Stone Armor: What I'd Do




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Why not go with what you said...
I'm not entirely sure where I said this... anywhere.

Recharge: 180 seconds
End Cost: .26 - .65 a second (this puts it between Granite as it is now and Phase Shift)
Duration: 90 seconds.

This I think would allow people to keep it perma as it is now (if built with enough recharge), while keeping it closer to the same.
You must be confused. That's not a toggle you're designing. That's a click power.

Toggles do no begin recharging until they turn off. No matter what, you're never going to have a toggle that shuts off automatically be permanent unless the recharge of the power is non-existent. At best (400% +rech), you'd get 71% uptime with those numbers. Unless you want to turn Granite Armor into a click power (which I don't think anyone supports), your solution wouldn't work.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I love the idea of turning Rooted into a toggle version of Grounded for mez protection.
Cuz, you know, that's exactly what I've been saying since my first post. /facepalm



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Cuz, you know, that's exactly what I've been saying since my first post. /facepalm
Pardon the pun, but when you're snapping at people who agree with you, it makes you seem as if you have a chip on your shoulder. It's not exactly conducive to discussion, and I assume that the point of this thread was to create a discussion rather than to hand out browbeatings to all and sundry until no one wanted to talk about the topic with you anymore.

Now, in case I haven't been clear, what I'd like to see preserved is the idea of Granite Armor as a defensive mode: it is a power that you can turn on to increase your mitigation and decrease your offense, or turn off to do the opposite. If there is something inherently flawed about this concept per se, then it is a flaw shared with every other mitigation toggle: they cost you endurance, which you could be using to increase your damage output, and instead divert that endurance to keeping you alive. The difference is in the degree. So I would ask you: if you were at all interested in keeping Granite Armor a defensive mode switch that can be left on for any amount of time, what degree of defensive bonus and offensive penalty would be appropriate?

Contrarily, I have no investment in the idea of Granite as the single armor that replaces all other armors in the set in perpetuity. I think that was an unfortunate design decision and I'd be happy to see it go.

I have no opinion one way or the other on Rooted; I manage to function without difficulty using the power as it is now, but it's clearly considered a hindrance. I wouldn't be particularly happy to see it lose mitigative effect in exchange for increased mobility, though. It's also worth noting that the -fly effect in Rooted actually has positive synergy with Teleport, and would have even more positive synergy if the benefits of the power were tied to being on the ground - else Teleport becomes "be a pinata for 4 seconds".

Incidentally, if your proposed Granite toggle has a forced detoggle after 120 seconds and an unenhanceable recharge time of 300 seconds, this means it would have a worse uptime ratio than SoW or OWTS, for exactly the same reason that you chided BrandX for forgetting. Toggles start recharging when they turn off; clicks start recharging when they're fired. Thus the recharge on Granite would need to be 180 seconds to get the 2:3 cycle of SoW, or 240 seconds to get the 2:4 cycle of OWTS - pick whichever you feel is most appropriate. Unless, of course, you meant that your version of Granite should have a 2:5 uptime ratio.

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This thread is full of win. Someone throw up the Castle-Signal!

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



On a side note: regardless of how he feels about it, Castle probably doesn't have much time to spare on Stone Armor for the foreseeable future. Here are some other things he might be prioritizing:

- Going Rogue. Just... Going Rogue.
- Shield Charge is doing about twice as much damage as intended.
- The LGTF green mitos now have the hold resistance they were designed to have - which makes them virtually indestructible. This is causing some concern.

I expect that if he hasn't started working on Stone Armor already (which is not inconceivable), he probably won't get to it for a while yet.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Pardon the pun, but when you're snapping at people who agree with you, it makes you seem as if you have a chip on your shoulder. It's not exactly conducive to discussion, and I assume that the point of this thread was to create a discussion rather than to hand out browbeatings to all and sundry until no one wanted to talk about the topic with you anymore.
A lot of the browbeatings I've been handing out have mainly been due to having to explain what I (and most other people that are actually likely to have opinions that bear weight with the devs) find to be obvious. Things like Granite Armor needing to functionally remove your ability to do anything if it's going to be available all the time or that the set isn't resistance based and that the only reason people view it as such is because of Granite Armor. I don't mean to browbeat anyone that agrees with me, I just have a problem with someone acting as if someone else has brought something new to the discussion that has been present from the very beginning.

