Free Respecs Non-Stackable?




I read this on paragonwiki that Free Respecs when given are not stackable and only 1 is allowed per toon. I ask this as I read somewhere when GR goes live that if we have a free respec that we never used prior, we will lose it if we don't use it "before" i17 goes live and the new free respec is given.

Why not make "all" respecs stackable regardless of where they come from? That way, for those who have not used their free respecs yet, why be punished by not letting them keep it? Think about it, we pay a monthly fee to maintain our accounts. For you long-time vets out there, there is something called loyalty to the game and players should be rewarded for this. So, any free respecs given either for patches or new issues, we should be allowed to keep and stack for our loyalty. What do you guys think?



no. they don't have to give us any when they release a new issue at all.



Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
I read this on paragonwiki that Free Respecs when given are not stackable and only 1 is allowed per toon. I ask this as I read somewhere when GR goes live that if we have a free respec that we never used prior, we will lose it if we don't use it "before" i17 goes live and the new free respec is given.

Why not make "all" respecs stackable regardless of where they come from? That way, for those who have not used their free respecs yet, why be punished by not letting them keep it? Think about it, we pay a monthly fee to maintain our accounts. For you long-time vets out there, there is something called loyalty to the game and players should be rewarded for this. So, any free respecs given either for patches or new issues, we should be allowed to keep and stack for our loyalty. What do you guys think?

No one is being punished. Freespecs are a gift. Players are not entitled to them.



Free respecs from new issues are generally given out so that you can alter your build due to whatever changes came with the patch. You shouldn't need more than one, nor bank them, then, especially if you're not even affected by the changes.

However, due to the dual builds system, clearly something needs some tweaking as now it is perfectly valid to require two free respecs. I'm fairly certain the devs are already aware of this need, though.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Free respecs from new issues are generally given out so that you can alter your build due to whatever changes came with the patch. You shouldn't need more than one, nor bank them, then, especially if you're not even affected by the changes.

However, due to the dual builds system, clearly something needs some tweaking as now it is perfectly valid to require two free respecs. I'm fairly certain the devs are already aware of this need, though.
Don't they tend to now give a free respec on issue release, then a few days/weeks later, give out another?

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~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Long timers have the vet respecs: 9 months, 21 months, 33 months, 45 months, and 69 months so far.

You can pretty well count on at least 2 freespecs a year, the anniversary (we get one tomorrow) and usually during the winter holiday (aka Christmas/New Year's time). Then often there is another 1 or 2 related to a big power change.

Not many people use up all those respecs plus the 3 (4 for villains) earnable ones in the game but even if we do there are the recipes plus we can buy them from NC.

I just don't see the bang for the effort to let us stack them. Heck, I'd have I don't know how many on my characters if they stacked.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Don't they tend to now give a free respec on issue release, then a few days/weeks later, give out another?
Yes, but usually that is due to an outcry of people who roll up the new characters (like Demon Summoning tomorrow) who didn't get the free one.

Personally I think they are overly generous in the freespec department.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Long timers have the vet respecs: 9 months, 21 months, 33 months, 45 months and 69 months so far.

You can pretty well count on at least 2 freespecs a year, the anniversary (we get one tomorrow) and usually during the winter holiday (aka Christmas/New Year's time). Then often there is another 1 or 2 related to a big power change.

Not many people use up all those respecs plus the 3 (4 for villains) earnable ones in the game but even if we do there are the recipes plus we can buy them from NC.

I just don't see the bang for the effort to let us stack them. Heck, I'd have I don't know how many on my characters if they stacked.
kinda sucks that they skipped 57 months.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
kinda sucks that they skipped 57 months.
Weird too. I wonder if they forgot or if they had a deterministic reason for that.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Don't forget the Holiday Respec you can buy with candy canes, and the Respec Recipe you can get as a drop (or off the market). And if you really need another respec now, and you've already used all your veteran respecs and trial respecs and your freespec and you can't afford a respec recipe and the winter event isn't going on, you can always get another respec for $10.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Don't they tend to now give a free respec on issue release, then a few days/weeks later, give out another?
Nope. That was when they forgot to give us warning, as they promised to do, and so, gave out another round. Otherwise, the free respecs that come traditionally (but not necessarily) with new issues is a one time gifting.

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I wouldn't exactly call them gifts since they usually do some sort of power/enhancement nerf or buff nearly every patch whether that nerf or buff hits your character/s or not.

I wouldn't see the harm in making them stack since veteran rewards and earned stack. Not everyone is a veteran and has 4 or 5 guaranteed respecs available per character. It would be something good for folks to save up.

They could also simply change the earnable ingame respec to allow you to earn unlimited respecs by simply doing the trial over and over as 3 isn't always enough.

As for the respec rewards... Good luck there. I've only ever seen 3 drop and be prepared to spend 1-200 mil if you buy one off the market now days.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I wouldn't exactly call them gifts since they usually do some sort of power/enhancement nerf or buff nearly every patch whether that nerf or buff hits your character/s or not.
Gift may not be the right word but the devs are in no way obligated to give them to us. It's simply a nice gesture on their part. They acknowledge that they made changes to powers and give everyone a free respec so we can make adjustments to compensate for the changes.

