New Powerset: Cybernetic Blast

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post

Mutation: You have the mutant ability to open holes in the fabric of reality and use that to travel to other dimensions. On one of your adventures you entered a dimension inhabited by demons. You made a pact with a powerful lord of that dimension. He would lend you some of his minions to assist you in exchange for which you would transport them to Paragon City and provide him with the souls of those they slay. No doubt he plans to turn on you in time but for now the forces of the netherworld are at your command...

Technology: Matter is Energy and Energy is Matter. The original idea behind the Dimensional Flux Agitator was to harness the energy inherent in the boundaries between realities however in the process you realized that you could use it to send something to another dimension... or bring it here. You aren't quite sure what the dimension you've locked onto is like but the creatures you can pull forth from it are powerful indeed. It took some careful experimentation but by modulating the frequency of the DFA you can force them to obey your commands.

Natural: You are a demon here to ravage Paragon City and gather souls for your dark masters. The more souls you send to them the higher your rank rises in the forces of darkness allowing you to summon stronger allies to your banner. One day the forces of the netherworld will break forth and the whole world will tremble at your feet.

Natural: You were attacked by a mugger while attempting to protect your wife. You take a bullet in that back causing you later to be confined to a wheelchair. While studying robotics you find a study that may help you gain you mobility back. The suit reacts to your mind and allows you to do more than just walk.

Mutant: You were born with an unstable energy that is very unpredictable. After working on way to control it, you find that placing yourself in a robotic suit allows you to harness it and use it to not only power it but to release control bursts. You later equip it with attachments that can further help your fight against crime.

Anyone can come up with ideas for a powerset theme regardless but demons are mainly used in fantasy aka magical. I doubt someone with the power of energy uses RUNES and what not to summon demons unless they are magical.

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Science: After losing my forearms in the Rikti war I was forced to get them replaced. I found it much harder to use my energy powers now that I couldn't release it from my hands. With some training I was able to bend the energy into anything I wanted. I was able to make guns out of energy, firing missiles made of pure energy at my targets. I was ready to be a hero again.

Edit: You can do anything you want with any build. My sg leader was a Archery/Mind blaster. When he got the Vanguard bow he made it the color of his psychic powers. (This was before color customization) He changed is bio to His arrows were psychic energy he shot from a bow..that was made of psychic energy.

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Sure, you probably have to have a forced theme...that theme being power armor.

Why the hell else would you play a set like that?

People want true power armor character.
This set would be perfect for those characters.

To say no to this set because it forces theme is ridiculous.

Are you actually trying to say it's better to not have it at all? That's just absurd.



Have to say im kind of happy i posted something that got so many peoples attention lol. I really didnt think too many people looked here nowadays



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Have to say im kind of happy i posted something that got so many peoples attention lol. I really didnt think too many people looked here nowadays
Awesome Ideas deserver a lot of attention

Join the Advocates of Fate on Infinity today!




See, the thing isn't that the powerset forces origin it's that the set forces itself as a power

Fire blast can be any number of things, Firing your arm is firing your arm.
Conceptually, those Runes For Demon Summoning may or may not be runes, but firing your arm is STILL firing your arm.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
See, the thing isn't that the powerset forces origin it's that the set forces itself as a power

Fire blast can be any number of things, Firing your arm is firing your arm.
Conceptually, those Runes For Demon Summoning may or may not be runes, but firing your arm is STILL firing your arm.
What's your take on dual pistols?



Originally Posted by Slope View Post
Agreed. A Natural DS MM? Science and Magic are the only ones that really fit and even Science is a bit iffy.
You know what... I actually think I WILL go Natural just because you mentioned it. The idea doesn't change - child-looking demon summoning other demons. But the interpretation changes. If he's a demon, that sort of thing ought to be natural to him. Cool, let's go with that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Sorry, but that's hogwash.
I've seen people use multiple concepts with all the MM sets, despite the fact it only gives you one, immutable look for the pets.
I would advise making this set more like the attacks the PPD Hardsuits use, arm blasts and stuff like that, rather than stuff like 'firing your arm at the enemy' (which is also overly daft in my opinion) which, yes, does somewhat limit the concept.

