Im such a Traitor!
At low levels, the damage scales for the various ATs haven't yet diverged. While later on a scrapper will be doing 40% more damage than a tanker with an equivalent attack, at low levels, they will do about the same, so this is part of it.
The other part is that dual blades attacks are for the most part of the faster, lighter variety. Mace and axe's first three attacks have recharges of 4s, 8s, and 10s, compared to dual blades' 3s, 5s, 6s. I don't know what you observed (perhaps end problems kept the scrapper from firing attacks as fast as he should have, or maybe you had more recharge slotted than him, or maybe his connection/comp was just laggy), but in general, your attacks were hitting harder because his (should have been) recharging faster.
At higher levels that won't always hold true. Early on, tanks and scrappers share the default damage modifier of 1.0, but by the early 20s, they've settled into their final values of 0.8 and 1.125, respectively. Comparing scrapper dual blades to tanker battle axe at that point, the corresponding ST attacks do about the same final damage despite the scrapper's faster recharges. That is assuming identical slottings, individual slotting preferences will of course factor into it.
The final difference is that you're a shield defense character and he's not. Presumably you had against all odds running? If so, you were getting damage buffs that the scrapper wasn't, which also would have contributed.
So the answer is, more or less, you picked a slower, (relatively) harder hitting melee set than he did, and you were both low enough level that the higher scrapper damage modifer hadn't kicked in enough yet to overcome the difference. You also may have had damage buffs from your offensively-oriented armor set that he didnt. They haven't buffed overall tanker damage recently, but contrary to popularly expressed ingame opinions, tanker damage really isn't too shabby to begin with.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
Well, he did run out of Endurance fairly quick, and im very aware that Tanker damage wasnt bad either way, but I was just surprised to see a Lethal Damage set doing any damage.That may change at later levels, and if it does, ill just go back to my Fire/Fire, or Elec/Elec Tanker, and be happy either way.
Yes, I was running the shield damage buff.
Yeah, not much is resistant to Lethal damage at the lower levels. It's once you start getting into the higher-level enemies that it starts to become more prevalent.
Good news: Carnies and most robots are vulnerable to Lethal damage.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

Yeah, not much is resistant to Lethal damage at the lower levels. It's once you start getting into the higher-level enemies that it starts to become more prevalent.
Good news: Carnies and most robots are vulnerable to Lethal damage. |

Glad to know ill rip them a new one with my new Tanker then.
Aett, are you sure about that? I thought most robots were resistant to lethal and vulnerable to smashing. Seeing how they're metal and all...
But Carnies are definitely weak to Lethal, which is nice.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Welcome to Tanking Fire-Minded!
Everyone give him positive rep for going good!
Yeah, this isn't going to be true so much as Proliferation continues, but in general Tanker Melee sets have been slower, with higher recharge but greater damage per hit. Stone Melee, which is known to be strong overall, is probably the best example of this. Due to the nature of attack chaining, this means overall a slow recharge set does more DPS - but costs more End as well.
That's what's compensating for your difference in damage between Tanker and Scrapper. If he was a Broadsword, it might have been a bit closer. And likely a one on one comparison between Axe Tanker and Axe Scrapper, should it be proliferated in the future, would likely show a definate advantage for the Scrapper.
Yeah, this isn't going to be true so much as Proliferation continues, but in general Tanker Melee sets have been slower, with higher recharge but greater damage per hit. Stone Melee, which is known to be strong overall, is probably the best example of this. Due to the nature of attack chaining, this means overall a slow recharge set does more DPS - but costs more End as well.
That's what's compensating for your difference in damage between Tanker and Scrapper. If he was a Broadsword, it might have been a bit closer. And likely a one on one comparison between Axe Tanker and Axe Scrapper, should it be proliferated in the future, would likely show a definate advantage for the Scrapper. |
I dont see Claws as being a very Tanky Set, but they gave it to Brutes, who can tank better then Scrappers can.
So far, Axe works fine on my Tank, im just bugged that I have a sattelite uplink that keeps me from zoning, or loading missions very fast.Getting my Ritki Axe will be time consuming.Unless theres a unforseen Ritki Month again, at that point it wouldnt be so bad.
