New Powerset: Cybernetic Blast

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Please explain to me how my Assault Rifle is magical. Or a mutant, for that matter.

I would love the OP's idea, fancy origin be damned.
Well, let's see.

AR/EM/Fire/Ice/Electric/Mental could easily be explained by your secondary being your magical or mutant abilities.

Even AR/Devices could be explained with magic or mutant origin.

You could be a magical creature that has little or no innate offensive capability. Perhaps an angel that traded their flaming sword for a gun? Or an elf that decided an assault rifle was better than a bow? Or maybe you're a mage that keeps their equipment in a magically accessed pocket dimension.

Being a mutant doesn't necessarily mean you have powers. You could just look weird, or have non-offensive powers like a 6th sense or keen eyesight.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Armour Blast / Secondary. The same way as AR/Fire or AR/Anything, DP/Anything, Archery/Anything. It CAN work, especially if the 'weapons' were customisable the same as AR/Bow/DP etc.

Get rid of the Rayman blast (Tier 1) and, yes please. Would love some of that. /Signed

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I like how everyone but the guy I asked gave me reasonable and creative solutions to the question of origin.

I wanted him to answer because I wanted him to see the fallacy in his argument, obviously one with such an incredibly powerful mental capacity as myself (ahem) can think of anything to work with anything.

I sometimes feel like in the suggestion forum somebody *has* to think of something to go against the idea. Like every suggestion requires some antagonist. That said, I think it's a good testament to how much something needs done when the best we can come up with is "But what if we aren't creative enough?"



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Please explain to me how my Assault Rifle is magical. Or a mutant, for that matter.

I would love the OP's idea, fancy origin be damned.
My Ar/Dev Blaster is a mutant. Yes, she uses "things" to fight crime - but her mutant ability is her ability to Fly, her better-than-human regeneration (she has the fitness pool - Helath, Stamina) and her uncanny aim/accuracy.

I have to join those who say OP's idea seems to dictate origins - and to me, much more importantly - it dictates COSTUME. The character would necessarily have to be clad in some sort of powerarmor or at the least use Cyborg pieces to make the set look like the powers were appropriate to the costume. And let's not forget that the Cyborg costume pieces are from a BOOSTER and are not automatically available to everyone.

To those who have not liked the disagreement voiced in this thread - S & I is a place to temper your ideas in the fires of criticism from others. To benefit from this, there has to be both support and opposition to the idea. A string of "/signed" doesn't provide any way for the idea to be refined.

P.S. - My MM's Robots are Magick, as she is a Steampunk themed character and they are powered by magickal crystals. So, I definitely don't subscribe to the idea that Weapon Sets and MM Sets dictate a particular origin. They only do that if you limit your own imagination.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
I agree but there isnt much way you can make a cyborg set anything other than tech/science/magic as far as i can see, mutant wouldnt suit the basis of the set to begin with, and natural... well i guess you could kinda work it in because you were natural to begin with before being upgraded magic, missiles dont go with it ok, but the laser parts can, whats to say your powers arent drawn from an internal magical crystal powering your suit? I guess in that aspect the missiles would kind of fit as well but it would be a longshot.
Well as I said earlier, if it's going to enforce a theme then it makes a lot more sense as an EAT powerset than a regular one. That way you already have a fixed origin and character theme so having a concept driven powerset makes sense.

One thing I would like to mention though, you cant cut ideas out just because they dont fit into every single catagory, your going to run out of ideas eventually that way, if one or two powersets get made that dont fit into a specific theme, i really dont see people throwing a fit about it, they will just change the theme to suit the charecter.
Why not? Every existing powerset is designed so that the powerset doesn't drive the character's theme. I see absolutely no reason to change that.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Please explain to me how my Assault Rifle is magical. Or a mutant, for that matter.
Magical AR:
The Assault Rifle is enchanted to always hit it's target
The Bullets are enchanted with various spells of accuracy and power
The character has a normal assault rifle but his magic allows him to use it faster and more accurately than a normal human could manage

Mutant AR:
The character's mutations give him superhuman senses which make him perfectly accurate with an assault rifle
The character is like Gambit and uses his powers to supercharge his rifle bullets

Those are just the ones I can think off off the top of my head. I'll also point out that origin doesn't have to explain all of a character's powers, it just explains what makes him a hero. For example i have a DP/Storm Corruptor. He's magical origin since his Storm powers are magic, but his skill with pistols is Natural.