But I can easily see an 'arm cannon' or 'gun rig' sort of set working in a way that allows access from multiple concepts.
This is really all that comes down to. You can make a perfectly legitimate, even tech-themed arm transformation powerset as long as you exercise art direction with a bit more aesthetic, such that you suggest that the arm TRANSFORM, and isn't actually cybernetic (not necessarily). As such, rocket punches are out of the question, but various arm cannons, power fists, arm blades and so forth are very much perfectly acceptable. AND you don't need special arm replacements, either. As long as the transformation objects (say, arm cannons) are big enough, they'll just show up over the gloves. And if you pick big gloves that'll clip... Well, too bad for you. I guess I COULD go for something that makes your actual glove invisible as, say, the power fist shows up, though.

Basically, this is another example of a powerset tied to a concept that it doesn't have to be limited to. Yes, robots and cyborgs are going to be the obvious choice when making arm cannons, but as long as the transformations aren't described as cybernetic, the door is still open. After all, X-Men's forge did just this in one of the newer animations, and he's a mutant. Natural could always work with this, as it's ultimately a weapon and could be described as the skill of using being its super power. Science is obvious, and even magic can work, as a form of willing evil metal over your arms.

The train of thought here is simple - keep it to basic arm cannons, machineguns, power fists and melee weapons. Flail, blade, pincer, spear, crossbow, turret, cannonball, some kind of energy gun, energy blade, chainsaw, DRILL, that sort of thing. Don't go off inventing "arm on a string" and everything should be fine.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Alright...Here's my take on it. Yes the name is still a bit meh.

Blast set: Armour Blast
Armour Blast utilises various armemants to bring down your opponents. Maybe you are encased in highly advanced armour, the part cyborg result of a science experiment, an enchanted construct fuelled by arcane and destructive energies, or a mutant who's abilities allow you to power or control multiple systems at once. How does not matter; a powerful arsenal is yours to command.


Tier 1 - Laser Burst: Ranged, Minor Damage, Energy/Fire, -Def
You fire a quick, triple blast from one of your gauntlet lasers. This attack does only moderate damage, but it is quick to use and will lower your foes defences slightly.

Tier 2 - Laser Blast: Ranged, High Damage, Energy/Fire
Though it takes longer to aim than a quick burst, focussing energy into a single Blast does more damage.

Tier 3 - Laser Barrage: Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage, Energy/Fire, -Def
You open fire with both arm cannons, dousing the area in a storm of blasts. This attack does moderate damage and will lower enemies defences.

Tier 4 - Micro Missile: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage, Smash/Fire
The Micro Missiles housed inside your gauntlet's trade off a heavier payload for ease and speed of use. They are capable of damaging multiple foes within an area.

Tier 5 - Overclock: Self +Hit +DMG
Overclocking allows your weapons to operate at a higher degree for a few moments, increasing your chance to hit and slightly increasing the damage of all attacks. This overclock period is brief, otherwise it would risk overloading your weapons.

Tier 6 - Hunter Seeker: Sniper, Extreme Damage, Smash/Fire, Minor Fire DoT
The Hunter Seeker missile is effectively an aimed and locked on Micro Missile. This lock-on requires time, and the attack can be interupted. It is incredibly accurate however, and calibrated for one target rather than area of effect, ensuring high damage to its target.

Tier 7 - Laser Beam: Ranged, Superior Damage, Energy/Fire, -Regen
This is a higher powered, slightly more draining version of the standard laser beam, fired from both gauntlets. It is, however, incredibly powerful, and the resulting laser burn can slow a foes regeneration afterwards for quite some time.

Tier 8 - Incendiary Swarm Missiles: Ranged (Targeted AoE), High Damage, Smash/Fire, Moderate Fire DoT
These incendiary missiles fire as a large cluster, dousing an area in flames. The intial blast in itself is quite powerful, but the lingering flames will contine to burn any foes as long as they remain in the area.

Tier 9 - Swarm Missile Barrage: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Extreme Damage, Smash/Fire, Knockback
The swarm missiles are the heavier cousins of the micro missiles, and trade ease of use and speed for sheer destructive force. Slow to reload and more taxing to use, they nevertheless deliver the most powerful blow in your arsenal in a wide area of effect.


So, there we have it. I'd say either include special 'Weapons Gauntlets' as a weapon or, better yet, use pop-up or 'attachable' weapons that simply stacked onto the arm, a bit like the Vanguard Shield or the Crab Spider Backpack. If these could be built with customisation in mind (high tech, standard and magic flavour) then I cant see any reason why it wouldnt work.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
This is why we can't have nice thing :P. First people are against this because its tied to the tech origin then when people give ways for it not to be it's still bad. Should we really be tied down to the same powersets just because of this? It's a good powerset. I don't care if CO has something like it most of their stuff spawned because of this game.
I'm against it because there is only ONE way for your powers to function.

