hamidon raid blueside




Ok lets do the blueside this week.

Saturday The 10th of JULY at 5pm est in THE HIVE

***********GET EOES and BRING THEM WITH YOU!!! lol**********
***********Get Nukes!!! have them on you!!!!*****************

need emps

a regen scrapper or wp tanker or anything with high HP and has good regen

5 strong tanks with taunt for yellow mitos(gris will be bringing Tears of a Clown)

would like blasters and controllers on blue assault teams

scrappers for the yellow spike team/teams

and rezzers

and a few willing captains for each team that have ts3

we had a great turn out on saturday at this time on redside so this may be our time and day.

the names,AT's, and Evil goodness have changed but the plan stays the same.
kill the Goo!!!!

Leader of Inherent Chaos
BC1 and BC2
Gristlebone Rad/KIN
Tears of a Clown
and many others



DOH! Can't make it this Saturday.

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member



Now we're talking.
Gris, I can bring trollers- ill/rad, grav/storm, grav/therm, plant/sonic
Defenders emp/elec dp/kin dark/kin
Blasters- fire/eng, psi/men

I do have a wp/mace tank but not confident enough on her being able to stand up to hami longer than 10 seconds and my scrapper is even more useless.
Let me know what ya think you'll need and I'll work on making sure they are armed and ready for sat.

Where are we going and Why am I in this Handbasket?



Oh goodness, so many choices of what to bring! I think we'll both make it

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



I actually made my first controller to bring to Hamidon raids. Raids died pretty much as soon as the character hit 45.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Hopefully I can slot my hero by then. As you know... I should be there.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
I actually made my first controller to bring to Hamidon raids. Raids died pretty much as soon as the character hit 45.
That didn't sound off any warnings for you, eh?

I've already forgotten about most of you



What lvl of HP/Regen are you talking about for a WP tank? Mines pretty well tooled up if needed, but probably better if you contact me in game so you can check it for the specs you want.



Originally Posted by CatSan View Post
What lvl of HP/Regen are you talking about for a WP tank? Mines pretty well tooled up if needed, but probably better if you contact me in game so you can check it for the specs you want.
well I am thinking something in the 700%regen range round 80hp/ per sec with rttc set at one foe and round 3000 hp and taunt, that with some Emp love and EOEs and we good.

Leader of Inherent Chaos
BC1 and BC2
Gristlebone Rad/KIN
Tears of a Clown
and many others



Originally Posted by gristlebone View Post
well I am thinking something in the 700%regen range round 80hp/ per sec with rttc set at one foe and round 3000 hp and taunt, that with some Emp love and EOEs and we good.
Hmm, I've never tanked Hamidon before - one of the few foes that has eluded me. I have ~3160hp and ~700% regen and ~90 hp/sec with 1 target and a well slotted Taunt, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Outside of the LGTF, I don't have any experience with the "real" Hamidon, so any information (strategy, number of EoEs to bring, how long you're expecting it to take, etc) would be helpful.

Btw, you said 5pm, what timezone? EST?



I think I can come... schedule wise the problem is the account goes belly up on friday until I can find $15 so...have fun all.



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
That didn't sound off any warnings for you, eh?
I KNOW, right? Statesman waited until my grav/rad controller hit 45 and then BAM. Ham-o nerf.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Well if I'm reading Mids right (no idea if I am). It says regen 767%, max hp at cap (from 171.4%) and 102.8 hp per sec.



I've never tanked Hami either but, if I remember correctly, 2 or 3 Regen Auras will last the first 90 seconds and then a couple Adrenalin Boosts whenever the defenders recharge/remember should keep you sitting pretty. If there are 5 or more defenders, no one will need EoE's until the Regen Auras wear off, which is a nice way to save those enhancements.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



the strategy!!!

Blueside hamidon Raid

request channel is where instruction will be given from raid leader
the HAMI
(from city of data)
Hamidon is not a Giant Monster or ArchVillain class foe, he is a Hamidon class foe.
The Protoplasm (goo) has a radius of 180 feet around Hami.
He has 315 base perception
47119.5 Hit Points,
a base regeneration rate of 8010.3 HP per minute (133.5 HP per second),
and a minimum regeneration rate of 801.0 HP per minute (13.35 HP per second).

