Is raiding dead on Infinity?
I'm in, and I know a few other people that would love to join in.
Behind The Veiled Mask
Arc# 526759
I wish you best of luck but seriously think your best shot is to move a couple toons to Freedumb or possibly Justice or Virtue for a Hami Raid.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I wish you best of luck but seriously think your best shot is to move a couple toons to Freedumb or possibly Justice or Virtue for a Hami Raid.
This. Well, given how star-phobic and laz--I mean laid back Infinity tends to be, it could be we just haven't gotten off our tushies to do one.
...most likely what Slax said though.
Also, grats on the teacup human!
I think for many of the veteran players the risk versus rewards don't balance out.
I think for many of the veteran players the risk versus rewards don't balance out.
Oh, and Cremzen, welcome back and congrats on the ankle-biter.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
This. Well, given how star-phobic and laz--I mean laid back Infinity tends to be, it could be we just haven't gotten off our tushies to do one.
...most likely what Slax said though. Also, grats on the teacup human! |
I do have to disagree with Mishmaster's post, though. Veteran players, more than any other, should know that the risk is minimal in a raid, so long as you know the raid you're going into. If you go into a raid with very little planning beforehand and with raid leaders that know very little of everyone else's role in the raid, then the risk is very, very high. I can't honestly say I've participated in more raids than anyone on the server, but I've been in alot of 'em, and I can honestly say that with good organization and proper execution, a raid holds next to no risk. I've participated in a number of planned raids lead by OSHA, and lead a couple of teams, then went on to lead a number of teams for Miss Illuzion, and not once have I been apart of a planned raid that failed. I know of a few raids that failed, and in those cases, they were pick up raids, or not thoroughly planned, and even one that had mostly bAEbies attending. As I stated, the raid I lead a number of months back, half of my team leads didn't show up, so I had to scramble to recruit and "field train" a few, and even though they had little to no raiding experience, they proved to be good leaders, and I explained every small detail to them that, once we began, Hami fell rather quickly. And that, I have to give credit to everyone in attendance for being patient through the beginning, and doing the job their teams had to do.
Infinty has been producing some pretty good players since I first played this game, and that's to no small part those veterans that blazed the trail for us. It's honestly not a question of whether Infinity can do it, I know we can, it's a question of whether Infinity wants to do it. So, once again I ask, if you want to bring the raids back, leave it here.
Not quite a hero;Not yet a villain
It's not a risk vs. reward, but more time invested for return.
Counting getting EoE's, setting up, and then actually raiding, there's far better ways for me to spend my time to get the HO/merits.
Think many others are of that mindset.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
I wouldn't mind helping out on one raid. But it'd pretty much be a one shot deal for me...the set up time is just something I can't do often, if ever, due to real life constraints. And I agree, Infinity for the most part is decent players, it's really the lazy factor.
But I never participated in old main was a stormy and I didn't feel like sitting on my hands for hours to do the one thing I was allowed to do, which, if I remember correctly, either O2 Boost someone until my eyes bled or hit Hami once for the damage credit.
But I'll give the new raid a shot if you decide to try it again on Infinity, if you can drum up enough interest. I'm easy enough to train if it involves a) corruptors/defenders/controllers or b) ranged stuff and c) it's on a day I can attend.
I've never done a Hami Raid successfully, and only been on one unsuccessful try. I would love to be part of this, but the amount of setup time scares me a bit.
I've been playing the game for five years now, but only got a character to 50 relatively recently. I know how to play her (blaster) to good effect, just not necessarily on a raid yet. I also have a level 50 defender bouncing around the various servers at the moment.
One thing for me is that the scheduled raids always happened on Sunday evening, when I can't commit to be there due to other obligations.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
From what I've heard, it just sounds tedious. I've never attended the new raid format but I did the old one quite a bit. If it's at a time I can show up, I'd certainly like to see what the new raid is like, just out of curiosity. Then I can decide for myself if it's tedious or not.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
It'd be great for Hami raids to return on Infinity. There was a time it was a weekly affair on Saturday evenings. Perhaps if it were limited to once or twice a month, more people might come to give it a shot. I think what also hurt putting the raids together was losing all of the data here when the boards were moved. Miss Illuzion and OSHA had put together a fine blueprint that was very helpful to those not familiar with how a Hamidon Raid was supposed to be run. Now it's a thing of the past. I'd gladly join in on a Hami raid if the interest is there.
