Bonus Aura for pets

Dechs Kaison



:/ ok i think i already know the answer to this but would like some clarification, the Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets effects ONLY the pets of the power it is slotted in. So if i slotted it in my summmon demonlings the slotted enhancement wouldnt effect my summon demon prince?



The aura radiates out from you in a 20 ft radius, I believe. So if you're standing next to it, it will effect them.

*Edit* - Apparently it's a 40 ft radius, not a 20 ft.

Grants you a 40' radius aura which increases your henchmen's resistance by 10%. (The enhancement's description incorrectly states the radius is 20'.)



What Warkupo said is correct.

Like Knockback Protection IOs, the Steadfast Resist/Defense, the Luck of the Gambler Increased Global Recharge, and several others, the four "Bonus Aura for Pets" IOs add an extra power to you that you can see on the set bonuses list in your info screen. These powers buff your pets while they're in range.




I just wanted to add that you cannot put expedient reinforcement into masterminds (full time) pets but I beleive you can put it in Hell on Earth though with that there will be some down time



Originally Posted by Ossified View Post
I just wanted to add that you cannot put expedient reinforcement into masterminds (full time) pets but I beleive you can put it in Hell on Earth though with that there will be some down time
The aura should be up full-time, not just when HoE is active. At least that's how most such auras function.



Originally Posted by Ossified View Post
I just wanted to add that you cannot put expedient reinforcement into masterminds (full time) pets but I beleive you can put it in Hell on Earth though with that there will be some down time
The power does not have to be active for the aura to be in effect. The game treats unique powers like the auras as set bonuses, so as long as you have it slotted, you will have the aura.

Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcement, for the record, are Recharge Intensive Pets sets, and MMs can only slot them into Gang War, Soul Extraction, and Hell on Earth. Bots, Mercenaries and Ninja MMs cannot use them.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Bots, Mercenaries and Ninja MMs cannot use them.
Unless they're /dark miasma or /storm.

At least, I think you can slot the recharge intensive ones in T-storm and dark servant.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Unless they're /dark miasma or /storm.

At least, I think you can slot the recharge intensive ones in T-storm and dark servant.
Dark Servant cannot take Recharge Intensive (it used to say it could (even though it could not), a few issues ago, but that was a bug and it was corrected). I don't have a high-enough level Storm Summoner to check in-game, but Mids says it cannot.



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
The aura should be up full-time, not just when HoE is active. At least that's how most such auras function.
Well that is my mistake. Thank you for correcting it!



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
The power does not have to be active for the aura to be in effect. The game treats unique powers like the auras as set bonuses, so as long as you have it slotted, you will have the aura.

Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcement, for the record, are Recharge Intensive Pets sets, and MMs can only slot them into Gang War, Soul Extraction, and Hell on Earth. Bots, Mercenaries and Ninja MMs cannot use them.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Unless they're /dark miasma or /storm.

At least, I think you can slot the recharge intensive ones in T-storm and dark servant.
Dark Miasma > Dark Servant does not take RIP sets because fluffy doesn't deal nearly enough damage for it to be worthwhile to slot him for damage.

Storm Summoning > Tornado can take RIP sets; Storm Summoning > Lightning Storm cannot (LS takes Ranged Damage instead)



And the aura affects all your pets, not just the ones from the power it's slotted in.

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It even affects pets from temporary powers, like Shivans and Vanguard Heavies



Ok ty guys for responding i think i have better understanding now of what i can and cant slot bonus arua enhancments in and what these enhancements do, ive been working on a VEAT bane build and your information helped alot.

Ill try to get the mids build up when im done.



just so i understand... the aura's only effect your pets. if i slot them into my fire imps, then the imps get +res/def while they are close to me. but my toon does not get any res/def boost?



Originally Posted by zamiel View Post
just so i understand... the aura's only effect your pets. if i slot them into my fire imps, then the imps get +res/def while they are close to me. but my toon does not get any res/def boost?
this is correct, the auras only affect pets