How to work out builds without mids ?
do what ya can from there I guess but you can possibly derive a bit just walking into Wentworths.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Cool thnx for the links, i guess i'll need a pen, paper and calculator to work out what to slot
It maybe quicker to have someone create a build for you based on what your looking for and just PM it to you.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
there is a version i believe. it is called suckerpunches.
sorry, wasn't paying attention when i read your post. disreguard what i said.
Might be emulation software that would let mids run.
This sounds like it *might* work. Its a project supported by Novell that is porting .net to various other operating systems including OSX. They claim binary compatibility with windows produced .net programs, though it doesn't look like they have everything in .net implemented yet.
This sounds like it *might* work. Its a project supported by Novell that is porting .net to various other operating systems including OSX. They claim binary compatibility with windows produced .net programs, though it doesn't look like they have everything in .net implemented yet. |
Red Tomax's City of Data (and related pages) has been updated and moved onto the Titan Network servers: |
There was an announcement about it on the Titan forums on MArch 11, but the change happened a couple weeks before that.
See, a lot of people come here for information, but most do not go to other forums (I know I dont). It might be best to put the announcement where the most number of peple will see it. I mean, I can understand putting it up on their own forums, as it will inform those who regularly go there, but a parallel post here might be more wide reaching. Plus, its good advertising for people who might not have heard of the Titan network
I mean, I know how I'd set up a spreadsheet. Or since it's simple enough you could use an Access database, but the complexity of it would be "$30k contractor" complex.
Or...set up a dual boot with Puppy Linux or similar and install Wine. With the light weight of Puppy you could have a Celeron and run it all.
Borrow a friend's laptop and run it off a portable drive. Install it at work and stay late doofing around.
OK, my spreadsheet. Columns for name, level, attributes and bonus with each set and each enhancement having a collapsable element for those rows [nested collapses.] Also a collapse for set groups [resistance, etc]. When you get a power you want to slot, like CJ, you find out which are applicable.
Holy crap, forget this spreadsheet crap. Emulate or find a PC.
Go with SuckerPunch's Online Planer:
South Park for avatars
Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF
Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)
Go with SuckerPunch's Online Planer:
I mean, I know how I'd set up a spreadsheet. Or since it's simple enough you could use an Access database, but the complexity of it would be "$30k contractor" complex.
Or...set up a dual boot with Puppy Linux or similar and install Wine. With the light weight of Puppy you could have a Celeron and run it all. Borrow a friend's laptop and run it off a portable drive. Install it at work and stay late doofing around. OK, my spreadsheet. Columns for name, level, attributes and bonus with each set and each enhancement having a collapsable element for those rows [nested collapses.] Also a collapse for set groups [resistance, etc]. When you get a power you want to slot, like CJ, you find out which are applicable. Holy crap, forget this spreadsheet crap. Emulate or find a PC. |
/I feel dumber
//my post count is low enough as is.
South Park for avatars
Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF
Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)
Im surprised people still use Mids to build a character.
I had a interesting argument in game about the killing speed of Tanker EM and Ice Melee agenst 8 man mobs.
This guy swore up and down that a Tanker with EM could out damage and kill a mob faster then a Ice Melee Tanker....Because Mid's said EM is better DPS.
Not for AoE it isnt.
My advice.
Dont bother with Mid's, and dont bother when Pen and Paper.Its missleading because it doesnt take into acount everything.It only takes into acount simple math.Which if you cant do by veiwing the power set with your eyes, then maybe you do need Mid's.
Mid's doesnt account for weaknesses and strengths of your enemy.Nore does it account for your strengths and weaknesses agenst your enemies.Also doesnt account for the overall damage AoE can dish out to multipul targets vs a single target.
I get called a Troll for this, but whatever.
Mids' gives you all the information to account for what you're claiming people ignore. If they're ignoring it while using Mids' that's because they're ignoring it, not because they're using Mids'.
