46 -
While I don't think Pain Domination was a strictly necessary addition (Villains already had Thermal Radiation, Radiation Emission, Dark Miasma, and Poison for all their resurrection needs), I think it turned out alright looking at it. The concept of manipulating pain in its purest form is a superpower idea I came up with myself. However, they made it TOO much like Empathy. Here's a few ways I'd change it to make it fit the concept better:
First, the minor ideas:
Soothing Aura is a fine concept, but I don't like the animation. I wish the 'sphere of motes' animation was at least optional.
Painbringer's still too much like Adrenaline Rush - it would make more sense if suppressed the target's ability to feel pain, resulting in a massive damage resistance bonus and an endurance discount on its powers, rather than the regeneration and recovery rate bonus.
I just want to say I really LIKE Enforced Morale - not only does it make perfect sense, it's funny!
Now the bigger ideas:
I think it would make sense for there to be one other debuff in the set, possibly replacing either World of Pain or Soothing Aura. One idea would be remodeling either of them as an equivalent debuff for enemies, but I think a better one would be:
Agony - wracks an individual target with pain. While you keep this power active, the target's accuracy and defense are all severely reduced. In addition, any resistance it might have to control and status effects is also weakened, and the pain may even periodically cause it to writhe helplessly, or failing that slow it.
My biggest issue is with Conduit of Pain - obviously the set needs a resurrection power if it's supposed to be "evil Empathy", but how exactly does manipulating pain in the manner Conduit of Pain does bring back the dead? Here's my idea:
Forced Life - Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "that which does not kill me makes me stronger." It stands to reason, then, that that which brings you back from the dead can make you powerful indeed. With this power, you send a sudden shock of incredible pain through a defeated ally's body - the pain is that certain, special kind of "good hurt" that reminds the target of what life it has left and how much it wants it. The target comes back to life, but is weakened by the pain while it lasts. It's accuracy, damage and defense are all reduced for a while, but since its in pain already, further pain means less to it, increasing its damage resistance for the same duration. When the initial effect wears off, however, it experiences a kind of reckless euphoria that greatly increases its accuracy, damage, and defense, but also decreases its damage resistance, for a long time thereafter. -
Quote:I was just thinking of a flat bonus, actually.Well, I'm sure there's fans (both of them
) of the old Defiance who would love getting back the life on the extreme edge. "Exchange rate" below:
Multiplier = 2 ^ ((45 - HealthPercentage) / 10)
DamageBoost = 25% * Multiplier
ToHitBoost = 1.25% * Multiplier
Following that route, the buff values at 25% health would yield a 100% boost to Damage and a 5% boost to ToHit. At 5% health, there would be a 400% boost to Damage and a 20% boost to ToHit. Of course, it would be a "little" overpowered - but, hey, all other ATs have access to broken powers, why not Blasters as well? -
Quote:To be fair, there is a difference between very-short-ranged offensive powers and "melee attacks." Still, most of these have at least 3 clear-cut "melee attacks," just as my original Atomic Manipulation did.So, what do they think of Electric Manipulation, which has 7 out of 9 powers requiring you to be in melee?
Or Fire Manipulation? Also 7 of 9 requiring melee range.
Ice Manipulation: 6 of 9 melee.
Devices: 0 of 9 melee dependant. The ONLY blaster secondary that isn't heavily weighted toward use in melee range.
Mental Manipulation has 5 powers that require melee range. So almost 2/3rds of the set that is supposed to be getting away from melee powers requires you to be in melee to use. I wouldn't say it's all that different from the other blaster secondaries in that regard. -
Quote:I don't think any rational person would have a problem with these - ebola and plague are associated with certain continents, but that doesn't make them politically incorrect. It would be interesting to design the mechanics of an AIDS power (does nothing itself, makes other diseases worse? interesting idea), but I'm not going to seriously suggest that.
The only thing I'd anticipate would be some peeps may not find the *specific* diseases politically correct. (I personally dont care what you do because I had visions of powers that would also randomly mess with the costume and body editor as long as they were infected - like schizo-elephantitis!)
I also adjusted the Rabies power so it kills the beneficiary without damaging it. -
Quote:The easiest explanation for powers like these is some sort of magic, so I used rather magical language.I dunno, 'The music of the spheres', 'Kingdom of Pluto' and the use of 'Sol' instead of 'Star' give it an astrology type feel to it. It certainly doesn't evoke a strong astronomic concept in me.
But besides that, the set looks interesting. I'd have to know what you had in mind for the animations though.
But "Magic" + "Outer Space" =/= Astrology. Astrology's just one of countless possilbilities arising from the conjunction of the two (after all, these just happen to be two of the most absurdly broad and far-reaching concepts known to thought). Learn to think more like H. P. Lovecraft. -
Yeah, I wasn't sure about that - I just thought I'd toss it out there to see what sort of reaction I'd get. It can be converted to Toxic resistance just as easily - but might there be some sort of cheap backdoor way to confer a reduced chance of getting hit by Toxic damage? Just asking.
