Virtue PVP: Good enough!
Hmmm, can't say that I've ever PvP'd on Virtue, so I can't really pass judgement.(A server transfer for a few days should remedy that though. ^_^) When it comes to freedom though, eh, we've got some pretty beastly people when it comes to Arena/Zone.
I'd suggest a Freedom v.s. Virtue event? Sounds tasty to me.
Basically what you... and I... and the OP are saying... is that other servers have both good and bad players... but not as many as Freedom, and that Virtue is one of those servers with both good and bad players.
Thanks for the heads up.
You don't see me in zones because you don't know the characters I play. I only 1v1 though. I like straight up fair fights.
So far my main has only been defeated once in a fair 1v1 cage match... by a /Regen Scrapper. You wanna fight? |
What -is- your main, btw? AR/Elec?
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Lab map is the best map ever
ah man that one never gets old... i am still amazed how srs ppl are on this thread...
I seem to be very good at making you and others rage here Max....
Hint: We're not angry at you. We're making fun of you.
who was dahjee again?
There's a difference between raging and thinking someone is an idiot because he says really stupid stuff. One day you will learn this difference.
Hint: We're not angry at you. We're making fun of you. |
Trust me, I'm laughing at you Max and many others as well! Emotions are fun!
Seriously, get a club already.
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.
lol yeah we've been over this before. You can't offend someone who doensn't care about you. I know you all care because of the attention given. Also, don't confuse your inside jokes for being more than an inside joke among friends. When you do it goes beyond geeky. Esp. on the internets.
Trust me, I'm laughing at you Max and many others as well! Emotions are fun! Seriously, get a club already. |
I read it. It was really, really stupid. The guy makes less and less sense with each post. But it's nice to see someone with so much perseverance. The hole is like a mile deep now, but he still keeps digging.
lol yeah we've been over this before. You can't offend someone who doensn't care about you. I know you all care because of the attention given. Also, don't confuse your inside jokes for being more than an inside joke among friends. When you do it goes beyond geeky. Esp. On the internets.
Trust me, i'm laughing at you max and many others as well! Emotions are fun! Seriously, get a club already. |
lol virtue
the guy who doesn't care about us posts on thread that we read...did i miss something?
My amazing ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((RPING))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))) DP/Energy blaster with only SS, no phase or hiber or tactics and all the AoE's wandered out to Virchoo RV last night and killed a few stalkers and a corrupter.
Seriously, who gets Solo'ed by a dual pistols blaster?
Originally Posted by dahjee View Post lol yeah we've been over this before. You can't offend someone who doensn't care about you. I know you all care because of the attention given. Also, don't confuse your inside jokes for being more than an inside joke among friends. When you do it goes beyond geeky. Esp. On the internets. Trust me, i'm laughing at you max and many others as well! Emotions are fun! Seriously, get a club already. |
Again I'm not trying to get you to care or whatever. Just letting you know, Max isn't the one getting laughed at for giving consistently far out bad advice. For the record I'd so read an animated comic strip of your posts on CoH PvP. Someone should get on that, it'd be funny for at least a little while.
Dahjee, I'm not posting this to make you mad or trying to get a reaction out of you. Its the simple truth. When we are sitting around BS'ing after matches about what is going on in PvP with zones, arena, the boards etc. Max (who I don't know and is far from a buddy or anything) is *never* brought up. Your name however, tends to make an appearance every now and again after some of your more epically bad posts. The two most common responses are laughter and "Just wow...." Again I'm not trying to get you to care or whatever. Just letting you know, Max isn't the one getting laughed at for giving consistently far out bad advice. For the record I'd so read an animated comic strip of your posts on CoH PvP. Someone should get on that, it'd be funny for at least a little while. |
Also, a bunch of us moved toons to Virtue for a few days during the free transfers and it was ok. Not saying it was good or bad, just ok. I don't think anything can compare to Freedom these days and I wish I had rolled stuff there before the I13 Cataclysm if the zone was any more occupied in the day.
I was in Freedom Pocket D the other day waiting for practice to start and some Fire/Storm was spamming for a duel, so what the hell if I get rolled on my Ill/emp no harm done, if I win no harm done. He goes: "No insp TS on cage match, Oh man I'm so sorry you're gonna die so bad XD." So I ask if we can turn off heal decay, since he's so uber...after 10 minutes I had 1 kill on him, told him I had to go practice and that was that. To be fair it was close with the end drains and such but I can't shake the feeling that some zoners just...not talk but run their mouth (?) and either haven't tested their builds a lot, duelled a lot or are just cocky heh.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Is Max that one council boss on the Citadel TF?
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Nou, Im wai betar then him.
And while it's sad to hear nobody ever talks about me, I suppose in this case it's a good thing
I have a belly button.
Basically what you... and I... and the OP are saying... is that other servers have both good and bad players... but not as many as Freedom, and that Virtue is one of those servers with both good and bad players. See X, people do agree with me!
hate harder.
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.