Remove level restrictions from paper missions(explained better inside)




OK, well, this basically comes from my Level 50s. I am just tired/bored of doing the same old paper missions in PI and GV. I want to be able to go to any zone I want and get paper missions at L50. Oh well I would like to fight some Hellions! OK I will go to Atlas Park and get a L50 paper mission and kill some Hellions. Oh, I want to fight some red caps, I will just go to Croatoa and get a paper mission. It is annoying we basically have one zone at level 50 to get paper missions and it just makes me want to quit out of boredom really.

I know Heroes can get normal missions in the shadow shard and both can get normal missions in RWZ, but sometimes you just want a paper mission for a certain type of group that you feel like smashing.

Yes, I know I could exempt/group and that helps sometimes, but that is easier said than done a lot of the time. You can get a group in a few minutes or wait for hours with nothing.

(Also, please don't mention AE as a solution for this. I think AE is horrible and despise doing AE missions)

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



Hellions, Skulls, and various enemy groups don't go from level 1-50. So you'd be a level 50 stomping on level 15 enemies.

Alternatively they could tie "Greater Threats" to zones so that radios and papers of high level heroes call for higher level threats even in lowbie zones (Like nemesis in Atlas Park missions)

But yeah. You're not gonna be fighting level 50 hellions in AP.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Hellions, Skulls, and various enemy groups don't go from level 1-50. So you'd be a level 50 stomping on level 15 enemies.

Alternatively they could tie "Greater Threats" to zones so that radios and papers of high level heroes call for higher level threats even in lowbie zones (Like nemesis in Atlas Park missions)

But yeah. You're not gonna be fighting level 50 hellions in AP.

Yeah you are NOT going to get to face lower level enemy groups no matter where they let you take radios.. Plus, hate to mention it, but in the zones you mentioned radio missions don't even exist for the appropriate levels. Radio missions don't exist in AP or Galaxy since you don't get access to them until level 5 in Kings Row and Croatoa has never had radio missions. One possible solution is the Ouro system .. you can't get radios but you can find short arcs in those zones and run them solo for numerous Time travel badges along with being able to face old foes once again!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Wow, I must have posted in the wrong section? I could have sworn this was the suggestions forums? I don't remember asking for people to tell me that my idea is never going to happen or that certain Mobs only go to certain levels now. Well NO SH*T. This is a SUGGESTION for CHANGE. I would LIKE to be able to get level 50 paper missions in ANY zone. I KNOW some zones don't have paper missions that is why I specifically said Atlas Park and Croatoa. Wow, it amazes me that people have no life besides coming and shooting down another persons ideas with their close minded attitudes.

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
Wow, I must have posted in the wrong section? I could have sworn this was the suggestions forums? I don't remember asking for people to tell me that my idea is never going to happen or that certain Mobs only go to certain levels now. Well NO SH*T. This is a SUGGESTION for CHANGE. I would LIKE to be able to get level 50 paper missions in ANY zone. I KNOW some zones don't have paper missions that is why I specifically said Atlas Park and Croatoa. Wow, it amazes me that people have no life besides coming and shooting down another persons ideas with their close minded attitudes.
Wow... Just gonna go ahead and quote that one for posterity...

First off: Don't cop such a negative attitude over the situation. Your "Suggestion" had very little to work from beyond "Fight Hellions at Level 50" Going off that I assumed (obviously, falsely) that you didn't know hellions didn't -go- to 50. So I responded, accordingly. I've made my fair share of suggestions and come up with ideas, but usually I tinker with other people's concepts to try and make them workable.

So! Go ahead and tell us how you would implement this change. As opposed to tossing up a vaguely worded post and then getting pissy with anyone who responds.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Wow... Just gonna go ahead and quote that one for posterity...

First off: Don't cop such a negative attitude over the situation. Your "Suggestion" had very little to work from beyond "Fight Hellions at Level 50" Going off that I assumed (obviously, falsely) that you didn't know hellions didn't -go- to 50. So I responded, accordingly. I've made my fair share of suggestions and come up with ideas, but usually I tinker with other people's concepts to try and make them workable.

