Are Kheldians Really Worth It?

Adeon Hawkwood



Ultimately, PBs and WSs come down to this mighty difference:

PBs are slow and steady and safe, WSs are messy and chaotic, dominant when they are dominant, and...dead when they are not.

It's much like the difference between Tankers and Brutes. Safety is hardly ever a concern for a Tanker, but Brutes have so much more potential, so long as they're played well enough and given the chance to utilize it.

My only "problem" with Khelds is pre-20, where Quants and Voids can still ruin your day.



Okay i got a question referring Kheldians I dont have this class how do i get it?



Originally Posted by Brujah79 View Post
Okay i got a question referring Kheldians I dont have this class how do i get it?
Get a toon to 50 and it opens up this EAT



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
Ultimately, PBs and WSs come down to this mighty difference:

PBs are slow and steady and safe, WSs are messy and chaotic, dominant when they are dominant, and...dead when they are not.
Thats why I 5 slotted stygian return with oblits and never looked back.
Death? Whats that? *rez* *nebulous form* *retoggle* *unphase* *eclipse*

Agro is a race not a right.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I've got 3 PB and 3 WS and like em all. Each one built differently, all capable of getting the job done. WS is more efficient, however.
It all depends on what either is used for. I basically run my PB in PvP, where Ive never seen WSs perform very well. Ive seen well built/played WSs steamroll through PvE content though, especially high level TFs and it's a sight to behold. It just comes down to preference and utility when everything is said and done.

And if anyone has a hot WS that they PvP with that does well, let me know...Ive always wanted to see a good 1 in action.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Brujah79 View Post
Okay i got a question referring Kheldians I dont have this class how do i get it?
Roll a kin defender you'll get to lvl 50 in less than a week :P.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Roll a kin defender you'll get to lvl 50 in less than a week :P.
That trick never worked for me. Of course, I already have a couple of 50s regardless, but I was never able to get either a Kinetic or an Empath to 20 much less 50. They always seemed to get stuck in the teens lingering in a dry spell of team invites. I strangely had better luck with Cold/, FF/, Sonic, and even Trick Arrow/.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I love my WS to pieces, and have ever since I got him up to the point where I saw how some of its powers could come together to make some "Seriously sikk komboz!" that most other sets can't duplicate. Right now, my Warshade summons two Extracted Essences out at once to help deal damage so that my damage is high, even when in dwarf form. In Nova Form, it's like having an AoE firing squad.

I love my PB to little, tiny shreds of confetti, and I have ever since I got Dwarf for and its melee strikes. I finally just respecc'd out of Nova form and made a Bi-form build based on quickly bouncing between Human and Dwarf Form and juggling mobs in the air, punctuated by exploding punches innaface. Seekers? Just another Melee attack. I drop 'em on top of an enemy as soon as they recharge. Pulsar is the third part of my opening attack. Warp in with Dwarf form, Stomp, go human, stomp, and Pulsar. Pulsar's low accuracy is boosted by global accuracy boosts and made more effective by the twin 18% defense debuffs that the stomps laid down, keeping minions occupied while the lieutenants and bosses are destroyed.

Did it take a while to get the powers I wanted? Not really. I just teamed with some friends while they teased me for playing Khelds until I respec'd into a build that I liked, and soon enough they stopped teasing. Because they got bored with it. The jerks.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Ah, you would have loved the all-kheld superteam we had going a year or two ago. It was a ton of fun.
I'll bet - having experience the Striga ship mishes with wall to wall mobs on a team of 7 nova form Khelds and one very frustrated scrapper - he could never reach the mobs before the rest of us had wiped out them out - utter carnage is putting it mildly.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



After 6th respec with my "triform" build and 3rd respec of my human build, after spending millions and millions of influence to my PB, after spending countless hours playing Mids Online, I would never ever play anything this deeply and with such dedication than my Peacebringer.
And when I look my current builds I know they will get redone over and over again, until I have found what I am looking for and this will take a lot of time and enormous amount of influence. To your orginal question, are Kheldians really worth it? Hell no, unless you are have something wrong in your brainbox or you are looking for something special



Originally Posted by Zorn View Post
After 6th respec with my "triform" build and 3rd respec of my human build, after spending millions and millions of influence to my PB, after spending countless hours playing Mids Online, I would never ever play anything this deeply and with such dedication than my Peacebringer.
And when I look my current builds I know they will get redone over and over again, until I have found what I am looking for and this will take a lot of time and enormous amount of influence. To your orginal question, are Kheldians really worth it? Hell no, unless you are have something wrong in your brainbox or you are looking for something special

Warshades to me are the most complex and in some respects complete powersets in the game. I don't have mids so you can imagine the complexity of building a new build. Countless respecs later I have 2 full builds that I believe can handle just about anything the game can dish out.