Hamidon himself has a ranged AoE attack; it does approximately 522 damage, with a stun, a long duration DoT of 80
and a -heal affect. After approximately 10 blasts, you will be completely unhealable. Hamidon no longer has to be
held when attacked. However, at 75%, 50% and 25% hit points, he will bloom (spawn) a new set of 18 Mitochondria.
There is currently no way to prevent this. Hamidon's 'blooms' all consist of 18 Mitos. These are broken down into three types, six of each Mito type appear in a hexagonal pattern, in roughly the same spot as the last set, but they do shift.

Mito Types

The first type of Mito are the yellow Mito . The yellow Mito, the Mitochondria Antibodies, are the damage dealing
group. They each do 522 damage in a very long range, targeted AoE every few seconds. This attack has a component
capable of stacking to stun a tank, with a heavy knockback. They also have an AoE that affects people surrounding
the Mito, but does much less damage. Yellow Mitos have a very high defense against ranged and AoE/cone damage but
can be easily hit with melee attacks. These Mitos are the biggest threat to people entering or approaching the goo.

The second Mito type, the Mitochondria Electronite, Blue mito, has an AoE field that drains endurance and causes a
fear affect. They also have a ranged fear and 'chain lightning' affect which hits one player, then jumps between them. You can actually receive a message in your combat log that one player has defeated another player. This is
the chain lightning jumping between players. These Mitos have very high defense against melee and AoE/cone
damage, but can be hit with ranged damage.

The last type of Mito is the green Mito, the Mending Mitochondria. These Mitos have an attack which does a small
Toxic damage over time, and prevents a certain amount of healing. Two shots from a green Mito can shut down your
ability to be healed completely. These Mitos also have an AoE heal, a ranged 'heal other' and a self-shielding
power, as well as their attack. The green Mitos use their heal other power on the closest damaged friendly whenever
it is recharged. The self-shielding power provides them with a great deal of +regen and damage resistance. The
shield drops when the Mito becomes mez’d.

thing to have on ya;

EOEs(essence of earth) is the only resistance to hamidon attacks( we now can put things in email so use that space)

fly pack of some sort

Break frees,maybe a rez,blues can be helpful as well

warburg nukes(all of them puppies)

temp Pets
HVAS heavy

new temp powers the rez,med pack,radio,etc

This raid will be EVACLESS,meaning we won't be going back to safe rock and starting over(HOpefully).We will just
start taking out mitos again once they respawn at 75% HP and 50% HP, yellow Mito Tanker squad plays critical role in keeping us all alive when each Mito respawn comes.We will also be fighting through the 25% HP mito respawn, whilst yellow Tanker squad grabs yellow mito aggro,everyone else will be killing hami.We will use bios,chem burns,Shivans,Hvas, nuke blast,and any and all forms
of damage we can muster at this point to take hami out!

Time involved? can be less than 40 mins or a few hours it all depends on what we have at raid,in terms of numbers
and expierence. villains did it in hour and 15 mins on victory,but i have been part of a 30 minute raid on virtue.

your job at the Raid

1 hamidon Aggro team: 2 WP tankers with high HP and regen and two EMPS def/or trollers and 2 kin if possible (6)

your job is to taunt and pester hamidon grabbing all of his goey hatred,so the rest of us can do our jobs around him.This team will have one back up Tank that can tag team with other Tank whenever needed.The main hami taunter will run in and begin taunting hami WITH BUFFS AND EOE UP.When u have three or more regen aura/adr boost you may not need a eoe.You are also in charge of cordinating the AR and adr boost tween the two Emps,trying to keep ar and adr boost on you at all times.the emps job is to keep AR and AB and CM on hami taunters and heal when needed and the kin to keep SB and ID on hami taunters and EMPS.The Emps and KIns job is also to stay alive at all cost so stay back but in range of the hami taunter.This team should have alot of EOEs to be safe. you will be doing this job thru entire raid,from begging to the end,when we dance on hamidon's grave.

