Regen Scrapper




I created a new MA/Regen scrapper last week to use when I want to solo. She's up to 10th level now. I haven't managed Dull Pain yet but I have the other three available at my level (and love the sudden freedom from endurance issues). Her "armor" seems to be that once every other battle or so (more often if I go slowly) she can heal herself around 60 points and she heals 2.2 hp/second.

Really? 2 freakin' hit points?

Lots of fights, especially if a lieutenant is involved, seem to come down to my accuracy. If I hit them with the full chain I win, if not well... things can get a little dicey. I feel more like a blaster without the benefit of a ranged attack, than a scrapper.

Maybe I'm not remembering the early days of my DB/SR correctly but I don't remember having these sorts of problems with her. Tell me it gets better!



Once you get to 16 and integration it gets much better.

Right now think of yourself as a low downtime (thanks to reconstruction and QR) blapper

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If it makes you feel any better, all scrappers (and tankers) are like this early on. You are actually better off than most due to the ability to heal yourself and the lack of any endurance issues.



I never learnt to like Regen despite bringing one up to 50. All other sets seem to outperform it from what I've experienced (this is after taking 7 scrappers to 50 and IOing them to varying degrees).

It might be because I paired it with MA which lacks AoE (another thing I hate) and proactive damage protection (such as Parry). Although I did play him to 50 before the changes to MoG, it never revived my interest in a Regen scrapper, even though I know they can be made quite insane with IOs. Maybe I just ought to try Regen again with a different primary...

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Regen by its very nature is 'squishy'. You have to be a little bit more cautious than the average Scrapper especially as it can't take 'Alpha' strikes like other armour sets. But like most powersets, once you get into the 20s, it becomes a lot more solid.

That said, it has distinct advantages over others. You never have to worry about the 'type' of damage coming in because you heal it straight back. You get a very nice God mode at level 28 and once you get to 38, you even have a power that helps mitigate the dreaded Alpha. I love regen (especially on my Claws/Regen), I think it's unique in being able to counter damage in an inventive way without relying on outside sources. But you'll just have to get used to not being able to dive into a spawn without thinking about it. Defence, Recharge and pulling are your friends.

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Regen scrappers are beasts at high levels once you learn when to heal and when NOT to heal (many times your base regen will get you through a fight)

The main advantage I've found is: As long as you don't run into anything that can kill you in 2 or 3 hits you just NEVER STOP. A regen that also has Stamina will never run out of endurance unless hit by a Malta Sapper or similar. With IOs you can get up to around 25% defense to all positions, which is very noticable with your ridiculous regen rate.

Wait until you hit level 50 and you're regening 50 HP per second and have a 600+ point heal every 30-45 seconds. If your timing is good you become nearly unkillable.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Yeah. I'm working on a DB/Regen that I am shooting for around 30% defense to all positions and 60% global recharge. While having to redraw after heals is mildly annoying, it's a lot less distracting than I had feared (and raw DPS isn't a specific build goal or I would have gone a different route). So far, I'm loving it. Then again, I'm something of a Regen addict.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



so why would anyone judge the viability of a power set combo through 10 levels?

i don't get it.



Especially with /SR as the comparison point.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post
so why would anyone judge the viability of a power set combo through 10 levels?

i don't get it.
Because it is a lot easier to quit a toon at level 10 than level 27? If I'm not having fun why continue? In my frustration I posted asking for reassurance. I'm sorry if I've confused you.

BTW - the comment about Integration making things better confused me until I looked it up in Wiki and found it also has a +Regen component. I was happy to see that. I guess I had overlooked that in my review of the powers in-game and thought all it did was provide my status protection.



Regen does get better. It's never going to do what a well built /SR can do IMO, but it's still a fun set to play. I like it for the simple fact it comes with QR that can stack with Stamina. Micromanaging END is one of three things I hate most in this game, and with Regen, you don't have to worry about END.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Especially with /SR as the comparison point.
I have 2 scrappers with super reflexes, one of which was also solo, and they never had any problems from day 1. I have a couple of other scrappers too (shield and fire) and up until I rolled this new gal, I'd always thought scrappers had it easy the first 10-14 levels (endurance being their downfall after that and before 20).