Quote:This isn't a bad version. Nuclear Thrust would need to be replaced, and I'd like it if you could work in Critical Mass and Uranium Strike's "damage for accuracy" deal, but do that and we'd have something else I could get behind.Ooo! I wanna play too:
1. Nuclear Thrust. Melee, Minor DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockback. (Power Thrust)
2. Contaminated Strike. Melee, Medium DMG (Energy/Smash). Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe -Defense (Shivan)
3. Nucleonic Cloak. PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Defense. (Chilling Embrace)
4. Radioactive Smash. Melee, High DMG (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown (minor chance), Foe Disorient (minor chance), -Defense, -Fly (Shivan)
5. Metabolic Stimulant. Self +SPD, +Recovery, +DMG, +Res (Effects). (Accelerate Metabolism)
6. Blast Wave. Foe Disorient, Foe Knockback (Thunder Clap)
7. Lingering Radiation. Ranged (Target AoE). Foe -Speed, Foe -Recharge (Lingering Radiation)
8. Enervate Foe. Ranged (Single Target). Foe -Res.
9. Fallout. Post-Defeat. Self PBAoE. Extreme DMG (Energy). Foe -To Hit, Foe -Defense (Fallout) -
Quote:I want the set to be risky and chaotic, like atomic power really is - hence, an attack that does more damage with less accuracy (it doesn't have to be "High", we can let the bean-counters haggle over the appropriate exchange rate), and a toggle damage bonus (overpowered for Blasters?) with continual self-damage (not when it's coupled with something terrifying to Blasters!). I made the first power a severe slow rather than immobilize both so it could be different and so it could feel more like existing radiation powers. I also want less "toxic gas" in favor of more "cosmic energy." I have no problem with moving away from melee and debuff, however.Remember Far Realm: the developers have stated in the past that they consider the Energy Manipulation set to be too melee heavy for a blaster, and that most, if not all future Manipulation sets would be more based towards the Mental Manipulation Model.
That being said, I do like where the set idea is going. So here's a rework to actually fit the Blaster style. So, couple of notes.
- First: only 2 straight melee attacks.
- Second: up to 2 PbAOE attacks (fire gets Combustion and Fire Sword Circle, so this is acceptable).
- third: no duplication of powers / effects in the primary sets.
- fourth: as the power levels increase, the powers become more about getting OUT of trouble, so these are where the status effects go.
- fifth: the blaster's job isn't to debuff. While some toggle debuffs are in the epic set, these are for edging out the build.
Okay, with those stipulations in mind, here we go:
- 1) Background Radiation Immobilizes the target and deals some damage. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Fast
- 2) Uranium Fist an unstable radioactive melee attack that reduces an enemies defense. Damage: Medium Energy/Smashing Recharge: Fast
- 3) Atom Burst - an unstable radioactive Cone attack that reduces defense. Damage Moderate / Close Ranged
- 4: Uranium Burst - an unstable radioactive melee attack that reduces defense. Damage: High Energy / Smashing: Recharge Moderate:: 20% chance 2 mag stun.
- 5) Personal Amplitude Modulation - Activating this power causes your damage, to-hit, recharge rate, and recovery rate to increase.
- 6) Radiation Leak While this power is active, you give off radiation that slowly damages nearby enemies over time and slightly reduces their accuracy and defense. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Slow
- 7) Choking Infection - Ranged Hold
- 8) Atom Smasher a PbAoe melee click that splits some of the target's atoms, generating a powerful explosion that propels the target backwards and disrupts its damage resistance. Damage: None Recharge: Moderate :: Stun - High :: Knockback Mag 2
- 9) Choking Cloud Burst - PbAoe melee click that releases a burst of cosmic energy around you. +2 mag Sleep for 16seconds.
I like the idea of self-based Fallout, Seraphael!
Let's try this then:
1) Background Radiation - as stated
2) Uranium Fist - as stated
3) Atom Smasher - a melee attack that splits a couple of the target's atoms, dealing no damage but knocking them down and disorienting them. Recharge: Slow
4) Radiation Leak - as stated (This is supposed to be like Blazing Aura or Lightning Field that trades a little damage for a minor debuff effect, and Fire/Electrical Manipulation grant those at level 3, so this should be balanced)
5) Build Up
6) Touch of Ruin You generate a small amount of antimatter from your fingertips and can direct it at a target up to 15 feet away from you. In addition to taking serious damage, the target is knocked back and left with reduced damage resistance. This power is more endurance-intensive than similar attack powers, and there is a very brief period wherein it can be interrupted, so it must be timed carefully. Note that it can benefit from both Melee and Sniper Invention Enhancement sets. Damage: Superior Energy Recharge: Slow
7) Critical Mass - as stated
8) Shiva Strike - as stated (either 'hold' or 'obliterate' version)
9) Fallout - useable only on self after being defeated -
There are a wide variety of ways either of these could be adjusted. See what you think!
