Day One




I came to the party a bit late, in the end of June 2005. But I was wondering who was here on Protector on Day One when the game launched?



Most of the people I know who were here for Day One, have moved on to other places and other adventures. I was close, Day Three. I still remember picking the game up at Best Buy and thinking "What the heck, this might be cool."



I still have my receipt showing I bought the game on May 6th, 2004. I didn't actually start playing until that Saturday, though.

Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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Jun 16, 2004, I would have started earlier, but was being disillusioned by promises of a better Star Wars Galaxy.



I missed the boat and had to catch a raft. I didn't start until Labor Day 2005.

Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
I came to the party a bit late, in the end of June 2005. But I was wondering who was here on Protector on Day One when the game launched?

I was in game on Day One although I had been waiting for the game for some time at that point.

I remember reading about it and checking out the website talking about all the cool features that would be in game about two years before it launched.

I remember spending forever tweaking my costume and making it just right. And taking forever to choose what server to fight crime in as well.

I ended up going with Protector because thats what I thought being a hero was all about. Protecting people.

Glad I came here since I've found some of the best folks to hang with and cause havoc amongst.



I got here about a month after launch. My brother (Tuxedo Braz) picked up the game and was showing me it at his place. I tried it out for and decided to pick it up on the way home.

I never played much in the way of video games untill City of Heroes.

My MA Arcs: [29581 - A Knight to Remember] [107587 - Upgrade] [41834 - Construction Blues]

Playing on: Protector - Guardian - Victory



My reg date is the same as my online arrival, I came in during the end of the Rularuu invasion which was STUPENDOUS.

Played daily for over 5 years, took that recent unintended break, hope to stay back for ever and ever.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by JJ_Knight View Post
I got here about a month after launch. My brother (Tuxedo Braz) picked up the game and was showing me it at his place. I tried it out for and decided to pick it up on the way home.

I never played much in the way of video games untill City of Heroes.

Now it makes sense. I didn't realize that you two were related.

Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.



May 2005 for me. Would have been here for launch cept i was in iraq at the time.



Kinda day one. I played off and on since the start - mostly just making cool looking costumes and never playing much past lvl 10. Really got the ball going at the end of the first Halloween event. But really didn't steal things from my brother til the winter event when I stuck with Kult.




Not Day One, but Jul 23, 2004.

I had to wait until 1) I could convince my wife a monthly fee to play a video game made sense and 2) the next bi-weekly paycheck came around (finances were real tight). My friends form an IT forum were already playing so I joined them on Protector.

It turned out that wifey got her (then) main character, a dm/regen scrapper named Cassiopea, levelled up way faster than mine (Stalemate v.6). She'd hooked up with some great people during daytime and would get a few hours in almost daily at some point.

I got lucky at getting to 50 before she did because both toons were on the same account and I'd play like it was a job in the evenings.

We decided to get a second account the year after, in August 2005, when we realized sharing a single account was not going to work for us.

Players Guide to the Cities



My account was created on March 23rd, 2005 but did not get to play till a week after because my video card couldn't support the graphics.

The game, as well as a new video card was given to me as a gift from my lifelong friend. She, as well as her husband, her sister, and brother in law played on Protector and insisted that I also played on Protector. Ironically when I first started the game, it was the first server on the list.

A week before getting the game I was coming up with all sorts of character ideas simply basing my powers off what I would want to play. My thing was Empathy, but Blasters couldn't have it because I wanted the fire blast.. And Defenders didn't have fire blast, but had Empathy. Then I found the Controller, and I hooked.

When I was able to make my character, I remember being so amazed by the costume creator, even though at that time it was only 1/5 of what it is today. I started the Controller, and realized that I couldn't do a lot of damage so that's when I decided to be a Controller and make the teams myself. I would come home from school, and be on the game as soon as I got my uniform off.

Too bad I couldn't use Ouroborus to go back to that time.




Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
I came to the party a bit late, in the end of June 2005. But I was wondering who was here on Protector on Day One when the game launched?
Been on Protector since the three day head start. Can't imagine playing this game on any other server.

Favorite Protector Moment: Adopting Cimarron. I still have the picture I got of her from the Cat Tales organization.

Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector

Cimarron - Protector Mascot
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