Atomic Manipulation
Nice set, though I personally dislike all melee sets put onto a ranged AT. Feels more Scrappery/Brutey/Tankey to me.
Remember Far Realm: the developers have stated in the past that they consider the Energy Manipulation set to be too melee heavy for a blaster, and that most, if not all future Manipulation sets would be more based towards the Mental Manipulation Model.
That being said, I do like where the set idea is going. So here's a rework to actually fit the Blaster style. So, couple of notes.
- First: only 2 straight melee attacks.
- Second: up to 2 PbAOE attacks (fire gets Combustion and Fire Sword Circle, so this is acceptable).
- third: no duplication of powers / effects in the primary sets.
- fourth: as the power levels increase, the powers become more about getting OUT of trouble, so these are where the status effects go.
- fifth: the blaster's job isn't to debuff. While some toggle debuffs are in the epic set, these are for edging out the build.
Okay, with those stipulations in mind, here we go:
- 1) Background Radiation Immobilizes the target and deals some damage. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Fast
Background Radiation causes an internal radiation field to intensify in your target, causing extreme nausea. Opponents might not feel like moving, but will still be able to attack.
- 2) Uranium Fist an unstable radioactive melee attack that reduces an enemies defense. Damage: Medium Energy/Smashing Recharge: Fast
Uranium Fist causes your hands to be wrapped with radiation, penetrating an enemies defense.
- 3) Atom Burst - an unstable radioactive Cone attack that reduces defense. Damage Moderate / Close Ranged
You burst an atom in a directed spray, illuminating foes in front of you with a deadly radiation. This power has a limited range 60ft / 30 degree arc, 10 targets max
- 4: Uranium Burst - an unstable radioactive melee attack that reduces defense. Damage: High Energy / Smashing: Recharge Moderate:: 20% chance 2 mag stun.
Uranium Burst Detonates a shard of Uranium on Impact, causing high defense debuffs. The detonation may yield a chance to stun.
- 5) Personal Amplitude Modulation - Activating this power causes your damage, to-hit, recharge rate, and recovery rate to increase.
+50% strength to all damage for 30 seconds. +50% to all recharge for 30 seconds, +50% strength to to-hit, +100% strength to endurance recovery
- 6) Radiation Leak While this power is active, you give off radiation that slowly damages nearby enemies over time and slightly reduces their accuracy and defense. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Slow
You've mastered the art of controlling your radiation, allowing it to seep out and damage targets close to you
- 7) Choking Infection - Ranged Hold
You cause a massive radiation infection at a distance, causing the target to be held
- 8) Atom Smasher a PbAoe melee click that splits some of the target's atoms, generating a powerful explosion that propels the target backwards and disrupts its damage resistance. Damage: None Recharge: Moderate :: Stun - High :: Knockback Mag 2
Atom Smasher causes an Atomic Explosion around an enemy. The intense gas release sends enemies flying outward, stunning the target and any nearby enemies
- 9) Choking Cloud Burst - PbAoe melee click that releases a burst of cosmic energy around you. +2 mag Sleep for 16seconds.
a PbAoe melee effect that causes enemies close to you to be overcome with Radiation sickness, and unable to move. Attacking these enemies will cause them to break free of the sickness and resume attacking.
Ooo! I wanna play too:
1. Nuclear Thrust. Melee, Minor DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockback. (Power Thrust)
2. Contaminated Strike. Melee, Medium DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe -Defense (Shivan)
3. Nucleonic Cloak. PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Defense. (Chilling Embrace)
4. Radioactive Smash. Melee, High DMG (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe Disorient (minor chance), -Defense, -Fly (Shivan)
5. Metabolic Stimulant. Self +SPD, +Recovery, +DMG, +Res (Effects). (Accelerate Metabolism)
6. Blast Wave. Foe Disorient, Foe Knockback (Thunder Clap)
7. Lingering Radiation. Ranged (Target AoE). Foe -Speed, Foe -Recharge (Lingering Radiation)
8. Enervate Foe. Ranged (Single Target). Foe -Res.
9. Fallout. Post-Defeat. Self PBAoE. Extreme DMG (Energy). Foe -To Hit, Foe -Defense (Fallout)
Remember Far Realm: the developers have stated in the past that they consider the Energy Manipulation set to be too melee heavy for a blaster, and that most, if not all future Manipulation sets would be more based towards the Mental Manipulation Model.