Ooh, if you schedule one, I want to come! I've been to several that were successful, and I'll help out however I can. I'm not very good at fighting, but I can call out instructions if needed, and of course, teleport the heroes to safety! I love these events. They're dangerous, but it's really wonderful seeing so many heroes working together at their best!
Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!
It's not a risk vs. reward, but more time invested for return.
Counting getting EoE's, setting up, and then actually raiding, there's far better ways for me to spend my time to get the HO/merits. Think many others are of that mindset. |
Most of the people that were actively participating in the raids lead by OSHA, or the OSHA's I should say, and Miss Illuzion can tell you that those raids did not take very long at all. On a really bad day, they never lasted more than two hours, and for a 53 merit/HO reward, that's no too bad. Having participated in a large number of those raids, and going on to lead teams in some, I know how to do it successfully, as I did not too long before taking a break. Unfortunately, I was thrown a HUGE curveball at the start when half of my team leads didn't show. That was the biggest hurdle to overcome in that particular raid, but I did take the time to make sure that the fill in leads knew as much as I could, as fast as my fingers could type.
As far as the amount of time each step of the raid takes really just depends on the people that show up. EoE farming is usually done the night before, and if only a few people show up, it can take quite awhile, but if most of the people planning to raid shows up, it goes very fast, like maybe 15-20 minutes, maybe less. Then during the actual raid, spawning Hami takes a few minutes, but it depends on how many GM's we have to kill to bring Hami out. If we have all our team leaders present and prepped so they can prep their teams, setup isn't too long, 5-10 minutes at the most. If we're well prepared, we can began the waves in a matter of a couple minutes. Taking Hami out consists of four waves, each wave taking 5-15 minutes, depending on how good the participants are, and the setup for each wave all depends on how fast our TPers can get their teams out, and how many rezzers we have. I know OSHA had his times down to under an hour, from Hami spawn to defeat.
When you look at the problems, like if you feel it's not worth doing (i.e. risk vs reward, time vs return, etc.), it all boils down to three main things, a good raid leader, good, dependable team leads, and a community supporting it. Now, I can't begin to claim to be the foremost expert on Hami, but I can get the job done. People might be a little reluctant to step up to lead a team, but I think that can be overcome. I believe the common belief is that you have to be an expert on Hami just to lead a team, but that's just not true. When half of the team leads didn't show for my previous raid, I had to recruit a few, Madame Diesalot stepped up to tank Hami, and fortunately, she had a little experience. Gate-Keeper and Doom Saint, however, stepped up to lead teams with little to no experience, and did a great job. All a lead needs is to be a good player, and a decent leader. Experience is always a plus, but knowing Hami is the raid leaders job. Then there just leaves the community, and whether they're going to get behind the raids, and that's what this whole post is all about.
Not quite a hero;Not yet a villain
I'll ditto Slax. I raid on Virtue and once you go Virt, you don't go back (for raiding at least). 30ish minute raids, once Hami blooms, if someone has a Bio nuke (or 2 or 4). Heck, they did a 20 man raid this weekend (took a while).
Justice is also very efficient.
I don't know what it is about Infinity. If a raid comes up, I'll lend a hand if I can though. I'd love to see it come back, blue or red, though I have a feeling a redside raid may never happen again.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
I'll ditto Slax. I raid on Virtue and once you go Virt, you don't go back (for raiding at least). 30ish minute raids, once Hami blooms, if someone has a Bio nuke (or 2 or 4). Heck, they did a 20 man raid this weekend (took a while).