Available to: Masterminds, Corrupters
Set Color: Medium Dark Hazel
Diseases can be devastating (or in a few cases, helpful), and are usually contagious, but with the exception of Computer Virus (and Rabies in the case of certain Masterminds), robots and machines are immune to their effects.
1) Creeping Cold – infects the target with a relatively mild, but highly contagious, strain of the common cold. Their speed and chance to hit are decreased for a little while, and nearby enemies are very likely to contract it in turn. Recharge: Moderate
2) Antibodies – incites target's immune system to purge whatever ails it, healing the target. Recharge: Fast
3) Computer Virus – infects an electronic or robotic target with a vicious computer virus that may have any number of devastating deleterious effects. Recharge: Moderate
4) Influenza – reduces the target's speed, damage, and defense. The flu is extremely contagious and may sometimes develop into pneumonia, causing victims to choke helplessly. Recharge: Moderate
5) Vaccine – cures a target of all deleterious effects affecting it, and inoculates it against future effects. Recharge: Fast
6) Invoke Symbiosis – stimulates a defeated ally's mitochondria, reanimating it and protecting it from debt for 90 seconds. The target will benefit from increased endurance recovery for a while after reanimation. In addition, whatever germs and parasites were residing in the character's body are prompted to seek out new hosts, generating a cloud of pestilence that lowers the defense and resistance of nearby enemies. When these effects wear off, the subject will suffer from decreased endurance recovery and attack speed for a while thereafter. Recharge: Very Long
7) Polio – Immobilizes a target, or may even completely paralyze them. Nearby enemies may contract a milder version and become immobilized. Recharge: Slow
8) Ebola (Corrupters) – infects the target with a horrible flesh-eating virus that gradually deals massive damage. Nearby enemies may contract a much weaker version. Damage: Extreme Toxic (DoT) Recharge: Very Long
Rabies (Masterminds) – you infect one of your own henchmen with a rapidly-advancing form of rabies (or a software analog, if your henchmen are robots). The target's movement, attack rate, and damage are all drastically increased, but the disease eventually kills it. Recharge: Very Long
9) Plague – Unleashes a terrible plague epidemic on your enemies, starting with an initial target and spreading rapidly and at longer range than other contagions. Victims are subjected to slowing, severe endurance loss and retarded recovery, decreased accuracy, and random outbreaks of minor Toxic damage. Recharge: Very Long
Available to: Defenders, Corrupters, Controllers, Masterminds
Set Color: Dark Indigo
You can conduct the Music of the Spheres to empower your allies and scour your enemies. Though their power is vast, the heavens are distant and indifferent allies, and most of the powers they grant do not come easily, costing a great deal of either time or endurance.
1) Swiftness of Mercury – agitates the molecules in you and your allies' bodies, granting you a modest bonus to movement speed, recharge rate, and Fire and Smashing resistance. Recharge: Very Long
2) Clouds of Venus (Controllers, Corrupters) – you surround your targets with a thick cloud of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, blinding them and corroding their damage resistance. Living targets who remain in the cloud for too long may be overcome by oxygen deprivation, putting them to sleep. Recharge: Long
Guidance of Venus (Defenders, Masterminds) – you invoke the power of Venus, the Morning Star, to guide you and your allies. While this power is active, you and your allies benefit from a slightly increased chance to hit and increased resistance to Toxic damage and sleep effects. Recharge: Moderate
3) Tilt of Uranus – the eccentric force of Uranus tilts spacetime around an enemy at an odd angle, to its detriment and your benefit. The target and enemies near it will experience a severe reduction of their defense and resistance against Energy, Negative Energy, and Psionics, as well as a smaller penalty to their resistance against all other types of damage. If the attack succeeds, your personal defenses and resistances are increased to the same degree. Recharge: Slow
4) Dust of Mars – While this power is active, you surround yourself and those near you with a Martian duststorm. Enemies will have a hard time picking you out of the cloud, and thus your defense against ranged attacks is increased. At the same time, the dust hones and cleans weapons and scours flesh, greatly increasing the damage done by you and your allies' Lethal attacks, as well as slightly increasing the damage of all your other attacks. Recharge: Moderate
5) Winds of Neptune – you direct a mere wisp of the strongest winds the solar system has to offer at a hapless foe. So long as you keep this power active, the target and other enemies near it are slowed, have their damage resistance severely reduced, and are frequently knocked back. Recharge: Slow
6) Rings of Saturn – coalesces rings of sharp rock and ice around a target ally that damage nearby enemies. Damage: Moderate Cold/Lethal (DoT) Recharge: Very Long
7) Force of Jupiter – You can invoke Jupiter's mighty magnetosphere to shield your comrades from harm. While this power is active, you generate a powerful magnetic field that provides nearby allies with incredible defense against all damage types except Psionic and Toxic, and against hold, immobilize, and knockback effects. Maintaining this power is very strenuous.