So! Go ahead and tell us how you would implement this change. As opposed to tossing up a vaguely worded post and then getting pissy with anyone who responds.

Well first of all, you should never assume anything because it just makes you look like an @ss sometimes which it obviously did this time. I also did know the that "tinker" meant to shoot down and say that aint gonna happen.
I am not sure how much more I can add to something so straightforward. I would like to be able to do paper missions at level 50 in any zone to be able to fight that zones inhabitants. I am not sure if that is laymen enough or not? This forum does not say that I need to show the programmers how to do their job to implement ideas, they are capable of that on their own.

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
Well first of all, you should never assume anything because it just makes you look like an @ss sometimes which it obviously did this time.
If anyone looks like an *** right now, it's not Steampunkette...

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
If anyone looks like an *** right now, it's not Steampunkette...
Aww, aren't you cute defending your online pal.

I will gladly look like an @ss, be a jerk, be whatever I need to be if I am defending something I believe in. It is an idea I had and for close minded people to just say no that will never happen is just ridiculous. Every change starts with an idea even if it seems ludicrous at the time.

I remember reading plenty of ideas shot down that later became part of the game. Anyway, perhaps you did not mean to be as negative as you seemed to me, but that is what happens when you are online. So, whatever, and have a nice day. I am done responding.

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
Well first of all, you should never assume anything because it just makes you look like an @ss sometimes which it obviously did this time. I also did know the that "tinker" meant to shoot down and say that aint gonna happen.
I am not sure how much more I can add to something so straightforward. I would like to be able to do paper missions at level 50 in any zone to be able to fight that zones inhabitants. I am not sure if that is laymen enough or not? This forum does not say that I need to show the programmers how to do their job to implement ideas, they are capable of that on their own.
Right... Gotchya. So your idea is "Make it like this! I don't care how!"

My reply will be simply: No. I'd rather the Developers did not waste their communal time and effort trying to implement the most vague ideas or suggestions offered from the forums. So yes. I'll shoot this one down, right here, right now.

And then Tinker with it some. Such as suggesting that, in the "Spirit" of your idea Higher Level enemy threats are accessible from lower level zones! Such as Nemesis Army paper missions in Atlas park, or Devouring Earth attacks in paper missions in Galaxy Park. How about level 50 Fifth Column (not council) missions out in independence Port. You know. things that make sense in relation to the backstory of the game (Nemesis trying to take over, DE attacking Galaxy Girl's statue, or the Column trying to take the bridge where Atlas died)

Or tinker with it further.

Hellions are -probably- unacceptable as a level 50 threat, as they are. Since it's -supposed- to be a low-level street gang made up of demon-worshippers. However... How about a higher level villaingroup based on the new Demon summoning powerset and it's usage for an elite cadre of spellcasters whom the hellions are simply the public hands of. Who taught the Hellions how to traffic with dark spirits and demons, anyhow?

You see... Both of these "Tinkerings" I've done are acceptable suggestions. It's a fleshed out and reasonable idea beyond "I want X. Make it. I don't care how"

And stop with the juvenile misspellings to get around the word filter. It's a reportable offense.


*edit* Quoting Jharber's third post in this thread in case of later alteration.

Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
Aww, aren't you cute defending your online pal.

I will gladly look like an @ss, be a jerk, be whatever I need to be if I am defending something I believe in. It is an idea I had and for close minded people to just say no that will never happen is just ridiculous. Every change starts with an idea even if it seems ludicrous at the time.

I remember reading plenty of ideas shot down that later became part of the game. Anyway, perhaps you did not mean to be as negative as you seemed to me, but that is what happens when you are online. So, whatever, and have a nice day. I am done responding.



