Discussion: Razer City of Heroes Questions & Answers




Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Just curious, Frosticus, but what kind of AT could they introduce that we don't already have? I don't think there's any combination of damage dealing, control, armors, team support, etc, that we can't make right now that wouldn't be crazy overpowered or neutered so much that people wouldn't want to play it anyway.
The much cried for gun and sword charecters for one. Theres a lot of comic book heroes that use this already, the biggest one off the top of my head being Blade.

Would just basically be a blaster with less control but some resists to make up for it. Would come dangerously close to tankmage though but since scrappers deal such stupid damage spamming ranged epic powers im guessing that was tossed out of the window long ago.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
You missed my point on this one. Patron pools were designed to fill in holes for VILLAIN ATs. The problem is most villains don't have many holes to begin with (which is why they're better at soloing than most Hero ATs generally are). They're redundant powers, for the most part. Epic pools on blueside, however, offer more of what a hero AT needs, like defense for a Blaster, or ranged attacks for Scrappers. If they're gonna offer heroes the chance to take Patrons as they're currently made up, there really aren't very many useful powers that's worth taking up a whole pool for. I'd rather they totally redo Patrons entirely, and really make it a choice worth making.
See I've always seen heroes as the more defencive type builds (except blasters) where as villains is more offencive type.
Since Epic pools cover the charecters holes up, I always saw villains as getting the larger advantage because of it since they deal more damage originally, at higher levels defence/resists dont make as much difference.

Tankers vs Brutes at higher levels for example. Tankers still take a lot more damage, but at 50 in a regular team its generally faster if you have a brute since they kick out much more damage yet still have enough resists/defence to get through most mobs.

If it wasnt for the single target taunt im pretty sure scrappers would be the same case.

The point I cant justify is why villain patrons get pets and heroes ancillarys dont. Thats always bugged me and ive always seen it as unbalanced in that respect.

I see many heroes picking villain patrons just for that reason alone.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Options that few will use aren't really options, are they? If Patron pools are teh suck, as many claim, do you think if they were available for heroes people would take them over the awesomesauce Epics they already get? Keep in mind we still only get access to four pools total, no matter how many more pools are available to us. There's only so many powers to spread around. Subtract a travel pool and probably the Fitness pool, and you've got two choices. How many Patron pools have a good power at Tier 1? That's about all you'll have room for in most builds unless you forego the Epics.

I can see taking Patrons for concept over Epics, but not generally for playability. Epics were designed to fill in holes that Hero ATs have. Patron pools were not.
That's fine but irrelevant to people wanting options... and that's what the game is trending towards; more options (as it should). Does it really matter what the differences behind the implementation were? To many, not really. Sure Epics were made to cover holes and PPPs were more for flavor, but that's not really the point.

A player can have the best archer in 3 known dimensions but there's just this one technique that eludes him/her. Or the best sword-arm on the planet... that desires to improve his game by learning from a potential teacher how to get the materials needed or the crafting knowledge to create that weapon that somehow makes the average swordsman plow through those that would normally best him.

Or maybe the character is looking to expand into abilities other than their mastery of bow and sword.

Adding EPP/PPPs isn't much different than the way they've staggered additional powersets to ATs to cover [and sometimes creating] concept or balance gaps.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Sunstormer View Post
See I've always seen heroes as the more defencive type builds (except blasters) where as villains is more offencive type.
Since Epic pools cover the charecters holes up, I always saw villains as getting the larger advantage because of it since they deal more damage originally, at higher levels defence/resists dont make as much difference.

Tankers vs Brutes at higher levels for example. Tankers still take a lot more damage, but at 50 in a regular team its generally faster if you have a brute since they kick out much more damage yet still have enough resists/defence to get through most mobs.

If it wasnt for the single target taunt im pretty sure scrappers would be the same case.

The point I cant justify is why villain patrons get pets and heroes ancillarys dont. Thats always bugged me and ive always seen it as unbalanced in that respect.

I see many heroes picking villain patrons just for that reason alone.

My original problem with EPP/PPPs was that Heroes automatically got them while Villains had to jump through a few hoops to get theirs. In that regard, now there's parity.