8) Radiance of Sol – While this power is active, all nearby allies benefit from increased damage, damage resistance, and regeneration and recovery rate. In addition, nearby enemies are burned over time. Damage: Minor Fire (DoT) Recharge: Slow
9) Kingdom of Pluto – summons a swarm of small Kuiper Belt Objects to harry your enemies. The objects' attacks do minor Smashing/Cold damage and one random additional effect: accuracy debuff, defense debuff, slow, knockdown, weak confusion, or additional Toxic damage. The objects are very difficult to destroy by any means, but cannot be healed or buffed. The objects mill around you wherever you go, but you have no control over them beyond that. They will only serve you for a limited time before they tire of the heat and return to their distant home. Recharge: Very Long -
I have lots of new powerset ideas, but this may be the one I want the most. See what you think!
Available to: Blasters
Set Color: Electric Yellowish Green
You are nuclear-powered! You can generate radiation and pure atomic energy to devastating effect.
1) Background Radiation greatly slows the target and deals some damage. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Fast
2) Uranium Fist an unstable radioactive melee attack that, while it has a penalty to accuracy, does high damage and leaves the target with reduced defense. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Fast
3) Radiation Leak While this power is active, you give off radiation that slowly damages nearby enemies over time and slightly reduces their accuracy and defense. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Slow
4) Enervating Field
5) Build Up
6) Atom Smasher a nasty melee attack that splits some of the target's atoms, generating a powerful explosion that propels the target backwards and disrupts its damage resistance. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Moderate
7) Critical Mass you push your ability to generate energy to the absolute limit. While this power is active, your damage is increased, but you slowly take damage yourself. Recharge: Slow
8) Shiva Strike channels a megaton of energy into a single melee attack. The target's defense will be decreased and it is likely to be rendered helpless. Damage: Extreme Energy/Smashing Recharge: Slow
9) Fallout
Also, some alternative ideas:
Shiva Strike channels a megaton of energy into a single melee attack. The target's defense will be decreased and there is a remote chance that ordinary enemies (minions, lieutenants, and bosses) will be obliterated outright. Damage: Extreme Energy/Smashing Recharge: Slow
Touch of Ruin You generate a small amount of antimatter from your fingertips and can direct it at a target up to 15 feet away from you. In addition to taking serious damage, the target is knocked back and left with reduced damage and damage resistance. This power is more endurance-intensive than similar attack powers, and there is a very brief period wherein it can be interrupted, so it must be timed carefully. Note that it can benefit from both Melee and Sniper Invention Enhancement sets. Damage: Superior Energy Recharge: Slow -
That actually sounds tempting. How do their Atomic Blasts compare? I mean, seriously, an "Atomic Blast" should disintegrate everything around you.
I'd personally be happy if they allowed the rest of the set to do a little less damage than other ranged sets in exchange for making Atomic Blast the most powerful 'nova' attack in the game. -
How favorably does Corrupters' Radiation Blast damage compare to Blasters' Radiation Blast ultimately? I've tested a Radiation Corrupter up to level 4, and that far, its damage seems little better than Defenders' Radiation Blast, the only difference I can see being Scourge. But Corrupters are supposed to do High damage (my Energy Blast and Assault Rifle Corrupters certainly do) - does their Radiation Blast change any with levels?
Why don't Brutes get Ice Armor?
Why don't Masterminds get Cold Domination, even though they get Thermal Radiation? Why don't they get Radiation Emission, for that matter?
Why don't Blasters get Dark Blast?
Why don't Defenders get Thermal Radiation and Fire Blast, even though they get Cold Domination and Ice Blast, and even Traps and Assault Rifle?
Why don't Corrupters get Force Field?
Why don't Tankers get Energy Aura?
Why don't Dominators get Illusion Control?
I'm not looking for the obvious answer, "The Devs haven't gotten around to it yet," or for bullies who answer me with thinly-disguised put-downs - I want to know if there's supposed to be any good reason for these particular absences. -
And now for something completely different.
There are a lot of ways this set could easily be changed if necessary.
Available to: Defenders, Corrupters, Controllers, Masterminds
Set Color: Dark Indigo
Animation Notes: It would be neat to see just how good a job they could do on Rings of Saturn. I think it would also be cool if they could base some of the sound effects on Holst's "The Planets" symphony, at least loosely - I *think* it's public domain.
You can conduct the Music of the Spheres to empower your allies and scour your enemies. Though their power is vast, the heavens are distant and indifferent allies, and most of the powers they grant do not come easily, costing a great deal of either time or endurance.