The amount of time I spent playing the toon up to 50, getting a decent build, and the amount of influence put into it are stupefying. My warshade wound up becoming my main though after all that time...

It is the one chr I would never even consider stripping/deleting but there is something wrong in my brainbox.

Oh and Zorn if your still counting in the millions... wow. nice job.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



I can scrap/blast/tank with my Human-only Peacebringer, so I enjoyed levelin'im. And to this day is probably the most expensive build I've done. I could've gone a cheaper route with a different concept in mind, but I knew what I wanted out o' the build and got it when I was finished.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I feel like an outcast in this thread but im gonna say it anyway

I like PBs better than my warshades. Im more of a team oriented player and Warshades are to "risky" for me; sure they may be much better but if they fail u screw the rest of the team.

On the other hand the PB is harder (notice "harder" not "hard") to play outside of teams than a WS so it really all depends on how you play

To answer the question "are kheldians really worth it?" my answer is yes they give you more freedom than the other ATs do and frankly they look cooler

In the beginning the universe was created, this upset many people and is widely regarded as a bad idea.

Dont hate the minty freshness



After getting a Peacebringer to 41, I had to stop there, the charecter was just too poor to continue playing (other account not this one on EU )

The reason being, in a team or solo your pretty much forced to play in a poor state. Human form is where you get your most damage, outside of nova which is basically a weaker blaster with 0 resists and a deathwish since its an agro magnet, yet everytime you get in melee range to fire one of these powers in human form you are somehow mezzed almost every time. There survivability is good with the amount of heals they have but its very frustrating to get stopped because of an obvious flaw such as that.

You can now switch to dwarf to stop been mezzed, but this is basically forcing you to play a bad tanker. Ok it does look cool, but what goods looking cool if your physically useless? You can adapt sure, but why adapt when every role you play is worse than the role you could be playing as a normal charecter?

To me its just broken simple as.

Warshade however, is a different story, those can actually be really good in teams and stuff. Most people who play peacebringer stop after a few levels because the realise warshade is better anyway. Villain side epics are way better, my widow is always the last one standing in a team, and shes melee. My bane has amazing damage and still has some resists, which you just dont see on hero epics. Its terribly unbalanced in this way but since the actual teaming on heroes is more efficient due to the makeup and the fact no one on villains really seems to be able to match a tank for pure tanking ability other than a tankermind mastermind which arent that common, it kind of balances it out in a weird way.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
You can adapt sure, but why adapt when every role you play is worse than the role you could be playing as a normal charecter?

To me its just broken simple as.
The PB can't tank as well as a tanker, blast as well as a blaster, and so on, and so on, and so on. The strength is the ability to do several of these things decently. Short a tank? The PB can do the job decently. Already have a tank on the team? Well then the PB can be a decent blaster in nova. It can even be turned into an ok support character, not on par with a controller or defender but better than blasters, tankers and scrappers.

It has to do all these things worse than the other ATs if it did them as well and had other options they would be superior to them. Why play a blaster if the Kheld can blast as well and still have dwarf form to tank if needed. Or reversed why have a tank if the PB can do as well but have nova/human forms to do more damage.

Now in a game were it is so easy to get Alts, and have them be powerful without alot of investment, a jack of all trades suffers greatly. I personally feel this is the biggest problem kheldians face, not that they are bad it is just that an alt will work as well or better in a specific role. It is very easy to simply think well I have an alt that will do this better.

If the end game of CoX continued to grow the character after the level cap alts would be weaker as most people wouldn't have enough time to play multiple characters up to peak performance. So a kheld used as a main character would be better suited to fill the holes in a team.