Again I have to agrre with SteamPunkette 100%. I never said your idea was horrible but it needed more thought and work.. and I tried to give you some alternatives. As it stands now a hellion Boss has a grand total of six attack and at 50 level it would be the most lopsided battle in game. So without some serious thought and a lot of coding it simply wouldn't be possible. Tsoo, Freakshow, and a host of other villain groups all die out by level 50 and don't have the added attacks to make them a challenge to the player. Zones like Atlas and Galaxy aren't even set up to offer radio missions to level appropriate players so that's more code to write. Time travel and exemplaring allow any player above say level 25 the option to continue to face any lower level villain group and since the Devs are busy with issue 17, 18 and even 19 at the moment I don't think they want to devote a huge amount of time and effort to redesigning Villains simply because 50 levels want to battle a group that dies out about level 19. They are producing new content and groups for "End Game" and even new incarnate powers to give 50 levels more to do.

I don't see any problem with expanding radios to 50 levels to zones like KR and on up that already have radios available but you siad EVERY zone.. so do you also want to be bale to go to Eden or Creys Folly and run them as well? Those are hazard/Trial zones and have never had radio missions either.. No Police Station = no radio missions since there is no Police force or station.

Going back and rereading bot my post and SteamPunkettes I don't see any mention of your idea being stupid or impossible simply needing more work and providing you with alternate means to acheive the same thing until something else can be arranged. If anyone is copping an attitude its you... Considering some of the flame wars I have seen and even been involved in here how you equated our comments to insulting you in some way is beyond me.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



OK well, I lied. I am posting again since you made decent comments. Like I said, maybe your posts were not as negative as the words made them seem to me. So like I said before, whatever, and have a nice day. It was nice of you to clarify though.

PS: I was just trying to be nice and use the @ as an A. I could have just spelled *** like this instead, I mean not like it matters since *** is not profanity but a long-eared, slow, patient, sure-footed domesticated mammal. Oh, yes Steampunkette I am juvenile thank you. You should go back to being an adult and playing city of heroes.

AHH, I see you what mean! It wont even let me spell ***! well **** that **** then! That is ******* annoying! I didnt even know the mother ******* spell checker did that ****!

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
OK well, I lied. I am posting again since you made decent comments. Like I said, maybe your posts were not as negative as the words made them seem to me. So like I said before, whatever, and have a nice day. It was nice of you to clarify though.

PS: I was just trying to be nice and use the @ as an A. I could have just spelled *** like this instead, I mean not like it matters since *** is not profanity but a long-eared, slow, patient, sure-footed domesticated mammal. Oh, yes Steampunkette I am juvenile thank you. You should go back to being an adult and playing city of heroes.

AHH, I see you what mean! It wont even let me spell ***! well **** that **** then! That is ******* annoying! I didnt even know the mother ******* spell checker did that ****!
your idea won't work. and you really should lose the attitude when your idea is met with criticism. everyone else but you has been an adult here. and this post proves it. just because you made a suggestion, doesn't mean that it is a good idea. if you want to go back and do safegaurd/mayhem go to the zone and broadcast for it.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
your idea won't work. and you really should lose the attitude when your idea is met with criticism. everyone else but you has been an adult here. and this post proves it. just because you made a suggestion, doesn't mean that it is a good idea. if you want to go back and do safegaurd/mayhem go to the zone and broadcast for it.

When I see constructive criticism then I would act more positive. When I see negative criticism then I will react negatively. Although they did say that it was not meant in the way I initially thought so that is in the past either way.

When did I agree to act like an adult? We're all playing an MMO based on super heroes, please don't talk to me about acting like an adult.

I do enjoy our group conversation though, we should all get together for D&D or something. It is obvious we are becoming close friends. Let's see, we will need a fighter a mage, a rogue and a cleric. I call the mage!

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
If anyone looks like an *** right now, it's not Steampunkette...
And for some time to come.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
When I see constructive criticism then I would act more positive. When I see negative criticism then I will react negatively. Although they did say that it was not meant in the way I initially thought so that is in the past either way.

When did I agree to act like an adult? We're all playing an MMO based on super heroes, please don't talk to me about acting like an adult.