1) Swiftness of Mercury agitates the molecules in you and your allies' bodies, granting you a modest bonus to movement speed, recharge rate, and Fire and Smashing resistance. Recharge: Very Long
2) Clouds of Venus (Controllers, Corrupters) you surround your targets with a thick cloud of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, blinding them and corroding their damage resistance. Living targets who remain in the cloud for too long may be overcome by oxygen deprivation, putting them to sleep. Recharge: Long
Guidance of Venus (Defenders, Masterminds) you invoke the power of Venus, the Morning Star, to guide you and your allies. While this power is active, you and your allies benefit from a slightly increased chance to hit and increased defense against Toxic damage and sleep effects. Recharge: Moderate
3) Tilt of Uranus the eccentric force of Uranus tilts spacetime around an enemy at an odd angle, to its detriment and your benefit. The target and enemies near it will experience a severe reduction of their defense and resistance against Energy, Negative Energy, and Psionics, as well as a smaller penalty to their resistance against all other types of damage. If the attack succeeds, your personal defenses and resistances are increased to the same degree. Recharge: Slow
4) Dust of Mars While this power is active, you surround yourself and those near you with a Martian duststorm. Enemies will have a hard time picking you out of the cloud, and thus your defense against ranged attacks is increased. At the same time, the dust hones and cleans weapons and scours flesh, greatly increasing the damage done by you and your allies' Lethal attacks, as well as slightly increasing the damage of all your other attacks. Recharge: Moderate
5) Winds of Neptune you direct a mere wisp of the strongest wind the solar system has to offer at a hapless foe. So long as you keep this power active, the target and other enemies near it are slowed, have their damage resistance severely reduced, and are frequently knocked back. Recharge: Slow
6) Rings of Saturn coalesces rings of sharp rock and ice around a target ally that damage nearby enemies. Damage: Moderate Cold/Lethal (DoT) Recharge: Very Long
7) Force of Jupiter You can invoke Jupiter's mighty magnetosphere to shield your comrades from harm. While this power is active, you generate a powerful magnetic field that provides nearby allies with incredible defense against all damage types except Psionic and Toxic, and against hold, immobilize, and knockback effects. Maintaining this power is very strenuous.
8) Radiance of Sol While this power is active, all nearby allies benefit from increased damage, damage resistance, and regeneration and recovery rate. In addition, nearby enemies are burned over time. Damage: Minor Fire (DoT) Recharge: Slow
9) Kingdom of Pluto summons a swarm of small Kuiper Belt Objects to harry your enemies. The objects' attacks do minor Smashing/Cold damage and one random additional effect: accuracy debuff, defense debuff, slow, knockdown, weak confusion, or additional Toxic damage. The objects are very difficult to destroy by any means, but cannot be healed or buffed. The objects mill around you wherever you go, but you have no control over them beyond that. They will only serve you for a limited time before they tire of the heat and return to their distant home. Recharge: Very Long -
I realized that - I forgot to say that it could easily be changed. On the other hand, a scorpion's an animal. Unless you're Monsanto, you can't copyright that either.
Quote:The animation for this is actually supposed to be a quick, single motion, not necessarily looking like a proper garrotting and too short for the enemy to run away from you and take the chain with it. I admit, I was never sure about the best way to do the animation - actually, you know how Redcaps wrap themselves around your head? If they can do that, they should be able to manage something.In regards of the Chain set. Firstly, an all-power comment: WAY too much animation time to make it work, since it would basically requires as much or more detail than the Whip powers from the Demon Summoning set.
Now, power by power.
Score: Nice power, actually!
Garrote: Impossible using the game's current engine. It wouldn't be possible to make a visual link between yourself and the target to choke them for any length of time. Add to this that many enemies are of varying sizes and some don't really have necks (Robots of all stripes, but particularly the council and column hovering robots. Assuming the tech could be designed to allow it to choke out "Humanoid" enemies it would still look ridiculous if the foe moved towards the dominator, away from the dominator, or around a corner. Since the chain would spontaneously grow, shrink, or reach straight through the wall.
Quote:Sweep of Scorn: Nice. Single target KB power. Personally I'd have made it into a cone AoE KB.
Scarring Strike: Not a bad idea.
Torment: Works fine, so far as I can tell.
Constrict: Same as Garrote. Which brings another question! How long do the animations for these powers last? Do they hold the enemy? If so, can a player not attack until the held enemy is able to move again?
Quote:Scorpion Lunge: Trademark Infringement and impossible. there is no "Reverse Knockback", the game simply doesn't understand it. You can't "Pull" an enemy with anything shy of a teleport effect. If that's what you meant: No problems, really.
If they couldn't copyright the distinct design of Wolverine's claws (and apparently they couldn't), they can't copyright the age-old act of harpooning and dragging. As for the mechanics, reverse knockback was precisely what I was wondering about. Why couldn't it be done? World of Warcraft can do it. I understand it's a different (and slightly newer) game, but here's what I'd try: Can you generate a knockback FROM BEHIND the enemy, blowing it your way? If not, I guess a teleportation mechanic coupled with a yanking animation would be fine.
