Dating and Immortality in COH




Something that popped into my head the other night as I was contemplating a new story.

There are quite a few characters in COX that are either extremely long lived or even physically immortal. Strangely enough, none of them seem to have dated their fellow immortals.

We've all either seen or heard of plenty of May-December relationships. Most of those in real life tend to be older men, younger women, but there are some women out there who prefer to date younger men.

So here's the point I'm getting at.

Marcus Cole is more than a hundred years old. He's one of the most famous men in history, and he's one of the world's greatest heroes.

What kind of woman would it take to be in an equal relationship with him? Could a "normal" woman have the experience and force of personality it would take to be his partner?

I'm thinking that an 18 year old fresh out of high school would probably not fit the bill ...

In the novel Freedom Phalanx Manticore was 19 years old or so. If the eternally youthful Sister Psyche (who would have been close to 60 in the 1980s) had expressed a romantic interest in Manti would he have had the experience to enter a relationship with her as an equal?

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What kind of woman would it take to be in an equal relationship with him? Could a "normal" woman have the experience and force of personality it would take to be his partner?
Kelly brook

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Marcus Cole is more than a hundred years old. He's one of the most famous men in history, and he's one of the world's greatest heroes.

What kind of woman would it take to be in an equal relationship with him? Could a "normal" woman have the experience and force of personality it would take to be his partner?
>.> His Sister... legally speaking...not genetically.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
There are quite a few characters in COX that are either extremely long lived or even physically immortal. Strangely enough, none of them seem to have dated their fellow immortals.
I'm reminded of the scene in Mallrats where (I forget the names, so I might not say the right one here) Brodie and Stan Lee discuss superhero genitalia.

That all said, I offer this:

That should solve the problem for you.


If the eternally youthful Sister Psyche
Specifically, I seem to recall that it's only her original body that doesn't age when she's "mind riding" or whatever they called it (the Aurora Borealis thingamajig).

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
>.> His Sister... legally speaking...not genetically.

Nothing in Web of Arachnos indicates that the Richters ever adopted Marcus and his brother. My guestimate is that the Cole brothers were in their early teens when they were taken in by Stefan and Monica's father.

(Really wish I could find my copy of that book right now. I'm having to by memory right now.)

By my (possibly faulty) memory, Marcus and Stefan left Paragon City around 1917. Marcus returned in the early 1930s. I would say that means he was probably around 32 when he got his powers ... and Monica was 8 years younger which would place her at about 24.

According to Web of Arachnos Marcus wrote Monica letters all the time he was away from Paragon City ... a grown man of 18+ plus writing letters to a 10 year old girl for 12 years is a bit on the weird side, I must admit ....

But back then, Statesman wasn't nearly as famous as he would become later. And he was still within the span of a mortal lifetime.

And Monica really wasn't all that normal either ...

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
I'm reminded of the scene in Mallrats where (I forget the names, so I might not say the right one here) Brodie and Stan Lee discuss superhero genitalia.

That all said, I offer this:

That should solve the problem for you.


Specifically, I seem to recall that it's only her original body that doesn't age when she's "mind riding" or whatever they called it (the Aurora Borealis thingamajig).
That's the official explanation, but that really makes no sense. Shalice was a teenager during World War II ... she arose to promise helping thwart Nemesis' attempt to take over America. At most, she's physically in her 30s now ...

So either the "non-aging" thing doesn't work quite the way that Positron stated or she's spent the majority of her career highacking other people's bodies to use to fight crime.

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Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
That's the official explanation, but that really makes no sense. Shalice was a teenager during World War II ... she arose to promise helping thwart Nemesis' attempt to take over America. At most, she's physically in her 30s now ...

So either the "non-aging" thing doesn't work quite the way that Positron stated or she's spent the majority of her career highacking other people's bodies to use to fight crime.
I agree with the first paragraph of your quote.

As for the second, I think it's the latter (i.e., she's spent the majority of her career using other people's bodies). I'm working on an arc sort of about this at the moment, but I can't get one of the missions to play right. (BlueBattler, feel free to PM me on this if you want, since it was one of your posts a couple years back that gave me the idea for it.)

