Renewal Activation Trick??
they need to fix ae
Random drop generators are random.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
It wasn't always as random as it is now.
I was sort of wondering this myself. I don't farm, but I got two rare drops which both earned me quite a bit of influence within ten minutes of each other on Saturday. I was pretty sure it was just a coincidence, but it surprised me.
I heard some anecdotal evidence that the drop rate had been increased. Someone claimed he had killed 2 million enemies between Thursday (after 2XP had been activated) and Friday and claimed the drop rate was 1:2000.
Also on Steam
I heard some anecdotal evidence that the drop rate had been increased. Someone claimed he had killed 2 million enemies between Thursday (after 2XP had been activated) and Friday and claimed the drop rate was 1:2000.
If he killed 2 million enemies in two days, and the drop rate was 1:2000, that means that, in two days, he got 500 purples per day.
Bull crap.
The drop rate when I tested it was around 1 per 1500 mobs, based on my old thread HERE.
This was from killing over 18k mobs in a total of around 13 hours of solo farming with a high end Fire/Psi Dominator before the PSW nerf. If someone claims to have killed 2 million mobs in a few days, LOL and then ask for details. It is theoretically possible, but certainly not realistic. They would definitely have to multi-box to do enough damage, and be actively playing for hour after hour, day after day. Automation would likely be required to deal with the massive number of junk recipe and salvage drops. They would get over 1000 purples, plus massive numbers of nice recipes and rare Salvage.
The only way I see it being possible is with a massive exploit, like access to "The I Win Button".
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
Yeah, my "Bull" comment was aimed not at the ratio, but at the likelyhood of getting enough kills to generate 1k purples in 2 days. It works out to 11.5 kills per second, before factoring in zoning, moving from one enemy to the next, sleeping, peeing, eating, clearing inventory, and any number of other not-killing-stuff actions.
Curiously enough, every pvp io farmer i knew was reporting brokenly bad io drops
I farm everyday. Hours per day. I usually get a couple purples per week. I have gotten 6 purples since friday, running the same farms i run every day. Could the drop rates been increased to draw people back for the activation thing? Would you put it past the devs? lol. And only 1 was a pet one. I got 2 grav anch, 1 arma dam/rech, 1 ragna trip, 1 apoco chance for. Well, off to PL some more. Wish me luck!