My biggest gripe, is that alot of Scrapper and Brute Primaries arnt allowed for Tankers.As iv stated before, im not really into Brutes or Scrappers.
Chasing a Fury bar and trying to keep a full Blue bar without playing WP as a Secondary for a Brute makes the fun factor of them go down for me.
The crit system is great, when the crit acctually goes off, but when it doesnt, I commonly out damage Scrappers, and Defense build Tanks with my Fire/Fire Tank, so theres no real point in hoping for a crit in my eyes.
Id very much like to be running around on a SD/BS Tank right now, but Axe will have to do, considering they favored Stalkers over Tankers this time around....Bastads...

These builds commonly use mainly ST Primaries, like Dark Melee, Katana, Martial Arts, and Spine Builds that dont have a Armor set that gives additional AoE potential or a extra BU with FE from FA are on this list of people I out damage on a Fire Tank.
I will have to agree that there are terrible scrappers, not simply because I can out damage them, but anyone who would take Katana, or Broad Sword and not take the Whirling move really needs to evaluate there role as a Scrapper.That also goes for taking Martial Arts and skipping your Dragon's Tail attack.
Those single easy to use AoE attacks amount to alot of damage in a mob situation, and people skip them.
Whats even funnier is when I see a high level Scrapper that took Fire Armor or Elec Armor and they never take the AoE damage aura.
Alot of people build for ST damage vs AoE, and thats where my Fire Tanker Excells, and isnt a slouch in the ST department either.Its very common for people who play Tankers and Scrappers to build like they would a Brute.Primarly in ST damage to get the most out of the fight, simply because Brutes dont get much fury by just jumping in and destroying a group fast.Hence why people rave about a DM/SD Brute vs a Elec/SD Brute, and why theres a hell of alot of Elec/SD Scrappers, because they dont have to build fury, and theres no Cap stopping that damage.
If you cant do damage on a Tanker, your either a highly Defensive "please punch me in the face 100 times" build, or your not exsploring your potential in other sets for Tankers.
Im starting a Ice/Ice Tanker, and at later levels, he also can and will out damage a Scrapper to a lesser degree then my Fire/Fire Tank can, and at most keep up in damage most other times vs the Scrapper builds iv mentioned earlier, simply because of high amounts of AoE that the average Scrapper doesnt take, and cant keep up with.
Making even a Ice Tanker better for overall mission damage then that Scrapper, because even if that Scrapper kicks that bad guy in the face for 250 damage and Crits for +250, the Tanker that just hit the entire mob of 16 Baddies with 120 damage from Frozen Aura just effectivly dished out more damage then that Scrapper did because he hit alot more targets.
This seems to be a concept not alot of people pay attention to, but I may have found a way to exsplain it a little better.
People that play WP/SS Brutes and Tankers say life is so much better with Footstomp and Rage.Cant deny that being true at all, but a Ice Tanker can match that damage, and a WP/FM Tanker version can dish out more damage then that.
Yes, Footstomp knocks things down, great, awesome, but who cares if your on a WP/ type build?Its not like that mobs going to destroy you if you dont have that power.Its seems to me, that a Ice/Ice can keep up with, if not out damage a WP/SS Tanker in AoE damage.
Why would I make such a horrible claim?Simple, because if you look at the damage over time vs both builds, the Ice Tank build can drop larger amounts of Baddies faster then the Willpower build.While the WP/SS Build excells at single target damage that the Ice Tanker is only so-so at.
Thats why my Fire/Fire does so much more damage then the common scrapper, because while that Scrapper hits 1 Target for 300 Damage, I just hit the entire mob for 250+ in that same mission with 1 attack.
ST builds are great for Brutes, but atleast that Brute usually takes 1 AoE to capatalize on the Fury Bar, and if they dont, then no wonder they want soft-capped defense.They cant survive without it on a ST build without help.
I'm starting a Ice/Ice Tanker, and at later levels, he also can and will out damage a Scrapper |
I'm calling you on it:
Prove your claims or don't make them. The AV and GM soloers all have video or screenshot proof of their accomplishments. So far I have seen no such thing from you.