Fine, since we're all playing this game, let's play it the other way.

First off, my using AR as an example was meant to show how forced an idea has to be to make AR work with a specific origin. Yes, you *can* do it, but most people are just going to throw in Natural or Tech, 'less they are also spewing fire from their secondary, in which case they might opt for nearly anything. There are sets *already* in the game that are very difficult to explain for every origin, so to argue against it now is missing the point. I doubt the vast majority of the game saw assault rifle and went "Hey, these aren't magical at all! Now I have to make up some reason why they are!"

However, you can do it with power armor too. Again, most people are *probably* going to pick tech or natural, but here we go:

Science: You have formed a symbiotic relationship with a suit of armor. Using the natural processes in your body you can power the suit to do a multitude of different functions. See Positron.

Natural: Your kick *** physical condition combined with your advanced power suit makes you a power to truly reckon with.

Technology: This is a power suit you invented or bought off of Ebay. You figure you can fight crime with it.

Magic: Some magical dilly-doo powers up this ancient power armor that you stole from the Circle of Thorns or whatever.

Mutant: Your enhanced mutagenic abilities have given you the necessary strength and dexterity to wield the infamous powersuit zeta 9000 xg max supreme thingy.

"Lack of creativity" is a flimsy argument. Especially when that "lack of creativity" is at the mercy of a truly archaic game design such as "origin", which has done nothing but pigeon-hold my creativity, rather than enhance it.

I understand concerns such as "balance", "time to make" or "not enough popularity", but "lack of creativity" just sounds like grasping at straws, and I don't understand why every Suggestion topic *need* an antagonist or counter-point. If we can think of a GOOD reason, sure, throw it in there, but this isn't it.



This is why we can't have nice thing :P. First people are against this because its tied to the tech origin then when people give ways for it not to be it's still bad. Should we really be tied down to the same powersets just because of this? It's a good powerset. I don't care if CO has something like it most of their stuff spawned because of this game.

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Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
This is why we can't have nice thing :P. First people are against this because its tied to the tech origin then when people give ways for it not to be it's still bad. Should we really be tied down to the same powersets just because of this? It's a good powerset. I don't care if CO has something like it most of their stuff spawned because of this game.
I don't think it's even really about CO and copying 'their' ideas. CO hardly invented robots spewing energy plasmid out of their arm cannon. It only happens to be in their game because they were inspired by something else and decided to put it in there. They've no legal right to it anymore than they do Ninjas or Bugs Bunny-Esque digging powers.

More than that, I don't play CO, so what CO is doing really doesn't matter to me. I'm glad they have robots and everything, but I want them HERE.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't think it's even really about CO and copying 'their' ideas. CO hardly invented robots spewing energy plasmid out of their arm cannon. It only happens to be in their game because they were inspired by something else and decided to put it in there. They've no legal right to it anymore than they do Ninjas or Bugs Bunny-Esque digging powers.

More than that, I don't play CO, so what CO is doing really doesn't matter to me. I'm glad they have robots and everything, but I want them HERE.
Same here but everyone seems to hate the idea.

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
It's not so much a matter of origin, I could come up with a character using this for each origin. It's more a matter of theme. This pretty much requires a Cyborg/Robot/Suit of Power Armor character. It doesn't really matter what the origin/power source of the gear is the problem is that it imposes a strong theme on the character.
First of all, if someone wanted a Robot theme they wouldn't choose magic or whatever. It's all up to the player. Yes, it does put a theme but people can RP it as something else, and RPers are the one who might have a problem with this, but being one myself i don't.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
"Lack of creativity" is a flimsy argument. Especially when that "lack of creativity" is at the mercy of a truly archaic game design such as "origin", which has done nothing but pigeon-hold my creativity, rather than enhance it.
My problem isn't the lack of flexibility in selecting an origin since as noted before (by me amongst others) it's reasonably easy to make this fit any origin. My problem is the lack of flexibility in selecting what I want my character to be and how I want him to look. This essentially FORCES me to select one of three looks if I want to use it:
Power Armor

If I go with any other look then the powerset becomes silly.

The weapon powersets force me to have one additional costume piece which has zero impact on the rest of my costume. I can easily design whatever costume I want and then select a weapon that matches it (yes in some cases I need to unlock the weapon first which is rather irritating but eventually I can get it).