With Fire Blast you can see that fire comes out of your hand, but exactly HOW it does that is open to interpretation. It could be a mutant ability, a spell, a technological gadget, etc. Since the animation for the power is simply that of throwing fire, you can explain it any way you like.

When you shoot your arm at shoot your arm at someone. Your arm physically detaches from your body and goes flying across the room. There is no other way to explain what you are doing.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Do I make those new-build powersets for nothing...? Do people just magically coast over them, or something? *sigh*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Do I make those new-build powersets for nothing...? Do people just magically coast over them, or something? *sigh*
I've seen it. I like it

Join the Advocates of Fate on Infinity today!




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'm against it because there is only ONE way for your powers to function.

With Fire Blast you can see that fire comes out of your hand, but exactly HOW it does that is open to interpretation. It could be a mutant ability, a spell, a technological gadget, etc. Since the animation for the power is simply that of throwing fire, you can explain it any way you like.

When you shoot your arm at shoot your arm at someone. Your arm physically detaches from your body and goes flying across the room. There is no other way to explain what you are doing.
Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
Science: After losing my forearms in the Rikti war I was forced to get them replaced. I found it much harder to use my energy powers now that I couldn't release it from my hands. With some training I was able to bend the energy into anything I wanted. I was able to make guns out of energy, firing missiles made of pure energy at my targets. I was ready to be a hero again.

Join the Advocates of Fate on Infinity today!




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Blast set: Armour Blast
You score MAJOR points for spelling "armour" with a U

As for the set itself, I think you have far too many laser attacks. It's turning into a reincarnation of the Pulse Rifle suggestion, and THAT I'd rather be a rifle than an arm cannon.

Without trying to modify your suggestion, here's what I'd like to see:

Crub it down to one, at most two laser attacks if you have to have multiple. Crub down the missile attacks too, while you're at it. One or two is enough. Instead, add a machine gun attack or two, possibly machine gun plus single-shot round, and add in a couple of grenades. If you have to, add in an energy blast, a flame attack or some kind of cold shot. In fact, to completely rip powers off from the game just for simplicity, let me explain what I mean:

1. AR/Burst from an arm machine gun
2. Robotics/Pulse Rifle Burst from arm laser
3. AR/Buckshot from arm shotgun
4. AR/M30 Grenade from arm launcher
5. Aim variant
6. Munitions/Cryo Freeze Ray from arm gizmo
7. Fire Blast/Blazing Bolt from arm flamethrower
8. Energy Blast/Power Burst from arm cannon
9. Robotics/Assault Bot/Explosive Missile Swarm from arm launcher

I know this doesn't make too much sense and it isn't pretty in the slightest, but I didn't exactly give it too much thought. I need to leave for the dentist in about 10 minutes, so I can't go into detail at the moment.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Still haven't solved the dilemma of "I have things popping out of my body and I'm launching my extremities at people" part of the equation.

I have a few fire blasters. One is a mutant, his body generates fire that he throws/lauches at his enemies. One is technology based, he throws gobs of ignited kerosene jelly. Another is science based, he uses chemicals that ignite on contact with air. And yet another is also a mutant, he doesn't actually throw fire at all, he is psychic and makes his enemies THINK he's throwing fire.

Same powerset, same animations, 4 different things that are occuring. End result: You throw fire.

Cybernetic Blast: You have weapons that pop out of your body, and you launch your extremities as attacks.

The visual does not lend itself to any other possibility. You can explain HOW you're doing it any way you like. But you are locked into it being one thing that you are actually doing.

Say you're playing a blaster and you want both of the first two attacks so you can fire them both while mezzed. Shooting your arms at people as weapons doesn't fit your character concept at all. Too bad, that's what you're doing in the animation. If you want the first two attacks your concept HAS to include your arms being detachable, because there is no other way to explain what's going on in the animation.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Still haven't solved the dilemma of "I have things popping out of my body and I'm launching my extremities at people" part of the equation.