You claim to be able to do things that are either highly improbable, or downright impossible. I'd like to see you PROVE that you did these things.
Screenshots and video are both easy to do, and shouldn't be beyond your capacity.
Thus far, you remind me of the kid that told me his Honda Civic could run a 9 second 1/4 mile, and refused to race me to prove it.
Care to prove you can do what you say you can?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I'm gonna need to see proof of this. In 4 years I have never seen an ice tank outdamage a scrapper that was built even halfway competently.
I'm calling you on it: Prove your claims or don't make them. The AV and GM soloers all have video or screenshot proof of their accomplishments. So far I have seen no such thing from you. You claim to be able to do things that are either highly improbable, or downright impossible. I'd like to see you PROVE that you did these things. Screenshots and video are both easy to do, and shouldn't be beyond your capacity. Thus far, you remind me of the kid that told me his Honda Civic could run a 9 second 1/4 mile, and refused to race me to prove it. Care to prove you can do what you say you can? |
L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR
Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller
Some peoples Scrappers have only single target attacks. Not taking AoEs drops their damage output versus multiple targets within a timeframe. They'll do less DPE than other Scrappers with both ST and AoE. Firetanks and Icetanks may through AoE plus better end rec, outdamage certain types of Scrappers with no AoEs and less end rec over the course of a mission..
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I came off as a little more jerkish than I intended to.
I'm honestly curious to see an Ice/Ice tank that can outdamage a scrapper. I don't believe it's possible and would like to see it. If anyone can think of a fair, balanced test to determine who outdamages who, please share it.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I came off as a little more jerkish than I intended to.
I'm honestly curious to see an Ice/Ice tank that can outdamage a scrapper. I don't believe it's possible and would like to see it. If anyone can think of a fair, balanced test to determine who outdamages who, please share it. |
AE might be a good choice for the timed mission. Of course depending on the vulnerabilities of the enemies the number could get skewed.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
AE might be a good choice for the timed mission. Of course depending on the vulnerabilities of the enemies the number could get skewed.
On another note.Ill be happy to spend some time leveling up a Ice/Ice Tanker and take a Video of it fighting.Dont exspect it to be immediate though, because I dont have a high level Ice Tank to prove my claim at the moment.
Ill make it a Priority.
New Dawn was more then correct in her AoE vs ST assessment.So im hopeful that my Theory is correct.If it is, then ill be happy.If its not, then it would mean I was worng, but that wouldnt be horrible finding out.
Id still get a high level Ice Tanker out of the deal.

Only one problem with that.
Single target scrapper was never specified in the original claim. You simply said "a scrapper".
Otherwise I agree that it is a fair test.
I'm thinking a timed defeat all in AE using the often farmed city block map. For enemy type I suggest Council, as I don't think they have any particular resistances or weaknesses. If I'm wrong and anyone knows of an enemy type that fits that description feel free to correct.
A setting of +1/x4 w/bosses would be fair, as it would require both good AoE output and good single target output.
RWZ Challenge isn't a very fair test between a scrapper and a tank. Any scrapper that can pull it off reliably is IOed to the gills and beyond, and while a tank can survive it fairly reliably, his killing speed will be very low compared to a scrapper that can even do it. There's a reason the RWZ Challenge is considered an accomplishment of a good build.
Also, using a Levantera mission as a timer won't work either, there's no guarantee you will find an acceptable mob right away, and it's too easily skewed.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Only one problem with that.
Single target scrapper was never specified in the original claim. You simply said "a scrapper". Otherwise I agree that it is a fair test. I'm thinking a timed defeat all in AE using the often farmed city block map. For enemy type I suggest Council, as I don't think they have any particular resistances or weaknesses. If I'm wrong and anyone knows of an enemy type that fits that description feel free to correct. A setting of +1/x4 w/bosses would be fair, as it would require both good AoE output and good single target output. RWZ Challenge isn't a very fair test between a scrapper and a tank. Any scrapper that can pull it off reliably is IOed to the gills and beyond, and while a tank can survive it fairly reliably, his killing speed will be very low compared to a scrapper that can even do it. There's a reason the RWZ Challenge is considered an accomplishment of a good build. Also, using a Levantera mission as a timer won't work either, there's no guarantee you will find an acceptable mob right away, and it's too easily skewed. |
From what im seeing in my mind it seems like a decent damage build, and if I play my cards right it'll do better then I belive it can.I wish I could add Ice Storm to the Mix for its AoE, but that wouldnt be considered part of the base build.Neither would any Vet powers.