For me I have a reverse problem. Most of my alts now days don't get played alot. I get frustrated that I can't switch what I am doing if it would help the team out. Blasters that keep seeing teammates die because we lack a way to control the spawns ( aggro or actual controls ). A tank on a team with multiple tanks. In lower levels watching the tank die because nobody can support him enough to get him through the fights (higher levels this doesn't seem to happen very often ). Each time something like this comes up I think well if I was on a PB I could switch the role I am filling and the team would do better. This thought process generally leads to me switching to my PB after a very short time.



I am not really gunna post too much of a long reply, but I like my WS more than any of my other toons. I find with my WS properlly slotted you can get a rather large damage output using Sunless Mire > Dwarf Form > Sunless Mire > Nova Form > Kill Everything > Human Form > Styigian Return. You can damage things fast enough and heal fast enough to survive most anything (In normal mobs). Of course this is on a good team where you are getting buffs from your inherit luckily I only ever play in teams, so if you like soloing... I dont know

I found it was a late bloomer but once you get into the 32s your a machine

I can't say I have the same love for my PB I just feel like a Gimped Tank/Blaster/Scrapper.

I am tempted to try a human only build specailly with the 2 builds you get for each toon.

You just need to be ready to swap your rolls depending on what AT balance you have.

As for slots I dont find I run out of slots too badly alot of slots I would waste on travel powers/health/stamina I do not need because I have travel powers already and with Stygian Return no need to worry for endurance. You dont NEED to slot anything, if you can't find the slots to slot your forms powers then dont you can put the enhancements on the form instead and save loads of slots. You still have the same amount of slots as any other AT you just have more choices as to where to put them.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Human form is where you get your most damage, outside of nova which is basically a weaker blaster with 0 resists and a deathwish since its an agro magnet, yet everytime you get in melee range to fire one of these powers in human form you are somehow mezzed almost every time. There survivability is good with the amount of heals they have but its very frustrating to get stopped because of an obvious flaw such as that.
That's why you lock them down the weaker things with Pulsar and stock up on Break Frees. It's never been much of a problem for me, even on my Mind/Elec Dom (which is arguably even more susceptible to stuns/mezzes).



Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
The PB can't tank as well as a tanker, blast as well as a blaster, and so on, and so on, and so on. The strength is the ability to do several of these things decently. Short a tank? The PB can do the job decently. Already have a tank on the team? Well then the PB can be a decent blaster in nova. It can even be turned into an ok support character, not on par with a controller or defender but better than blasters, tankers and scrappers.
I do see the strength of that but 90% of the time the team would just rather pick up someone who is good at the role than have a subpar charecter doing it.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
It has to do all these things worse than the other ATs if it did them as well and had other options they would be superior to them. Why play a blaster if the Kheld can blast as well and still have dwarf form to tank if needed. Or reversed why have a tank if the PB can do as well but have nova/human forms to do more damage.
It would be superior yes, but they still have that freakishly big hole in human form of being mezzed and forced into tank mode. If you want to play a human PB only you cant because all your damage is melee and you might as well be perma stunned because theres no resists to anything. The set can pretty much be fixed by adding resists instead of needing a controller in the team to do it at a very low number.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
Now in a game were it is so easy to get Alts, and have them be powerful without alot of investment, a jack of all trades suffers greatly. I personally feel this is the biggest problem kheldians face, not that they are bad it is just that an alt will work as well or better in a specific role. It is very easy to simply think well I have an alt that will do this better.
Agree completely, im not saying the idea is bad and they need to be buffed damage wise, im just saying theres no point to playing them because its so easy to make another charecter thats good in those fields anyway. The only thing technically wrong that frustrates the hell out of me is human forms lack of protection to any status effects. Id gladly lose a heal to get some form of mez shield.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
If the end game of CoX continued to grow the character after the level cap alts would be weaker as most people wouldn't have enough time to play multiple characters up to peak performance. So a kheld used as a main character would be better suited to fill the holes in a team.
Null point really, getting a 50 nowadays isnt such a big deal. Maybe since todays AE nerfs it might slow down but theres nothing stopping you getting 50s relitively faster than you did say a couple of years ago.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
For me I have a reverse problem. Most of my alts now days don't get played alot. I get frustrated that I can't switch what I am doing if it would help the team out. Blasters that keep seeing teammates die because we lack a way to control the spawns ( aggro or actual controls ). A tank on a team with multiple tanks. In lower levels watching the tank die because nobody can support him enough to get him through the fights (higher levels this doesn't seem to happen very often ). Each time something like this comes up I think well if I was on a PB I could switch the role I am filling and the team would do better. This thought process generally leads to me switching to my PB after a very short time.
Thats a matter of personal preference, I have 3 alts on 50 now american side. One sonic/kin corruptor, who basically is the buffer/debuffer/healer charecter of my bunch, a fire/storm corruptor who adds mid to high range damage and debuffs and a widow tankermind that can tank mobs well with capped defences with pool power taunts, yes they arent fantastic taunts but combined with melee powers i deal so fast with the claws i can hold agro comfortably.