Not that the /regen has been impossible. I just have to be more careful with her than I ever was with my others. To me, the "blapper" comment was right on target.



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
Regen does get better. It's never going to do what a well built /SR can do IMO, but it's still a fun set to play.
Not sure about this...
A well built Regen can do some crazy things

Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
I have 2 scrappers with super reflexes, one of which was also solo, and they never had any problems from day 1. I have a couple of other scrappers too (shield and fire) and up until I rolled this new gal, I'd always thought scrappers had it easy the first 10-14 levels (endurance being their downfall after that and before 20).

Not that the /regen has been impossible. I just have to be more careful with her than I ever was with my others. To me, the "blapper" comment was right on target.
It also don't help that you have it paired with MA...



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
I have 2 scrappers with super reflexes, one of which was also solo, and they never had any problems from day 1. I have a couple of other scrappers too (shield and fire) and up until I rolled this new gal, I'd always thought scrappers had it easy the first 10-14 levels (endurance being their downfall after that and before 20).on target.
I can't help but think you're looking at this with rose-colored glasses, because of the simple fact that SR up to level 10 or so is pretty similar to not having a secondary. Frankly, most Scrappers are like this, but it's especially noticeable on SR because (a) low values of statistical mitigation (by definition) fail you more often than not, and (b) because there are so many ranged attacks which debuff defense, and you start out with lower ranged defense due to the order in which the powers unlock.

The main thing the poweset offers these days at such low levels is the scaling resists, but you can't have much of them so early.

I don't really have a problem with any Scrapper before level 10, but that's mostly because it's so easy to kill stuff with the primary, not because the secondary is doing that much.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I can't help but think you're looking at this with rose-colored glasses, because of the simple fact that SR up to level 10 or so is pretty similar to not having a secondary.
Could be. My DB/SR is my latest SR and she's 40th now. I think I created her this past fall when my wife asked me to create a character for Protector to join her SG. But she went 1-28 (my wife's highest level character on Protector) in a month or so. That's pretty good considering I rarely solo except on weekends. I don't remember ever having any question about her ability to solo, but then at my age memory is a tenuous thing.

I'm really enjoying MA so far, and that's the real reason I've held on to her so long. The only thing that irritates me is how often 85% misses, but that's a game-wide thing.



I hear you on that. Miss streaks are the suck.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My first scrap and main is ma/sr, and second 50 was claws/regen. I often wish I could just switch them, having ma/regen and claws/sr primarly so I wouldn't have to worry about redraw. Redraw is what kills me with claws/regen, although its just fun with it as well.

SR was a lot more difficult low level than regen was, but I rarely ever solo. Back in the day, there were probably 10 times as many regens running around than sr's, but then IOs came out.

Both can do crazy things with IOs, think sr is just cheaper and easier. Easier in that it is tog up and forget it. Regen with the same amount of IO investment is probably better, but a lot more difficult to play. Timing is everything. Like said above. Its about knowing when you can get by without using dull pain so u have it when you REALLY need it. Lot of gambling involved.

MA is still my fav powerset for scrappers. the kb in crane can save you a lot. Dragon's tail is like sweep combo for db but without the chain requirements. Its often said MA lacks aoe, which it does, but I think its got about the best AOE attack for scrappers (obviously its counterparts, not Lighting rod or shield charge). That aoe knock up can do a lot of mitigation by itself. Cobra strike, which ive found worthless pretty much on teams, is a totally different story solo'n. stun one lt while you kill the other, or stun the lt and kill the boss, or cobra strike and thunder kick the boss and kill the lt. Add in eagle's claw is a lot more reliable, but its aways away. Eagle's claw also has the coolest animation for me of scrapper attacks period.