Note, though, that the recent backgrounder on her Praetorian counterpart seems to imply that Shalice Tilman's career began rather more recently than World War II. Basically, like so many other points in the game's backstory, character age is a garbled mess, but no more so than a lot of things in the two major comic book universes.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
By my (possibly faulty) memory, Marcus and Stefan left Paragon City around 1917. Marcus returned in the early 1930s. I would say that means he was probably around 32 when he got his powers ... and Monica was 8 years younger which would place her at about 24.
Marcus was born on June 6, 1896 and he and Stefan found the Well on July 10, 1930.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
>.> His Sister... legally speaking...not genetically.
Who else would the incarnate of Zeus marry?



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I agree with the first paragraph of your quote.

As for the second, I think it's the latter (i.e., she's spent the majority of her career using other people's bodies). I'm working on an arc sort of about this at the moment, but I can't get one of the missions to play right. (BlueBattler, feel free to PM me on this if you want, since it was one of your posts a couple years back that gave me the idea for it.)

Note, though, that the recent backgrounder on her Praetorian counterpart seems to imply that Shalice Tilman's career began rather more recently than World War II. Basically, like so many other points in the game's backstory, character age is a garbled mess, but no more so than a lot of things in the two major comic book universes.
I'm betting on the redhead as a borrowed body.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Nothing in Web of Arachnos indicates that the Richters ever adopted Marcus and his brother. My guestimate is that the Cole brothers were in their early teens when they were taken in by Stefan and Monica's father.

(Really wish I could find my copy of that book right now. I'm having to by memory right now.)

By my (possibly faulty) memory, Marcus and Stefan left Paragon City around 1917. Marcus returned in the early 1930s. I would say that means he was probably around 32 when he got his powers ... and Monica was 8 years younger which would place her at about 24.

According to Web of Arachnos Marcus wrote Monica letters all the time he was away from Paragon City ... a grown man of 18+ plus writing letters to a 10 year old girl for 12 years is a bit on the weird side, I must admit ....

But back then, Statesman wasn't nearly as famous as he would become later. And he was still within the span of a mortal lifetime.

And Monica really wasn't all that normal either ...
He was born in 1896, left in 1918. What are you talking about Cole brothers? I've never heard of a brother and Cole's mother died when he was born... his father "drunk himself to death" so I doubt he had any more children...

Stefan and Marcus signed up for the military in 1918...that would make them 22 and 25...and Marcus obviously was raised more or less by the Richters from an early age. that being the case Monica was probably 12-14 when he left at minimum. and 24-26 when Cole came back... Stefan never came back.



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
Who else would the incarnate of Zeus marry?
Staying true to myth, the joke answer is the most obvious: Anyone he wants.

Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
He was born in 1896, left in 1918. What are you talking about Cole brothers?
Ezra Cole was murdered by Stephan or another agent of Arachnos in order to entice Marcus to return to Paragon City and eliminate the Nemesis threat. The crime was arranged to look like an early automaton prototype killed the elder Cole brother.

Evil is a maze of deceit and the cheese it hides is never worth the running.



Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
Staying true to myth, the joke answer is the most obvious: Anyone he wants.
No, Zeus slept with whom ever he wanted, he only married his sisters.



Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
Staying true to myth, the joke answer is the most obvious: Anyone he wants.

Ezra Cole was murdered by Stephan or another agent of Arachnos in order to entice Marcus to return to Paragon City and eliminate the Nemesis threat. The crime was arranged to look like an early automaton prototype killed the elder Cole brother.

I don't think it matters anyways cuz that is nearly canonically impossible.
they found the well of Furies in 1930 and Cole came home in 1931... Stefan was still a low ranking member of Arachnos if he had found them yet... and there was no reason for anyone to do that so...

So you would need a way to add him and remove him...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
You know those novels you haven't read?



