CoX Grouping Improvement Suggestions - (Long)

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Nice graphics. Nice ideas. The only thing that I see wrong is the team insprations. Your idea is awesome, but the devs don't like hero-villain exchanges of insprations.
The devs have indicated that opposite faction members on the same team will be able to exchange inspirations when teamed with Going Rogue.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
The devs have indicated that opposite faction members on the same team will be able to exchange inspirations when teamed with Going Rogue.

That is welcome news to my eyes

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by War_Monk View Post
Hmmm... If that's how CoX handles teams, then I have to wonder why non TF groups don't remember the team mates in the event of a disconnect.
It's just flagged (conceptually, I don't know the implementation details) to drop you from the team if you log out. This prevents, for example, you logging back in later, finding yourself the only member of a team that's all logged off. (This can happen with a TF, Ouro or AE.)

Call me selfish, but I don't like the team rez thing being in a power pool, where anyone can access it. I dig that that idea is unique to specific AT powersets. (It's only one powerset, but I'm not specifically wedded to that idea - I just don't like giving access to it to just anyone no matter even what AT they are.)

Edit: I should mention that I like the idea of most of the rest of it, though.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I like some, but not all, of these ideas.

People have been suggesting changes to the UI to help players create and run teams for some time now.

It would be nice to see some movement from the devs on this someday.



Brilliant ideas! They get my vote



Originally Posted by War_Monk View Post
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Aye, I hear what you're saying with the team inspiration bar. There would have to be something to anchor the inspiration bar. The way regular groups are handled in CoX would have to change to something similar to a Task Force/Strike Force, but with the flexibilty of adding new players.

Maybe when a player chooses to make a group for the first time they can name their group similar to how the NPCs refer to the TF/SF by a specific name when they're created. Doing such a thing may require making a whole new database for that information though.

Yeah, I was greatly annoyed about this when I played Planetside and Battlefield. However, the main difference between those leadership systems and this one is that everything in the system is for the team.

It was a bad idea to give a alpha strike to leaders in Battlefield and Planetside. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The most annoying thing I think people could do with the powers presented here is TP everyone into a quick death which is solved by by a quick one star rating, player note, and ignore.
Nope, I'd rather they not give them the ability to grief in the first place. The TP should not bypass my have to confirm ability. It shouldn't be automatic.

EDIT: In other words the leader should not be able to tp me automatically if I have the setting that forces a confirmation box on screen, and I confirm that I want the tp.

Other than this, good suggestions. /signed.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I like the improvements for finding teams, and for team leaders finding teammates. Those would be *highly* appreciated QOL improvements. If there was a way to make forming SG/VG specific teams even easier, that would reach new levels of "neat" and "cool."

The leader commands I see as a minor QOL improvement, for most situations. I wouldn't mind having them and I wouldn't mind not having them.

The OP's graphics are spiffy and the topic is definitely worth taking a look at.




1. Ready Check - Could just be done by having the teammate's name grey out with AFK status, too.

2. Insp bar - I like it. Though "What to do when the team breaks up" is a question.

3. Status balloons. Well, we already have people "zzz"ing. It's just a step up from that.

4. Leadership options - I'm not so sure about giving a "Team recall" or "Team Rez" power, but a "team broadcast" that gets more attention than the chat window could be very useful.

"Select mobs" - Yes. I have to admit I miss this from Aion when I come back to COH. You can "brand" multiple mobs (1, 2, 3, zzz, etc. to show "Attack this first, sleep/hold them" and so forth. It leads to - well, much, much less confusion.

5. Apply to groups. YES. Again, from Aion I know how useful this can be. There, you can put out a "Group LFM," with a link in chat - and from that link, people can see the group composition and apply to join. (And no, you don't need a healer. Just people willing to listen and work together.)

6. Searchable groups - yeah, having the leader obvious would be nice. Especially if it cuts down on someone pestering the entire team.



These are well thought out ideas in a very imaginative layout. Well done!



I really like the Group Queuing And group search ideas.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
And how do you think experienced players *get* to be experienced? By playing in teams that don't have one character capable of drawing and holding all the aggro, or without a constant reassuring blanket of green numbers.
While it's true that sets like Dark Miasma, Force Field, Cold Domination, Sonic Resonance, and Traps can shine on their own. For sustained conflicts sets like Sonic, Force Field, and Cold Domination all end up needing green numbers at some point.

The one thing mobs love to do in this game is massive spike damage. No matter how much skill I bring to a fight: My Trick Arrow Defender is not going to win a battle of attrition on a 8 man pick-up-group (being the only support class) the same way my Pain Domination Mastermind can . Especially if it's something like an Archvillan/Hero fight.



Originally Posted by War_Monk View Post
While it's true that sets like Dark Miasma, Force Field, Cold Domination, Sonic Resonance, and Traps can shine on their own. For sustained conflicts sets like Sonic, Force Field, and Cold Domination all end up needing green numbers at some point.
Even in a "sustained conflict", one layer of bubbles is a massive help and two layers pretty much remove the need for a dedicated healer. Any gaps can be filled in with green insps and Aid Other, both of which can be used by any character.

The one thing mobs love to do in this game is massive spike damage. No matter how much skill I bring to a fight: My Trick Arrow Defender is not going to win a battle of attrition on a 8 man pick-up-group (being the only support class) the same way my Pain Domination Mastermind can . Especially if it's something like an Archvillan/Hero fight.
Yes, in an 8-man team where the only support is a TA/, survival depends on killing the enemies faster than they can kill you - meaning the rest of the team has to pull their weight. (Presumably if there are 7 other people on the team and you are the only support, that means the others are damage-heavy classes.) But if you think your biggest contribution against an AV as a MM is your heals, then you need more experience.

Character index



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
These are well thought out ideas in a very imaginative layout. Well done!



These are excellent suggestions and composed well. It was a pleasure to read and to /sign.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.