I'd say stick it out till lvl 22 at least. Get you some SOs, integration, you should already have a pretty solid chain with TK, SK, CK (available at lvl 8 or something). Tough helps a lot on my claws/regen, which i would get through respec later on cause i hate takin kick or punch and having to wait for another pick.



...and I'd probably roll another /regen one day, but im kinda waitin for super strenght to get ported over.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I can't help but think you're looking at this with rose-colored glasses, because of the simple fact that SR up to level 10 or so is pretty similar to not having a secondary.
Very much this. I think /sr's end issues are overrated, but it's defense is just paper thin at times during the lower levels. At 12 with DOs, it at least gets "ok." During the old way diff settings were done, my Claws/regen was the build I pushed the most in terms of diff. setting before 22(yay, Focus). Recon, DP, and Hasten early with slotting nothing but recharge for Recon and DP and I felt rather sturdy. There seems to be a significant difference in survivability for /regens that take DP at 10 versus ones that don't. I've seen a number of level 10+ /regens faceplant on PuGs because of skipping it.



Another nice thing about Regen is the fact that Quick Recovery comes so early in the set. Pretty much from level 4 on you shouldn't have too many endurance issues.

This frees you up to take more powers from your primary or secondary without having to try and cram the fitness pool in by level 20. If you get Stamina in by level 30 or 35 any endurance issues you may have had should have completely disappeared.

Iggy was being modest in his above post. I've seen video of his Claws/Regen pulling off the RWZ Challenge using nothing but Swipe. So yes, an IOed regen can pull off some crazy things. (On a related note, Iggy, I just saw what you did with your Kat/ disgust me )

My Claws/Regen is nowhere near that good, but he is unkillable in most situations he is put in. I can't solo on max difficulty, but most normal content at normal difficulty levels is almost too easy.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Iggy was being modest in his above post. I've seen video of his Claws/Regen pulling off the RWZ Challenge using nothing but Swipe. So yes, an IOed regen can pull off some crazy things. (On a related note, Iggy, I just saw what you did with your Kat/ disgust me )
Yeah, Iggy keeps breaking the game. Bad iggy!

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Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Very much this. I think /sr's end issues are overrated, but it's defense is just paper thin at times during the lower levels. At 12 with DOs, it at least gets "ok." During the old way diff settings were done, my Claws/regen was the build I pushed the most in terms of diff. setting before 22(yay, Focus). Recon, DP, and Hasten early with slotting nothing but recharge for Recon and DP and I felt rather sturdy. There seems to be a significant difference in survivability for /regens that take DP at 10 versus ones that don't. I've seen a number of level 10+ /regens faceplant on PuGs because of skipping it.
I'm not even sure how many players see intrinsic low level SR performance, because while most endurance problems are either highly overstated or highly understated, its probably true that at low levels SR gets the least benefit for the most endurance cost of any scrapper secondary. That tends to even out at higher levels, but I've never actually played a low level SR that *runs* both toggles for more than a couple of seconds at a time. FF and FS combine to burn more than 30% of your endurance.

What I've found personally is low level Regen tends to have better sustainable performance than SR does: you start every fight at full health, with full endurance, and basically maximum ability. You might survive a single fight better with SR, but if you do take on that strong single fight you'll be left with low health and endurance, and either require Rest (the power) or taking a chance on the next fight with less than 100% health and endurance. And it is *that* fight that does you in. Regen doesn't have a "next fight." They tend to all be the first fight.

Of course, if you always make sure to wait until you recover back to full before starting the next fight, SR will tend to outperform Regen at the low levels, for some definition of "perform" which includes waiting around a lot. But I doubt very many Scrappers have that sort of patience.

And yeah: skipping dull pain is not recommended. While its up, even unslotted at low levels its like having 28.6% resistance to all. That's getting close to the damage mitigation levels that low level Invuln's have to smash/lethal (without Dull Pain).

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