I do enjoy our group conversation though, we should all get together for D&D or something. It is obvious we are becoming close friends. Let's see, we will need a fighter a mage, a rogue and a cleric. I call the mage!
If you act like a jerk you will be treated as such. Or ignored.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
When I see constructive criticism then I would act more positive. When I see negative criticism then I will react negatively. Although they did say that it was not meant in the way I initially thought so that is in the past either way.

When did I agree to act like an adult? We're all playing an MMO based on super heroes, please don't talk to me about acting like an adult.

I do enjoy our group conversation though, we should all get together for D&D or something. It is obvious we are becoming close friends. Let's see, we will need a fighter a mage, a rogue and a cleric. I call the mage!
you agreed to act like an adult when you became one. it doesn't matter that we a playing a game. when you post, you are expected to act like an adult or suffer the possability of getting yourself banned from the forums. that or you will be put on ignore by everyone and no one will even see what you post which will make what you say pointless.



Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
it just makes you look like an @ss sometimes which it obviously did this time.
Only to you.



Y'know, when I read the OP, I thought "that won't work as stated, but with one simple tweak, it would!"

I scrolled down, seeing if anyone had already posted my idea. They hadn't. However, I don't feel like getting chewed out for not loving his idea exactly the way he posted, so screw it. Enjoy your tantrum. I'll go elsewhere.




One idea is to have the option to auto exemp down to the appropriate level, so if they go to King's Row, give them a 2 level option, let's say 7-8 or even a 5-10 option, then run paper missions, exemping down with the appropriate power restrictions. Could be harder in reality than thought though.



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
One idea is to have the option to auto exemp down to the appropriate level, so if they go to King's Row, give them a 2 level option, let's say 7-8 or even a 5-10 option, then run paper missions, exemping down with the appropriate power restrictions. Could be harder in reality than thought though.
This is what I was going to suggest.

A Level 50 wants to fight Skulls in Kings Row. Maybe he wants to get Influence while working on the Skull defeat badges. Maybe he missed the Kings Row safeguard exploration badge.

He goes to Blue Shield, and he gives the player the usual options of changing titles, changing builds, etc. Blue Shield also gives him the option to be exemplared to him. Throw in some colorful dialogue about partnering up with the PPD to help clean up the zone, or whatever. The point is that the player would exempt down to level 14 and have the ability to run safeguards or street-sweep in the red zone areas if he wants to.

The exemplar would last until the player either zoned or turned it off at the trainer.

Global name: @k26dp



That is a nice idea, and I would like to be able to do that also. I still want to be able to just fight whatever at level 50 though be it skulls, hellions etc and have them be level 50 or whatever I set the slider on.

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."



WOW..HOLY MOTHER WOW...just reading the first lot of posts...what an as$ you are...and im just going to add a ....FAIL thread pic here<---- and leave this...GL with future suggestions if this is your attuide.

If you sort your attuide out, then people will take you more seriously.. when people comment on suggestions its normally 50/50 if its a good idea people will back it up and or make suggestions to the suggestions..if its bad..they let you know direct..they dont sugar coat it...if you cant handle the fact your idea might be bad...or off balance then dont post future suggestions.

and seriously...dont swear here...its not nice or smart and does show what a jerk you can be. theres better and smarter words to use if your not happy with someone elses comment.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
WOW..HOLY MOTHER WOW...just reading the first lot of posts...what an as$ you are...and im just going to add a ....FAIL thread pic here<---- and leave this...GL with future suggestions if this is your attuide.

If you sort your attuide out, then people will take you more seriously.. when people comment on suggestions its normally 50/50 if its a good idea people will back it up and or make suggestions to the suggestions..if its bad..they let you know direct..they dont sugar coat it...if you cant handle the fact your idea might be bad...or off balance then dont post future suggestions.

and seriously...dont swear here...its not nice or smart and does show what a jerk you can be. theres better and smarter words to use if your not happy with someone elses comment.
did you just tell me not to swear, as you also swore and broke a rule at the same time? LoL, nice.

"I have always been a fan of science fiction. It all started when my parents forced me to go to church when I was a child."