I have a few fire blasters. One is a mutant, his body generates fire that he throws/lauches at his enemies. One is technology based, he throws gobs of ignited kerosene jelly. Another is science based, he uses chemicals that ignite on contact with air. And yet another is also a mutant, he doesn't actually throw fire at all, he is psychic and makes his enemies THINK he's throwing fire.

Same powerset, same animations, 4 different things that are occuring. End result: You throw fire.

Cybernetic Blast: You have weapons that pop out of your body, and you launch your extremities as attacks.

The visual does not lend itself to any other possibility. You can explain HOW you're doing it any way you like. But you are locked into it being one thing that you are actually doing.

Say you're playing a blaster and you want both of the first two attacks so you can fire them both while mezzed. Shooting your arms at people as weapons doesn't fit your character concept at all. Too bad, that's what you're doing in the animation. If you want the first two attacks your concept HAS to include your arms being detachable, because there is no other way to explain what's going on in the animation.
But that's exactly the same case as Trick Arrow, you're using a bow to fire specific arrows at people. If you are a Trick Arrow you're firing arrows via a bow, no getting around it.
I fail to see a problem to be honest, if you don't like it (like I don't like Dual Pistols particularly, due to the visuals) play something else instead.



Fine, I’ll post >_>

You don’t have to care tho.

Firstly, my opinion: I don’t like it. Not because of what the set is but how it’s laid out. It’s all over the place, like Assault Rifle but worse. The only thing that would make AR worse (and awesome) is if they shoved LRM Rocket in there. The set has a detachable arm, lasers, rockets nets…bleh. I’m more a fan of “use one or two aspects and use it/them in creative ways”. One reason I luv Luffy from One Piece. His only power is he’s made of rubber but damn he can do a sh** load of stuff with that power.

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood
Why not? Every existing powerset is designed so that the powerset doesn't drive the character's theme. I see absolutely no reason to change that.
It’s nice to say that but I don’t think the dev’s mantra. Sure, they try to make things ambiguous with respect to origin but I think they just add things that look and feel cool and unique while still fitting within the scope of the game’s engine. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a power that implies an origin so long as you can just as easily make a different origin character with another theme implied power.

Originally Posted by xhris
Does Demon Summoning ring a bell?? Do you honestly thing Demons are not origin/theme specific?? Someone might argue that these are not demons but mutants; results of your evil experiments. Sure that makes sense...until you go and try to summon your pets. Flaming magical symbols appear in the air, followed by a magic sigil on the ground. Sure, go on roll a science origin DS MM.

PS: I'm planning to roll a science Demon MM, BTW.
Haha, that argument doesn’t work. What is robotics? A bunch of robots and a pulse rifle. What are thugs? A gang of hooligans and pistols. What are demons? A hoard of monsters and a whip.

That’s just how MM sets are crafted. That only (if at all) holds precedence for Mastermind summon primary sets which the OP’s idea is not.

Originally Posted by Samuel Tow
You score MAJOR points for spelling "armour" with a U
And I give you equal amounts of MAJOR negative points to balance it. This is Paragon City, Rhode Island, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We spell it ‘Armor’!

Besides that, I like it. It’s focused. Just missiles and lasers that fire from the arm. Even causing the arm to transform a bit to launch the rockets wouldn’t infringe heavily on concept and opens up possibilities for unique animations. However, one draw I believe new sets should have is ‘something’ to make them unique mechanic-wise. Like DP has ammo switch, Demon summoning is more melee-ranged focused etc.
Originally Posted by Samuel Tow
Crub it down to one, at most two laser attacks if you have to have multiple. Crub down the missile attacks too, while you're at it. One or two is enough. Instead, add a machine gun attack or two, possibly machine gun plus single-shot round, and add in a couple of grenades. If you have to, add in an energy blast, a flame attack or some kind of cold shot. In fact, to completely rip powers off from the game just for simplicity, let me explain what I mean:
Like explained before, I don’t care much for the idea of adding grenades and machine guns to it and even more against it if for whatever reason, these are fired from a new location on the body like from a back-mounted unit or the shoulder. But even then, I can see perhaps adding a grenade attack (maybe even call it Ballistics Armor Blast) and maybe a Dragon-Breath round attack in there. But I'd rather such a set be focused (Lasers, missiles and maybe a grenade and explody-round attack).



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The visual does not lend itself to any other possibility. You can explain HOW you're doing it any way you like. But you are locked into it being one thing that you are actually doing.