Here it is essentially fixing three of my costume pieces (gloves, back and chest) in a way that severely limits what options I can use for the rest of my costume without it looking silly.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
My problem isn't the lack of flexibility in selecting an origin since as noted before (by me amongst others) it's reasonably easy to make this fit any origin. My problem is the lack of flexibility in selecting what I want my character to be and how I want him to look. This essentially FORCES me to select one of three looks if I want to use it:
Power Armor

If I go with any other look then the powerset becomes silly.

The weapon powersets force me to have one additional costume piece which has zero impact on the rest of my costume. I can easily design whatever costume I want and then select a weapon that matches it (yes in some cases I need to unlock the weapon first which is rather irritating but eventually I can get it).

Here it is essentially fixing three of my costume pieces (gloves, back and chest) in a way that severely limits what options I can use for the rest of my costume without it looking silly.
Why would you pick this powerset without wanting to be a robot or something?



I don't see how this is helping the game? Limiting new ideas just because they fit one theme. I rather see more ideas like this rather than other powersets spawning because of existing ones. Thats pretty much what I've been seeing so far. Kin melee, electric control. Sooner or later they will run out of ideas and they'll have to add suggestions like these

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Originally Posted by Jake_Summers View Post
Very poor powerset, not necessarily because of your descriptions or ideas, but because it only works with one concept.

For example, Fire Blast could come from a variety of sources. Magical fire spells. Mutant incindiary powers. The ability to channel fire from the heart of the sun. Some kinda flame thrower.

A new powerset should work with most of, if not all, of the origins.
What about weapon sets like Dual Pistols? Pretty sure it's exactly the same.



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Why would you pick this powerset without wanting to be a robot or something?
Why would the devs make a powerset that only allows you to be a robot unless they are making it a new EAT?



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Why would the devs make a powerset that only allows you to be a robot unless they are making it a new EAT?
Why not? It's like what Shuriken Blade said, they're going to run out of ideas and have to add these. Besides, what's wrong with adding details. If they add theme specific powersets then characters can get more in depth and have less general powers.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
My problem isn't the lack of flexibility in selecting an origin since as noted before (by me amongst others) it's reasonably easy to make this fit any origin. My problem is the lack of flexibility in selecting what I want my character to be and how I want him to look. This essentially FORCES me to select one of three looks if I want to use it:
Power Armor

If I go with any other look then the powerset becomes silly.

The weapon powersets force me to have one additional costume piece which has zero impact on the rest of my costume. I can easily design whatever costume I want and then select a weapon that matches it (yes in some cases I need to unlock the weapon first which is rather irritating but eventually I can get it).

Here it is essentially fixing three of my costume pieces (gloves, back and chest) in a way that severely limits what options I can use for the rest of my costume without it looking silly.
Sorry, but that's hogwash.
I've seen people use multiple concepts with all the MM sets, despite the fact it only gives you one, immutable look for the pets.
I would advise making this set more like the attacks the PPD Hardsuits use, arm blasts and stuff like that, rather than stuff like 'firing your arm at the enemy' (which is also overly daft in my opinion) which, yes, does somewhat limit the concept.

But I can easily see an 'arm cannon' or 'gun rig' sort of set working in a way that allows access from multiple concepts.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Why not? It's like what Shuriken Blade said, they're going to run out of ideas and have to add these. Besides, what's wrong with adding details. If they add theme specific powersets then characters can get more in depth and have less general powers.
Because sets like this would require quite a bit more time and effort than regular sets (due to the extra costume pieces, the coding to support that and extra animations for other powers to work correctly with the costume pieces) while being usable be a very small number of character concepts.

There are still plenty of "generic" powersets for the devs to do before they start working on ones like this.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Because sets like this would require quite a bit more time and effort than regular sets (due to the extra costume pieces, the coding to support that and extra animations for other powers to work correctly with the costume pieces) while being usable be a very small number of character concepts.

There are still plenty of "generic" powersets for the devs to do before they start working on ones like this.
How is that gonna help bring in new subscribers? "Hey we are bring out more of the same old same old. Come on by." No matter what, when a new powerset is released. SOME people always roll one. Just because this fits one concept doesn't mean it won't be used or something. I would rather see them release something like this inbetween making the generics rather than just continuing spawning "new" powersets from stuff that is in game.

