New Powerset: Cybernetic Blast

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Hey guys,

I thought of an idea for a new powerset, considering theres a lot of cybernetic themed charecters running around lately, especially since the 2nd costume booster, how about a cybernetic blast based set? I guess you could probably come up with a melee varient too, but from my idea it would be simpler to make it a ranged charecter.

My idea would revolve around various animations that effectively 'pop-out' of your body, this would work similar to how crabs and shields work at the minute with certain 'must have' pieces attached to the costume as well as a few coding changes, which may or may not technically be possible with the engine, if not these parts can be changed and im open to suggestions. However my in depth explaination of a possible set is below.

Power 1: Rocket Punch

Description: You fire your arm at your enemy and retrieve it via a steel cable connection to your socket.

Explaination: This would be the first power in the set, pretty low damage, and would just be basic smashing damage. My idea for how to implement this would be one of the slightly more technical things in the set.
As I see it, there is probably a few ways to do this, but the best i could think of would be to change the arms to a skinned version, like a weapon but over the top of the entire arm, and make the original arm models invisible, this way you can effectively use them as a projectile and technically the game would think your arms are still there, but there invisible so cant be seen until the animation has finished and your arms have returned, to stop the model 'disappearing' like regular weapons do after a certain time, there would be something like a permenant autopower that gets added onto the set at all times but has no effect except to show the gloves and the other pieces listed later, or alternatively you could make this power have some small effect for picking the set and balance it in other ways to compensate. The downside I can think of would be a long animation time, however im sure theres a way around it.

Power 2: Arm Mounted Gun

Description: An arm mounted gun fires a laser at your target. Slightly more damage than rocket punch but at a longer recharge.

Explaination: Attack two would be probably the most complicated to implement, so suggestions for a replacement would possibly be good here but my idea would be to basically set an animation on top of the gloves model from the first power for a pop up gun from your arm model, this would have no danger of clipping or anything because you would be stuck with the single model anyway for the gloves which is permenantly on. This would just appear to rise from the glove, then sink back in after firing and disappear.


Power 3: Missle Shot

Description: Your arms flip back, revealing a cannon hole inside your arms which fires two missiles at your enemys. AoE power similar to fireball but with two ticks of damage, one for each missile. Chance for Knockback.

Explaination: This ones pretty much already explained, the model for the gloves would flip 90 degrees either upward or downward, and from the top of the arm a missile would fire from each arm. Not really sure how difficult this one would be but it would be a cool looking power.


Power 4: Missile Barrage

Description: Missiles emerge from your back and fire at a targeted area. Works the same as Rain of Fire with a similar effect, but possibly a longer animation time, in exchange for slightly faster damage over a shorter time. Chance for knockback.

Explaination: This would work by a model of a missile emerging from the players back. Of course this means capes and wings wouldnt work with a cybernetic based charecter, however in exchange for this they could possibly have back models that work to fire the missiles instead of the standard animation once they hit 20. Of course this probably wouldnt be introduced but it stops people complaining about lack of capes


Power 5: Arm Laser Blast

Description: Long range Laser blast from your arms, sniper power, chance to burn for extra damage.

Explaination: Works very similar to power 3, however instead of a missile firing, whilst charging the shot, the centre of the arms glow a colour selected from the power customisation options on costume creation then fire at a long range.


Power 6: Recalibration

Description: Recalibrates your systems targeter for more accurate and damaging shots and overloads your systems briefly for more damage.

Explaination: This is your Build up/Aim power plain and simple, nothing hard to implement here, just a regular animation.


Power 7: Laser Sweep

Description: You sweep the area with your arm lasers, adding damage in a cone effect and having a chance to burn all enemies hit.

Explaination: Similar to power 5 but a cone version. Not much else to explain here.


Power 8: Electrified Net Cannon

Description: You fire an electrified net at your opponent, this power deals minor energy damage but holds or immobilises your opponent.

Explaination: Again very similar to power 5 and power 3, your arms would react the same way, however you would fire an electrified net at your opponent similar to Entangling Arrow from trick arrow set, however the net would be electrified.


Power 9: Full Systems Overload

Description: You activate all your available weaponary at once to reduce the area around you to rubble. Using all this power is very costly to your powersupply, and this will drain all your endurence and leave you unable to attack for a while.

Explaination: Basically a combination of earlier attacks, the back missiles would fire madly in all directions around you whilst you would jump and spin in a circle firing your arm lasers. This is your nuke power.


Thats it, thoughts or suggestions welcome, just try to keep comments constructive please.



Thank you, very fast reply lol, i literally only posted that a minute or so ago



I'm not sure if this can be done.
but it sounds awesome, i was thinking of something like this awhile ago.
Maybe have less guns and more powers using the arms, like Double Rocket Punch or something.



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
I'm not sure if this can be done.
but it sounds awesome, i was thinking of something like this awhile ago.
Maybe have less guns and more powers using the arms, like Double Rocket Punch or something.

I did think about that, for power 2 especially, however i thought having a few different attacks would vary it a bit. Im not completly sure it can be done, and if it could be done, how difficult it would be, but i do believe I have a reasonable way for it to work.