Justice is also very efficient. I don't know what it is about Infinity. If a raid comes up, I'll lend a hand if I can though. I'd love to see it come back, blue or red, though I have a feeling a redside raid may never happen again. |
We also tend to have real life stuff going on a lot more than when I hang out on other servers. Maybe it's just me, but I never have half as many people going afk for babies, jobs or other random real life situations when I go onto Pinnacle, Virtue or even Freedumb.
We also seem to be more about the small micro-communities. Because I know when I'm in a couple active channels or sgs, I can get pretty much nonstop teaming, but otherwise it's a crapshoot (usually for the worse) if I'll even get a single tell or blind invite for a couple hours of play.
Right now Infinity's population is down...and we've always been a bit of an odd server. We're helpful enough, sorta, and we're active enough, I guess, but we aren't all that community-minded.
We also tend to have real life stuff going on a lot more than when I hang out on other servers. Maybe it's just me, but I never have half as many people going afk for babies, jobs or other random real life situations when I go onto Pinnacle, Virtue or even Freedumb. We also seem to be more about the small micro-communities. Because I know when I'm in a couple active channels or sgs, I can get pretty much nonstop teaming, but otherwise it's a crapshoot (usually for the worse) if I'll even get a single tell or blind invite for a couple hours of play. |
I recently spent a couple of hours on Freedom retreiving an old toon, and I was frankly appalled at the crowds over there, and the general demeanor of the player base. I returned to Infinity happily.
As near as I can tell, Infinity tends to have a lot of older players, and in my experience, lots of female players. People with jobs and families, who are also looong-term gamers.
Why invest 2-3 hours in putting together a hami when you can tear off three or four TF's in that same time?
Knock down an STF, an ITF, and an LGTF in two-three hours? Happens all the time on Infinity. Toss in a Khan if you have another 40-odd minutes. That's a LOT more "bang for your buck" than a Hami.
As it is currently built, the Hami is this big epic thing, but you don't get much out of it and folks have done it and done it and done it and done it..... Heck, I'd rather do a Justin Moore. Or even a Dr. Q or a Faathim. Or run the AV's arc. Or do a Rikti Raid. Or.... Or....
You get the idea.

Hopefully Posi's new 'End Game' focus will give us some new stuff to do. Lord knows I love my Big Four, but it'd be fun to have some new toys to romp over.

Hopefully Posi's new 'End Game' focus will give us some new stuff to do. Lord knows I love my Big Four, but it'd be fun to have some new toys to romp over.
![]() |
A RSF. I know they require more set up than the current popular sfs, but I actually loved that creaky ol' broken piece of you-know-what.
I think I need to bribe people into doing one soon...
It's kind of a catch-22:
It's hard to set up a Hami Raid, because we have so few people who are experienced enough to be comfortable doing one....
But if we did more Hami Raids, we'd then have more experienced people.
But as Cremzen mentioned in his previous post: It's not really necessary to for everyone participating in the raid to be experienced in Hami Raiding, as long as the Raid Leader and enough other people know what they are doing. The last time Cremzen hosted a Hami Raid, he asked me to be lead the Mito Taunt team and I had NEVER participated in a Hami Raid before, yet the Raid was successful.
I think that after enough of these are done, Hami Raids can be as "routine" as Mother Ship Raids on Infinity.
Cremzen, I really hope you're successful in bringing Hami Raids back!
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
You know what I haven't done in a long, long time?
A RSF. I know they require more set up than the current popular sfs, but I actually loved that creaky ol' broken piece of you-know-what. I think I need to bribe people into doing one soon... |
Okay, so I'm out until I level up a useful toon.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
I'm in. Want my Ice/Fire Dom, DM/EA Brute, or DM/SR Stalker...
Okay, so I'm out until I level up a useful toon. |
I think that after enough of these are done, Hami Raids can be as "routine" as Mother Ship Raids on Infinity.
Cremzen, I really hope you're successful in bringing Hami Raids back! |
But once everyone gets in the habit of them, they should be easy and quick.
Why invest 2-3 hours in putting together a hami when you can tear off three or four TF's in that same time?