As far as hero pets go, until we know what the Hero PPPs and the Villain EPPs are, it remains an unknown factor and can't really be considered a focus point at this time.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



So, was the 'what to do with your clone' portion of the new Dark Mirror arc a preview of what to expect out of the Alignment System?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I could understand your argument if this were Rularuu or Hamidon we are talking about. But it's a guy with a bow who's famous. The only reason he could take any of us is because the Dev's had to make him a challenge for a video game, and even then, people have solo'd him in missions, despite the buffs he has an an EB or AV. Storyline wise, I know for a fact that there are better, stronger characters than him. He, along with the rest of the Phalanx, are just the most famous heroes. And saying he's the only archer with great skills and is willing to teach a select few makes it seem like all our heroes are sidekicks, paling in comparison to the greatness that is the Dev's very own characters. Yeah, no thanks.
Actually, I agree with you as far as Manticore goes. I personally believe he would be a bad choice as a Patron Pool. But the point still stands. If I were to design a Patron set it would be based on the Five Elements: earth, air, wind, fire, and void (the complete lack of the elements). I believe someone earlier in this thread had something similar in mind. It seems to me this would work pretty well. I would also add Lord Arachnos to the villain Patrons, but again, just my opinion.



Just no to more patrons, hero or otherwise. If vills can use APPs now, there is no reason to add more pools that are of limited concept usefulness. This is why I posted some alternatives for those who find it a balance issue, such as an arc that unlocks them.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's what they're planning - more Cimerora content will be linked to the Coming Storm.
It's been coming for so long, some call it the Forgotten Storm.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



I'm not in the need of new PPP's or AT's, all i want are better animations.. QoL stuff.

But even more then that, i want some dev/PR dude pay some attention to European players.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Two separate things I’d like to comment on…

On the Manticore PPP vs “teaching a player to shoot an arrow” thing… at the end of the day, I think it’s because it’s an MMO not a single player game. Which means, the world is based on key signature characters, made by the devs, and they are and ever will be the toughest things out there in the stories they write. Most of the arcs are about you being “the new guy”, and barring a few obvious ego boosting arcs (cf A Hero’s Hero), the stories are about “What you do while the A-Listers are busy somewhere else.”

Thematically, it’s easier to fit it what Positron, Manticore, etc… is doing, story wise, in order to bring in a new arc, storyline, Issue, expansion, than to write in “This is how YOUR hero changed the world.”

Or, put another way, if this was Marvel, I’d EXPECT the world to revolve around Thor, The Avengers, Spider-Man, and you tag along, or if this was DC, it revolves around Batman, Superman, Wonder-Woman, etc… CoH just has its mythology made up for the game in that, before CoH, there was no Positron, Statesman, Recluse, Ghost Widow, but it’s basically a made up Marvel or DC universe.

Sure, you can have an important part in it, but what are people going to read about in the next release? (Your character name) that the devs have no idea about the background, powersets, etc… and come up with a suitably universal line, progression, powers in the story?… or base it off their own characters story and powers wise. If that’s dev ego patting, they deserve it for making this great game. Try and play a Marvel MMO, say, and it not being based on Spider-Man or whatever.

Sure, in your mind, you’re a better web-spinner than Spider-Man, but, if you play a Marvel MMO, expect the “THIS web spinning power can only be learned from Peter Parker.” makes sense, it can be written tightly, and for many of us, it’s cool to learn from a known character. Switch Spider-Man with Manticore, and you have the same thing here.

I’m sorry you’re not the main focus of the game, story or powers wise, and I truly am, but that’s the downside of an MMO. It’s probably really hard to code. Single player games can be more centered on you personally, and can have a story arc that matches that, say, Neverwinter Nights, because they KNOW it’s just you and your sidekick adventuring. Powers wise, for (I’ll risk putting a number to it) but for 95% of us, a signature Hero or Villain AV needs a team to take down, because they are THAT much above us. I happy some people can solo 8 of them at once, but, the devs have to and should cater to the majority, and many of us get our butts kicked even with a team of 8.