If there is something inherently flawed about this concept per se, then it is a flaw shared with every other mitigation toggle: they cost you endurance, which you could be using to increase your damage output, and instead divert that endurance to keeping you alive. The difference is in the degree.
By that same token, anything you do is keeping you from dealing damage. Endurance is not simply a resource fit solely for dealing damage. It is simply the mechanism chosen to enforce resource management for your actions.

Keep in mind that, just as much as endurance is required for damage output, there is no mechanism in the entire game that can allow you to make an attack consume more endurance in order to deal more damage. The optimal contribution of a power is set in stone and the only thing that can be improved upon is the efficiency with which that contribution is accessed. If it were, endurance recovery beyond the point of infinite sustainability would actually be useful, but, as it stands, it does virtually nothing because there is no way to increase consumption to meet your capabilities beyond a certain point.

So I would ask you: if you were at all interested in keeping Granite Armor a defensive mode switch that can be left on for any amount of time, what degree of defensive bonus and offensive penalty would be appropriate?
Considering the degree of survivability that is associated with Granite Armor (i.e. the same level as virtually all god mode powers), I would have to say that it would have to be on par with the only other power in the game that provides the same degree of immortality: PFF. No other meaningful mitigating factor exists that would prevent a power as strong as Granite Armor from being completely overpowered unless the side effects were as extreme as the drawback of Personal Force Field. Endurance costs are laughably simple to mitigate (just look at the case of toggle Instant Healing), especially since basic end redux slotting reduces the cost to functionally half (which means that the base end redux would need to be obscenely high to be even remotely balanced knowing that). Mobility reductions that people would actually accept (i.e. no "no teleport" coupled with automatic mag 1000 immobilization) are similarly out because those are laughably simple to get around. Damage reductions that people would accept (i.e. no 9999% -dam) are similarly out because, as evidenced by Brutes, Super Strength, and easily perma-Fulcrum Shift, +dam is laughably simple to access in large enough quantities to completely bypass all but the most extreme debuffs.

The only way I could possibly imagine allowing Granite Armor to remain as an at-will defensive mode (without doing one or all of the things previously mentioned) would be to do something that the engine cannot handle without a helluva lot of largely redundant tweaking to the powers database: have Granite Armor apply a decrease to base damage rather than the +dam attribute to ensure that, no matter what, you can't bypass the reduction in damage that Granite Armor provides (30% -dam does not equate to a 30% reduction in total damage dealt; with virtually any defender around, it means virtually nothing). Considering how much work would be involved in doing that, I can assure you it's just not going to happen.

Incidentally, if your proposed Granite toggle has a forced detoggle after 120 seconds and an unenhanceable recharge time of 300 seconds, this means it would have a worse uptime ratio than SoW or OWTS, for exactly the same reason that you chided BrandX for forgetting. Toggles start recharging when they turn off; clicks start recharging when they're fired. Thus the recharge on Granite would need to be 180 seconds to get the 2:3 cycle of SoW, or 240 seconds to get the 2:4 cycle of OWTS - pick whichever you feel is most appropriate. Unless, of course, you meant that your version of Granite should have a 2:5 uptime ratio.
Yeah, I thought I fixed that when I was making the original post. My apologies on that. I intended it to be on a 180 second cooldown to enforce the maximum 40% uptime ratio. Fixing it now.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I expect that if he hasn't started working on Stone Armor already (which is not inconceivable), he probably won't get to it for a while yet.
I already know that, if any changes are going to be made to Stone Armor, they're not going to be made until after Going Rogue comes out. I still am interested in this discussion (many people probably interpret my snappishness as irritation when, most often, it's more my intense interest and enjoyment of intense debate and balance discussions) which is why I'm still taking part in it. I'm not dead set on these specific changes being the ones that make it, and, though I strongly feel that they're the best changes recommended to date, I'm not unwilling to modify them to account for new ideas and suggestions (albeit, only ones that actually have some basis in a balanced implementation rather than hard-headed refusal to admit what is patently obvious).



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Cuz, you know, that's exactly what I've been saying since my first post. /facepalm
Not to steal thunder but I been saying it for about 4 or 5 years now.