That being said, I do like where the set idea is going. So here's a rework to actually fit the Blaster style. So, couple of notes.
Okay, with those stipulations in mind, here we go:
I like the idea of self-based Fallout, Seraphael!
Let's try this then:
1) Background Radiation - as stated
2) Uranium Fist - as stated
3) Atom Smasher - a melee attack that splits a couple of the target's atoms, dealing no damage but knocking them down and disorienting them. Recharge: Slow
4) Radiation Leak - as stated (This is supposed to be like Blazing Aura or Lightning Field that trades a little damage for a minor debuff effect, and Fire/Electrical Manipulation grant those at level 3, so this should be balanced)
5) Build Up
6) Touch of Ruin You generate a small amount of antimatter from your fingertips and can direct it at a target up to 15 feet away from you. In addition to taking serious damage, the target is knocked back and left with reduced damage resistance. This power is more endurance-intensive than similar attack powers, and there is a very brief period wherein it can be interrupted, so it must be timed carefully. Note that it can benefit from both Melee and Sniper Invention Enhancement sets. Damage: Superior Energy Recharge: Slow
7) Critical Mass - as stated
8) Shiva Strike - as stated (either 'hold' or 'obliterate' version)
9) Fallout - useable only on self after being defeated
Ooo! I wanna play too:
1. Nuclear Thrust. Melee, Minor DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockback. (Power Thrust) 2. Contaminated Strike. Melee, Medium DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe -Defense (Shivan) 3. Nucleonic Cloak. PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Defense. (Chilling Embrace) 4. Radioactive Smash. Melee, High DMG (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe Disorient (minor chance), -Defense, -Fly (Shivan) 5. Metabolic Stimulant. Self +SPD, +Recovery, +DMG, +Res (Effects). (Accelerate Metabolism) 6. Blast Wave. Foe Disorient, Foe Knockback (Thunder Clap) 7. Lingering Radiation. Ranged (Target AoE). Foe -Speed, Foe -Recharge (Lingering Radiation) 8. Enervate Foe. Ranged (Single Target). Foe -Res. 9. Fallout. Post-Defeat. Self PBAoE. Extreme DMG (Energy). Foe -To Hit, Foe -Defense (Fallout) |
if it is possible to use when dead, then sure, i like all of it

Ooo! I wanna play too:
1. Nuclear Thrust. Melee, Minor DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockback. (Power Thrust) 2. Contaminated Strike. Melee, Medium DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe -Defense (Shivan) 3. Nucleonic Cloak. PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Defense. (Chilling Embrace) 4. Radioactive Smash. Melee, High DMG (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe Disorient (minor chance), -Defense, -Fly (Shivan) 5. Metabolic Stimulant. Self +SPD, +Recovery, +DMG, +Res (Effects). (Accelerate Metabolism) 6. Blast Wave. Foe Disorient, Foe Knockback (Thunder Clap) 7. Lingering Radiation. Ranged (Target AoE). Foe -Speed, Foe -Recharge (Lingering Radiation) 8. Enervate Foe. Ranged (Single Target). Foe -Res. 9. Fallout. Post-Defeat. Self PBAoE. Extreme DMG (Energy). Foe -To Hit, Foe -Defense (Fallout) |
Remember Far Realm: the developers have stated in the past that they consider the Energy Manipulation set to be too melee heavy for a blaster, and that most, if not all future Manipulation sets would be more based towards the Mental Manipulation Model.
Or Fire Manipulation? Also 7 of 9 requiring melee range.
Ice Manipulation: 6 of 9 melee.
Devices: 0 of 9 melee dependant. The ONLY blaster secondary that isn't heavily weighted toward use in melee range.
Mental Manipulation has 5 powers that require melee range. So almost 2/3rds of the set that is supposed to be getting away from melee powers requires you to be in melee to use. I wouldn't say it's all that different from the other blaster secondaries in that regard.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Remember Far Realm: the developers have stated in the past that they consider the Energy Manipulation set to be too melee heavy for a blaster, and that most, if not all future Manipulation sets would be more based towards the Mental Manipulation Model.