Thematic PPP, hero or villainside are cool, just for roleplay reasons, fun factor, and some of us don’t need to be center stage. And if you do, pretend you are doing the Manticore arc, and, in your mind, you’re teaching HIM how to shoot the bow, and ignore those word things. And, you get access to the power as you teach him the basics, just as a timing-wise coincidence.

Or, put the whole darn thing to rest, I’d say match APP powers to a PPP, and just have PPP powers have a signature uncopy-able effect, like an Arachnos and Freedom Phalanx holo-icon appear, for those of us that enjoy the story, and you don’t need to ruin your hero image that you had to get “instructions” from Manticore. You get the power, we get the story, everyone is happy.

Now, on to topic 2…

It was said earlier (and the quote feature won’t let me get that section for some reason, but I’m old and these board things frustrate me) that many MMO have gods sullying the lore of the game, well, worship is part of life and game.

Whether it’s secular (if I have the word right, I’m English Second Language… I mean non-religious worship), like worshipping movie-stars, scientists, activists, politicians; or religious (pick one), or personal (pick a friend / family member you want to emulate), worship tends to happen for a lot of people. Sure many of you are probably fiercely independent but I have no problem admitting that myself, and probably many others are followers, and I’m ok with being Stateman’s sidekick, etc…

Godhood is not as clear cut as some might think either. If we went back in time, with our aircraft carriers, and modern medicine, and cell phones, and 70+ year life spans, we’d be gods to 20 YO life expectancy cavemen.

There’s also a lot of thematic precedence in media. In Stargate, Gua’Ould (? spelling) are just 1,000+ year old parasitic slugs, in a body, and they fly around in pyramid shaped space ships. Knowing what they are, from the series, I still consider them gods in the AD&D (showing my geek roots, sorry) sense of the word, as would most primitive worlds.

And, especially from a super-hero standpoint, there’s a lot of godlike characters, or power origins that have been popularized in both mainstream comic books. In Marvel, Thor is an actual God of Thunder. The Eternals (from the 70s, not sure if they were remade) were aliens that happen to be worshipped and they became the Greek Gods. Ghost Rider got his power from an evil god/demon. For DC… Wonder Woman (in some of her many origins) has her powers from the Greek Gods. Captain Marvel also have godly origins to his powers. I’m sure if Green Lantern landed on a primitive planet, he’d be considered a “god”, and so on.

So, godly Lore, is common both here on real earth, in movies, in comic books and in MMOs. So, common things being common, of course they’ll put a godly Lore to it. Now, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Just like the person in topic #1 not liking his hero not being central, you have every right not to like it and tune out those elements.

But, CoH being a business, they should, business sense wise, cater to what people like the most. Hopefully, for your sakes, they can do it in ways in which you can still enjoy the game. But, godly Lore, and you being an important side kick instead of the mainstay, makes sense to me to get the most people interested as well as being an easy way to overcome hurdles for the stories, powers, and updates of an MMO.

DISCLAIMER = I’m in my 40s, not primarily English speaking, and going through some translation issues most likely. It’s not my intention to pick on, or ridicule, or insult, so if it comes out that way, I do apologize. Treat anything offensive as language or crotchety old man origin, and not anything personal. You have every right to dislike any part of the game, “common” or not.



Fiery_Redeemer, I want to be the first to say that you have an awesome arguement on all accounts. Don't worry about your english, it was almost flawless and easily understandable. Your arguements themselves are well supported and well wrtitten. I am sure that even people who disagree with you will have to at least admire the strength of your arguement. All-in-all, EXCELLENT.

Positive Reputation Point from me to you!



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I cant even say that is what they said, they are so good at making statements that make me sit here and question my critical thinking skills!

Quoted for truth.

Great Q&A too ty.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

Q5 “What exactly is the reward for Heroes not switching to the Rogue Isles and Villains not switching to Paragon City?”

GF: We will be providing Heroes and Villains benefits for reinforcing their respective alignments. Those benefits will not be available to Vigilantes and Rogues. As we get closer to launch, more details about these rewards will be revealed.
So what power is obtained for staying a true villain or hero?

Most popular threads on GR pretain to how will SG's work? or PPP's when side switching, or Kinetic melee/Electric control, and the market merger... but I am curious what the reward is for not switching.

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