Make GMs drop something rare

Blue Rabbit



GMs are... boring! Badge? K, get it once never need it again on that toon. Merits? Ya those are insanely easy to get. Yawn!

We need to add some spice to the mix. Make them drop something that ONLY GMs drop. Something that makes people want to hunt them besides the "Hey I need 2 more merits to do a roll can we kill a GM" moments. Some examples of such things:

1. GM recipies! We have PvP recipes, why not GM ones? Could add new recipes to areas that could use some more, like targeted AoE.

2. Temp powers! And I don't mean crappy ones that go away after you use it a few times. I mean ones that people would want because they're AWESOME. Like killing Jurassik could give you a temp power that let's you wield his godly car hammer.

3. Unique inspirations! And not any normal kind of inspiration but a super special awesome kind. A kind that would like add an -acc debuff to all your attacks or make your buffs 20% better!



GMs are great merits per time. No need.



Originally Posted by kojirodensetsu View Post
GMs are... boring! Badge? K, get it once never need it again on that toon. Merits? Ya those are insanely easy to get. Yawn!

We need to add some spice to the mix. Make them drop something that ONLY GMs drop. Something that makes people want to hunt them besides the "Hey I need 2 more merits to do a roll can we kill a GM" moments. Some examples of such things:

1. GM recipies! We have PvP recipes, why not GM ones? Could add new recipes to areas that could use some more, like targeted AoE.

2. Temp powers! And I don't mean crappy ones that go away after you use it a few times. I mean ones that people would want because they're AWESOME. Like killing Jurassik could give you a temp power that let's you wield his godly car hammer.

3. Unique inspirations! And not any normal kind of inspiration but a super special awesome kind. A kind that would like add an -acc debuff to all your attacks or make your buffs 20% better!
Temp powers that aren't temporary would be the same as the badge...get it and forget the GM.



Originally Posted by kojirodensetsu View Post
GMs are... boring! Badge? K, get it once never need it again on that toon. Merits? Ya those are insanely easy to get. Yawn!

We need to add some spice to the mix. Make them drop something that ONLY GMs drop. Something that makes people want to hunt them besides the "Hey I need 2 more merits to do a roll can we kill a GM" moments. Some examples of such things:

1. GM recipies! We have PvP recipes, why not GM ones? Could add new recipes to areas that could use some more, like targeted AoE.

2. Temp powers! And I don't mean crappy ones that go away after you use it a few times. I mean ones that people would want because they're AWESOME. Like killing Jurassik could give you a temp power that let's you wield his godly car hammer.

3. Unique inspirations! And not any normal kind of inspiration but a super special awesome kind. A kind that would like add an -acc debuff to all your attacks or make your buffs 20% better!

1. How would they drop? Many times there are more than 1 team and soloists fighting GM's. I don't see all of them being eligible and too many would be unbalancing.

2. Uhm . . . no.

3. Unique inspirations? Sure, but not as gamebreakingly powerful as you want.



GM's take very little time to kill, and thus, comparatively, give a very good merit reward for amount of time invested in taking them down.

No change is necessary.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
GM's take very little time to kill, and thus, comparatively, give a very good merit reward for amount of time invested in taking them down.

No change is necessary.
Glad someone agrees. Although, heroside, GMs can be harder to kill due to ones in hazard zones, having to zone quite often. Villainside, they are all easy to get to save for Caleb on Thorn Isle.

I COULD suggest Heroside GMs in Crey's, DA, etc. be worth 3 merits.



No, no, no, no... keep the camping, farming and griefing to games like WoW or FFXI thanks.

I want my CoX clean of that.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by kojirodensetsu View Post
GMs are... boring! Badge? K, get it once never need it again on that toon. Merits? Ya those are insanely easy to get. Yawn!

We need to add some spice to the mix. Make them drop something that ONLY GMs drop. Something that makes people want to hunt them besides the "Hey I need 2 more merits to do a roll can we kill a GM" moments. Some examples of such things:

1. GM recipies! We have PvP recipes, why not GM ones? Could add new recipes to areas that could use some more, like targeted AoE.

2. Temp powers! And I don't mean crappy ones that go away after you use it a few times. I mean ones that people would want because they're AWESOME. Like killing Jurassik could give you a temp power that let's you wield his godly car hammer.

3. Unique inspirations! And not any normal kind of inspiration but a super special awesome kind. A kind that would like add an -acc debuff to all your attacks or make your buffs 20% better!
First and foremost dropping rares would lead to spawn site camping. Never a good thing.

Also, Jurassik’s Hammer as a temp power would be all kinds of silly in the hands of even the largest player character model.

Lastly, uber powerful GM inspirations would be fairly anti-climactic, IMO, based on the length of time that your average inspiration lasts. This would more than likely lead to spawn camping to maximize


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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Glad someone agrees. Although, heroside, GMs can be harder to kill due to ones in hazard zones, having to zone quite often. Villainside, they are all easy to get to save for Caleb on Thorn Isle.

I COULD suggest Heroside GMs in Crey's, DA, etc. be worth 3 merits.
I'm not sure what you mean by "harder to kill". Jurassik and Adamastor aren't hard to kill at all. (I have no clue what you mean by "having to zone quite often".) Hell, Lusca is harder to kill than those two. It's the only GM I can think of who should be worth 3 merits instead of 2.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I'm not sure what you mean by "harder to kill". Jurassik and Adamastor aren't hard to kill at all. (I have no clue what you mean by "having to zone quite often".) Hell, Lusca is harder to kill than those two. It's the only GM I can think of who should be worth 3 merits instead of 2.
hmm 3...would rather 4, she does take more than double the time it takes to defeat a standard GM like Deathsurge or Jurrasik but double the reward is sufficent.