A Challenge from a Tru Warrir
Hyper AI - Evolved.
Meet me in Cimerora. I will be the toon standing over by Sister Airlia. You have challenged me again and again well here I am. Bring Hyper AI and prove to me once and for all how much better than me you are. No inspirations, No accolades, no excuses, no observers,no quitting,no ****-talking.Just mano a mano. |
lol, buddy should get a life
Wow, the guy replied already:
wow that's tough talk from a guy who sooo badly wanted to fight me. It's easy when you don't have to do it ain't it? I don't need to call you out cause I just did and all you could do is need friends help to fight me. Funny. When you started talkin **** about me you didn't need lots of help. It's really funny that a guy that can talk so much **** doesn't have the balls to back it up. I'm sure you and 7 friends could beat me cause you sure as hell ain't got the guts to do it solo. I just figured cim would be a good place to meet to set up the arena. But you hide behind other people if you need to. Next time you run your mouth about fighting a guy make sure you are actually willing to do it. Til then I guess you should keep your mouth shut and go off and play other games. Another shittalker that can't back it up. What a suprise. You sir are a joke.If you change your mind and grow some ballz (which i doubt) ill be there waiting. If not then you should just quietly go away because you ain't got the guts to do anything but talk tough |
Have to admit, that guy is funny.
OMG!! I love the entertainment! Share some more!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
He drug himself away from Modern Warfare 2 to fight me |
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
lol at people that thought deveron was good btw. I remember a friend of mine talked to him once, and it turned out the guy was flat out clueless about the game. Like literally his game knowledge was like that of a guy that's played for less than a week. Had absolutely no clue about a single thing in the game other than his one tank build.
Even devron rolled a blaster that he plays now, jussayin.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Man, this just keeps getting better and better. Remember folks, CoX pvp is serious.
Wow. You can put someone's real info on message boards. Congratz. You see that ain't a "fake" youtube it's actually mine. Ask your precious Summersfield since I have chatted with her from it.I just pretended to be a noob since I was afraid that you would run away if I actually challenged you (wow you showed me that wouldn't happen.heh) I don't even know why you went into some insane regen rant since I don't have a regen and had no plans on dueling you with one. But again whatever you obviously need a friend to rant about the game too. You can put anything you want on the forums since I don't go there but if it makes you feel better about yourself then by all means do whatever you like.I guess we don't all have all day to favorite hundreds of people and watch youtube all day. Me, I'm just ending my high school lunch break and heading back to class. But your mature adult "bag of excuses" defense seems impenetrable so I guess we won't be dueling. Make sure you put on the forums that you wouldn't fight me 1v1 and wanted to bring 7 friends along. I'm sure that will make you look like quite the worldbeater. My only mistake was thinking that all the smack talk you dished out was something that you were willing to back up. I hope everyone backs up what a tough guy you are on the forums because you just seem kind of cowardly to me. You are right I don't have 7 friends that play this game. Do you have 7 friends outside of it? Hi everyone on the forums, I don't really care what people I don't know think. I just know that you sir, phail. |
I don't think he has a leg to stand on to be using any derivative of "fail" after getting butthurt and quitting a Arena match after dieing twice. That video was fun to watch
Yeah that vid was funny. Now that I watch it it looks like hes bs/wp not regen. Even worse than I thought.
You can really tell how horrible he is by watching that. He jumps in the middle of a fully set up MM and just sits there like an idiot until he dies. You really can't get any worse than that.
But it all makes sense from this sentence: "Me, I'm just ending my high school lunch break and heading back to class."
14 year old rage ftw.
Seriously though, who gives a rats *** about what tru warrir boi has to say. I couldn't even get half way through what he was saying before wanting to vomit on my own keyboard.
1. i lol'd so hard i almost started to cry
2. hyper ai changed? WHAT THE....
3. this dude needs to be put in Divine's Military PvP Academy.
P.S. 4. Vexxa stopped to type in pink whew
this guy totally HAS to duel the OP in the "the time has come" thread.
Only then will we determine who is the biggest tard around these parts.
