Sipping cheap tea, wearing a cheap suit.




Any other takers?

The Bacon Compels You.



lol why would you do that >.<

prestige for inf is so overpriced.



Sorry Talen, didn't want to attach uncropped since they are 1920x1080. Anyway they are here if you want to check them out.

lol why would you do that
Because my base is built with mortar mixed from the cries of market whiners.

btw, don't try this unless you really, really mean it. There is no "are you sure" button.

The Bacon Compels You.



Originally Posted by johnnykilowatt View Post
sorry talen, didn't want to attach uncropped since they are 1920x1080. Anyway they are here if you want to check them out.

Because my base is built with mortar mixed from the cries of market whiners. :d

btw, don't try this unless you really, really mean it. There is no "are you sure" button.



Wow, Tech IX... A Level 50, been a member for 8 months and absent for almost 3 of them?... What a Slacker!! No Prestige in all that time... No Wonder your Leader had to step in and pull 2B worth of weight...

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Max I have ever had the balls to do is 750 million O.o. MY hat is off to you.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
... If someone else wants to do this and take pictures, I'll match the money*. Who's up for EIGHT MILLION PRESTIGE?!?!

* Once. I can only make inf so fast.

To clarify: If you have another 2 billion, Johnny Kilowatt, you're eligible.
I am close, very close, just waiting on a few big sales to go though (3 LoTG's are on the market that will put me over 2bill).

I have currently scrapped my entire base and going to rebuild the entire thing. We are a small SG with 4 active members, BUT I have a passion for base building(but only 5 mil in prestige after one year). If you can give me until friday to complete my last sales, well I will do this in a heart beat to help fund my base project.

I was wanting to do this anyways to be completely honest, but with the nerf to the BotZ I was going to wait for I17 and then work on my build first, then fund the base with what is left. But, oddly enough my base comes before my build, and with an offer this good to be true!



Originally Posted by JohnnyKilowatt View Post
Sorry Talen, didn't want to attach uncropped since they are 1920x1080. Anyway they are here if you want to check them out.

Because my base is built with mortar mixed from the cries of market whiners.

btw, don't try this unless you really, really mean it. There is no "are you sure" button.

GOOD GOD. You've taken the "Look at my inf." screenshot to the next level, and lapped even that. Not only did you demonstrate attainment of the full then proceeded to outright piss it away on something completely useless, and laugh in our faces about it.

For me, this may be the most epic "Look at my inf." screenshot yet.

*slow, tearful applause*

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
... If someone else wants to do this and take pictures, I'll match the money*. Who's up for EIGHT MILLION PRESTIGE?!?!
If you can find me something to spend it on.
We need more/bigger base stuff. My SG has like 27 million sitting unspent.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Doubled my "piss away the inf" screenshots.

My revenge will be huge. And fiery. And partially subsidized by someone else!
Only partially!? You need to have peasants being flogged with a riding crop in the next inf. destruction project.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



To the OP:

Well played, Sir! Well played, indeed

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Doubled my "piss away the inf" screenshots.

My revenge will be huge. And fiery. And partially subsidized by someone else!
I'm sorry, but "piss" and "fiery" do not belong in the same post. I literally flinched on reading that sentence, because I read it too fast and it blurred together.




Nice way to just kill off some of the games money.

Big Thumbsup

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



You sir deserve a batch of bacon cookies for willingly taking 2bil out of circulation in such a fashion:

That being said, I've yet to consider dumping Inf into Prestige considering the conversion rate. I tend to give away excess Inf to friends that need it, in CC's and the occasional newbie in need of it. All my VG's prestige was earned the old fashioned way. just 4mil more to hit the top 100 on Guardian, hehe.



*weeps hot brimstone tears of the closest thing to joy a demonic goat can feel*

(also, sig'ed.)

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




Is your prestiege doubling offer still open? On Infinity?


Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



I am in awe. Thank you everyone. Honestly I wasn't expecting much response beyond "lol u c8zee".

I'm willing to put up another 2 billion, However I have a better (worse) idea:

It's come to my attention that dumping influence into my own supergroup, while not an optimal method of gaining prestige, is not truly "pissing it away". I'm still getting a bigger base for my friends and my other characters out of the deal.

Issue 17 presents a new opportunity, with the announced feature to allow us to email influence between characters. Please let me know if I am wrong about this, or if it isn't feasible to move that much across servers.

I propose a new supergroup be created on a neutral server (I'm on Champion so somewhere else), for the purpose of draining influence. This will leave a verifiable receipt of the transaction, viewable by anyone who wishes to join. For those who want to participate, the rules of this supergroup will be simple:

1) Choose a suitable name. Bit Bucket, Price of Vanity, Brewser's Millions, Slash my Wrists, Barnum Was Right, etc.

2) Prestige may only be gained by donations to the SG registrar. Multiples of 1 million (500 million influence) are encouraged, to make tracking rule 3 easier.

3) Do not play in super group mode. Ever. That would defeat the point. Better yet just don't play that character at all.

4) Do not make a SG base. Using prestige to do anything defeats the point.

If I make such a supergroup, I will pass SG Leader star to someone else. This way I won't be able to take the prestige, kick everyone, and start my own SG with a sweet base. Or if we really want to finalize the transaction we could disband the SG, although that would close the door to future expansion (you know you want into the top-100 SG list).

We'll also need a suitable SG name, see names suggestions above for ideas.

If anyone has suggestions or feedback (or just wants to tell me how stupid this idea is) let me know.

The Bacon Compels You.



Originally Posted by JohnnyKilowatt View Post
I am in awe. Thank you everyone. Honestly I wasn't expecting much response beyond "lol u c8zee".

I'm willing to put up another 2 billion, However I have a better (worse) idea:

It's come to my attention that dumping influence into my own supergroup, while not an optimal method of gaining prestige, is not truly "pissing it away". I'm still getting a bigger base for my friends and my other characters out of the deal.

Issue 17 presents a new opportunity, with the announced feature to allow us to email influence between characters. Please let me know if I am wrong about this, or if it isn't feasible to move that much across servers.

I propose a new supergroup be created on a neutral server (I'm on Champion so somewhere else), for the purpose of draining influence. This will leave a verifiable receipt of the transaction, viewable by anyone who wishes to join. For those who want to participate, the rules of this supergroup will be simple:

1) Choose a suitable name. Bit Bucket, Price of Vanity, Brewser's Millions, Slash my Wrists, Barnum Was Right, etc.

2) Prestige may only be gained by donations to the SG registrar. Multiples of 1 million (500 million influence) are encouraged, to make tracking rule 3 easier.

3) Do not play in super group mode. Ever. That would defeat the point. Better yet just don't play that character at all.

4) Do not make a SG base. Using prestige to do anything defeats the point.

If I make such a supergroup, I will pass SG Leader star to someone else. This way I won't be able to take the prestige, kick everyone, and start my own SG with a sweet base. Or if we really want to finalize the transaction we could disband the SG, although that would close the door to future expansion (you know you want into the top-100 SG list).

We'll also need a suitable SG name, see names suggestions above for ideas.

If anyone has suggestions or feedback (or just wants to tell me how stupid this idea is) let me know.
LOL well if ya want to donate to my cause though prestige will be used! Come friday I will be exchanging 2 billion influence into prestige!