But it's good to see others come up with the same idea, might actually be a good idea.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I have no opinion one way or the other on Rooted; I manage to function without difficulty using the power as it is now, but it's clearly considered a hindrance. I wouldn't be particularly happy to see it lose mitigative effect in exchange for increased mobility, though. It's also worth noting that the -fly effect in Rooted actually has positive synergy with Teleport, and would have even more positive synergy if the benefits of the power were tied to being on the ground - else Teleport becomes "be a pinata for 4 seconds".
Here is my deal with Rooted as it stands: there are ways around it, you can certainly build around it and adapt to it. But truth is, it's one of the most unfriendly powers in the game. Most tankers that play Stone for the first time get to that power and just cant bare the burden of a TO build that still lacks swift/hurdle. The inability to jump and the extreme movement debuff, even with unslotted swift, is enough to make most Stone tank prospects delete their characters. Heck, I don't know how many stone tankers I have deleted for the same reason.





It is the opposite of fun. It's frustrating. Annoying, and a burden. And on top of all that, it's necessary for a tanker to tank.

I know Fun is a very ambiguous card to pull for any balance change's motif, but this one here, definitively deserves it. I cant think of a single player that can admit that running rooted is a fun experience without a lot of side buffing.

In fact, I think the main reason Granite has not been nerfed is due to the extremely small amount of players that ever get past Rooted to even get to Granite, making the percentage of Stone tankers relative to the already small Tanker community an extremely small decimal margin of error in their data-mined report of performance.



Well, I suppose I can take my comfort with the current state of Rooted as a glowing testimonial to my patience.

As for Granite: Do me a favor. Humor me. Talk to me like I'm stupid.

What, precisely, makes damage mitigation above a certain level broken?

Or in other words, what is the floor on risk? Because I am almost positive that it is not a Stone Armor character's risk/reward ratio that is out of proportion in the vast majority of situations. Outside of certain extreme encounters, I have several characters who will survive as well as a Stone Armor character and do significantly more damage. Is the fact that a Stone Armor character is rarely at risk of dying, in and of itself, unbalanced? The answer to this question has implications that go well beyond Stone Armor.

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I've never played Stone Armour, specifically because of the trade-offs in Rooted.

Being unable to jump and move slowly because you're using a god-mode toggle is fine. It introduces gameplay tension - "can I jump that lip and run up there under sustained fire, or stay turtled up and go the long way round?" is an intersting and viable choice to have to make in combat.

Being unable to jump and move because you're avoiding being one-shot mezzed is a pretty unacceptable trade-off for a tank. "Should I stay here behind this kerb or get stunned and killed?" is not a fun decision.

So, yeah, I'm behind these suggestions.



Too many people to respond to, so let's see if I can't make a general statement.

First of all, allow me to join the people who feel Rooted sucks. I have to admit that the notion of being rooted to the ground and therefore immovable is entertaining in a concept-specific sense, but in actual practice, it's probably the WORST power in the whole game when it comes to frustration. I've shouted more obscenities at that power than any other in the game, and I've used Dimension Shift, Group Fly and most Sniper powers. Rooted SUCKS!

I say go for broke with it. Kill the run speed debuff entirely (or leave a token 5-10%), kill the jump restriction almost entirely or outright in full. Let it still detoggle if you turn on a travel power, though. In fact, make Rooted RESIST slow effects. It kind of already does that, what with it putting you at the run speed floor. Sure, it doesn't reduce their effectiveness. You just can't run any slower. Look at it in terms of continental drift - it's kind of slow, but there's really nothing anyone can do to slow it down or stop it.

On Granite Armour, SOMETHING needs to be done, and I could go about it two different ways. One way is Umbral's - retain a similar level of survivability but force the toggle off after a time, simultaneously killing the penalties. I would VASTLY prefer this over what we have right now.

An alternative that I can see would be to heighten the drawbacks. A Rage-style damage debuff, a PFF-style only affecting self or something of that magnitude would be required, on top of the existing penalties. And BAN TELEPORT. Let's see how much people like their "tradeoff toggle" when they can't avoid the tradeoffs. I highly suspect opinions would be VASTLY different if the penalties for Granite Armour were real, rather than negligible. Again, that IS a fix, but it's one that will simply necessitate another fix very soon thereafter.

My personal favourite is, actually, to allow Granite Armour to stack with existing armours and be allowed to run at all times, with a comparable drop in survivability contribution. I'd like to see Stone Tanks and Brutes have more infinitely-sustainable survivability than all other defence sets. Even with a cost reduction, it would still cost more than any other defence set, what with running Rock Armour, Brimstone Armour, Crystal Armour, Minerals, Rooted, Mud Pots AND Granite Armour. Plus, again, I have no problem with this set breaking the mould and offering higher survivability in general.