Dear Tru Warrior,
This is dedicated to you.....
Go be awesome!!!
Meli(aka @Southern)
lol at people that thought deveron was good btw. I remember a friend of mine talked to him once, and it turned out the guy was flat out clueless about the game. Like literally his game knowledge was like that of a guy that's played for less than a week. Had absolutely no clue about a single thing in the game other than his one tank build.
I still ask how to get to terra volta.
Dear Tru Warrior,
This is dedicated to you..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSXERwg4s2o Go be awesome!!! Sincerely, Meli(aka @Southern) |
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

Ok, just to screw with the guy and to test his IQ I sent him this:
listen tough guy i have 20billoin inf ready to spend and make a super leet biuld and take down ne thing u can ever make cause i am that good. i have a flying blaster with 60% ranged defense that will never ever get hit because im that good. you can do anything with your lol regen but i will defeat it because im the best fiteklubber in the entire game. i have a traps cerrupter that is the best toon ever. he can easily take down regens with his pool of death and awesome tp snipe. hyper ai would be too easy to beat u wit i can teke you down with a different build and prove just how powerful i am. i can beat anything you can have so name the time and place and ill pick my most weakest toon and pwn face. name the time in chimero and ill b there |
Originally Posted by Tru Warrir
LMAO. Looks like someone has quite an inflated opinion of themself. The "best fiteklubber in the entire game"? I still have no idea what regen you are talking about since I don't have one but I am definately up for the challenge. Been busy so haven't been on youtube of I woulda replied sooner. I definately want to fight Hyper AI. I don't want to fight any of your other nameless toons as good as you think they might be. If you are willing to fight then I'm done ****-talkin and would gladly accept your challenge.It's Easter so I have family church stuff to do in the morning but I am free in the afternoon. I'm New York EST so let me know what time works for you and let's get this done today. Since you are so much better than me in your opinion I guess it won't matter what build I bring to fight Hyper Ai as you have made it very clear that I am surely gonna be pwned lol (seriously let go of the regen thing.Whatever I bring won't be a regen.) And if I lose post it on youtube and have a blast. I'll even put on there that you are better than me and kicked my ***. But when you lose leave your bag of excuses at home. No temps,inspirations or accolades. Just straight up fite club. If Easter don't work for you then I can do tomorrow night. Have boxing after school but would be done by 7 EST. Hit me up. I'm looking forward to the "pwn face" I have coming.
I'm working with the American Psychological Association to categorize the mental illness that is fite clubitis.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I still lol over how his initial message began with "I hate botherin' people outta the blue" and then goes on to constantly bother him.
Ok, so I checked my youtube email today and had three messages. The first two were melee duel requests from some nub that thinks my tank is some type of pvp legend:
People that only play regens and think they are good make me lol. For one I don't melee duel anymore and haven't for a long time. I respeced hyper ai into a zone/team/arena build and took out a lot of his pvp ios. Melee duels are for people with downs syndrome, bad players and lol regens.
Melee duels are boring and regens are easy mode. I stripped my fully accoladed bs/regen of all its expensive IO's and shelved it because a half brain dead gimp monkey could play one well. I've advanced to ranged toons that can actually die. If you want to step up from retard melee PvP let me know. In fact all 1vs1's are lol in that game. If you really want to show me something get 7 friends and we can do a 8vs8 to see where your high end pvp skillz are at... that is if you have 7 friends in CoX (my guess is no).
BTW the "meet me in cimeora" thing made me lmfao. The fact that you used a fake account to try and trick me into a duel made me laugh even harder. And seeing that you actually stalk my youtube account makes me feel bad for you. It's sad you take this **** so seriously. You need to get out and get some ***** or something. And besides I hardly play CoH anymore. Having too much fun with battlefield 2.
Well I await your **** talk response that I really wont care about or reply to. Unless your reply is "sure I'll grab a ranged toon and arena you" or "I have 7 friends that will 8vs8" I really don't give a damn. And please call me out on my vids again, the comments have been a little dead recently and I could use some good laughs at your expense.
Multimedia Genius Submission