DeF anD ResisT 3%Teleportation IOs
Is this a serious post?
how many u hafe i need to buye in bulk
Hey guys Uhmm heres what i got. I got the DeF anD ResisT 3%Teleportation IOs and i plannin on sellin them for 4 bill each these are very rare IOs and are hard er to get on the game. To be the best yu hav to buy the best IOs PLZ REPLY BACK IF YOUR INTERESTED THANKZ ^.^
I bid 4 million each.
Overrated IO is overrated
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Hey guys I´m selling fairy wings. They make you better at pvp. To be the best you have to have the best wings!
don't care that u use it for PvE, go away
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
poppin a orange is soo hard...i would definetly spend 4billion inf instead of OMGPOPPING oranges...Popping is soo OP....
With that amount of DR that hits MMs, yes. Yes, indeed.
naw but rlly tho not many people have TP foe unless they are droning...the only real thing u need to worry about is Wormhole's
If the TP resistance IO gave you 80% or more resistance I would be interested. To ask for 4 million, you must buggin my friend.
My mm has time lord's boon from the day job accolade 75% chance for a 100% resistance to tp foe , how does that compare to the tp resistance IO?
Because the PvP-trolls are haters.
The one thing they can't do is shut up.
You're OP didn't have to be commented on by the trollnoobs, but like I said, they can't shut up, nor can they organize a tournament, HAHAHAHAHA.
Good luck selling your PvP IO.
I don't use em, I just get buffs from other players instead, its cheaper and easier.
The one thing they can't do is shut up.
You're OP didn't have to be commented on by the trollnoobs, but like I said, they can't shut up, nor can they organize a tournament, HAHAHAHAHA.
Good luck selling your PvP IO.
I don't use em, I just get buffs from other players instead, its cheaper and easier.
shuddup baddie.
Because the PvP-trolls are haters.
The one thing they can't do is shut up. You're OP didn't have to be commented on by the trollnoobs, but like I said, they can't shut up, nor can they organize a tournament, HAHAHAHAHA. Good luck selling your PvP IO. I don't use em, I just get buffs from other players instead, its cheaper and easier. |
i demand another apology thread.
you're OP???
Because the PvP-trolls are haters.
The one thing they can't do is shut up. You're OP didn't have to be commented on by the trollnoobs, but like I said, they can't shut up, nor can they organize a tournament, HAHAHAHAHA. Good luck selling your PvP IO. I don't use em, I just get buffs from other players instead, its cheaper and easier. |
my pvp io???
excuse me I dont speak downs
Hey guys Uhmm heres what i got. I got the DeF anD ResisT 3%Teleportation IOs and i plannin on sellin them for 4 bill each these are very rare IOs and are hard er to get on the game. To be the best yu hav to buy the best IOs PLZ REPLY BACK IF YOUR INTERESTED THANKZ ^.^