Finally, Umbral - please understand that I say this with the utmot respect, but you really should consider acting with more tact. Insulting people and introducing snark really doesn't help any factual discussion, it just detracts from people's objectivity and causes them to not want to bother. If you're truly after an objective discussion, then I'd advise you to stick to the facts and avoid the attitude. I honestly don't think it's helping anything, especially if you want to convince people, rather than browbeat them into submission.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I can cope with Rooted, but I'd also have to say that it isn't a lot of fun. At the very least, I'd say to bring the speed debuff to about the same level as Increase Density. And rather than completely disabling jump, it'd be better if it just lowered your ability to jump a great deal, leaving you able to make short hops over annoying curbs and such. Cutting off Superspeed and Sprint (and Ninja Run) seems pretty silly, too, when you can achieve similar running speeds with an outside buff or three.

And really, someone with that much influence over earth and stone should be able to propel themselves at a pretty good clip on the ground rather than necessarily being slowed.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
you really should consider acting with more tact.
You're wasting your time, Sam. If I had a dollar for every time someone tried pointing that out to Umbral I could probably retire.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
You're wasting your time, Sam. If I had a dollar for every time someone tried pointing that out to Umbral I could probably retire.
And I like it that way!

Honestly, ask yourself, if I acted with as much tact as everyone thinks I should, would I be nearly as entertaining or loveable? My preferred lack of utilizing tact when dealing with most people is part of my indelible charm!



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
As for Granite: Do me a favor. Humor me. Talk to me like I'm stupid.
You're on pretty much the right track. The big reason that constant survivability on that scale is broken because you're reducing risk almost to nil while still able to generate reward, even if it is at a slower rate (reduction in reward).

I challenge you to make a non-IO'd character that can survive as well as a Granite tank. Don't use anecdotal evidence, either. Try comparing the outright survivability numbers: hp, defense, resistance, etc. I can assure you that it won't happen.

Granite Armor is just that strong. It's that strong because god mode powers are all that strong. Every other god mode power has an enforced downtime, generally paired with a substantial negative side effect as well. Granite has a not-particularly substantial negative side effect (it's remarkably easy to get around them compared to the others) along with a complete lack of any real downtime. Unlike almost every other god mode power which has substantial reasons why you wouldn't want to use it as often as you can, Granite Armor doesn't.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
And I like it that way!

Honestly, ask yourself, if I acted with as much tact as everyone thinks I should, would I be nearly as entertaining or loveable? My preferred lack of utilizing tact when dealing with most people is part of my indelible charm!
Do you honestly want the response of someone who hates fun... Like me?

Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Granite Armor is just that strong. It's that strong because god mode powers are all that strong. Every other god mode power has an enforced downtime, generally paired with a substantial negative side effect as well. Granite has a not-particularly substantial negative side effect (it's remarkably easy to get around them compared to the others) along with a complete lack of any real downtime. Unlike almost every other god mode power which has substantial reasons why you wouldn't want to use it as often as you can, Granite Armor doesn't.
I wanted to comment on this a little but more, because something occurred to me. I use Granite Armour on my Stone Brute (and I do use it intermittently), but the only reason I even consider using it is because it's patently easy to get around its limitations. As I said before, Swift, Hasten and Fury more than make up for the toggle's penalty and remove any real reason I have for not using it as often as I could.

On the flip side, if the armour were altered such that I REALLY didn't want to use it outside of extreme-damage situations (such as killing my offence when it's on), then I... Wouldn't use it. Period. That's the big problem with Granite Armour. The only way to retain its use as a perma-God-mode toggle is to make it useless for anything but basic survival. Historically, the developers have not only shied away from doing this with T9 powers, but they've actually altered powers that did just this into other things.

Again, Elude used to apply an Only Affecting Self effect on people while it was on, allowing them to not die (and presumably run away), which ended up having remarkably little point in existence, let alone as your T9 power. Elude as it is now is a change from just this original design. I'm pretty sure it was a toggle, too, but my old manual is buried under a mountain of crap.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Okay, so you're positing that Granite Armor is broken because it allows you to reduce your risk to near zero while still gaining rewards. There are two problems with that definition of broken.

First, I will agree and in fact have already outright stated as a given that Stone Armor provides the best mitigation on SOs (and IOs, for that matter) available to any AT that can take it. However, that does not make it the only set that can reduce risk to near zero in the great majority of commonly occurring scenarios, nor does it make it the set with the best risk/reward ratio under these scenarios. Basically, for most of the game, that extra survivability simply cannot be leveraged to any useful purpose, and you end up paying a cost in offense - and, once again, I need to point out that just because you can accrue benefits that offset that cost does not mean you're not paying it - for an advantage you don't need. A Stone Armor tank or brute is neither the most effective solo farmer on SOs (or IOs), nor is it the best force multiplier for teams.