They were never intended to be hoarded. Hence they don't stack.



Given how many sorts of respecs there are and how many ways there are of getting them, I can't say this is a problem. (I haven't had to run a respec *trial* in... hmm... I don't know how long.)

OTOH, if they stacked "regardless," well... some of my characters have never respecced. Some are pretty old. They have, for instance, 50-some costume tokens. If I have one just from COV's start (issue 6) that I never respecced, and these stacked, I'd have (with next issue) at LEAST 11 free respecs, plus vet specs, saved up.

They *might* have some issue with that. >.>



The reason we were given free respecs AT ALL was because of the Regeneration changes back in the day. Too many things changed too profoundly and people found themselves wanting to change things, which the developers were pretty much strongarmed into providing. It made sense, of course, but it would have been a MESS if they hadn't.

Since then, they've been handing them out basically as tradition and a gesture of good will, whether they're actually called for or not. Their non-stackability, even if it stems from an earlier age when they were supposed to be hard-capped, is still not something to complain about. If it didn't exist, my namesake, Samuel Tow, would now have 17 free respecs, and that's just not something you wish to have happen. Old characters that sit around and gather dust also gather basically everything else they enable across the board. The aforementioned Samuel Tow has in the neighbourhood of 50 free costume tokens.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
I read this on paragonwiki that Free Respecs when given are not stackable and only 1 is allowed per toon. I ask this as I read somewhere when GR goes live that if we have a free respec that we never used prior, we will lose it if we don't use it "before" i17 goes live and the new free respec is given.

Why not make "all" respecs stackable regardless of where they come from? That way, for those who have not used their free respecs yet, why be punished by not letting them keep it? Think about it, we pay a monthly fee to maintain our accounts. For you long-time vets out there, there is something called loyalty to the game and players should be rewarded for this. So, any free respecs given either for patches or new issues, we should be allowed to keep and stack for our loyalty. What do you guys think?
Where does this "Punish" come into it? We are given Freespecs to help us heal our builds when there have been changes made to how our powers work.

Since the Devs do not have to give us these Freerespecs, they are are a gift for us to use with the only stipulation we use it before the next one is given.

Thus...if you choose not to use it, knowing that it will not stack, that is your choice.

So, Where does punish come into play????

Yes, I would like them to stack, but I do understand that they don't.

To repeat, If you choose not to use it, then that is your choice.

I am a trifle befuddled about the part of your post where you tell long time vets that there is something called you think long time vets know nothing about Loyalty????

Long Time Vets did not have Safeguard missions and thus no jetpacks. They had to run across the Hollows to get to the missions there...I recall getting within sight of the mission door, then getting killed by a Troll and having to make the journey all over again

Debt was not the handslap it is now, Debt was truly something to avoid. There was no XP smoothing....I recall when getting Stamina seemed to take forever and a day. Matter of fact, when XP smoothing went into effect, to me, it felt like double XP everyday...leveling was that slow.

There was no salvage, and no uber recipes to buy and sell at WW because there wasn't a WW. Just SOs. And without the income from selling salvage and recipe drops, Dos were expensive, and SOs were EXPENSIVE.

I was there when WW opened for business. I will never forgot the amazement I felt when I saw how much influence I was getting from selling salvage. I felt like it was raining influence

Anyways, I just got my boxing attire, so I am probably not what you call a long time Vet, mayhaps a medium time vet

But, due to how hard the game was then as opposed to now, I would say that the long time Vets, and even us medium time Vets, know exactly what loyalty is.

I tip my hat to those who have been here and actively playing since Beta


Edit..actually, I think DOs were more expensive than SOs because the earning power wasn't there yet. I recall going to the Magic Store with what I felt was a ton of influence and not having enough...I had to borrow from Mark

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
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winners are losers
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Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
If I have a respec from a Respec Trial do I still get the free respec?

You can have three earned respecs (the trials) and a freespec - see wiki link.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Gift may not be the right word but the devs are in no way obligated to give them to us.
"Gift" is exactly the right word.

When I was playing WoW, if there was a major change to how Rogues played, my Hunter didn't get a free respec, only Rogues did.

When Energy Aura got changed, all my brutes, and all my non-brutes got free respecs, even though none of them were EA.

When Gaussian's Unique got fixed, all my toons got a respec, even though none of them even had one slotted, let alone multiples.

When they give the freespec to everyone who needs one, it's what is expected to allow people to continue to play substantially changed characters. When they give everyone a respec, regardless of who was affected, it's a gift.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
"Gift" is exactly the right word.

When I was playing WoW, if there was a major change to how Rogues played, my Hunter didn't get a free respec, only Rogues did.

When Energy Aura got changed, all my brutes, and all my non-brutes got free respecs, even though none of them were EA.

When Gaussian's Unique got fixed, all my toons got a respec, even though none of them even had one slotted, let alone multiples.

When they give the freespec to everyone who needs one, it's what is expected to allow people to continue to play substantially changed characters. When they give everyone a respec, regardless of who was affected, it's a gift.
All my years playing wow I don't ever recall getting a free respec unless they changed the talent trees and forced you to respec. But respecs in that game aren't much of an issue since 50 gold really isn't that much money.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.