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  1. It's to bad you don't play on Freedom. I could show you how much it does kickass in PvP. I've only lost once in a 1v1, against an elec/therm.
  2. I didn't scroll through and read all of the posts, so I dont' know if anyone has suggested this already, but..

    I would definitely suggest throwing a Devastation Hold Proc in Pistols. I have one in mine and it works wonders in PvP, it almost procs as much as Flares. Well maybe not THAT much, but still, it's clutch if it lands when your opponent only has about 10% health, leaving him stranded unable to use inspirations, hiber, or hoarfrost. It's so satisfying to run up and plant a flaming Executioner's Shot to the back of their cerebelum. xD

  3. Executioner's Shot --> Pistols --> Dual Wield --> Pistols --> Executioner's Shot, and so on and so forth.

    That's my attack chain for 1vs1's in PvP, depending on how far away the target is. I might throw in a Piercing Rounds.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    Is this a serious post?
    What makes you think it isn't?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
    This is how it works:

    It does

    Only downies would get it.

    So chances are you have it.
    Is INCORRECT, and Absurd...
    Just like all things epsilon..
    Go fail more on your stalker in RV where you belong poozer.
  6. Does Teleport Team work for minions?
  7. ahaha... I like it, we can dress up in those baller brown UPS suits with the shorts.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
    I lold. I found my farm target
    Bring it Chump
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Konnichiwa View Post
    A lawyer and a Nigerian are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer is thinking that Nigerians are so dumb that he can fool them easy... So the lawyer asks if the Nigerian would like to play a fun game. The Nigerianis tired and just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists and says that the game is a lot of fun. 'I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5; You ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500..' This catches the Nigerian's attention and to keep the lawyer quiet, he agrees to play the game. The lawyer asks the first question. 'What's the distance from The Earth to the moon?' The Nigerian doesn't say a word, reaches in his pocket pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer. Now, it's the Nigerian's turn. He asks the lawyer, 'What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?' The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all the references he knows. He uses the air-phone; he searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mails to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail. After one hour of searching, he finally gives up. He wakes up the Nigerian and hands him $500. The Nigerian pockets the $500 goes right back to sleep. The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the Nigerian up and asks, 'Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?' The Nigerian reaches in his pocket, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep.
    lol Classic
  10. Thanks for picking me up doods. I'm lookin forward to playin with you all. Do we have a team name yet? Are we going to be forming a SG?
  11. What are your in-game Globals?:
    @Statesguard, @Skydoc

    What characters do you have on Freedom?:
    Blue Side
    Tanks- Shield/SS, WP/Stone
    Scrappers- BS/WP, Fire/Regen
    Blasters- Psy/EM, Sonic/EM, Fire/MM
    Defenders- Rad/Psy, Dark/Ice, Empathy/Elec
    and a Mind/Therm Controller
    Red Side
    Elec/Nin Stalker
    Energy/TA Corruptor
    Mind/Earth Dominator

    Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: Yep
    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Fo Sho
    Briefly describe your PvP experience: Been PvPin since i12, mostly zone, just got into Arena summer of 09.
  12. Is anyone short a player? If so, I've got a Fire/Mental Blaster, Rad/Psy Defender, Elec/Nin Stalker, or Shield/SS Tank to offer if anyone needs to fill a spot.
  13. Global Name: @Statesguard
    Server: Freedom/Justice
    City of Heroes/City of Villains
    PvP Characters:

    Blue Side
    Statesguard - Shield/SS Tank
    StatesCrusher - WP/Stone Tank
    Statesknight - BS/WP Scrapper
    Statesbomb - Fire/Regen Scrapper
    StatesSpy - Sonic/EM Blaster
    Blazin States - Fire/MM Blaster
    Statesbolt - Rad/EM Blaster
    Statesblast - Rad/Psy Defender
    StatesPwnz - Dark/Ice Defender
    StatesForge - Mind/Thermal Controller

    Red Side
    Statesvolt - Elec/Nin Stalker
    Statesdom - Grav/Nrg Dominator
    Draegonik - Energy/TA Corruptor
    Teknotik - Mind/Earth Dominator
    Recon Statesguard - BS/Regen Stalker

    Type of PvP: Arena/RV/Sirens, WB is fun but no one ever plays there
    Can be contacted:easily @Statesguard
    Times on: Weeknights and Weekends
    Timezone: CST