The only place where I can see a Stone Armor character having an unfair advantage is in allowing a team with relatively little support to overcome certain high-value challenges by being able to absorb the damage from an extremely dangerous enemy without outside buffs. Or to put it more plainly, Stone Armor survives AVs. This is pretty much the only scenario I can think of where that extra survivability is actually leveraged to provide better than usual results. And even here, it's not an optimal choice - a team of heavily support oriented characters will destroy an encounter that a Stone Armor character will merely survive.

In short, if earning rewards while at near-zero risk is the problem with Granite Armor, then there are many, many far more egregious violators of that rule in the wild.

Now let me propose a metric under which Granite Armor might actually be considered broken. If you take as a design principle that there must be encounters such that the character bearing the brunt of the threat from the encounter must be at risk of death without support from allies, then Granite Armor has such a significantly lower need for outside support to survive incoming damage that once you've elevated the encounter threat level to the point where a Stone Armor character would need outside support merely to survive, any other character would need an unreasonable level of outside support to do the same. I would argue that the STF and the RSF come up to the verge of this point.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The only way to retain its use as a perma-God-mode toggle is to make it useless for anything but basic survival. Historically, the developers have not only shied away from doing this with T9 powers, but they've actually altered powers that did just this into other things.
Except Hibernate. Yes, it's not a permanent mode, but "useless for anything but basic survival" is a pretty much perfect description of the power.

Edited to add:
On the flip side, if the armour were altered such that I REALLY didn't want to use it outside of extreme-damage situations (such as killing my offence when it's on), then I... Wouldn't use it. Period.
I don't see this as a problem. As I already discussed at great length, Extreme Survival Mode is basically wasted in most scenarios anyway.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
However, that does not make it the only set that can reduce risk to near zero in the great majority of commonly occurring scenarios, nor does it make it the set with the best risk/reward ratio under these scenarios.
It depends entirely upon how you describe the risk:reward ratio. There is a very substantial difference between what Granite Armor can accomplish and what any other set can accomplish. Seriously. Just look at what any other set can survive with just SOs compared to what Granite Armor can survive. Granite Armor completely removes the risk. The other sets aren't nearly that survivable. You might not see much difference between a 1% risk of death and a .1% risk of death because they're both low, but anyone that understands balance would realize that it's an entire order of magnitude of difference. You can make anecdotal commentary stating that Granite Armor is no stronger than what any other set can accomplish because you find the higher survivability largely redundant (I would readily disagree because you can increase the challenge to match your ability to survive), but it doesn't change the fact that according to every model that has ever been put together along with the experience of virtually everyone who has ever compared the performance to others Granite Armor is substantially stronger. It's not a question of only being slightly stronger. It's several times harder to kill.

There's also the issue of whether one set should have the ability to toggle between utter unkillability with slightly lower damage output and normal grade survivability with normal grade damage output when no other set has anything even remotely close to that capability. The devs have readily demonstrated that they don't want sets to be able to be god mode survivable at will while maintaining the ability to do anything. Just try and find anything even approaching precedent for what Granite Armor does. Anything.

As I have continually said, either Granite Armor is not going to be permanent or the penalties that you're going to experience for having it on are going to be so extreme that you're not going to ever want to use it. Don't expect it to be both permanent and playable. There isn't anything approaching a point of balance that had both of those while still being effective.



Umbral, the point I'm trying to make is that high survivability per se is not that valuable. But let's take this out of philosophy land. You challenged me to find an SO build that can outsurvive Granite and I conceded that there is none. Now, if you want to continue using risk/reward as the balancing metric, then I challenge you to show me a scenario that leverages that survivability to obtain higher rewards than any other scenario that does not involve Stone Armor, whether alone or as part of a team.

You keep bringing up risk/reward ratio, but I really don't think that's the argument you actually want to make, when everything else you say points to the existence of a risk floor as a separate design rule: the idea that at a certain level of safety you should not be allowed to earn any rewards at all. And that is a concept that I will readily agree is part of the game - the developers have consistently acted against any repeatable cycle of activity that allows you to earn any rewards without being exposed to combat at some point. I think the argument you want to make is that being in combat with Granite Armor up is essentially equivalent to not being in combat at all. I don't happen to think that's actually true, and I also think that if it's true for Granite Armor then it's true for a number of other things as well, but it would be a more reasonable argument to pursue than risk/reward ratios.