The most complicated ones I think would be the ones involving the actual arm parts going at a 90 degree angle, and the back fired missiles. The missiles i think would be technically the most complicated to add because it would mean they have to 'emerge' from inside the player model, and because of this they would need to scale correctly with the player so that they dont clip.
Since regular weapons already do scale with the charecter fine, I think it should be possible but someone correct me if im wrong.

As for the arm model, i have already explained that, it would just be a case of making the original model invisible, which im definately sure is simple to do since ive already had a bug a while ago where my arms disappeared on the glove parts lol. However adding a skin over the top, particularly one that moves in such a way would be something new i think. When the arm parts move, so that it doesnt have two models active at once the original model would need to be replaced with the animated version which does the required movement, then after animation gets replaced again by the non moving model. This sounds complicated enough in writing here but it should be do able.

For other powers using arms, you could use stuff like:

Arm sweep: You swing your arms in a cone area sweeping your enemies off there feet, chance for knockdown.

Arm Whip: You swing your arm from above and smash your enemy on the head, chance for knockdown.

Cybernetic Spin: You spin in a circle with your arms out and have a chance to knockback anyone in the local area. (melee range move, PBAoE)





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also thinking about it, how perfect a time would this be to create?

Going Rogue coming out with Pretorians that are cybernetic based as well. It could fit very well with the addon although that would be expecting it too fast i think. It could still be implemented later though possibly as something unlockable from the pretorians plus i still want there armor




The power armour set of CO was done quite well and I enjoyed the look of it, I love the idea of the arm being attached to a chain, firing fists at people. Also it gives us a chance to have the Macross Missile Spam the assault bot and Malta titans have.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

The power armour set of CO was done quite well and I enjoyed the look of it, I love the idea of the arm being attached to a chain, firing fists at people. Also it gives us a chance to have the Macross Missile Spam the assault bot and Malta titans have.

I havent played CO and I had no idea they had even done it there in all honesty.

I really hope the devs would look into it, I have no idea how likely this would be to crop up in the future but its very much something i think a lot of people would be happy to have, I just thought Id post it since I did a build for dual pistols ages ago on my other account and pretty much all the powers implemented are the same as how I listed it back then lol, descriptions and power ideas are almost identical.

Also Teaming wise it would suit themed teams very well, an army of robots with/without a mad scientist in team, very much like masterminds with pets i guess but with actual players. I think it would surely be a hit, and the fact that in the powerset I added some knockback and burn damage, would make it a cross between fire and energy types which again would be awesome yet still not massively overpowered.



Very poor powerset, not necessarily because of your descriptions or ideas, but because it only works with one concept.

For example, Fire Blast could come from a variety of sources. Magical fire spells. Mutant incindiary powers. The ability to channel fire from the heart of the sun. Some kinda flame thrower.

A new powerset should work with most of, if not all, of the origins.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force






Can I have Assault Rifle/Cybernetic Blast/Super Reflexes, replace my Full Auto effect with an Energy Blast appearance, and wear a red duster?




Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
Very poor powerset, not necessarily because of your descriptions or ideas, but because it only works with one concept.

For example, Fire Blast could come from a variety of sources. Magical fire spells. Mutant incindiary powers. The ability to channel fire from the heart of the sun. Some kinda flame thrower.

A new powerset should work with most of, if not all, of the origins.
Yeah I agree. IMHO this sounds a lot more like a powerset for an EAT than one for a regular character. If you look at the normal powersets they can be explained by any character concept. Even the ones like Assault Rifle which strongly suggest a particular concept work with others. This pretty much forces you to be either a cyborg or a power armor user.



Could always be a magic powered robot/natural guy in a robo suit/mutant with regenerating body parts with chains attached to them. >_> Or for science...this guy

I like the powerset but these guys are probably right.. :/

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Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
Very poor powerset, not necessarily because of your descriptions or ideas, but because it only works with one concept.

For example, Fire Blast could come from a variety of sources. Magical fire spells. Mutant incindiary powers. The ability to channel fire from the heart of the sun. Some kinda flame thrower.

A new powerset should work with most of, if not all, of the origins.
Robots can be powered by a magic crystal or something. Mutant is the only one i really think would be left out.



Definitely down with this set. It does sound all around bad ***. You got my support if this was ever up for what is next to make.



Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
Could always be a magic powered robot/natural guy in a robo suit/mutant with regenerating body parts with chains attached to them. >_> Or for science...this guy
Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Robots can be powered by a magic crystal or something. Mutant is the only one i really think would be left out.
It's not so much a matter of origin, I could come up with a character using this for each origin. It's more a matter of theme. This pretty much requires a Cyborg/Robot/Suit of Power Armor character. It doesn't really matter what the origin/power source of the gear is the problem is that it imposes a strong theme on the character.



Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
ALL the Mastermind primaries lock you very tightly into your theme.
Not really...



Exactly, and it's one of the things I don't like about CO. With it's "Mystical" "Supernatural" and "Powered Armor" sets that have their themes built in

Cool set though, and I'm always for more options, Would make for a good Epic archetype or Patron.

