wrong with Force Field? I don't recall seeing such a strong negative opinion about it and I've taken a bubbler to 50 and it seemed fine to me.
I have to disagree on this. If someone comes from an MMO where this triad rules, you can easily use it here - but that's a positive aspect of this system. There are a lot of ways to assemble a team that work. You can do tank/healer/DPS if that's your mindset; or you can go 10 other different directions. |
A better way to look at it is how do different ATs add to the team, linearly or multiplicatively? In a traditional triad system all characters add linearly, Tanks and Healers through damage prevention and DPS through damage dealing. This means that the pwoer level of a team is relatively predictable. Conversely the nature of buffs and debuffs in our system means that characters focused on damage dealing or personal damage prevention add linearly but buff/debuff characters add multiplicatively. This means that the power level of teams is highly variable depending on the exact makeup.
Additionally the origin of the ATs reinforces the old tripe that a good team character needs to be weak solo and visa versa (although the devs have rectified this somewhat over the years). I think the VEATs have proven that it is possible to make characters who have good solo power but are still a positive assets to a team beyond what they personally can do (i.e. they stack multiplicatively) and yet are not tank-mages.
Personally I would like to see the devs carry that learning over to CoX2 and make all characters able to solo well while still providing benefits for the team. The side benefit to this is that if all characters stack multiplicatively then team power becomes more predictable and it becomes possible to make challenging team content that doesn't require a specific team composition.
Even with a CoX 2, I don't see them completely abandoning the current AT system- it's just been shown to work too well.
One thing I could see them doing, is taking the current system as a basis, and expanding upon all the existing sets. I'd say that the branching they've done with the SoAs would play a larger role, along with the mutually exclusive powers. That'd leave all the current powersets valid, but only one possible branching in CoX 2. A ported character would maintain the same build, but upon a respec, they'd have more options and more paths available to them (or maybe a higher level cap).
But at the same time, I really believe all these ideas could be easily (as compared to making and balancing an entirely new game) adopted to the existing system... which the Devs have shown they are doing. The Devs are making CoX 2... and we're all already playing it.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Yes you can assemble a team pretty much however you want but the ATs are still designed around the triad and it shows.
A better way to look at it is how do different ATs add to the team, linearly or multiplicatively? In a traditional triad system all characters add linearly, Tanks and Healers through damage prevention and DPS through damage dealing. This means that the pwoer level of a team is relatively predictable. Conversely the nature of buffs and debuffs in our system means that characters focused on damage dealing or personal damage prevention add linearly but buff/debuff characters add multiplicatively. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Is there any information about this?
Would keeping my City of Heroes account active until this comes out...if it ever a good thing?