I personally have never seen alot of builds iv been making latly, and most all of them surprisingly match many common builds if not excell in areas that many other builds dont.
Iv made alot of claims and people want to know why im being negative and grouchy when I post.Maybe if youd find out what im speaking is the truth or not by Playing what I play, and stop neg repping me like its required after thumbing through my posts, I might be a bit nicer, watch how I use my Grammer, and not Troll agenst some of you so much.
The following Statement IS NOT a attack agenst the Mid's Program.
If you really want to call me out, go play the game and build a entire character WITHOUT MID's.On sets you say are horrible.Im not suggjessting that you pick a Build that you know will suck horribly like a RM/DA Brute (Lord knows I agree on that one sucking.), but pick something I play, or have posted about and give it a fair chance before you talk trash.
I do math in my head before I choose a Build.No pen and paper.No Mid's program.I just make it after a fair assessment and go.
By the way this isnt refering to you ClawsandEffect.Im a bit shigrint that my Rep was almost Neutral on its way to being in the possitive, and I got Trolled by a couple people who would rather keep me as a negative influence on the Boards.
I was down to 1 Red bar earlier, then I got Trolled.Now take a look.>.>
Ice melee on a tank is horrible for single target attacks. If a scrapper cant out damage an ice melee tank, than the scrapper has a horrid build. Ice melee does have nice AoE now that Frozen Aura has the same damage as Foot Stomp... but all cold. Frost is also nice, even though it is DoT.
Fire melee for tanks is great, with FSC being the best AoE. Couple that with Combustion, which some hate, but I find it as a nice AoE attack.
Shield/Fire does massive damage. (More than Fire/Fire) It does not do more damage than a Fire/shield scrapper. The tank has more AoE potential with combustion, but the scrapper has higher damage from each attack.

Ice Ember
I just went and re-made my Axe/SD brute into a SD/Axe Tanker, because I dont like having to chase down a Fury Bar, or a Blue Endurance bar either.After 24 levels of that on a Brute, I got tired of it.

I guess im a stickler for being able to have constant, none random-ish damage on my Builds.Consistancy is key, as many say.
I have some questions reguarding Tankers, even though I have a couple, I dont tend to team with them, because everyone hates a resistance Tank.(Those people can take a flying leap!)
Iv always thought a Tankers damage was pretty solid, and im curious about something, I teamed with my new SD/Axe Tanker last night when I remade him, with a DB/Dark Scrapper.
His attacks recharged about as fast as mine, and I hit harder then he did with my Axe.I did take into account that his Dual Blades do DoT, but its not hard to watch 2-3 numbers come up and be able to add them rather quickly.
Iv also watched a Mace/WP Tanker hit a few things, even at lower levels, he did good damage like my Axe did, and still did more damage then my Scrapper Companion.When the Scrapper Crit, he would out damage us, but those where few and far between for the most part.
So I guess what im leading upto, is, Did they up Tanker Damage recently?Or did they upgrade the Axe and Mace sets for Tankers?
I seem to be doing rather decent, and tollerable damage with Axe.
Im making this character out of a Technological Theme, and im still going to quest for a Ritki Axe.
I dinged level 20 before I logged off last night on this Tanker, which is Typical when I play Tankers of any type.I level them fast.
The lack of a AoE, and Resistance Scale does urk me a bit, and this Tanker feels a little more solid then a Brute, but still feels very Fragile as well.
Iv noticed while playing my brute version, that Endurance was a issue, and it still is on the Tank as well, but Energy will easly fit into my Theme, and Energy Disscount will help alot im sure.
So does anyone know if Tankers got a recent upgrade?I havent been paying much attention because im busy building functional, themed Defenders as of late.