2x Experience Weekend is farming for people that don't admit they farm




Straw man aside, at this point in the game's life cycle, it's more than a little unreasonable to try to hold people to task for not reading mission briefings. If you grabbed a new player by the neck and Batman-d "Why aren't you reading the text!?!" then I could see the logical progression, but look at how long many of us have been here.

I've done all the missions the regular contacts have to offer. All of them. I can quote almost every one of them off memory. I've been to all instanced maps to the point where I know all their layouts, let alone every room inside and out. I've memorised almost the entire game. I benefit nothing from reading texts I remember by heart. The drama is gone, the impact is lessened and I just know what it says already. It is no more reasonable to expect me to read Montague's inept dialogue or Maria Jenkins' typos than it is to expect me to watch the level up sequence at the end of each level of Knights of the Round or read the dialogues in Capcom's Aliens vs. Predator. I've seen the story. I just want to play the game and possibly shoot people in the face.

Really, trying to extend "farming" into a much broader meaning than it strictly has, solely as some kind of emotional blackmail tool designed accuse people of guilt is just not a good basis for a thread. The only purpose this serves is to call people hypocrites, and I struggle to see what this thread was trying to achieve. All it does is make those of us who don't consider ourselves farmers irked because we feel accused and it makes those who consider farmers feel accused of being hypocrites. At best, "farming" is a semantics argument, and a semantics argument REALLY shouldn't carry any moral weight.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




As most of you know, I detest the practice of farming. I did not log on a single time this weekend, not even once. I always avoid "double experience" weekends precisely for the reasons mentioned. Personally, I wish they'd do away with them completely.

I have played double experience weekends in the past, and I have seen some of the most unbelievably rude and obnoxious behavior during them. People being kicked from teams for no reason, people being yelled at for slowing a team down or even just for not making a fast team faster, people criticized for not having the "right" build or the "right" slotting, and so on. To add insult to injury, they made it coincide with a reactivation weekend, which means that people who might consider coming back got to see the worst of Paragon City front and center instead of the best.

Ever since the very first one, I've thought that it's a silly promotion. It's gimmicky, it has no in-game tie-in or rationale, and all it does is kowtow to the "give me MOAR!" crowd that, frankly, does the game more harm than good in the long run. The only positive that I see coming out of it is that it makes people with the attention span of a flea get bored faster and leave sooner than they probably would have if they had to actually earn their experience. Other than that, I honestly feel that double experience weekends are a complete waste.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I don't think it is farming per se MT,power leveling maybe.I think it depends on the person,I got my 2 doms up to 32 from 21 but,I didn't play anymore than I usually do.Some people take full advantage of it and others don't.

I agree with TonyV that having reactivate's on dblxp is a bad idea,I think when a new issue comes out then a reactivate should be that weekend.That way folks can see what is going on and maybe be persuaded to activate again.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I have played double experience weekends in the past, and I have seen some of the most unbelievably rude and obnoxious behavior during them. People being kicked from teams for no reason, people being yelled at for slowing a team down or even just for not making a fast team faster, people criticized for not having the "right" build or the "right" slotting, and so on.
I have no idea which server you play on, but whenever I read something like this I just want to hug Defiant and never let it go. My double XP weekend was full of great PuG teams with lovely people. <3 Defiant.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Either it's not like that on Virtue either, or I'm just incredibly lucky, or else I have a calming presence. I played about 12 hours total Fri-Sun and every group I was on was respectful, friendly, chatty, and certainly not prone to kick anyone for something like an unusual build. I do recall someone getting kicked, who had gone afk in a mission without telling anyone, and a few minutes after the rest of us finished (with aforementioned still silently in the mission) it was mutually decided to kick him.

In the past when I've run afoul of the legendary "build Nazi" and "YOU WILL BE EFFICIENT OR I WILL RAGE" types, it's had nothing to do with double xp, and it's a testatment to this game's population that I can recall every single incident.



Played my main already lvl 50 all weekend. Just to get her some extra inf to buy the last purples... and the SG to some extra press. All this while running SF's for those who really wanted to play extra.

Same kind of day actually as normal... Although I have to admit I got into more SF's meaning I played a few hours longer then a normal weekend. I always finish SF's I started.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I'm unusually in that all the double XP weekend gives me if focus.

As in I focus in on one character I want to level. the Double XP weekend happened to fall in the last four days of my holiday (I was stuck a home since I can't afford to actually go anywhere but I also needed to use up holiday before the end of the tax year or I'd lose it, the boss told me to take the week of my Birthday off and the week after). Normally I level characters here and there (chronic altitis) but for Double XP I pick one character and level them as high as I can.

Normally if I'm working on a Double XP weekend, I'll focus a little bit more on levelling than normal but otherwise not so much but because I had free time and a Traps/Pistols defender to level I thought what the heck and went all out.

It was great fun, played with teams of vastly different level ranges from level 32 when I was level 20 to level 20 when I was level 40 (love getting XP while exemped) plus managed to run the Reichsman SF, Numia TF and Citadel TF along with doing the RWZ arcs and a LOT of random missions from Borea because the team leaders all needed shedloads of merits for unlocks.



2XP weekend just meant I was able to level up a new character with my favorite arcs without resorting to newspaper missions in between.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



If farmers want to play during 2x XP weekend, I don't feel I have any right to stop them. And really, what farmer WOULDN'T want to play during 2x XP weekend? So I expect them all to be online and farming.

I personally try to solo a lot and avoid them. If I get invited to a team from some of my usual hangouts, then I'll team with them. But I know what they're doing, I know they're there, and if I answer a private tell and run through a couple of missions only to see them stop and restart right before reaching the end, I go, "Excuse me, but I need to get some lunch. Thanks for the team" and drop out.

I don't need the teams and I don't need the XP. Their lure does not appeal to me.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
Either it's not like that on Virtue either, or I'm just incredibly lucky, or else I have a calming presence.
I've experienced both. My first 2x experience weekend was full of people that were infuriated that I was "doing it wrong". This last one was one of the greatest tea parties I've ever attended, and I had a blast with a PuG that waited for each other and didn't know what it was doing.



If you have ran a TF/SF/ITF/LGTF Hami raid or Mothership raid more than once and for either merits, recipes or vanguard points...

Congratulations, you are a farmer.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
If you have ran a TF/SF/ITF/LGTF Hami raid or Mothership raid more than once and for either merits, recipes or vanguard points...

Congratulations, you are a farmer.
If you've ever killed a Behometh and thought to yourself, "This one's for you, P_P."... you might be a farmer.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
If you've ever killed a Behometh and thought to yourself, "This one's for you, P_P."... you might be a farmer.
Ha ha ha, thank you, Jeff Heroworthy.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville