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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    Umm... What about Kid Kinetix?

    I really hope I'm not misremembering anything. PUAD guys? Help me out here.

    It looks like the forum threads mentioning it have been removed or expired or whatever. Any help, anyone?
    I updated that on the new link, Chris. @Blue Sigma/Kid Kinetix, aka Konji Harrison will be remembered as will @Chowder, aka Matthew Sowder.
  2. When it comes to @Blue Sigma, aka Kid Kinetix, his real name was Konji Harrison. He was only 37 and we in the Paragon University Archaeology Department SG on Infinity server were familiar with him (I see he also played on other servers as well). He was a good man and is still missed to this day.

    @Chowder, who also played with his main roon Chowder was Matthew Sowder. I also knew him on Infinity, though I also know he played on Liberty server. He passed away only recently in late July of this year. He was such a good, outgoing person to all and his loss is still felt by all of us who knew him.

    I miss both of these guys a great deal and thank you for putting this memorial together.
  3. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it. My niece needed a babysitter, so I took care of her for my brother.
  4. Bringing Turbospeed for this (50 MA/SR scrapper).
  5. There have been several cases (including myself) that have experienced difficulty in maxing out the Technology contact for lvls. 15-19 (The contacts in question would include the following: Fareed Abdullah, Guy Denson, Mark Freeman and Tom Bowden). These contacts for whatever reason do not give as many missions as the story arc contacts for that level or as many missions that the Natural contacts normally give.

    From playing and replaying these contacts, I have found that there is indeed a way to max out the Technology contacts meter to Confidant status. There is one specific mission that drops from ALL contacts in this level range, and even from older, outlevelled contacts from 5-9 and 10-14. It is the "Speak with Longbow Liaison for Bloody Bay" mission. It is imperative that the Techology contact accept the mission because there is no other mission that can be given that will place progress towards a contact's status bar. In the case of the only other mission in that level range that all contacts can undertake, I have found that the "Be introduced to Jim Temblor" has NO bearing on contact bar progression.

    Obviously for those of us that have played for years, the Technology contact will likely never have their status bumped to Confidant despite completing their regular missions, but at least for now, this will be a suitable 'repair' for those whom are creating new toons to play on. I hope that this helps.
  6. I'll be there with Turbospeed (MA/SR Scrapper).
  7. Turbospeed will not be there. Another matter's come up. My apologies.
  8. Thank you again for hosting the P.E.R.C IDFS Costume Contest. It was a good time, and it was very gracious to be awarded 20 mil influence for Honerable Mention (Turbosped). Thank you again!
  9. I'll bring Turbospeed, my ma/sr scrapper (already lvlshifted and ready to go).
  10. I'll bring Dark Turbospeed (he's a lvl 24 stalker). Should be fun.
  11. Looking forward to these resuming. Name a day and time and if I'm not working or otherwise occupied, I'll be there.
  12. I had a good time (and I think everyone else that came to the D did too) and I'd like to thank PERC for giving us the opportunity to show what our 'dark side' would look like! And I'd like to thank them for my 3rd-place showing (as Turbospeed)!
  13. Looking forward to this. I'll be there with Turbospeed and either team is fine with me.
  14. I'll join up for this with Turbospeed (lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper).
  15. I have to back out of this one. Fill the spot with whomever needs the badge more.
  16. It'd be great for Hami raids to return on Infinity. There was a time it was a weekly affair on Saturday evenings. Perhaps if it were limited to once or twice a month, more people might come to give it a shot. I think what also hurt putting the raids together was losing all of the data here when the boards were moved. Miss Illuzion and OSHA had put together a fine blueprint that was very helpful to those not familiar with how a Hamidon Raid was supposed to be run. Now it's a thing of the past. I'd gladly join in on a Hami raid if the interest is there.
  17. I'll be there with Turbospeed (lvl 50 MA/SR scrapper). Either team is fine.
  18. I'm in. Turbospeed (MA/SR scrapper) and I don't care which team I'm on. Either is fine.
  19. Turbospeed (lvl. 50 MA/SR Scrapper) will be there for team 2.
  20. I'll join team 2 with Turbospeed (lvl. 50 MA/SR Scrapper).
  21. I'll bring Turbospeed (lvl. 50 MA/SR Scrapper) for team 2.
  22. Something just came up and I've got to head on out for a few hours. Go ahead and fill my (Turbospeed's) spot on team two. Thanks.