BMT Redside




Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
I think this entire thread is just everyone trying to troll everyone else and succeeding.
*hides under bridge* (Actually i used to do that when using TP Foe in Siren's Call on my Brute. Before the revamp of course.)

So far i've seen little here that i feel is worth replying. i mean... ELK trolls himself, everybody else trolls everybody else, and nobody's really interested in any viewpoint unless it agrees with their own. Even me.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
... and nobody's really interested in any viewpoint unless it agrees with their own. Even me.
My window is uni-directional. And sometimes I think it needs to be nerfed.



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post

You guys want channels to chat in, make 1, its easy.. or join a differnt channel and leave BMT for its SOLE INTENDED PURPOSE
If that is the suggestion, then why get all snarky when someone actually does it?



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
Its astonishing to me to see how many people will enter the channel, say hi or whatever and follow it with " isnt the rwz raid tonight" or " what tf is up for tft/what time is tft" or "what time is the sunday hami raid again?"
This is the scenario I see a lot, where it's clear an individual has just logged on and the MotD is literally a chat line away from the question they've just asked. As an event leader, it is frustrating to see people do this after having posted the event on the forums and in the MotD. I don't mind answering questions, but it would be nice if folks took the effort to look into it themselves, especially where the information is not far away. (By that I mean, 1 cm away. And that's a generous estimate.)

People have stated that they have issues with it being cut off after they have been on for hours. I don't think I've ever had this problem, and I'm always able to scroll up to read the MotD should I need to. Perhaps folks would benefit from managing their chats by using the tabs available.

Ironically, the majority o' people that are bein' told to RTFMotD are people who honestly know better, know the times o' various raids that have been happenin' for days, weeks, and months for some time now and shouldn't have to be told to do it.
This is the other half of it. Last night, the person in question asking about the raid has been to just about every Sunday raid I can recall. We've been doing them for over a year at the exact same time. I saw them in the Hive not minutes before they asked in BMT about when it was starting. I can't think of a good reason why they are still confused at this point, given their raid participation history, and actually being in zone.

In general, the people who put together events on the server have advertised them in every possible way so that the information is accessible to players. People who lead these events can't always be on to answer questions. I don't see anything wrong with directing folks to read the MotD.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
If that is the suggestion, then why get all snarky when someone actually does it?
i never got snarky about them making it, i can care less. join whatever channel you wanna join, just dont ***** when the channel has a SPECIFIC purpose and is ran as such.

im on lots of channels.. i made my own (and have been invited to 1 thats omgsupercool) so the mis tells or types wouldnt be as bad in BMT... and its worked (for the most part) now all the mt's are only subjected to a select few.

i did get a smidge snarky about the RTFMoTD remarks. To take offense to that, IMHO just seems silly. Its not like hes pointing a finger and singling anyone out, its directed toward everyone. Truth be told up till maybe a month ago i didnt even know what the RTF part of the Motd meant... when i asked i lol'd and thought, wow, how fitting...

chill out people!



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
If that is the suggestion, then why get all snarky when someone actually does it?
There were quite a few people who responded to the OP's idea by pointing out that this new channel seems like a subsection of existing, larger channels. This is not being snarky, it's pointing out redundancy. I'm of the opinion that we don't need channels like 'Moderated Hero Chat', 'Unmoderated Hero Chat', 'Moderated Villain Chat', 'Unmoderated Villain Chat'. The bottom line here is that there are people that want moderated chat, and people who want unmoderated chat. Most people are drawn to certain channels having a larger number of players. So to me, it makes sense to not subdivide channels with common themes, but to merge them.

That said, that's only my opinion. Like others have said, if you want to make a channel, nothing is stopping you. Good luck all the same.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Since you weren't there, you can't be sure of that, can you? I've seen you mod a conversation before it even got started plenty of times. So much for that idea.
Perhaps because I've let conversation along those previous lines happen recently. Say, I don't know, when Skittle and Canucker were both advertisin' PvP last week and I didn't mod the conversation, just to name an occasion.

Again, you only know about what goes on while you're online. I would imagine that if conversations got out of hand without your presense, a different mod would speak up. Have you ever tried to see if a different mod would say something before you would? Maybe go on hide for a while and see what the channel is like if people thought you weren't there? Maybe you'd see things differently, though since it's you, probably not.
Actually, I have. And I've witnessed mods involvin' themselves in said conversations, instead o' moddin'em. I've also spent sick days home, on hide, and the channel basically runs itself. I'm well aware o' this. That's namely due to server population and that the most agregious o' chatty offenders aren't online.

You moderate questions about the market, or people offering stuff for trade. That's game related, and yes, I know there is a channel specifically for that, but it's pretty obvious it doesn't get used much or you wouldn't see that stuff in BMT. Do you want another example, cause I could probably come up with more.
I'm aware that there's a channel for it as I'm in it, and most o' the people are from BMT, as I know the people that created and moderate it. If they don't chose to use it, despite bein' in it already, that's simply laziness. And yes, I will moderate it, despite the fact that it's game-related. Just like I'll moderate farms for influence even though there's a badge for influence. It's not black and white.

Why would I leave the most populated Champion channel because of a difference of opinion with one person? Do you think you're that important to the server?
I'm not sure how you leavin' the channel equals me bein' important, but it comes down to this: if you don't like rules, then don't stick around. Easy as that.

And no, I don't think I'm that important. I didn't ask to be moderated. I didn't ask to get remoderated when I demoted myself. But clearly someone trusts me to enforce the rules.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
She must be *very* powerful then.
Not yet, but I'm certain Drama Cannon will eventually be the most powerful Blaster of 'em all.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
If that is the suggestion, then why get all snarky when someone actually does it?
Except that isn't the case here. At least not the way it's bein' sold.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
People have stated that they have issues with it being cut off after they have been on for hours. I don't think I've ever had this problem, and I'm always able to scroll up to read the MotD should I need to. Perhaps folks would benefit from managing their chats by using the tabs available.
Actually, I've had this problem before after being on a few hours and BMT's been particularly active - the MOTD will disappear even with keeping a tab for just BMT alone. Granted, I could just relog and look at the MOTD if I had a question about it, but asking usually would be faster so I can understand why occasionally it's fine if people ask about what's going on. I'm not saying that it's understandable all the time, of course, I'm simply saying that asking someone to read the MOTD instead of answering their question might prove pointless in some instances.

Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
I'm aware that there's a channel for it as I'm in it, and most o' the people are from BMT, as I know the people that created and moderate it. If they don't chose to use it, despite bein' in it already, that's simply laziness. And yes, I will moderate it, despite the fact that it's game-related. Just like I'll moderate farms for influence even though there's a badge for influence. It's not black and white.
I can agree with that to a degree; something like that'd clutter up BMT, but... I'm not part of the trading channel by choice - I knew about it, of course..but I'm not fond of being part of channels that see little to no activity so I don't bother with keeping it. And luckily for me I don't usually advertise sales anyway (and haven't nor intend to in BMT). But I do want to make a point here; it's not always a case of laziness. Some people may actually not even know such a channel even exists. More still might not know that it isn't allowed in BMT. Unless you ask, there's no way of knowing all the rules for BMT upon joining, and most might not think to ask for a variety of reasons.

I'm not trying to add to the drama by pointing out this; just trying to show things in a different way. How the channel is moderated isn't perfect and players will always make that point clear, but I still find it the best channel to be in when looking for groups on the server so it works for me.



Actually, I've had this problem before after being on a few hours and BMT's been particularly active - the MOTD will disappear even with keeping a tab for just BMT alone. Granted, I could just relog and look at the MOTD if I had a question about it, but asking usually would be faster so I can understand why occasionally it's fine if people ask about what's going on. I'm not saying that it's understandable all the time, of course, I'm simply saying that asking someone to read the MOTD instead of answering their question might prove pointless in some instances.
Like Amy, I've been logged on for hours with BMT on it's own tab and never had a problem. I've even got all the game events on the same tab, with the same result: scroll up, RTFMotD.

I can agree with that to a degree; something like that'd clutter up BMT, but... I'm not part of the trading channel by choice - I knew about it, of course..but I'm not fond of being part of channels that see little to no activity so I don't bother with keeping it. And luckily for me I don't usually advertise sales anyway (and haven't nor intend to in BMT). But I do want to make a point here; it's not always a case of laziness. Some people may actually not even know such a channel even exists. More still might not know that it isn't allowed in BMT. Unless you ask, there's no way of knowing all the rules for BMT upon joining, and most might not think to ask for a variety of reasons.
That's why I tend to point out that there's a channel called Trade of Champion and let'em know that it's open so anyone can join. Not everythin' I tell people is announced in channel, but I have done so before. Also, in regards to not knowin' the rules, for everyone I invite to BMT, I send a tell that sums up the rules o' the channel along with the invite. I also make an entry into their global note that I've done so.

I'm not trying to add to the drama by pointing out this; just trying to show things in a different way. How the channel is moderated isn't perfect and players will always make that point clear, but I still find it the best channel to be in when looking for groups on the server so it works for me.
The only people who make it clear are those that can't follow the rules or feel the moral need to defend the "downtrodden".

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
if you don't like rules, then don't stick around. Easy as that.
That's an exact quote from Stryker right there.

"Life is about perseverance. It's about slogging through no matter what." - Stormy Llewellyn
Current project - Orgo to Plowshares 42 Kat/Inv Scrap
Main -Orgo 50 Rad/Rad def



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
Perhaps because I've let conversation along those previous lines happen recently. Say, I don't know, when Skittle and Canucker were both advertisin' PvP last week and I didn't mod the conversation, just to name an occasion.
Are we not allowed to advertise PvP in BMT?

Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
I will moderate it, despite the fact that it's game-related. Just like I'll moderate farms for influence even though there's a badge for influence. It's not black and white.

Can you give us a list or something of what is and is not allowed? All I know is that farming and talking about sports is not allowed (that's one that I got in "trouble" for)

"Like Amy, I've been logged on for hours with BMT on it's own tab and never had a problem. I've even got all the game events on the same tab, with the same result: scroll up, RTFMotD."--Cobalt

Well, just because you've never had it deleted, doesn't mean the rest of us haven't.



Are we not allowed to advertise PvP in BMT?
Just don't spam it, like with anythin' else. And keep the **** talk out.

Can you give us a list or something of what is and is not allowed? All I know is that farming and talking about sports is not allowed (that's one that I got in "trouble" for)
This has been posted numerous times, but sure, why not again;
Welcome to BMT, or Badges, Monsters, Task/Strike Forces. General game-related chatter and teamin' are allowed. XP/SK/Inf/merit/ticket farm advertisements are not, nor are farm-related questions. Oh, and please watch the language. Enjoy.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
That's an exact quote from Stryker right there.
Yes, this has been said before. Thanks for the contribution.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
Are we not allowed to advertise PvP in BMT?

Can you give us a list or something of what is and is not allowed? All I know is that farming and talking about sports is not allowed (that's one that I got in "trouble" for)'re a Tar should be "Silenced" On Sight. Just saying........



Originally Posted by Naloc View Post
I'm not saying that it's understandable all the time, of course, I'm simply saying that asking someone to read the MOTD instead of answering their question might prove pointless in some instances.
Good post, and I agree that there may be instances where for some reason, the MotD gets cut off. I'm not saying it's an impossibility. From my experience, it happens very rarely. The suggestion I'm trying to make is that it would probably happen less often if people managed their tabs differently.

Regardless, I'm not as concerned about those instances as I am about the many, many times where it's clear that a chat malfunction of some variety is not the culprit and it IS a case of laziness, pure and simple. Those are the people that usually get called out.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



All drama aside, I'd rather have all my Champion game info in one place/channel. But it doesn't really matter either way. I'll just join the new channel and keep it in the same tab as BMT and presto, no difference to me.

As far as BMT goes, although I don't think I got a copy of the Official Rules, it was pretty obvious after a day of lurking that BMT is for just that B-M-T. That's how I use it and that seems fine. Still, it is good to BS with all the other friendly, helpful people on Champion and if BMT of Champion isn't the place for it, there needs to be a place. I suppose Champions United is the designated area?



As far as BMT goes, although I don't think I got a copy of the Official Rules, it was pretty obvious after a day of lurking that BMT is for just that B-M-T. That's how I use it and that seems fine.

Still, it is good to BS with all the other friendly, helpful people on Champion and if BMT of Champion isn't the place for it, there needs to be a place. I suppose Champions United is the designated area?
Yes, amongst other places.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post

This has been posted numerous times, but sure, why not again;
Welcome to BMT, or Badges, Monsters, Task/Strike Forces. General game-related chatter and teamin' are allowed. XP/SK/Inf/merit/ticket farm advertisements are not, nor are farm-related questions. Oh, and please watch the language. Enjoy.
See, you didn't answer my question. What is "general game-related chatter".....whats an SK farm?



Originally Posted by Da_White_Rapper View Post're a Tar should be "Silenced" On Sight. Just saying........
I'm going to assume you're a Dookie fan, in which case I have no words for you.



Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
See, you didn't answer my question. What is "general game-related chatter".....whats an SK farm?
You can talk 'bout the game, with the exclusion o' the aforementioned topics. And it's a farm for PLin'.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
You can talk 'bout the game, with the exclusion o' the aforementioned topics. And it's a farm for PLin'.
Just sayin that as long as that gray area exists, there will always be issues.



Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
Just sayin that as long as that gray area exists, there will always be issues.
I'm well aware.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
There were quite a few people who responded to the OP's idea by pointing out that this new channel seems like a subsection of existing, larger channels. This is not being snarky, it's pointing out redundancy.
I find it to be snarky when people are saying get out if you don't like "channel X" and at the same time complaining that there is no need for any other channels. I wasn't trying to specifically target Cherry, but her comment solidified what had been bothering me about the whole thread. So I do apologize to her if she feels attacked in anyway.

But I still am left wondering- Where exactly are those people supposed to go after "getting out" of the first channel if they get jumped on for starting their own? Again, tone is how the reader perceives it and that's my opinion of what I've read thus far.