Weapon sets, MM sets, they Tell you WHAT your power is, but not HOW it is.

This set TELLS you your blasts come from being a powered armor user/Cyborg, magic, natural or otherwise.

While Fire Blast tells you you blast fire, but not in what way, Dual Pistols tells you you have a gun, but doesn't say anything about the gun, or your use of it(animations notwithstanding) Thugs tells you you have Thugs, but not how you control them, why they're there, or anything of that nature.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
Most weapon sets lock you into a theme in a similar manner, and ALL the Mastermind primaries lock you very tightly into your theme.
No, they lock you more heavily into a theme for your powers than the other sets do, they don't lock you into a theme for your character.

For example, consider Broadsword. The only thing that it enforces is that I wield a sword of some kind. I could be a normal person wielding a magical sword. I could be a person in a highly advanced suit of power armor wielding a mono-molecular sword. I could be a mutant with super-human reflexes and a sword. The only constant is that my character wields a sword, everything else is up for grabs. In particular it doesn't impose any theme on my character himself. He could be a human, an alien, a cyborg, or a genetically modified catgirl; as long as he has a sword it's all good. Additionally the set implies nothing about the sword itself, it could be the source of my powers, it could have been built using futuristic technology or it might just be 3ft of regular steel.

Similarly for Masterminds the only imposed theme is that you have support from Robots, Thugs, Undead, Clowns, Ninjas, Mercenaries or Demons. It enforces nothing about how or why you have their support only that you do.

This particular set imposes significantly more theme on the character than a weapon set. You are essentially forced to be either a robot, a cyborg or someone in a suit of power armor with special costume pieces to match. You have a bit of flexibility in where you come from but it's still imposing a much heavier theme than any of the existing sets.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
No, they lock you more heavily into a theme for your powers than the other sets do, they don't lock you into a theme for your character.

For example, consider Broadsword. The only thing that it enforces is that I wield a sword of some kind. I could be a normal person wielding a magical sword. I could be a person in a highly advanced suit of power armor wielding a mono-molecular sword. I could be a mutant with super-human reflexes and a sword. The only constant is that my character wields a sword, everything else is up for grabs. In particular it doesn't impose any theme on my character himself. He could be a human, an alien, a cyborg, or a genetically modified catgirl; as long as he has a sword it's all good. Additionally the set implies nothing about the sword itself, it could be the source of my powers, it could have been built using futuristic technology or it might just be 3ft of regular steel.

Similarly for Masterminds the only imposed theme is that you have support from Robots, Thugs, Undead, Clowns, Ninjas, Mercenaries or Demons. It enforces nothing about how or why you have their support only that you do.

This particular set imposes significantly more theme on the character than a weapon set. You are essentially forced to be either a robot, a cyborg or someone in a suit of power armor with special costume pieces to match. You have a bit of flexibility in where you come from but it's still imposing a much heavier theme than any of the existing sets.
I agree but there isnt much way you can make a cyborg set anything other than tech/science/magic as far as i can see, mutant wouldnt suit the basis of the set to begin with, and natural... well i guess you could kinda work it in because you were natural to begin with before being upgraded magic, missiles dont go with it ok, but the laser parts can, whats to say your powers arent drawn from an internal magical crystal powering your suit? I guess in that aspect the missiles would kind of fit as well but it would be a longshot.

One thing I would like to mention though, you cant cut ideas out just because they dont fit into every single catagory, your going to run out of ideas eventually that way, if one or two powersets get made that dont fit into a specific theme, i really dont see people throwing a fit about it, they will just change the theme to suit the charecter.



Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
Very poor powerset, not necessarily because of your descriptions or ideas, but because it only works with one concept.

For example, Fire Blast could come from a variety of sources. Magical fire spells. Mutant incindiary powers. The ability to channel fire from the heart of the sun. Some kinda flame thrower.

A new powerset should work with most of, if not all, of the origins.
Please explain to me how my Assault Rifle is magical. Or a mutant, for that matter.

I would love the OP's idea, fancy origin be damned.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Please explain to me how my Assault Rifle is magical. Or a mutant, for that matter.

I would love the OP's idea, fancy origin be damned.
Please explain how a gun that shoots beanbags, bullets, shotgun pellets and fire ISN'T magical

It's fairly easy to consider how someone who has mystical powers controlling Dark Forces might also use a rifle to augment their abilities. The characters origin could be magical, but he could still tote a large gun around as well. So you have a Magical origin AR/Dark Miasma corrupter. There was a fan comic somewhere where someone had done the same but with a Mutant origin, he was called Troll Boy I think, he was born with a mutation which allowed him to control dark forces and he nicked a rifle from somewhere when he started out in the Rogue Isles.

Cybernetic Blast is a little more difficult to rationalize but I can think of at least 2 Magical/Tech examples just from the top of my head : The Cyberdemon from Doom and (sorta a Magical/Science/Tech one) Adam from Buffy.

No more difficult to rationalize than Robots, Demons or DP really, especially if you don't assume that Origin has to apply to the characters Primary only.