Quote:Touch of Hades: Not a bad power, overall. Though the random chance for negative energy damage seems to come from nowhere, as the rest of the power set focuses on lethal damage and a more "Natural origin" powerset.
Quote:Dancing Chain: Impossible within the game's engine on multiple fronts. First: it couldn't occupy your square. Second: It couldn't create an "Over the Shoulder" costume piece, since not all bodies are the same size/shape. Third: We're left to wonder which powers it uses which could point back to "Garrote" and "Constrict" problems.
-Rachel- -
New idea:
Be Ghost Rider, or (since he's not a Villain) Jacob Marley maybe? Or maybe a certain video game character....
Available to: Dominators
Set Color: Reddish Dark Grey
Animation Notes: Since a chain is a series of rigid links rather than a continuous thread (and I was thinking the links would be fairly big), shouldn't this be a lot easier to do than whips? Different animation options should allow for choosing between a more natural or supernatural feel.
You torment your foes with one or more wicked spiked chains. While you do not quite have the range of other Assault sets, the chain's weight and your skill make it more accurate.
1) Score – a straightforward ranged strike that leaves a deep, nasty wound that bleeds for additional damage over time. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Fast
2) Garrote – a melee strangling attack that deprives the victim of some endurance and slows its endurance recovery. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast
3) Sweep of Scorn – a powerful melee attack that knocks your target away from you. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Moderate
4) Scarring Strike – a stronger ranged attack that leaves a hideous wound that bleeds for additional damage over time. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Fast
5) Torment – a cruel follow-up attack of moderate range that increases your accuracy and damage for your next few attacks. Damage: Minor Lethal Recharge: Slow
6) Constrict – attempts to squeeze the life out of your target, dealing a great deal of damage over time and leaving it gasping for breath, deprived of a great deal of endurance and with its future endurance recovery slowed. Damage: Superior Lethal (DoT) Recharge: Slow
7) Scorpion Lunge – you harpoon your target and yank it into melee range. This traumatic maneuver usually leaves the victim disoriented. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Moderate
8) Touch of Hades – a short-ranged attack that enervates your victim, depriving it of endurance and lowering its recovery and damage. This attack has a very good chance to do a great deal of additional Negative Energy damage. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Moderate
9) Dancing Chain – a section of your chain animates of its own accord, hovering over your shoulder like a serpent and making independent attacks against enemies within range. Damage: Moderate Lethal Recharge: Very Long -
Toxic Blast is pretty much just a rehashed Radiation Blast with a different animation type and a couple powers changed. Functionally, it's the same.
The more I look at this statement, the more absurd it becomes. Yes, Acid Spit is the same as Neutrino Bolt except in animation and damage type (but that could be changed any number of ways). Yes, Venusian Miasma has a holding effect, like Atomic Blast - but EVERYTHING else is different. Literally, those are the ONLY TWO similarities in the entire set.
Permit me a clarification: I put down Computer Virus and Plague as doing "Special" damage, but the damage is NOT guaranteed. It's likely to go off a few times over its duration in the case of Plague, yes, but in most cases, Computer Virus won't do actual damage - the effects are randomly chosen from a long list of deleterious effects of which damage is only one, and in most cases, this will mean 2 or 3 debuffs and/or conditions. As for control, lots of Buff sets have control effects - Storm Summoning and Poison are just two. The most control-heavy power there is Polio, and I could just as soon change the initial hold effect to just another immobilization - yes, Influenza CAN lead to a hold effect, but it usually won't. -
It would be a nice idea if, when logging off of a character (rather than exiting the game), we were sent back to the server selection screen rather than having to re-enter our passwords (and wait for the computer to process it) every time we switch characters. If you have a slow computer (or Internet connection, or whatever) and a lot of alts, as I do, this can get obnoxious.
/signed -
Quote:I was thinking of Iceman as a Blaster rather than a Tanker. I admit I didn't know about Marrow. I don't actually need examples to make my point, which is that the game can and does draw inspiration from a variety of genres (fantasy, horror, pulp, action flicks, etc). The Tick may not have lasted forever, but neither did The Far Side comic strip - that doesn't make it a bad example. My point was that there WAS a precedent that suggested Chainsaws weren't entirely unthinkable in a T-rated game.Ice Armor: Iceman http://marvel.com/universe/Iceman He's been around since the launch of X-men.
Spines: Marrow http://marvel.com/universe/Marrow She's a member of the Morlocks and worked with the XMen for a while.
Necromancy I can't really offer examples of. But these are two Marvel heroes off the top of my head which utilize the powers you stated aren't "Mainstream". You then pointed to a (failed) Character's series/videogame and noted a bit-player as reason enough for Chainsaw use.
It's one thing to say "reason enough for", another to say "no strong reason against."
