Good Primaries / Secondaries for a Solo-Tanker?




Hi all. I'm new to the forums here in terms of posting, though i've been lurking for a long while reading people's posts. I've never really played a tanker before, and I've always played mostly team players. My only real solo toon being my spines/dark scrap. So, I was wondering what were good choices for a primarily solo tank?



I think a very effective solo tank is a Fire/DM tank. Decent resists, two kinds of a Build Up, two +endurance powers, two heals. Pretty effective in concept.

Willpower, Dark and Invuln are good choices for primaries in general.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



I was thinking maybe an Invuln/SS?



Primary: Any but Stone

Secondary: Any.

Inv/SS would work well, although the wait for Foot Stomp feels like an eternity. Not my first choice, but more than capable.

Fire/Dark, as mentioned would be a solid choice.

WP will give you a solid tank, with end recovery, which makes things go a little smoother.

Fire/Stone is a nice combo, with good damage, and excellent mitigation. Heavy on the end though.

Inv/Dark is a beast with outstanding survivability and some decent utility to compliment its good ST damage.

Once you kick Stone(Granite) out of the running, everything comes into contention.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




for a primarily solo tanker... I would suggest a shield defense/electric melee combo. I loved mine and it was pretty durable. Yes, i know with defense sets, it can be traitorous.. but that is only in your head. pop those purples! As soon as you get shield charge at 26, it gets massively easier. If you slot IO sets, slot for +def bonuses to melee and ranged/aoe if you can. trust me, this combo is insanely fun and robust if built right.

As an alternative though, choose inv/SS wp/SS ice/ss DA/SS ... get the picture. superstrength as your secondary.




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Inv/SS would work well, although the wait for Foot Stomp feels like an eternity. Not my first choice, but more than capable.
I have a purpled-out 50 Inv/SS that I mostly solo with. I built him with an eye towards global recharge (155% with Hasten). Believe me, it picks the pace right up.

Perma-Dull Pain and long stretches of double-Rage don't hurt either.



SD/Stone is the most fun Solotoon i have. It is the first Toon with that i really enjoy Soloplaying. Sure, SD/ELE is faster lvling once you get SC+LR, but i find it a bit of boring. In my Eyes it's good for a Farming-Toon not a Fun-Toon. SS has overall more Damage than Stone, but you have to wait till lvl38 to get Footstomp and you have less Damage Mitigation. These are the Reasons i enjoyed SD/Stone more.
With lvl20 you get Fault and things are getting easy, with lvl26 and Shield Charge they're getting much easier and with lvl 35....BU, SC, Tremor, Fault and some IO-Sets for better Defense and Boom, you can level with Radiomishs +1 up to +3/x8. Shield Charge, Tremor, Fault... the Villains will sit 90% of the time on the Ground. Much fun, a very Superheroic-Feeling and good Solo Lvling Speed, if you choose mainly Missions with NPCs that have not too high S/L-Resists.

It is a funny Combo with enough Damage through AAO and SC and enough Survivabilty with all the Knockdowns, Helds and Disorients.

Here is a short Video to show what i mean:



In no particular order: All have enough resists/defenses to let you survive solo and enough damage to keep things moving quickly.


AAO in Shield Defense makes up for it's lack of a damage aura with it's constant +damage. I haven't played with Ice Armor enough to throw it into the mix, but I suspect it would do fine as a solo primary as well. I also haven't played enough with Electric Melee to make a comment one way or another.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Invulnerability with anything would work also because lets not forget Invulns aura gives a boost to hit allowing you to hit more often and possible shift slotting to dmg instead of accuracy.



I think I'll try SD/SM! I love earth on my dom. Might as well try stone. XD Thanks for all the suggestions!



Originally Posted by Nokua View Post
I think I'll try SD/SM! I love earth on my dom. Might as well try stone. XD Thanks for all the suggestions!
Your blue bar will hate you, but if you can fix that, will be fun.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



If you plan to use IO-Sets End will not be a Problem. If you don't use IO-Sets you have to 3 Slot Stamina and put at least 1 Endred in each Power. The Temporary Power "Recovery Serum" will help alot till you have Stamina. Hero Accolades like the "Atlas Medaillon" will help also. Biggest Endsucker will be your lvl38 Power.



Yes, the end will be annoying, but I plan to IO up ASAP, so hpefully it won't be so bad!



My only level 50 Tanker is a WP/Fire. He was a lot of fun, from start to finish, and he really played like a tough Scrapper. I ran him through all the Hazard Zones only (Perez Park, Hollows, Faultline, etc.) just for a change, and it was great.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)