1 Yellow Tanker Squad: 6 tankers and 2 healing types(EMP,therm,or whatever is available a kin would be awesome here)(8)

yellow Tanker squad will occupy the mitochondria antibodies(yellow mitos),each Tank will be assigned a yellow mito to taunt and grab aggro from,Its a very good idea to thumbtack the spot your mito is in on the map so you can find that mito at each respawn.Once the spikers have taken out your mito,Stay there and wait for respawn.When hamidon is almost down to 75%,50%,and 25% hit Points you will need to be at your assigned mitos position and grab its aggro AsAP.The two Healers/buffers will circle hamidon staying outside the goo healing and buffing tanks and any others in need of buffs( like the Hami Aggro team)and will help with greens and hamidon,before the respawns exit goo and start buffing the Tanks.this team need many eoes to be safe and some Break frees would be good idea as well.

yellow spike Team;7 scrappers or melee damage dealers 1 healer with a rez power(8)

Your job in the raid is to take out the yellow mitos as fast as possible.When yellow mitos are down, continue on to greens and then Blues if any are left,and finally taking hamidon out.When hamidon is at 75%,50% hit points the mitos respawn and you start the cycle all over again.Which means you start taking the yellow mitos out all over again.when hami is down to 25%hp you stay on Hamidon and help to kill him.

2 Assault teams; blasters and trollers will be on both assault teams.

bring eoes and break frees and blues on this team.

assault teams will stay high above hami but in range of blue u are attacking,until raid leader targets the greens.
6 team members of each assault team will be assigned a blue mito to kill if ya can,but mainly to damage it ,so that the green mitos will heal your blue mito instead of healing the yellow mitos and other blues.the Assault team members not asigned a blue mito will be attacking the blue mito closest to the yellow spike team and then just follow them attacking blues closest to yellow mito spike team is attacking.If the blues go down before yellows are down,then we go after greens nearest to the yellow spikers target.
When yellows are down,Assault Teams will gather on Raid leader targeting Greens spammimg single target holds,one at a time.when greens are down,we will clear any blues that are left,and then gather on raid leader to take down hamidon.When Hamidon is at 75% and 50% hit points,the mitos respawn and assault teams will simply repeat the cycle.That means Assault teams go back to your assigned Blue mitos and begin the process again.When hamidon is at 25% HP assault teams will stay on Hamidon and fight thru using anything they got to take out the Goo!!!!Also if at all possible buff people and rez folks whenever you can,especially the hamidon taunters.

Bring WARBURG NUKES TO THE RAID(all of them)

so thats it in a nutshell,lol.


Leader of Inherent Chaos
BC1 and BC2
Gristlebone Rad/KIN
Tears of a Clown
and many others



catsan and sarrate are the hami taunters,if thats cool with you two?

Your jobs are described in blueside strategy in above post.

Leader of Inherent Chaos
BC1 and BC2
Gristlebone Rad/KIN
Tears of a Clown
and many others



Hazzah! I can join in. i can bring a kin, a troller ill/rad (for holds), a dark defender, or a bubbler. I do have a damage dealer and a tank, but i prefer playing support rolls for these types of things.

Lemme know what would be preferred.



I'd be interested in bringing Purple Pride, My Mind/Empath controller. And I might have a friend who would want to bring a Spine/SR scrapper.



Gris, I'm going to try and be there, I've never done a Hami raid and sooo want to.



I will be running a EoE farm in PI TONIGHT, starting about 7:30pm est!

Come to PI, holla in broadcast 'LFT EoE team' and earn the EoEs!
Plz be lvl 35+

Cya there!

Thats one more.................. For the good guys!



I claim a spot 3d!



Originally Posted by gristlebone View Post
catsan and sarrate are the hami taunters,if thats cool with you two?

Your jobs are described in blueside strategy in above post.
Gristlebone, sorry I respond earlier, but this works for me.



At car repair shop atm. Tire had a nail in it this morning and too close to sidewall to patch it. What a pain. Anyways I might not make the raid regardless if I do goodluck on it!



great JOb guys ,we keep getting better at these Raids.Unfortunately we beat the server record on hami raids,so villains are number two again.raid time was bout an hour and five minutes.


ty Catsan and Sarrate for tanking the hami!!!!

and TY to all team leaders well done!!!

Leader of Inherent Chaos
BC1 and BC2
Gristlebone Rad/KIN
Tears of a Clown
and many others



Thanks to all who came!!! It was a Great run!!! Thanks for the great job of leading the raid Gris!!!!