That being said, I do like where the set idea is going. So here's a rework to actually fit the Blaster style. So, couple of notes.
Okay, with those stipulations in mind, here we go:
I'd probably replace this with just Build Up as that power seems to be unbalanced toward other secondaries.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Power 1. I win button it transforms you into a Fire/Dark corr.
No other powers in set.
So, what do they think of Electric Manipulation, which has 7 out of 9 powers requiring you to be in melee?
Or Fire Manipulation? Also 7 of 9 requiring melee range. Ice Manipulation: 6 of 9 melee. Devices: 0 of 9 melee dependant. The ONLY blaster secondary that isn't heavily weighted toward use in melee range. Mental Manipulation has 5 powers that require melee range. So almost 2/3rds of the set that is supposed to be getting away from melee powers requires you to be in melee to use. I wouldn't say it's all that different from the other blaster secondaries in that regard. |
I love the idea behind critical mass!
however, what will be the exchnage rate, so to speak?
For example, you get a constnat 25% damage buff, in exchange for losing 5hp/sec or such?
I love the idea behind critical mass!
however, what will be the exchnage rate, so to speak? For example, you get a constnat 25% damage buff, in exchange for losing 5hp/sec or such? |

Multiplier = 2 ^ ((45 - HealthPercentage) / 10)
DamageBoost = 25% * Multiplier
ToHitBoost = 1.25% * Multiplier
Following that route, the buff values at 25% health would yield a 100% boost to Damage and a 5% boost to ToHit. At 5% health, there would be a 400% boost to Damage and a 20% boost to ToHit. Of course, it would be a "little" overpowered - but, hey, all other ATs have access to broken powers, why not Blasters as well?

so, it's just old defiance again? But it kills you slowly while stacking with new defiance?
Sweet, especially if theres access to the self-fallout...I can see this set being crazy-fun
Well, I'm sure there's fans (both of them
![]() Multiplier = 2 ^ ((45 - HealthPercentage) / 10) DamageBoost = 25% * Multiplier ToHitBoost = 1.25% * Multiplier Following that route, the buff values at 25% health would yield a 100% boost to Damage and a 5% boost to ToHit. At 5% health, there would be a 400% boost to Damage and a 20% boost to ToHit. Of course, it would be a "little" overpowered - but, hey, all other ATs have access to broken powers, why not Blasters as well? ![]() |
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I have lots of new powerset ideas, but this may be the one I want the most. See what you think!
Available to: Blasters
Set Color: Electric Yellowish Green
You are nuclear-powered! You can generate radiation and pure atomic energy to devastating effect.
1) Background Radiation greatly slows the target and deals some damage. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Fast
2) Uranium Fist an unstable radioactive melee attack that, while it has a penalty to accuracy, does high damage and leaves the target with reduced defense. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Fast
3) Radiation Leak While this power is active, you give off radiation that slowly damages nearby enemies over time and slightly reduces their accuracy and defense. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Slow
4) Enervating Field
5) Build Up
6) Atom Smasher a nasty melee attack that splits some of the target's atoms, generating a powerful explosion that propels the target backwards and disrupts its damage resistance. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Moderate
7) Critical Mass you push your ability to generate energy to the absolute limit. While this power is active, your damage is increased, but you slowly take damage yourself. Recharge: Slow
8) Shiva Strike channels a megaton of energy into a single melee attack. The target's defense will be decreased and it is likely to be rendered helpless. Damage: Extreme Energy/Smashing Recharge: Slow
9) Fallout
Also, some alternative ideas:
Shiva Strike channels a megaton of energy into a single melee attack. The target's defense will be decreased and there is a remote chance that ordinary enemies (minions, lieutenants, and bosses) will be obliterated outright. Damage: Extreme Energy/Smashing Recharge: Slow
Touch of Ruin You generate a small amount of antimatter from your fingertips and can direct it at a target up to 15 feet away from you. In addition to taking serious damage, the target is knocked back and left with reduced damage and damage resistance. This power is more endurance-intensive than similar attack powers, and there is a very brief period wherein it can be interrupted, so it must be timed carefully. Note that it can benefit from both Melee and Sniper Invention Enhancement sets. Damage: Superior Energy Recharge: Slow