Anyway, two new ideas which I actually care about far more than Chainsaws (which really always was part-joke, but as the Discordian faith, and the Dual Pistols powerset, teach us, jokes are worth taking seriously).....
Available to: Blasters
Set Color: Electric Yellowish Green
You are nuclear-powered! You can generate radiation and pure atomic energy to devastating effect.
1) Background Radiation – greatly slows the target and deals some damage. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Fast
2) Uranium Fist – an unstable radioactive melee attack that, while it has a penalty to accuracy, does high damage and leaves the target with reduced defense. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Fast
3) Radiation Leak – While this power is active, you give off radiation that slowly damages nearby enemies over time and slightly reduces their accuracy and defense. Damage: Minor Energy (DoT) Recharge: Slow
4) Enervating Field
5) Build Up
6) Atom Smasher – a nasty melee attack that splits some of the target's atoms, generating a powerful explosion that propels the target backwards and disrupts its damage resistance. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Moderate
7) Critical Mass – you push your ability to generate energy to the absolute limit. While this power is active, your damage is increased, but you slowly take damage yourself. Recharge: Slow
8) Shiva Strike – channels a megaton of energy into a single melee attack. The target's defense will be decreased and it is likely to be rendered helpless. Damage: Extreme Energy/Smashing Recharge: Slow
9) Fallout
Available to: Dominators
Set Color: Electric Bluish Green
You direct the raw power of the Universe against your enemies to devastating (although at times unpredictable) effect.
1) Neutrino Bolt
2) Uranium Fist – an unstable radioactive melee attack that, while it has a penalty to accuracy, does high damage and leaves the target with reduced defense. Damage: High Energy/Smashing Recharge: Fast
3) X-Ray Beam
4) Irradiate
5) Build Up
6) Touch of Ruin – You generate a small amount of antimatter from your fingertips and can direct it at a target up to 15 feet away from you. In addition to taking serious damage, the target is knocked back and left with reduced damage and damage resistance. This power is more endurance-intensive than similar attack powers, and there is a very brief period wherein it can be interrupted, so it must be timed carefully. Note that it can benefit from both Melee and Sniper Invention Enhancement sets. Damage: Superior Energy Recharge: Slow
7) Proton Volley
8) Shiva Strike – channels a megaton of energy into a single melee attack. The target's defense will be decreased and there is a remote chance that ordinary enemies (minions, lieutenants, and bosses) will be obliterated outright. Damage: Extreme Energy/Smashing Recharge: Slow
9) Cosmic Burst -
Quote:How do the more recent Castlevania games do it? They could take a leaf out of their book.As said before, Whips aren't likely to happen. The animations are simply too labor intensive. It's not the devs trying to make the animations all pretty (if you actually look at the whip animations for Demon Summoning, they're actually rather simplistic), it's that there are a crapload of points of articulation to animate through and, if they want to make it look even remotely realistic, it's got to look as such.
Quote:Chainsaw is probably unlikely simply due to a teen rating and theme. While the Chainsaw may be a mainstay of horror movies, it's definitely not a mainstay of the hero genre, much less very entertaining without massive amounts of blood flying everywhere. You're also designing a set that, without horribly long animation times, would be disgustingly overpowered, not to mention saddled with a secondary effect that is largely useless against all but a tiny portion of targets in the game (in which that effect is pretty much overpowered).
Quote:Toxic Blast is pretty much just a rehashed Radiation Blast with a different animation type and a couple powers changed. Functionally, it's the same. I'm also not entirely sure the devs would provide a set that does almost 100% of the rarest damage type in the game. It would likely result in something akin to Psychic Blast: painfully low numbers in PvE thanks to high levels of NPC resistance and lots of heavy handed rebalancing of the set to make it not-so-overpowered for PvP. There's also the problem of Toxic not being a defense type, so you generate some problems of being more accurate than it should. Altogether, a commonly suggested idea, but not entirely likely to happen.
Quote:The Throwing set isn't likely to happen. While you may have designed it with the idea of Gambit and Bullseye, the only one of them that it actually resembles is Bullseye (honestly, when was the last time you saw Gambit throw a potato?). If anything, it's an amusing joke set, but I doubt the devs would put forth all of the effort of designing a set and all of the animations for a set that is, even as you described it, a joke.
Quote:Disease, while an interesting idea, is both a very narrow concept and a similarly specific function. The contagion effect, while possible (it would grants the target a power that attempts to hit their allies with the additional debuffs without affecting themselves, this is how the purple Contagious Confusion proc works) could easily be incredibly overpowered. Having the set so focused around dealing more damage while being a buff/debuff set is similarly out of whack. The set seems less designed as a support set and more like an amalgam of a control set, a damage set, and empathy.
As for the power of contagion, I think of it as comparable to the "target one, affect those nearby" debuffs found in Radiation Emission and Dark Miasma, for example. The fact that you don't have to maintain it with endurance and whatever other advantages Diseases might have, I assumed would be balanced by such measures as a limited chance to infect others, slower spread (as in one by one and not immediate), and if necessary, weaker effects.
