Power House Duo
fire/pain corrs
Two Bots/Storm MM's would be unstoppable. Hell, one is unstoppable.
thugs or bots/pain or dark MMs
fire/fire dom fire/fire brute
Unfortunately MM are the only AT that would be 'out'
Things we have been looking at:
- 2 mind/elec Doms
- 2 grav/Nrg doms
- 2 Nrg/Dev Corr
- Elec/DA brute and DM/Elec Cor
- Elec/DA Brute and Elec/DA Stalker
- 2 A/TA Corr
- 2 SS/Fire Brutes
Two Whatever/Traps Corruptors. High Defense and mez protection through double FFGs. Acid Mortars for extra damage. The opportunity to lure enemies into large minefields (Corruptor Trip Mine does Blaster level damage). Seeker Drones to take the Alpha and (effectively) add to your defense. What more could you want?
Unfortunatly unlike Dual Traps Defenders you can't softcap yourselves as easily but it should still be a decent combo.
Unfortunately MM are the only AT that would be 'out'
![]() Things we have been looking at:
How about 2 Fire/Shield, or DM/Shield Broots?
Or if you dont want to be fighting eachother for fury... a DM/Fire Broot, and a Fire/Dark Cor.
i was thinking could try
- elec/sr brute and elec/cold dom corr
for more dmg could go
- fire/sr brute and fire/cold corr
- dark/sr brute and dark/cold corr

I think the Brute/Corruptor combo would be excellent for the damage output you're looking for. A Fire/Dark Corruptor and a DM/Fire Brute would be an interesting pairing.
How experienced are both of you? Are you more interested in long-term or starting off strong?
Long-term, experienced players: I'd go with Fire/Sonic Corruptors or really X/Sonic Corruptors. 2x Dispersion Bubble, put the Hula-Hoop of Doom on each other, stand near each other, get into melee, and start chucking fireballs. Sonic will keep you alive. You get massive resists and mez protection. Fire does a lot of AoE damage and Rain of Fire and Fireball both work from "melee range". Cones aren't as effective point blank.
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
How experienced are both of you? Are you more interested in long-term or starting off strong?
Long-term, experienced players: I'd go with Fire/Sonic Corruptors or really X/Sonic Corruptors. 2x Dispersion Bubble, put the Hula-Hoop of Doom on each other, stand near each other, get into melee, and start chucking fireballs. Sonic will keep you alive. You get massive resists and mez protection. Fire does a lot of AoE damage and Rain of Fire and Fireball both work from "melee range". Cones aren't as effective point blank. |
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=247787
If you are looking for pure damage output and carnage redside I would suggest dual fire/rad or fire/dark corruptors. My brother and I played a pair of fire/rad corruptors way back when and they tend to steamroll over everything. With the new difficulty settings it would be even easier - turn off bosses, crank up the number of players to 3 or 4 once you get a decent amount of AE damage and go to town.
The key here is to pick up rain of fire and either fireball or firebreath (or both) as early as possible. Then with rad get RI, EF and AM so you stack buffs/debuffs. With dark you can stack fearsome stares, darkest night and alternate tar patch. Rad will be safer early on as stacked RI's will pretty much floor to hit but dark will be better at holding things in the rain as tar patch is pretty awesome.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

If you are looking for pure damage output and carnage redside I would suggest dual fire/rad or fire/dark corruptors. My brother and I played a pair of fire/rad corruptors way back when and they tend to steamroll over everything. With the new difficulty settings it would be even easier - turn off bosses, crank up the number of players to 3 or 4 once you get a decent amount of AE damage and go to town.
The key here is to pick up rain of fire and either fireball or firebreath (or both) as early as possible. Then with rad get RI, EF and AM so you stack buffs/debuffs. With dark you can stack fearsome stares, darkest night and alternate tar patch. Rad will be safer early on as stacked RI's will pretty much floor to hit but dark will be better at holding things in the rain as tar patch is pretty awesome. |
If you want combo's that are synergistic and tend to maximize damage, I would suggest one of the following 3 choices:
1. Fire/(Dark or Rad) corruptors as I previously suggested
2. (Electric or fire)/Shield brutes
3. Fire/(Fire or Psi) dominators
I made the case for corruptors in my previous post. If you want to go brutes, Shield brutes are going to synergize together very well, allowing you to stack phalanx fighting and give you a reason to take grant cover. Those two powers will give each of up to 15% extra def if you fully slot grant cover and will push you a lot closer to the def softcap without spending a ton of cash. Going electric/shield will let give you 2 sets of lightning rod/shield charge to alternate between groups. If you want more regular, if not as powerfull AE and better single target damage go with fire/shield brutes, relying on fire sword circle + shield charge for AE damage.
For dominators I would suggest fire primary and either fiery assault or psi assault. With two fire/* dom's you will be able to alternate flashfire, allowing you to have it up every spawn and you can double stack hot feet for a ton of damage. Fiery assault and psi assault have the best AE out of all the dominator secondaries, with psi having the edge in AE once you get psychic shockwave and fire giving you better single target damage.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

I'd avoid the Dark Armor brute. It just seems like a bad idea for furycrafting.
Fire/Rad corrs would be good. The Fire/Sonic duo sounds interesting as well. I don't know if capped-at-75% resist is enough to keep you alive, but it'd be fun finding out.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Fire/Rad Corr x2 or Fire/Dark Corr and a DM/Fire Brute.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I would really suggest Dual Corruptors, because they multiply each others force, where any other combo just adds on each other.
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=247787
i think i'm going to talk my GF into the fire/fire dom fire/fire brute combo.
two fire/dark corrs is too easy why not go one fire/dark and one fire/kin :P two FSed RoF on tar patch is gotta be worth something and transference will keep the ball rolling......perhaps its a little over kill
my mistake :S
Seconding the Fire/Dark Corrs here. Those are crazy powerful... you could also do Sonic/Dark but you'd lose out on the AoE damage output a bit.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I'd also go for the Dark/Fire Brute and Fire/Dark Corruptor combo. Dark Melee is single target DPS king while Firey Ranged thingy (whatever its actual name is) brings loads of AoE to the table. Also both are hella fun.
I pesonally would avoid dual Brutes. Racing for Fury is a pain.
Looking to get some feed back on possible Duo AT and Powersets. A friend of mine and I are going to create a 2 person team and cant really decide on power sets that would pair together. Our only stipulations are:
- Must be redside.
- Must have the same AT and Power Sets; (ie: we are both NRG/NRG Corruptors.)
- Or the powers must overlap (ie one is Elec/DA brute and the other is Elec/DM Corrptor) same powers sets just different ATs.
- Damage Heavy
- No MMs, Widows or crabs
Any ideas or input would be appreciated.Thank you.