Say you're playing a blaster and you want both of the first two attacks so you can fire them both while mezzed. Shooting your arms at people as weapons doesn't fit your character concept at all. Too bad, that's what you're doing in the animation. If you want the first two attacks your concept HAS to include your arms being detachable, because there is no other way to explain what's going on in the animation.
You've already given an answer yourself...
Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
And yet another is also a mutant, he doesn't actually throw fire at all, he is psychic and makes his enemies THINK he's throwing fire.
Make you opponents THINK you can detach your arms.

Also, i don't see this being any different than any weapon set. When you slash your opponents with a katana, you slash your opponents with a katana, so your character concept has to explain why your character has a katana (unless he makes his opponents think he slashes them with a katana)

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Haha, that argument doesn’t work. What is robotics? A bunch of robots and a pulse rifle. What are thugs? A gang of hooligans and pistols. What are demons? A hoard of monsters and a whip.

That’s just how MM sets are crafted. That only (if at all) holds precedence for Mastermind summon primary sets which the OP’s idea is not.
>Are these robots your creation? Tech
>Are they magical frames created by your family? Magic
>Did you just find a controller on the street, pressed a button and a bunch of mechanized monstrosities appeared? Natural
>Are you an alien from a planet where life originated from iron instead of carbon? Natural,again

>Do you practice ancient summoning rituals? Magic
>Did you genetically engineered these horrid creatur...wait what the F@#$ are these flaming symbols?



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
>Are these robots your creation? Tech
>Are they magical frames created by your family? Magic
>Did you just find a controller on the street, pressed a button and a bunch of mechanized monstrosities appeared? Natural
>Are you an alien from a planet where life originated from iron instead of carbon? Natural,again

>Do you practice ancient summoning rituals? Magic
>Did you genetically engineered these horrid creatur...wait what the F@#$ are these flaming symbols?
You can just as easily say those symbols are a special sign language that hones into the creature's extra senses that give them orders. That you can't get past the fact they're flaming or that they're symbols is your own lacking.

Also, like I said. That's just how Mastermind sets are crafted. They are origin specific by their nature (but they don't have to be if you're creative enough). That has no precedence on blast sets.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
they're two guns.
Ok, but you had this to say about the suggested powerset:

"See, the thing isn't that the powerset forces origin it's that the set forces itself as a power

Fire blast can be any number of things, Firing your arm is firing your arm.
Conceptually, those Runes For Demon Summoning may or may not be runes, but firing your arm is STILL firing your arm."

Firing a pistol is STILL firing a pistol.

Since we already have pistols as a powerset...I see no reason why this set shouldn't be ok.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Like explained before, I don’t care much for the idea of adding grenades and machine guns to it and even more against it if for whatever reason, these are fired from a new location on the body like from a back-mounted unit or the shoulder. But even then, I can see perhaps adding a grenade attack (maybe even call it Ballistics Armor Blast) and maybe a Dragon-Breath round attack in there. But I'd rather such a set be focused (Lasers, missiles and maybe a grenade and explody-round attack).
That's a matter of perspective, really. I happen to think Assault Rifle would be the coolest set ever if it didn't suck so hard to actually play it. Thematically, it's my favourite Blast set by far. It's not a concentrated concept, but that's kind of the point. Few sets do that, and I happen to think we could use a few more. I'm not resistant to a set that's mostly lasers, but I'd rather that be a Pulse RIFLE set and nothing else. Not arm blast, not raygun blast, not chest blast, not alien blast. Pulse Rifle Blast. Blast out of a futuristic-looking rifle. So if we'll be designing a set that's mostly lasers, I do NOT want it to be this one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I like this idea, I think it's a great one. There are a lot of great ideas out there, but often times there are suggestions to RP your power, but the problem is, I don't want to RP my power, I want to actually have it. I see that a lot when it comes to power ideas. I mean heck, they have three blade powers, so why not this or some of the other ones. Why can't we have light blasts, why can't we have optical blasts. Why god, oh why??????? lol.

Anyway, point I am making, is I likethe OP's suggestion. Consider this signed.



Ya know, with custom guns, I can see magic bullets, but magic missles and magic lasers and magic projectile arms is, in my opinion, is reaching a bit much for a western-comic style game. Sure RP what you like, but to argue that this set could fit any theme other than robotic, because you have a vivid enough imagination, is still far-fetched.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."