Quote:Metal Control, while a rather common suggestion, isn't likely to appear in that form, much less be specific to just Dominators (the devs have shown a strong preference towards giving sets to as many ATs as possible in order to get the most play out of their work). The powerset is pretty standard except for the cone damage attack and the personal defense power, neither of which are likely to happen. There is some existing precedent for a pure attack in a control set, but, as a cone, not likely. The personal defense power, even if it were just against lethal damage, is similarly not like to happen simply because there is no precedent and you're not likely to make the case that a control set needs some personal survivability to be playable/interesting.
Quote:Time Control has some mechanical problems with it. A power selection can't grant immunity to a specific power even without activating without creating a second power that comes along with it automatically that provides explicit immunity (which would require the power in question to perform an if check to determine if the target has the power every time the power is applied). You might as well remove the "immunity" clause from Total Perspective Vortex, if only because it's only there for a very narrow thematic reason and most enemies that have access to such a power would likely be immune to a single application of the power thanks to rank based mez protection. For Spacetime rupture, intangibility isn't particularly popular, especially when it's AoE, and I'm not entirely sure that you can attach a damage effect to it thanks to intangibility providing immunity to damage from non-phased targets (though, I say "not sure" because some intangibility effects are capable of applying mez effects piggybacked onto the intangibility). The Doppleganger is problematic for a couple of reasons: making the pet operate with your primary and secondary powersets might be possible (Dopplegangers from I17 demonstrate some ability for the system to create an enemy based on you but we don't know whether player activated powers would be capable of doing so), but making the pet perform using more of your secondary powers than your primary powers is simply a bad idea (especially since you don't have access to all of your secondary powers when you first get the pet, anyway). If you didn't know, the basic AI goes a bit wonky when it has too many powers to use. There is a pretty good reason why most pets only have upwards of 4 activated powers. The other big problem is that there isn't a way to enforce paired effects (the part where you want anything that happens to 1 to happen to the other). Implementing that would likely require a great deal of coding for very little actual benefit, especially if you want it to apply to more than just damage and healing.
As for Doppelganger's limitations, Phantom Army Decoys and fully upgraded 3rd-level Mastermind Henchmen have nearly as many powers as it would have. One simple AI directive I thought of to keep the Doppelganger from being stupid would be to prefer to stay at range if it was below a certain percentage of its hit points, in the case of Dominator Time Controllers. In the case of Controller Doppelgangers, you have a "buffbot" with only 2 attacks (barring tertiary powers, I'm not sure about what to do with those).
It may be capricious in its gifts, but it can't do much harm. If they're already making NPC doppelgangers, that gives them a precedent to work on for this. What matters to me is the concept of doubling yourself via limited time travel - as long as that's preserved, its powers can be balanced in whatever way works. -
Quote:If they're trying to make every new powerset like Dual Pistols, they're definitely working themselves too hard for an end result that isn't necessarily desirable.Yeah, right. I can hear BaBs, Castle and Synapse screaming from here.
They said they could have got an entire powerset done in the time it took them to do the 3 whip attacks in Demons. So, really, don't hold your breath on that. -
Quote:I personally think Dual Pistols did a lot to grant previously-silly ideas legitimacy. I did my best to make the Chainsaw as not-cheesey as possible (if you think my version is, you should see other peoples' ideas :P), and yes, while goofy, I honestly think that it wouldn't be any worse than Dual Pistols if done right (like I said, subdued animations, except in the case of the Brandish power). Similar story for Throwing (which was inspired by Bullseye and Gambit). I've always looked at City of Heroes as a game where there was room for silliness - it's certainly there in comic books.So very much to go into...
Whips: There's likely to be an assault set created before too long, or a melee set, or whatever, due to the Whips coming into play via the MMs for Demons.
Chainsaw: Aside from this being over-the-top cheesey, I think the idea of a set with -Regen as its secondary effect is brilliant. We really need one like that.
Toxic Blast: No opinions
Throwing: That's a joke, right? Hillarious! I especially like the patatoes!
Diseases: This is awesome! I would love to see this in game. It wouldn't be too hard to balance right either, I don't think. On the other hand, the idea of contagions might be very difficult to implement. The powers would have to have "Grant's power: Contagious" or something like that.
Metal Control: I'd think this would be too situational or too cheesey, sorry.
Time Control: Looks like you've done a great job of making a concept that would be either impossible or way over-powered into something quite reasonable. Very well done.
Obviously there would be a ton of balancing issues to address but that's the case in every new set concept. Over all I think these are very cool (or entertaining in the case of Throwing). Kudos.
As for Metal Control, I didn't mean for it to be cheesey at all - maybe the 'evil' names threw you off. You really should think Magneto.
I'm glad you liked Diseases and Time Control.