Never once have I been on a team where I thought theres something one of my charecters cant handle.

Blasters needing controllers isnt a point that peacebringer can fill anyway. It has knockback powers not holds, Warshade however is a different story and that is actually worth playing.

Any leader who cant figure out what there team is missing and how to fill that slot in the first place isnt very worthy of being the leader in the first place. Sometimes it can be difficult to find certain AT's to fill roles, particularly tankers and healers, this is the time PB would come into play but since many people have alts theres always gonna be someone with a tank or a healer of some kind in the team.

My point still stands, PB's are in fact, pointless and broken.



Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
The PB can't tank as well as a tanker, blast as well as a blaster, and so on, and so on, and so on. The strength is the ability to do several of these things decently. Short a tank? The PB can do the job decently. Already have a tank on the team? Well then the PB can be a decent blaster in nova. It can even be turned into an ok support character, not on par with a controller or defender but better than blasters, tankers and scrappers.
I do see the strength of that but 90% of the time the team would just rather pick up someone who is good at the role than have a subpar charecter doing it.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
It has to do all these things worse than the other ATs if it did them as well and had other options they would be superior to them. Why play a blaster if the Kheld can blast as well and still have dwarf form to tank if needed. Or reversed why have a tank if the PB can do as well but have nova/human forms to do more damage.
It would be superior yes, but they still have that freakishly big hole in human form of being mezzed and forced into tank mode. If you want to play a human PB only you cant because all your damage is melee and you might as well be perma stunned because theres no resists to anything. The set can pretty much be fixed by adding resists instead of needing a controller in the team to do it at a very low number.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
Now in a game were it is so easy to get Alts, and have them be powerful without alot of investment, a jack of all trades suffers greatly. I personally feel this is the biggest problem kheldians face, not that they are bad it is just that an alt will work as well or better in a specific role. It is very easy to simply think well I have an alt that will do this better.
Agree completely, im not saying the idea is bad and they need to be buffed damage wise, im just saying theres no point to playing them because its so easy to make another charecter thats good in those fields anyway. The only thing technically wrong that frustrates the hell out of me is human forms lack of protection to any status effects. Id gladly lose a heal to get some form of mez shield.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
If the end game of CoX continued to grow the character after the level cap alts would be weaker as most people wouldn't have enough time to play multiple characters up to peak performance. So a kheld used as a main character would be better suited to fill the holes in a team.
Null point really, getting a 50 nowadays isnt such a big deal. Maybe since todays AE nerfs it might slow down but theres nothing stopping you getting 50s relitively faster than you did say a couple of years ago.

Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
For me I have a reverse problem. Most of my alts now days don't get played alot. I get frustrated that I can't switch what I am doing if it would help the team out. Blasters that keep seeing teammates die because we lack a way to control the spawns ( aggro or actual controls ). A tank on a team with multiple tanks. In lower levels watching the tank die because nobody can support him enough to get him through the fights (higher levels this doesn't seem to happen very often ). Each time something like this comes up I think well if I was on a PB I could switch the role I am filling and the team would do better. This thought process generally leads to me switching to my PB after a very short time.
Thats a matter of personal preference, I have 3 alts on 50 now american side. One sonic/kin corruptor, who basically is the buffer/debuffer/healer charecter of my bunch, a fire/storm corruptor who adds mid to high range damage and debuffs and a widow tankermind that can tank mobs well with capped defences with pool power taunts, yes they arent fantastic taunts but combined with melee powers i deal so fast with the claws i can hold agro comfortably.