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
You know those novels you haven't read?
good thing we can just toss those out as it contradicts from that limited information ^.^



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
good thing we can just toss those out as it contradicts from that limited information ^.^
The only contradictions are your assumption. The fact that you don't think it's a reasonable time frame doesn't allow you to throw out canon.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
What kind of woman would it take to be in an equal relationship with him? Could a "normal" woman have the experience and force of personality it would take to be his partner?
Other than the obvious joke of "a very sturdy one" (to quote some random Krogan: "They're so squishy. Where are you supposed to get a good grip?"), I think you either underestimate the power of human personality, or overstate that of the Statesman's. He may have super unkillability and super strength, but his powers don't really include any mental or psychic abilities, so whatever person he has is still very much human and very much within the limits of the kind of strong personality a normal human would have.

Of course, since most writers are male, it's rare to see a strong, confident, secure female character who doesn't walk hand over fist into Mary Sue.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Other than the obvious joke of "a very sturdy one" (to quote some random Krogan: "They're so squishy. Where are you supposed to get a good grip?"), I think you either underestimate the power of human personality, or overstate that of the Statesman's. He may have super unkillability and super strength, but his powers don't really include any mental or psychic abilities, so whatever person he has is still very much human and very much within the limits of the kind of strong personality a normal human would have.

Of course, since most writers are male, it's rare to see a strong, confident, secure female character who doesn't walk hand over fist into Mary Sue.
I wasn't even referring to a sort of "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" situation.

What I was thinking about was the idea that age brings experience.

Physically, Statesman is in his early 30s. But he's had more than a century of life to accumulate experience. He may not have seen it all, but it's probably darn close.

Is your typical 20 or 30 year old going to have the emotional maturity to deal with someone in Statesman's situation as an equal?

When you're 110 years old, when are you NOT robbing the cradle when you date?

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
When you're 110 years old, when are you NOT robbing the cradle when you date?
When you live in a world with immortal beings, you're possibly expected to find someone still your age.
Randomly... Five bucks on Desdemona becoming a new love interest for States.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Physically, Statesman is in his early 30s. But he's had more than a century of life to accumulate experience. He may not have seen it all, but it's probably darn close.

Is your typical 20 or 30 year old going to have the emotional maturity to deal with someone in Statesman's situation as an equal?
I dare say my own experience quite decidedly proves that maturity and wisdom are not necessarily tied to age. Granted, the older a person is, the greater the likelyhood that he or she will be wise and mature, but... That's far from guaranteed. Moreover, age brings with it the feeling that you've seen it all and you know it all, which tends to blind a person to all the things he hasn't actually seen or learned. That's why it takes a child to shout that the king is naked.

Again, it takes a strong, clever person, and that very much IS within the realm of your typical young woman.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Dating? In CoH?

Man, don't you people know that, these days, bad things happen when the romance game is played in the comic genre? I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on Psyche and Manticore's marriage.

This, in turn, will cause Manticore to become a dark, brooding recluse,
which will cause division in the Freedom Phalanx,
which will cause it's dissolution,
the bad guys will take advantage of the power vacuum,
only to be stopped in the nick of time by the new, hip generation of young supers,
who will form the hip and popular New Freedom Phalanx,
and then most of them will die in successive story arcs at the hands of those same bad guys,
because that's edgy and they were never meant to last long anyway,
their deaths will bring the old Freedom Phalanx back together, including the surviving (i.e. the most popular) characters from the New Freedom Phalanx,
Manticore will recover from his trauma due to some ambiguous revelation,
Sister Psyche will be brought back from the dead in some baffling way,
and things will return to exactly the way they were before because man, that New Freedom Phalanx thing just wasn't working out.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Wow this is kinda funny I just got done reading Web of Arachnos and now I am reading The Freedom Phalanx. Also did you guys know that according to the book Ray Keyes (Positron) and Steve (Synapse) were 27 in 1986 so today in 2010 that would make them 50. They look pretty good for men who are half a century old.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
Wow this is kinda funny I just got done reading Web of Arachnos and now I am reading The Freedom Phalanx. Also did you guys know that according to the book Ray Keyes (Positron) and Steve (Synapse) were 27 in 1986 so today in 2010 that would make them 50. They look pretty good for men who are half a century old.
The given reasons for that are A) Positron was preserved inside his suit while unstable, and B) Synapse's altered biology keeps him in good shape.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)