Knock down an STF, an ITF, and an LGTF in two-three hours? Happens all the time on Infinity. Toss in a Khan if you have another 40-odd minutes. That's a LOT more "bang for your buck" than a Hami. As it is currently built, the Hami is this big epic thing, but you don't get much out of it and folks have done it and done it and done it and done it..... Heck, I'd rather do a Justin Moore. Or even a Dr. Q or a Faathim. Or run the AV's arc. Or do a Rikti Raid. Or.... Or.... |
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
I guess it's my own fault for titling this thread with a question. I shoulda known I was gonna get it answered. Although it might seem that I'm trying to find out if Hami raiding was dead, it was not my intention. I merely wanted to see if there was any interest in bringing it back.
This. Well, given how star-phobic and laz--I mean laid back Infinity tends to be, it could be we just haven't gotten off our tushies to do one.
What really seems to get me, that even though raiding is not fast enough to be worth some people's time, they make the time to tell us about it. The people who are lazy get off their @$$ to say they can't do it. Those who are unwilling to help, say it more than likely can't be done. PLEASE do not take this as me flaming anyone who has expressed their opinion negatively towards raiding. There are alot of different opinions out there, and it's your God-given right to have them, and your internet provider that gives you the right to express your opinions, freely. It is not my intention to pick a fight or tell anyone they're wrong, but why bother wasting your time discouraging others from trying something new? Yes, there are many of us that have done it and done it and done it, but some of us actually still like doing it, and there's a huge number of people who've never gotten the chance to experience it. How many people do you think there is on our server who've only been around for 3-9 months? And how many of those do you think have experienced a raid? Some might not ever want to, but they might look at this thread and get discouraged from ever trying it. I know there's a good number of people on Infinity that are grinders, or "min/maxers", as someone put it, and until we can get our times down and keep them down consistently, this is not an event for you, but some of us like the "epicness" of doing a raid.
The fact is, I know we can get a raid done, I just can't promise it'll be under 60 or 90 minutes. Do I think we can bring whatever times we have down once we've gotten a little more used to them? Absolutely. Can we bring them down to other server's average times? I don't see why not. We just need to get this thing off the ground first. Once the community is a bit more familiar with it again, there's no telling what we can get done.
Basically, it all boils down to this, I'm trying to bring life back to an event that I know at least some people really enjoy doing, and the last thing I want, is to debate whether it's right for each individual that frequents these forums.
If I have pissed you off, offended you, or attacked any of your opinions, I apologize. I'm just expressing my opinion, as you have the right to do....
Not quite a hero;Not yet a villain
First off, congrats on being a parent! Wonderfully terrorizing, ain't it? Secondly, welcome back to the game. In response to your question I thought I would chime to point out that there are currently successful RWZ raids just about every Sunday at 8:00pm est on infinity. There was even a later-than-usual raid on Superbowl Sunday.
Given, RWZ raids go much quicker and take less tact, but the leadership is there as well as cooperation and coordination. If it is something you are really interested in seeing return to Infinity, you might seek out the RWZ raid head-honchos and see if they would care to give a Hami raid a go.
Twitter @FiveIronBrony
After an abscence of three months or more, I've finally returned to CoX. I was blessed with the birth of my first son, and, financially and time restraint left no room for CoX. But, now, I'm back.
Since returning, I've found out that the population on Infinty has been dwindling, especially on the global channels, some quitting the game, some jumping ship to freedumb and other servers. My global friend list stays in the grey now.
Before I left for a bit, I was trying to drum up some interest in Hamidon raiding to little success. We did see one successful raid, but half of the leads didn't show, so it took two hours over the initial start time to get the team leaders and their teams ready before we could begin. So I was trying to line up those leads, and a few back-ups, get them well prepped before scheduling another one. Unfortunately, I couldn't get enough people for leads.
So, now I'm asking if there's any interest in Hami raiding at all. If there's enough interest, maybe we can get the ball rolling. I'm not attempting to recruit team leads just yet, just trying to see if the community wants to raid. If you're interested in participating in Hami raids, leave it here.
Not quite a hero;Not yet a villain