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Why would the devs make a powerset that only allows you to be a robot unless they are making it a new EAT?
Does Demon Summoning ring a bell?? Do you honestly thing Demons are not origin/theme specific?? Someone might argue that these are not demons but mutants; results of your evil experiments. Sure that makes sense...until you go and try to summon your pets. Flaming magical symbols appear in the air, followed by a magic sigil on the ground. Sure, go on roll a science origin DS MM.

PS: I'm planning to roll a science Demon MM, BTW.



still any idea is going to have complaints about it, look at dual pistols for instance.

People have been asking for those since like issue 5 on these forums in suggestion section, we finally get them and now all you hear is 'its a fancy looking set but thats it' and people complain wanting it buffed.

Point being you cant please everyone, and if you cant use a certain origin to make a charecter, then why are you trying to do it in the first place? theres no rules stating you HAVE to make a mutant cybernetic monster (which is one way to use mutant btw ) however if you want to thats your choice.

You cant put a set down simply because you cant think of a way to use it with every single origin. If your creative enough its possible, much like masterminds, yes it is heavy tech orientated but i see no reason as to why that should stop a perfectly good set stop being made.

'Oh noes i cant makez a mutantz cyber manz' isnt exactly a reason to disregard a set. Whats to stop them making sets for each origin in turn?

For instance this for tech, some transformation set for mutation or science, demon summoning is pretty much magic based already, and something like whips or spears for natural?

If your really imaginative it is still possible to come up with backstorys for every origin still, if you cant think of a way to make it fit, simply change your story... its not set in stone is it?



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Does Demon Summoning ring a bell?? Do you honestly thing Demons are not origin/theme specific?? Someone might argue that these are not demons but mutants; results of your evil experiments. Sure that makes sense...until you go and try to summon your pets. Flaming magical symbols appear in the air, followed by a magic sigil on the ground. Sure, go on roll a science origin DS MM.

PS: I'm planning to roll a science Demon MM, BTW.
THIS, this right here is a perfect example!

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Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
THIS, this right here is a perfect example!
Agreed. A Natural DS MM? Science and Magic are the only ones that really fit and even Science is a bit iffy.



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Agreed. A Natural DS MM? Science and Magic are the only ones that really fit and even Science is a bit iffy.

Mutation: You have the mutant ability to open holes in the fabric of reality and use that to travel to other dimensions. On one of your adventures you entered a dimension inhabited by demons. You made a pact with a powerful lord of that dimension. He would lend you some of his minions to assist you in exchange for which you would transport them to Paragon City and provide him with the souls of those they slay. No doubt he plans to turn on you in time but for now the forces of the netherworld are at your command...

Technology: Matter is Energy and Energy is Matter. The original idea behind the Dimensional Flux Agitator was to harness the energy inherent in the boundaries between realities however in the process you realized that you could use it to send something to another dimension... or bring it here. You aren't quite sure what the dimension you've locked onto is like but the creatures you can pull forth from it are powerful indeed. It took some careful experimentation but by modulating the frequency of the DFA you can force them to obey your commands.

Natural: You are a demon here to ravage Paragon City and gather souls for your dark masters. The more souls you send to them the higher your rank rises in the forces of darkness allowing you to summon stronger allies to your banner. One day the forces of the netherworld will break forth and the whole world will tremble at your feet.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Sorry, but that's hogwash.
I've seen people use multiple concepts with all the MM sets, despite the fact it only gives you one, immutable look for the pets.
I would advise making this set more like the attacks the PPD Hardsuits use, arm blasts and stuff like that, rather than stuff like 'firing your arm at the enemy' (which is also overly daft in my opinion) which, yes, does somewhat limit the concept.

But I can easily see an 'arm cannon' or 'gun rig' sort of set working in a way that allows access from multiple concepts.
Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Does Demon Summoning ring a bell?? Do you honestly thing Demons are not origin/theme specific?? Someone might argue that these are not demons but mutants; results of your evil experiments. Sure that makes sense...until you go and try to summon your pets. Flaming magical symbols appear in the air, followed by a magic sigil on the ground. Sure, go on roll a science origin DS MM.

PS: I'm planning to roll a science Demon MM, BTW.
I disagree, To me weapon sets and MM sets don't imply any more theme than, say, Fire Blast while this set is essentially forcing a particular theme. However I'm apparently the only one here who feels that way so I think I can honestly say there isn't much point in us debating it further. You feel one way, I feel another and I don't see that changing.