Never once have I been on a team where I thought theres something one of my charecters cant handle.

Blasters needing controllers isnt a point that peacebringer can fill anyway. It has knockback powers not holds, Warshade however is a different story and that is actually worth playing.



I've seriously never run into the perma-mez problem you're describing. Get Acrobatics and casual holds will bounce off of you. Get the KB IOs (which anyone who does even casual runs of AE should be able to afford) and nothing short of Statesman will be able to knock you over. Even standing in huge groups of Freakshow, the only thing I ever have to worry about is daze, and it lasts for a few seconds at the most. If I'm really worried about it for whatever reason (Knives of Artemis, Malta), there are, again, Break Frees for this very purpose. It's easy to fall into the mode of just taking whatever inspirations fall into your lap and not customizing them for your situation and playstyle, but this isn't a problem of the class.

The strength of Peacebringers isn't that they do one thing particularly well, which is their point - they do a few things well, and it's this combination that makes them great group members. I have an excellent AoE daze to control things and, unlike a Controller, I have the resists to back it up and not take a dirtnap if I end up eating the alpha. I have a heal which is sorely underrated and wonderful for groups with bubble Defenders, since I can shore up their one Achilles' heel (healing whatever gets past). I can do damage; yes, it's not as good as a Blaster (but a Blaster doesn't have self-heals, near-capped resists and two or three extra lives), and it's not as good as a Scrapper (but Scrappers don't have multiple ranged attacks and the control I offer), but it's still well above-average - Incandescent Strike is a beast with Build Up and is, coincidentally, another great form of control you get to shut down priority targets. People tend to deride the Peacebringer KBs, and while I'll agree that the Solar Flare KB is annoying, the rest are fine. It's all about positioning yourself so that you can keep targets flat on the mat while not smacking them away from your melee, which is a skill you learn very quickly. Radiant Strike is great for smacking loose mobs into the death zone of AoEs that my team is pumping out.

I'd like to know where this "90% of the time" statistic comes from because I have frankly never been refused membership on a team because I'm a human-form Peacebringer. I've never received so much as a nasty comment, even during those times when I've been lazy or positioned myself badly and flung huge groups around with Solar Flare. I've always benefited my team immensely with clutch heals, control, and strong spike damage on vulnerable targets while also being ridiculously self-reliant. It sounds like you simply never ended up fitting into the class, which is fine - I've never fit into the Corruptor or Mastermind role very well either. It becomes much easier to play (and you become much more effective) when you stop comparing it to other classes and simply compare it to itself, because Peacebringers are incomparable to any of the other archetypes in the game. Even the VEATs are a completely different bag of hay, though they share similar principles.



Kheldians are worth it if you've ever wanted to play Paper/Rock/Scissors, but be able to look at your opponents' hand right before they call their move and surprise them with a move of your own.

As far as I'm concerned, both my Kheldian main characters are the most satisfying characters I've got in CoH/V.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Unfortunately there is a certain amount of truth in the 2-form stereotype. It's possible to make a Kheld that is capable of attacking in all three forms, the problem is that in my opinion there isn't much reason to do so. The basic problem is that both the Human form and the Nova form are essentially Blaster variants. The Nova form is a straight Blaster while the Human form is a Blapper (it's actually closer to an Assault/Armor AT but you get the point). So the issue becomes that since both the Human form and the Nova form are damage dealers is there any real advantage to building up the attacks in both? My feeling is no, there isn't enough difference between the two to warrant it.

There are plenty of advantages to switching to and from Dwarf form depending on the situation but much less reason to switch between Human and Nova.

My experience is that I want to either stay Human all the time (except when I need to go Dwarf) or go Nova almost all the time and switch back to Human every so often for the buffs and pet powers but not bothering with the Human attacks. I did try making a tri-form build where the Human form was intended to be a pocket controller but it just didn't have enough controls to make it really useful.
By comparison, I slot up human form attacks too. This is because sometimes what the team needs is someone to keep minions out of action. Enter Inky Aspect! But just standing there with Inky and Orbiting Death running is dull. So I slot up my human form attacks too.

Kelds can be very fun and rewarding. Two words though for getting the most out of your keid: Key Binds

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

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