Go Team Seeker!
*wishes he was in team seeker*
*walks away sparkling like a wag*
*logs into dA account*
*projectile vomits*
Hmmm... what's thinkgeek.com got going on...
EDIT: Wait, Frost is on Team Jacob? I am too..... we even follow eachother around in dA April Fool's pranks!!! This is just weird.
*goes Gaga*
I'll trade you a Jacob for a lady gaga.
Come on, you know you want to.
I'm down with Team Seeker myself
Which, in case you don't know....Legend of the Seeker is based on a series of books called Wizard's First Rule written by Terry Goodkind. And they are actually good books and the show is actually fairly okay. You may die in shock now.
I got Jacob too ... not so ... well I would have prefered ... oh wait ... yeah ... most anythign I think ... I guess Gaga would probably have been my best pick but hey ... it's still funny when you look at your watcher icons or your friends icon to see all the icons moving ... it's funny.

Char Site | My DeviantArt
I'm on team Edward. He's dreamy. If only he would shoot sparkling anime horses riding rainbows and covered in lens flare out of his eyes he'd be the perfect man. Wait, does he in a later book? I'll have to topeka it.
I was happy to find that I'm with Team Gaga instead of Team Seeker.
If being a member of Team Seeker is wrong, I don't want to be right!
(seriously though, I watched a few episodes of the show and well, my first impression is that it's even more campy than the Hercules/Xena series of the 90s. I didn't think that was possible!)
(looks at Jacob. Looks sick.)
Could I trade Jacob for Seeker, Gaga..or even Mudkip?
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
Pa pa pa pa Poker Face!
Its not great cinema, but they are mostly following the books and keeping characterizations fairly well....I'm not sure they will get into the deeper plot bits but its much less terribad then I was expecting from a fantasy book adaptation.
Team Seeker Go!!!
I wish we had animated gifs tho...boo team Jacob peeps!
Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2

hmmm im not a party pooper per se and love a good prank but I really dislike when the change something like my avatar that im personally fond of and picked out myself .
Ah well its only for a day I guess I can live with it .
hmmm , bad neko bad looking at pron art !!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
<---- Is rockin' teh Seeker yo!
Screw you Twilight fans! I'm with the Seeker!

Apparently dA took it upon themselves to change our avatars for the day.
This is Richard Cypher.
He uses his big sword to defeat evil doers for a living.
'Legend of the Seeker' for the WIN!