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Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
As I have continually said, either Granite Armor is not going to be permanent or the penalties that you're going to experience for having it on are going to be so extreme that you're not going to ever want to use it.
I'd just like to address this separately. As long as it is possible to generate threat while in Granite Armor, I will have a use for it, which is why I mentioned -9999% damage - this was a change made to Rage in part so that it was still possible to generate threat during the crash. If that level of survivability is incompatible with generating threat (and I remind you that this is neither your nor my decision to make), then I'd take a cut in survivability over the loss of threat generation. But that is the only penalty that would actually make Granite Armor useless to me as long as it retains its current benefits.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I challenge you to show me a scenario that leverages that survivability to obtain higher rewards than any other scenario that does not involve Stone Armor, whether alone or as part of a team.
Change your difficulty to +2/x8 (or whatever increased difficulty you choose) and get with the fighting. There. It's that simple. You can easily increase your difficulty to the point where you're actually leveraging your higher survivability to generate improved rewards. It's pretty obvious, honestly.

You keep bringing up risk/reward ratio, but I really don't think that's the argument you actually want to make, when everything else you say points to the existence of a risk floor as a separate design rule: the idea that at a certain level of safety you should not be allowed to earn any rewards at all.
The risk:reward ratio is tied explicitly to the concept that, if there is no risk, there is no reward. It's for this same reason that beating up on greyspawning enemies doesn't give you any experience. If your opponent isn't a threat to you, you're being presented with no risk and achieving an infinite reward ratio, compared to the risk.

The question is not whether there is a specific level of survivability that should stop the ability to recieve rewards. The devs have already functionally stated that there is a point for this by preventing you from attacking while you're in Hibernate or PFF: if you're unkillable, you don't get to attack. Granite Armor doesn't use any specific mechanism to state that you're unkillable. It uses outright mitigation mechanisms.

I don't happen to think that's actually true, and I also think that if it's true for Granite Armor then it's true for a number of other things as well, but it would be a more reasonable argument to pursue than risk/reward ratios.
Please, I beg of you, point out anything that can be taken in even remotely the same way as Granite Armor. Find anything that could possibly be used as a precedent for what Granite Armor does that isn't Granite Armor. Look for it. I will bet you anything that you're not going to find anything in game that proves this true. I dare you. Anything.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Well, I suppose I can take my comfort with the current state of Rooted as a glowing testimonial to my patience.

As for Granite: Do me a favor. Humor me. Talk to me like I'm stupid.

What, precisely, makes damage mitigation above a certain level broken?
Imagine you are a dev. You want to make elite content, epic content meant for balanced teams. This content should encourage tanking, either with a tanker or with a very well supported brute.

The existence of Granite forces the devs to make content that hits horribly hard making Granite the only viable tanker.

You can buff the other tankers, but now the elite encounter hits so hard that a single brawl of those elites to the blaster or scrapper will one-shot them, and no, going then into "then buff every other AT too" does not work.

You could fall back into making this content anti-granite, but how you do that? Only way would be making the content heavy in toxic/psi damage but that just makes the stone tanker rely more on Minerals just for those situations, and all other tanks for exception of Willpower and Dark Armor still get punished for not having significant Psi protection.

Granite on top has extremely strong -def resistance so that is another no-go, and with Rooted they have also strong -end resistance, another no-go.

There is also the always myth of "there is some one stronger so we wont ever accept anything but" fears, but these have proven to be not very consistent in this game. Perhaps, though, because its hard to actually come by a PUG granite, but it still is not uncommon for Master Of runs to demand a Granite tank be in the team.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let it still detoggle if you turn on a travel power, though.
I have an issue with this too. As I mentioned, out of granite the stone tank is very hard to build, it requires too many powers or too many gambles (like forgoing Brimstone Armor and hope you never face pure cold/fire attacks that have no other damage typing.

On top of all that building difficulty, you cant turn on Combat Jump as a defense booster (very common in survivability oriented tankers) because it de-toggles Rooted. It may sound as one of those "we should not balance sets around pool powers or IOs" but the issue is that the restriction does the opposite, everyone else has access to it but Stone meaning Stone is being restricted for "balance purposes to use specific pool powers."