Also, plotting out IO builds to accomplish a specific goal without using Mids' gives me a headache. Doing it without pencil and paper or Excel or Notepad or something is nigh impossible.
I don't use Mid's at all. If I intend to do an upgrading Respec, I use pencil and paper along with the Market. I hang out at the Market to bring up the Set IO pieces to get their attribute boost values. I jot them and add them up.
One other point to consider, I spend time at the Market to see what is actually available and financially attainable. In my mind, setting up a custom min/maxed build with Mid's is just plain fantasy if there's no way for me to actually get most of the Set IOs selected.
I may spend a week or more and involve several of my characters to purchase, craft and store the Set IO pieces before I'd finally commit to using the Respec. Things are a little bit easier now at my established personal SG Bases where I have some of my prefered Set IOs pre-hoarded.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Mids' gives you all the information to account for what you're claiming people ignore. If they're ignoring it while using Mids' that's because they're ignoring it, not because they're using Mids'.
Also, plotting out IO builds to accomplish a specific goal without using Mids' gives me a headache. Doing it without pencil and paper or Excel or Notepad or something is nigh impossible. |
Your the first to be up rep'd by me in all the years iv played.
Side Note : I dont and havent used IOs past KB proc's and Stealth Procs.I havnt found a need to improve apon perfection.SOs mainly do the job for me.
Thank You.

That by far is the most intellegent thing anyone has came back at me to say towards my veiws towards Mid's.Thank you soo much for not trying to plant insults agenst my veiw of Mid's.
Your the first to be up rep'd by me in all the years iv played. Side Note : I dont and havent used IOs past KB proc's and Stealth Procs.I havnt found a need to improve apon perfection.SOs mainly do the job for me. Thank You. ![]() |
Your passion for knocking Mids is most bizarre. I don't want to come across like I'm attacking you, but the reason you get the reception you do is you that you come to the boards swinging. Most people here are pretty reasonable. We are all nerds and we have our burning issues and tantrums. For the most part though we try to let stuff drop and be more or less respectful to each other. I've witnessed plenty of people more rational and patient than me explain to you that Mids is not purely for power levelers. I'm glad that it seems to be getting through, but please don't imagine that you've been a victim of a consortium of pro-Mids zealots who just haven't taken the time to explain it to you.
I can understand how you feel, F_M. I've got several characters who only have common IOs (I don't generally run with SOs any more simply because I get annoyed at replacing them every 5 levels, but I've got at least one lv50 who's still running on lv25 common IOs).
But, I do enjoy playing the min/max game, and Mids' helps me do that with less hassle
(Also, it'd be a little bit weird if someone on the Mids' team didn't use Mids' )
Side Note : I dont and havent used IOs past KB proc's and Stealth Procs.I havnt found a need to improve apon perfection.SOs mainly do the job for me. Thank You. ![]() |
Subjectively, because no rational person would ever consider a build "perfect"; builds are all about tradeoffs. Objectively, because there is no build, for any AT, for any powerset combination, that cannot be improved with IO Set bonuses.
To the OP: Ignore everything Fire_Minded says; until he disabled his rep, he had a really impressive row of red going. Mostly because of posts like the two in this thread. Mids is a fantastic way to build your character(s), especially if you are going to be chasing IO Sets.
Side Note : I dont and havent used IOs past KB proc's and Stealth Procs.I havnt found a need to improve apon perfection.SOs mainly do the job for me.
If you do not care if you characters can be improved in any such metrics, that's fine. That is not the same thing, however, as claiming it is not possible to improve them.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Hi i have just returned to cox after a long break, i used to play on pc but now i have a mac so i cant use mids hero designer, how can i work out builds without it?
I know i can use sucker punche's online builder for the build, but how would i work out what IO's to slot, and what bonuses they give?
I have a few toons that i want to respec and IO out, but dont know how to work out if i am over or under slotting powers, or what would be the best IO's to slot for the bonuses.
Is there another way?